TTC for Baby #1 - Looking for Buddies

Mel! Where are you??

Right here!!! lol.. Laying low so been checking in once in a way!!!!!

Currently on CD 17, been bding every 2 days and not thinking too much about a BFP. Although I do wonder about it sometimes.. Just enjoying this month since next week is b'day week for me!!!!!!!!

How are things with you????
I've been thinking about you lately and haven't seen you on. I've been ok, already on CD 26 and about 9dpo. Just waiting to see if AF comes this week or a BFP instead:)
So, what are you doing for your birthday?
Nothing special.. Just at home relaxing.. Every birthday reminds me that I'm a year older and a little wiser. So I like to lay low!

When are you testing Julie? I am so excited for you!! We haven't been bding as much and I have been plagued with a UTI this month so I'm 100% certain that I'm out this month. But we always have next month right??
I'm sorry to hear about the uti. I hear theyre uncomfortable. Afm I tested twice today bfn. My temp also dropped below cover line so pretty sure I'm out. At will prob show up Ina few days :(
Ladies there was another thread last week that was asking for positive affirmations and I wanted to share mine with you!!

I will try not to go obsessing about everything. I will enjoy my 2WW and relax as much as possible. Not wishing the weeks away.

I will embrace the beautiful new friendships I make on BB as we are all fab and preparing for to be Bump Buddies.

Embrace my beautiful relationship with my DB

I will nurture the nurturer and get ready for us all to do the for our BFP

I will leave it in the hands of nature and the universe

I am ready for my little lotus petal to come into the world
I think my cycles are getting back to normal!! Twinges started 6 days earlier than last month!!!! I really want a BFP, but i will take regular periods if thats all i can get right now!!!!!!!!!!
SignoraL/Bezinga/Babyfeva/TTCBean - guess who's back :)

The hubby and I had a wonderful holiday in India. Unfortunately hubby fell sick the day we were leaving so we returned one day later (Saturday) than scheduled. He is continuing to recover!

Update on baby-trying Jan 2012: Of course with numerous travels, time difference, and jet lag, it was not easy or possible to perform exact monitoring so we took it easy, thought positive, and tried when we could. :)

-We BD'd almost every other day, except during travels by train/! We also have not BD'd since abt. 12/25...
-I used the OPK's from Amazon as often as possible and the closest + I got was on 01/24 morning and by evening it was negative...we BD'd that morning ;-)
-Today 01/31, I am on CD 32 and no sign of AF yet, although I saw some darker secretions for at least 3-4 days in a row just a few days ago but not yesterday or today.
- AF was extremely late Dec'11 so I am expecting AF anywhere between Jan 22nd-Feb 7th (btwn. CD 32-39), so few more days to go!
- I temped as best as possible and my temp went from 96.97F to 97.95F - day before I got a + OPK (appears to be a one degree change?!). Due to travels, time diff./lack of sleep did not temp btwn. 01/26-01/31 so have no idea where the temp is at.
- Only "real" symptom I've noticed is that my boobs have been sore for more than a week now which that length is very unusual for me. I DO have sore boobs every month, but usually get AF within 1-2 days after.
- Didn't really check on CM all that much.
- Of course, as predicted, number one question was, when are you having a baby? Then the comment, next time you come, we want to see THREE, ie. DH, myself, and baby. My mom sent with us a few baby items already and appeared anxious that we weren't taking more!

PS: Re - sore boobs - after going "Ow Ow Ow..." for the millionth time when DH accidently brushes past the nips at night, he finally says, "We are going to need to buy helmets for your boobs!"

I guess that's about it. No idea if this is our month. How are you lovely ladies doing? Are you sick of babynbump (or at least this thread) yet? :)

Missed you all LOADS! :dust:

Welcome back learninglife! I'm glad to hear you had a fun trip. Hopefully you ate lots of yummy food. :) AFM- Af came 2 days ago. :( Now, I'm not sure if i should put ttc on hold or not because 2 of my friends are getting married this year and i'm not sure if I wanna me preggo during those weddings since I'll be in 1 of them. Do you think that's crazy? haha. I'm also trying to get health and fit since I've gained some weight.

