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TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

ok so this is a little bit off topic but I have read in some other threads about psychic conception readings where the "psychic" predicts when you will conceive, when you will give birth and if its a boy or a girl. what do you guys think??
I know in my head that its probably rubbish, but something about it gives me hope :)
I haven't had one yet but i'm thinking about it...
ok so this is a little bit off topic but I have read in some other threads about psychic conception readings where the "psychic" predicts when you will conceive, when you will give birth and if its a boy or a girl. what do you guys think??
I know in my head that its probably rubbish, but something about it gives me hope :)
I haven't had one yet but i'm thinking about it...

I had a monk predict that I'm going to have 2 children.. The first a daughter I believe. The prediction was made after the monk came to my in-laws house and saw our wedding picture. She also went on to say that my DH is extremely educated (He got his MBA at 23) and very smart, but I'm smarter. :blush:

I went to a psychic randomly who told me that I would have 2 boys.

I believe the monk.. That prediction was free.. :thumbup:
Update Time!!

So I gave in and took the HPt. Negative of course. Dec AF started on the 2nd. Now we're on Jan 5th. Currently on CD 35 which is very very weird for me. But then again not so much given that last month I went on to CD 37. I am hoping for AF to get me this weekend so that we can start bding next weekend!! I am not on line as much because I am trying to get my "stress" under control and when ever I go online, I start googling fertility info :(

Anyhoo.. Hope your all doing well!! FXD for all of you :hugs:


You never know wait and see what happens :dust:

I have been reading my Fertility freind tutorials and really making me feel more confident about what's going on and I feel I am in control! So I am embracing the next cycle and it is the one before my birthday so hoping for the best birthday pressent ever.My Birthday is 2nd of February


Mine is also on the 2nd of Feb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy Moly!!!!!!!!!!!!

And I miss you lovelies too. Please stay strong and there really is no news from my end!! So hang tight everyone :)

And I want the same thing for my b'day too!!! But I don't think I'm gonna get it until later in Feb if I'm lucky.. Still a late gift is still a gift and I will take it!!!

Yea were cycle buddies and Birthday Buddies lol!! :happydance:
Hang in there :flower:
Originally Posted by smileymiley88
ok so this is a little bit off topic but I have read in some other threads about psychic conception readings where the "psychic" predicts when you will conceive, when you will give birth and if its a boy or a girl. what do you guys think??
I know in my head that its probably rubbish, but something about it gives me hope
I haven't had one yet but i'm thinking about it...

I had a monk predict that I'm going to have 2 children.. The first a daughter I believe. The prediction was made after the monk came to my in-laws house and saw our wedding picture. She also went on to say that my DH is extremely educated (He got his MBA at 23) and very smart, but I'm smarter.

I went to a psychic randomly who told me that I would have 2 boys.

I believe the monk.. That prediction was free..

Haha that sounds good to me, my mum believes in all that stuff and goes to see a psychic once a month, maybe I should get her to ask about me..

anyway my update is... FF says supposed to O today but no sign of EWCM... my plan is to BD from the 4th - 10th of Jan that way all my bases are covered, and no complaints from DH LOL!

Whats going on with you Mel? any signs of AF or...?
Day 18 still no LH surge which means I won't ovulate within the next 24 hours... Is that right? I read somewhere that you need to ovulate at least 10 days before your period is due for anything to implant properly... Really hoping I ovulated before I started testing!! This first month trying has been so frustrating!

Dithy, that is supposedly the case but last month when i got my BFP I ovulated on cd19 (or possibly even cd20) and my previous cycle before that was only 28 days long. If last cycle was also 28 days that means my lp was only 9 days long. A week before I tested I bought loads of B complex and agnus castus which are supposed to lengthen your lp too!
Day 18 still no LH surge which means I won't ovulate within the next 24 hours... Is that right? I read somewhere that you need to ovulate at least 10 days before your period is due for anything to implant properly... Really hoping I ovulated before I started testing!! This first month trying has been so frustrating!

