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TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

Mel- I know it sucks waiting! I'm wishing and praying for you though.


Mel - I'm reaallyyyyy hoping its not AF!! thinking about you hun :flower:
lets hope all these symptoms of AF are actually symptoms for a :bfp:
stay positive chick! :hugs:

- Jess
Mel - I'm reaallyyyyy hoping its not AF!! thinking about you hun :flower:
lets hope all these symptoms of AF are actually symptoms for a :bfp:
stay positive chick! :hugs:

- Jess

Thank you Julia and Jess!!

I had a bad episode at the grocery store today. Went into get some chicken for dinner and ran out because I couldn't deal with the smell. I finally managed to get some and made it, but felt weird. Now in bad and bored. Minus the nausea and dizziness the only other noticeable AF symptom is these icky break outs!!

A wonderful lady from another thread told me that it seems that I have the right symptoms.. But I dunno!! I was symptom spotting last week and lost my mind, so after the doc said it was negative, I stopped altogether. I still think the dizziness is due to low blood pressure. But I don't know how to explain the nausea

Hmmm.. Thank you so much for your support ladies.. Now I feel kinda bad because I feel like I'm letting all of you down if AF comes!! But then, if I am due, I want it to start already!!!

Either way ladies, I'm too full to eat, but I'm still hungry, so heading to bed with a Toblorne bar.. Chocolate makes everything better doesnt it?

MEL!!! that sounds good!!
I have everything crossed for you!!
I must say you've been quite good with the symptom spotting, I'd be going mad with every little detail by now!

Jess xx
Mel - I'm reaallyyyyy hoping its not AF!! thinking about you hun :flower:
lets hope all these symptoms of AF are actually symptoms for a :bfp:
stay positive chick! :hugs:

- Jess

Thank you Julia and Jess!!

I had a bad episode at the grocery store today. Went into get some chicken for dinner and ran out because I couldn't deal with the smell. I finally managed to get some and made it, but felt weird. Now in bad and bored. Minus the nausea and dizziness the only other noticeable AF symptom is these icky break outs!!

A wonderful lady from another thread told me that it seems that I have the right symptoms.. But I dunno!! I was symptom spotting last week and lost my mind, so after the doc said it was negative, I stopped altogether. I still think the dizziness is due to low blood pressure. But I don't know how to explain the nausea

Hmmm.. Thank you so much for your support ladies.. Now I feel kinda bad because I feel like I'm letting all of you down if AF comes!! But then, if I am due, I want it to start already!!!

Either way ladies, I'm too full to eat, but I'm still hungry, so heading to bed with a Toblorne bar.. Chocolate makes everything better doesnt it?


Mel...you can't yourself out of the :bfp: group until AF shows up!! I am on calendar day 41 (normally 33 day calendar). Normally I would have already tested like a million times but...holding out...I may have had some spotting yesterday...I've been feeling super tired for past few days. AF has showed up on me on day 43 before so I do not want to get over ansy :wacko: I've been sleeping a lot!...we'll see. I will pray for us and of course keep fingers crossed :thumbup:...Fort lotus womb Soooo very happy for you!!!
Thank you ladies. Today I have been blessed with a bout of constipation. 15 DPO and CD 34 for me!! I am so glad that I have all of you to talk too about this.. Also, nice to know that some of you have long cycles too.. Doesn't make me feel like I'm a total freak. I've also had this sensation that my food is at my throat. And also, found a lump along my bikini line which has me worried.. I googled it and found out that it might be a cyst or ingrown hair. It's not an ingrown hair which means it's probably a cyst which means I am screwed. Blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FML right now!!!

Again thank you for the support ladies, I have been in and out of the doc's office and I guess I have to pay them another visit.. I am waiting for my test results to come in at the end of this week before I make that visit so that it's one trip vs multiple trips... Meanwhile, along with the constipation, I also received another BFN!!

I am going to rip someone's head off (I vote for DH's) if this keeps happening!!! Back to Toblerone... Ahh Chocolate, How I have missed you my old friend...
Omg Mel- I'm sorry that you're going through this. I hope that lump doesn't mean anything bad. I'm really thinking of you right now. Please keep me updated and try and stay positive. FX'd for you.

Hello Lovelies,

I was told I have to come in for a follow up with regards to the culture results. This has to do with all the weird CM that I have been having. I was supposed to go tomorrow, but squeezed in today. So the lump IS an ingrown hair that's gotten infected 40 bucks worth of antibiotics and a $30 clear blue digital test. Saving it for Friday ladies!!

Back to the CM - Its nothing apparently!! Everything is negative minus the insane cycles and globby CM (TMI Sorry) and nausea and dizziness. I feel like I should be symptom spotting.. But I am too tired too.