I'm really hoping you get your BFP soon though! Keep us posted.
Hey LearningLife!!! Glad to see you're back and that you had a wonderful trip - and were able to fit in your BD-ing!!! It sounds like you've been doing all the right things and hopefully you'll get your BFP this month!!!

I'm doing well - on CD 17 of cycle #9. I actually had a OBGYN appt. today and my doc thinks things looked good; however, DH had a SA done last week and found that his count is up but motility and morphology are down, so he's on male prenatal vitamins (which he gets a kick out of) and has some instructions to walk around every 45 minutes, avoid hot showers, alcohol, etc. I actually have an appt. at the same RE's clinic (it was recommended by my friend rosababy, who is actually 8.5 weeks pregnant!) on Feb. 6. However, my OBGYN seemed to think it could just be DH's issue, which is very easy to correct, but she recommended an HSG, which would rule out structural issues for me. So we're hopeful, but still plugging away with BD-ing, temping, checking CM (which I had a TON of this month - Evening Primrose Oil or B-Complex really seem to work!)

babyfeva, I wouldn't stop TTC just for the weddings. I know my MOH could potentially get engaged this year and if she does, she has said she wants an October wedding - but I'm not going to hold off on TTC just because I might pregnant at that point (in fact I hope I am!) Maybe you could talk to your friend and just let her know this could potentially happen? When are the weddings?
Thanks Signora! Both of my friends do know that i'm ttc and support me. I guess I just feel that I'll be missing out of the partying?? As I type that- I realize how silly it sounds. I really do want a baby and should make that my priority. Their weddings are June & November. Thanks for putting things back into perspective.
Thanks Signora! Both of my friends do know that i'm ttc and support me. I guess I just feel that I'll be missing out of the partying?? As I type that- I realize how silly it sounds. I really do want a baby and should make that my priority. Their weddings are June & November. Thanks for putting things back into perspective.

You're welcome! You want this so much and as friends, they should understand (and if they don't, they will at some point). And you can still party at the wedding, just not with alcohol if you're preggo. But look at it this way, you can still try out yummy fruity mocktails and everyone will be talking about how cute you look with your bump! Definitely a conversation starter!
Hi ladies!

I'm kind of intruding on this thread but I need TTC buddies!I came off BCP start of Jan and am now waiting for my first AF since coming off...I didnt chart or anything this cycle because I didn't mind not falling pg in Jan, but from now on, I think I'm gonna...

Anyway I hope you all get/have gotten!! those BFP we all wish for.
SignoraL: So sorry to hear of your hubby's health concerns. I saw in another post by Happenstance that there are some good therapies out there that involve vitamins amongst other things so hopefully his motility and morphology will pick right up, and especially as you are taking care. Glad that you kind of know the cause of it, ie, sitting too long in an office chair...tell him to take some brisk walks throughout his work days.

Babyfeva: I completely agree with SignoraL - at this point, I think you need to think of going with the flow and hopefully you will soon get a BFP. I'm sure that your friend, the bride-to-be will be understandable and I'm almost certain that you will be able to get a dress that fits. I think the only issues are, how close will you be to your due date, and will you have to stand the entire wedding, and need to pee constantly...those are some of the top ques. I just thought of (I'm sure there are more important ones!). Either case, I think you will still be able to have a lot of fun with your friends!!!

I'm up in the middle of the night with a fever, that's lasted for two days now. I knew I was catching a cold the other day and yep, it happened. On top of it all, I have severe pain in my lower left wisdom tooth and need to find dentist, consult, and get it extracted asap which I probably won't be able to do before I leave on a short trip next week Tues
:( I'm sorta dying because of it...DH said he'd cover for me at my work Thursday (one of our jobs puts us in the same company) so I can stay home and rest. I don't feel like eating anything though - diminished sense of smell, and taste, and hearing, swollen glands, painful gum, jawline, neck...sigh! What do some of us do without dental ins.?!
Welcome Hapi3behealthy. TCC a journey where supoprt is needed. The best thing I did joining in November 2010.