Dithy, that is supposedly the case but last month when i got my BFP I ovulated on cd19 (or possibly even cd20) and my previous cycle before that was only 28 days long. If last cycle was also 28 days that means my lp was only 9 days long. A week before I tested I bought loads of B complex and agnus castus which are supposed to lengthen your lp too!

Thanks so much was going to give up on the opks this month but I'll give it another go!!
I'm so glad I gave it another go... Positive opk!! All is not lost this month! Thanks Miss Malteser:thumbup:
I finally had some brown spotting today!! And when I checked there was some red spotting too. Nothing too heavy, but so glad to get this cycle over with :)
sorry to hear AF came Mel but like you said its good to have this cycle over with so you can start again and get ready for round 1 in 2012 :D

I on the other hand am on CD17 and still waiting to ovulate... I think this is gonna be a loooong cycle :( might have to increase my BD days from 10th Jan to 14th Jan, that oughta do the trick :)
Seem to have very obvious blue veins on my boobs today and have a lot of pain in my right underarm. Do these things mean anything or am I plucking random symptoms from nowhere!!?? 😁
veins on the boobs I think is a sign of pregnancy... not sure about the undearms lol
Yes from what I have read blue veins being more visable can be a sign. Keep us posted.
Smileymiley88 hope you ovulate soon I am due to Ovulate next week possibly Thursday. My first month Temping so hope I can target that O date before it comes lol. I have had a lot to learn but loving fertility freind. I am preping for :sex: in this coming week at the right time I hope. Here we Go again lol!!
Oops.. haven't posted in this thread in a while now!

Hope everyone is doing well :)

AF is supposed to show up tomorrow, I am hoping she stays away though. Been testing every day since 10dpo and have been getting BFN. I have some symptoms but have been trying to stay away from symptom spotting as a whole since my last two cycles I drove myself insane. FX!!
Ok so I'm 6dpo of a probable 10 luteal phase. So far I've had a lot of ovary zone pain, have felt bloated, nauseous, pains under my armpit and blue veins in my bbs and today my nipples are sensitive... How much of this do you reckon is in my head? Anyone else had a short lp? Do you think you get symptoms earlier? This is my 1st cycle ttc and I think getting a bfp first time would be too good to be true. Convinced I'm imagining everything now. Agh!!!
Hi. I am trying for baby no. 1 too.
I am on my second month of clomid and have been ttc for a total of 11 cycles.

I have just started the tww... so I think I will test about the 23rd

baby dust!
Hi. I am trying for baby no. 1 too.
I am on my second month of clomid and have been ttc for a total of 11 cycles.

I have just started the tww... so I think I will test about the 23rd

baby dust!

Welcome Emeraldbaby out thread seems real quiet right now. I am thinking many people are waiting you O. I prodict My ovulation will be in next few days so I shall just try to keep up the :sex: till then. This is my first month Temping and the chart has really kept me focused. I have been learning so much it is amazing. I am much more aware of my cervical fluid and cervical position than before I think that has help. I have noticed much more watery cervical fluid than egg white is this the same for anyone else??? I know the watery is just as fertile but my research in the passed mainly spoke of egg white nearing ovulation.
One of my best freinds had a baby girl last week and I have been to see her a few times as she having issues with breastfeeding. This is a area of my work. So I am super broody she is sooo beautiful. I am looking forward to having my little lotus petal with me.
lots and lots of :dust:
Well I'm now 11dpo and AF was due yesterday. I had loads of back and tummy cramps which came to nothing!! Still can't believe it!? I'm very very regular and am wondering if they could have been implantation pains??? I have a very short luteal phase. Nipples are still very sore which neer happens to me so im taking that as a good sign...Anybody any similar experiences?
Hi Everyone:wave:
I'm new here and looking for some other TTC #1 girlies to share the journey with. I'm going on Clomid next week and excited but also a teeny bit scared about it. Anyway - just thought I'd say Hi and look forward to hearing from you!
Hi All,

I'm also looking for a TTC buddy. No one knows me and my OH are ttc so it would be great to have people to speak to.



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