How is everyone else doing?? Those of you that are done with AF - Hope you guys are bding!! :dance:

Mel- yaaay for the ingrown but boo for the $40 of antibiotics. I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. I can't wait for you to test already. I think about it all the time as if I'm the one waiting and testing. :) Afm- af is almost done!! I can't wait for next week to start bding.

Hey everyone...A little advice please...I am on day 16 of a 28 day cycle but still no LH surge according to my OPK. Have I missed it? I started testing just after my period finished. Agh...first month trying and I'm scared I've missed my chance.:help:
Update - 2 more days before I test again!!

Dithy - I don't think you have.. If you don't mind me asking, how frequently have you guys been bding?

This is our first month TTC too and for some weird reason it's the 2nd longest cycle I've had.. DH tells me it's all in my head. And maybe it is!! But dying for my cycle to be normal again!!!!!
Every othe day since CD 9. Hopefully even if I have that will have been good enough!? Agh!
I am on day 16 of a 28 day cycle but still no LH surge according to my OPK. Have I missed it?

I doubt it. I ovulated on cd19 of a 28/29 day cycle. Don´t worry, this may be normal for you but as it´s your first month using OPKs you may just never have realised it. If you were using BCP before TTC this could also affect your ov date and it may take a few months for things to settle down.

Good luck x
Hey Ladies I have missed you, I was back at work yesterday and it was real hard. Yes last days of Cycle Drag. Well thought I was due today however I think the :witch: turned up yesterday I was spotting for most of the morning then a little watery light flow the spotting again. Today only when I wipe do I see anything not even in the toilette.
Not filling pads which always fills up day 2, my heaviest day is usually day 2. What is this :wacko: madness lol!!
So I really don't know what’s up with the body so I guess I see next couple of days. All in all it will be CD2 now 29day cycle.

I have ordered my Thermometer so I can start temping at least and know what the hell going on smh. I have been sooo emotional it has been crazy. My body is just weird right now.
Update Time!!

So I gave in and took the HPt. Negative of course. Dec AF started on the 2nd. Now we're on Jan 5th. Currently on CD 35 which is very very weird for me. But then again not so much given that last month I went on to CD 37. I am hoping for AF to get me this weekend so that we can start bding next weekend!! I am not on line as much because I am trying to get my "stress" under control and when ever I go online, I start googling fertility info :(

Anyhoo.. Hope your all doing well!! FXD for all of you :hugs:

Update Time!!

So I gave in and took the HPt. Negative of course. Dec AF started on the 2nd. Now we're on Jan 5th. Currently on CD 35 which is very very weird for me. But then again not so much given that last month I went on to CD 37. I am hoping for AF to get me this weekend so that we can start bding next weekend!! I am not on line as much because I am trying to get my "stress" under control and when ever I go online, I start googling fertility info :(

Anyhoo.. Hope your all doing well!! FXD for all of you :hugs:


You never know wait and see what happens :dust:

I have been reading my Fertility freind tutorials and really making me feel more confident about what's going on and I feel I am in control! So I am embracing the next cycle and it is the one before my birthday so hoping for the best birthday pressent ever.My Birthday is 2nd of February
I doubt it. I ovulated on cd19 of a 28/29 day cycle. Don´t worry, this may be normal for you but as it´s your first month using OPKs you may just never have realised it. If you were using BCP before TTC this could also affect your ov date and it may take a few months for things to settle down.

Good luck x[/QUOTE]

Day 18 still no LH surge which means I won't ovulate within the next 24 hours... Is that right? I read somewhere that you need to ovulate at least 10 days before your period is due for anything to implant properly... Really hoping I ovulated before I started testing!! This first month trying has been so frustrating!
Update Time!!

So I gave in and took the HPt. Negative of course. Dec AF started on the 2nd. Now we're on Jan 5th. Currently on CD 35 which is very very weird for me. But then again not so much given that last month I went on to CD 37. I am hoping for AF to get me this weekend so that we can start bding next weekend!! I am not on line as much because I am trying to get my "stress" under control and when ever I go online, I start googling fertility info :(

Anyhoo.. Hope your all doing well!! FXD for all of you :hugs:


You never know wait and see what happens :dust:

I have been reading my Fertility freind tutorials and really making me feel more confident about what's going on and I feel I am in control! So I am embracing the next cycle and it is the one before my birthday so hoping for the best birthday pressent ever.My Birthday is 2nd of February


Mine is also on the 2nd of Feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Moly!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I miss you lovelies too. Please stay strong and there really is no news from my end!! So hang tight everyone :)

And I want the same thing for my b'day too!!! But I don't think I'm gonna get it until later in Feb if I'm lucky.. Still a late gift is still a gift and I will take it!!!

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