Learning Life glad your back and sorry to hear all your going through, hope you and DH are well soon.

Well I am at a loss :shrug: I had a big dip yesterday I thought she was on her way as there was cramps and a little brown discharge first thing. But nothing. Today big jump up in the temp again. So we shall just wait and see. My chart is in my ticker.

No testing for me until 19dpo if I make it that far. Thats my rule lol

Hey everyone :flower: can I join you?

I'm Emma (as you probably guessed from my display name) :haha: I married my lovely hubby in July 2011 and we've been TTC #1 since then.

The :witch: has arrived for me this morning so I'm right back at the start again! :coffee:
To all my buddies:

You are the first to know that I got a :BFP: today!!! I just can't believe it as I stare at the Amazon strip! In fact, I was ready to try this plan if it didn't work out this month:

If it worked for me with my hypothyroidism and the most irregular AF's (CD24-CD40 - so this time around I was awaiting AF btwn. Jan 22-Feb 7 <Dec. completely threw me off>!), I know it will work for all of you, my dearest friends.

In case you wish to know, yet again, my hx./timeline and also what I did within the two months of trying...

- Got off BCP's October 2010 and began prenatal vits.
- A few weeks later, added calcium (really I only take half the dose)
- DH used condoms until end of Nov. 2011 (sorry TMI)
- Joined BnB in Dec. 2011, our first cycle - thank God for you, and all your advice!
- Went on a three week trip to the other side of the world where it was quite difficult to BD in ice cold rooms (no heating inside), and in between travels. It was not easy to temp, and try to use the OPK's which I began using, irregularly from CD 8.
- I did NOT pay much attention to CM at all.
- Added a daily Vit. C probably November 2011?
- Had no idea what my LP is or anything like that and was automatically afraid it was short, but per some BnB member suggestions, added Vit. B6 by the end of Dec. 2011 to try to lengthen it.
- Tried to relax, despite almost EVERYONE asking when we plan to have a baby and that it's time and next time we need to return with a baby...
- Didn't get a chance to log in to BnB at all but definitely thought of all my buddies ;)

- Sore boobs starting CD 22 which instead of lasting two days followed by AF has now lasted 12 days - currently still sore - remember I mentioned that DH said he'd have to buy helmets for my boobs, that's because I screamed every time he brushed against them!
- Stupid head cold that began 1.5 days ago and I have a fever for the past two days - coughing started last night
- My lower left wisdom tooth has been killing me since the same time I started this head cold! I just want to RIP IT OUT!!! Does this mean that I cannot get the tooth extracted? I wonder how long it's going to hurt because it's terrible :(
- Hunger and nausea although i haven't eaten anything since mid-day yesterday because in a way I have hunger, but no desire to eat d/t my tooth pain and cold :(
- Bit of constipation - but could be because of my travel/body still adjusting!

Randomly checked today which would have been post Ov. Day 10, and that is, IF I even read the OPK correctly the morning of 01/24 - it appeared positive but the line, which was darker than other days, was def. not as dark as the test line. There were days that OPK didn't even have a faint line to it. It was negative the evening of 01/24 so I don't even know what that meant!

Have NO OB/GYN - in fact need to get on the govt. ins. to make an appt. - yea, I wouldn't do that if someone gave me a part-time/full-time job by now but jobs are scarce here!

No idea if what I'm taking is bad - but I've been taking tylenol and also using Orajel for the tooth pain, several times daily and also Zicam to try to nip the cold in the bud - didn't work.

Don't know who else to tell!!! I know usually it's a three month wait before an official announcement is made but who would you tell?

Have no idea how many day(s) it is or anything and since I don't believe it 100% although the BFP happened within 5 seconds of pee-immersion (did wait 5 mins before I did the actual read) - will need to take another test in a day or two...

Can't help but think - what are the chances of a m/c?

Okay, so now what...what do I do next?!!

Thankful for a day of rest.


About what to do next...check to see if you should be taking Tylenol and Orajel before you take anymore and then sit back, smile and relax because YOU´RE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!!

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