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TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

LearningLife, I've been at my BILs for the last few days without access to a laptop (been following along on this thread and the other, but it's tough to type long messages on an iPhone). Sorry AF got all of you, but I know 2012 will be a wonderful year and I know we will all have BFPs soon and hopefully babies in our arms this time next year!!! Have a fabulous trip and a Happy New Year to everyone!!!

SignoraL: I'll miss you lady! We are almost on our way to my home!!! Nice to have a bit of time before leaving to the airport for our afternoon flight.

Now I'm going to have to calculate when I need to take synthroid every morning - and on the plane too! Was taking it at 6:30am so well BEFORE breakfast. Alarm is set for one, so I am BBT'ing at the same time for the first time) - but BBT timing will also get messed up now. Ah well! I guess will live through to it all.

Can't wait to be home and eat home cooked meals that I don't have to cook :)

Btw - to all the ladies - I'm adding plain old Vit. B6 100mg to my regime because I've read all over the place on BnB how it helps the LP - and currently I have no idea of the length of LP so can't hurt to be on it if all it is is helpful!

Wishing you beautiful blessings (since there can be more than one :)) in 2012
Xenomania1984- This is a wonderful group of ladies and we are always here for one another, so welcome!!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Hi ladies,

I got back yesterday from spending Christmas back in the UK and have spent today trying to catch up on all the comments! It´s taken a while! Good luck to you all for 2012 and Lotus and Prayers4bebe, good luck for next week!

You probably won´t remember but before Christmas I decided I was out this month as I didn´t ovulate until cd19 of my 28 day cycle as a 9 day lp isn´t considered long enough. Well................i got my BFP yesterday! I am completely in shock as I have had NO symptoms whatsoever apart from the fact that AF didn´t show up on Christmas day as it should have. TBH from cd19 onwards I wasn´t really thinking about TTC at all as I was just waiting to start the next cycle!

I can´t wait to see you all in the 1st tri threads very soon!!!

I started ttc :baby: #1 a month ago. Pretty sure I O'd on CD12 which would put me at 5 DPO and am now just waiting to see if I get my :bfp:! This is seriously driving me mad! LOL I have had a few symptoms but not sure if it's just me imagining most of them or not. Headaches, fatigue, dark blue veins in areola's, backache, hungry but half way through eating I lose my appetite. I am thankful for this forum so I can see what you all are going through and not feel so alone in this wait! Good Luck and LOTS of :dust: to all of you!
miss malteser - OMG first BFP on the thread!!!! This is so exciting for you!!! Congrats!! Wishing you and you sticky bean + DH the best year ahead of you!!!!!! My AF is due today or tomorrow and the blood test by doc did at 10 dpo was negative, so I am pretty sure I'm out. But maybe next month we will all be joining you in the 1st tri thread? Do check in once in a while though because we missed you here...

Congrats Ms. Malteser!!! I'm so happy for you. Wishing you a beautiful journey. Hopefully we can all join you soon!
TTC cycle 1 happening right now, and due to O midweek. Looking for friends to talk to about what we'll probably go through and feel a bit overwhelmed after reading this forum about all the things I'd never heard of for increasing chances! My cycles are pretty long but I'm hoping that won't go against me!
Good luck to everyone on this next cycle :)
Hi ladies,

I got back yesterday from spending Christmas back in the UK and have spent today trying to catch up on all the comments! It´s taken a while! Good luck to you all for 2012 and Lotus and Prayers4bebe, good luck for next week!

You probably won´t remember but before Christmas I decided I was out this month as I didn´t ovulate until cd19 of my 28 day cycle as a 9 day lp isn´t considered long enough. Well................i got my BFP yesterday! I am completely in shock as I have had NO symptoms whatsoever apart from the fact that AF didn´t show up on Christmas day as it should have. TBH from cd19 onwards I wasn´t really thinking about TTC at all as I was just waiting to start the next cycle!

I can´t wait to see you all in the 1st tri threads very soon!!!


Huge congratulations to you and your little growing one, and your DH!!! Very excited for you! Wishing you all the best and hope to hear from you or join you in the next step in this journey in 2012.

Important lesson for us ladies, including myself - RELAX, BD, have fun, don't be afraid to let nature take its course, and it will happen :)

Happy New Year from Frankfurt, Germany ladies!!!

Welcome RebeccaLO. Come join this journey with all of us.
Happy New Years everyone! This is going to be a wonderful year.
Welcome to all the new members! We are happy to help in anyway, so please dont hesitate to ask us any questions!!

Best wishes for the new year and big hugs from Toronto, Canada.

I didn't want to wish anyone until it was the first here so lol there you go!

Hi ladies,

I got back yesterday from spending Christmas back in the UK and have spent today trying to catch up on all the comments! It´s taken a while! Good luck to you all for 2012 and Lotus and Prayers4bebe, good luck for next week!

You probably won´t remember but before Christmas I decided I was out this month as I didn´t ovulate until cd19 of my 28 day cycle as a 9 day lp isn´t considered long enough. Well................i got my BFP yesterday! I am completely in shock as I have had NO symptoms whatsoever apart from the fact that AF didn´t show up on Christmas day as it should have. TBH from cd19 onwards I wasn´t really thinking about TTC at all as I was just waiting to start the next cycle!

I can´t wait to see you all in the 1st tri threads very soon!!!


Congratulations to you that is such great news and lovely to have a BFP on the thread. Hope you have an amazing 9 month journey.

As for me due on Thursday and not really feeling anything. Trying my best to relax through it.

Welcome to all the new ladies to the thread. You find a wealth of support as we are all in this together. :hugs: :dust:
So ladies - I got a wee bit lost in the thread and I am starting fresh since it is 2012. Today I hit CD 31! I am 13 DPO with a few BFNs and still playing the waiting game. Those of you that are just tuning in should be aware that I had a negative BFN with a blood test on 10 DPO.. So I am not sure what boat I'm in. My temp seems to have spiked again today and at this point no constant cramps. I have all my pads and tampons ready to go for AF. But still nothing.

Also, last month I had a very long cycle (37 days) so I am wondering if the same would apply this month. Although generally my cycles have always been pretty much at the 30 day mark..

I know they say I'm not out until AF shows and I've been hearing that a lot. Fact of the matter is the BFN with the blood test is pretty accurate, so I am not expecting anything different.

DH and I are looking forward to another month of "trying" :wink:

We are currently watching the new smurfs movie while loading up on KFC and Pizza (Yes it's been on of those days)

Anyways ladies, 1 BFP down and a few more to come in the new year!!! FXD for all of you that will be joining me for the Jan cycle!! I know some of you already have AF and I hope all our BIG O dates time itself so that we can at least spend the wretched 2WW together!!!

Big hugs ladies!

Hi everyone...just joined this today. DH and I have just started TTC this month too. Im on Day 13...trying OPK! So excited!:xmas8:
Hi Dithy, me too :) (joined yesterday). I'm ovulating between wednesday and Friday if everything goes accordingly. I'm super excited too. Very good luck honey!
Hi guys, just joined today although i've been reading/stalking this site for months! This is month 5 of ttc#1. AF arrived Dec 30th - was totally gutted. Today CD3 and feeling bit more optimistic.

just wanted to say hi, and wish you all the luck in the world on what is possibly the most amazing / infuriating and insane journey of our lives!

not worked out all the smiles and abbreviations yet - sorry!

Thanks for the comments everyone! The news still really hasn´t sunk in yet. Everytime DH and I mention it, it feels like we´re playing pretend!

Bezinga, you´re definitely not out yet, especially if your temp still hasn´t fallen back below the coverline. I´ve read posts from ladies who carried on getting a BFN until cd15. I wouldn´t worry too much about the neg blood test at 10dpo as according to what I´ve read (I´m no expert!) implantation may still not have taken place.

FXd everyone xx
hey everyone whos just joined!! welcome!
just giving you ladies an update for the new year, on CD 9 atm and according to FF I will be ovulating between 4th Jan and 10th Jan, then testing 22nd Jan... so excited for this round as I have a good feeling about this one!
whats happening with all you lovely ladies? anyone trying anything different this cycle? anyone else have a good feeling?
Welcome Dithy and hello everyone!
This is round 2 of ttc for me & DH. Last month I went off of just ovulation calendars and this month I'll be using a bbt & opk's. I ordered them and they should be here by the 10th. I'm hoping that it's ok to start using them so late into the cycle? I also signed up with FF so we'll see how it goes. I really have a good feeling just like smileymiley88. It's going to be a good start of the year!

Mel- are you testing today?

Thank you miss malteser! I feel like I have all the symptoms for AF!!! and I am so nervous that I may get it that I started wearing a pad yesterday!! I was wearing liners all this time because of all the creamy CM, but want to be prepared!!

Julia - still a BFN. I know AF is going to get me because I can almost sense the witch coming! It's like my pelvic area feels heavy.. And I just get this feeling that AF has already started, but when I check, there's nothing!!!

FXD for all of you that have started your new cycle!! You ladies are a lucky bunch and I wish you nothing but a healthy sticky bean!!


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