TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Celtic sorry you are feeling sick - hope you feel better soon. And sorry about the hypo - they suck even if they bring your sugar down (mine tend to go high afterwards though cause I eat too many sweets when low)

The forums do tend to increase worries - the stories recently have been very sad. I am alsways grateful when DD kicks - remind me of this when I am complaining cause she's kicking me in the ribs. Also want to get the 20 week scan out the way - hoping everything will be normal. Two more weeks to go.
Celtic sorry you are feeling sick - hope you feel better soon. And sorry about the hypo - they suck even if they bring your sugar down (mine tend to go high afterwards though cause I eat too many sweets when low)

The forums do tend to increase worries - the stories recently have been very sad. I am alsways grateful when DD kicks - remind me of this when I am complaining cause she's kicking me in the ribs. Also want to get the 20 week scan out the way - hoping everything will be normal. Two more weeks to go.

That's what I was afraid of so I just had OJ to bring them up then ate a sambo so I got a 7.3 whoo hoo still over but only a tiny amount! then I got awful heartburn killer it was so couldn't eat and I waited on till Dh came home so he could get me something for it! I got a lecture as well for not eating I just couldn't so they were lower again! I cant blame you for eating sweets your lows are very bad!

I have let the monitoring slide this morning, the hospital rang me back and told me they were booking me to the clinic down there, but!!! it would be a few weeks before I got an appointment, I explained my history again and my blood sugars again and the girl put the doctor on, he did not want to listen and cut me off he had read my notes, told me nothing he could do and to wait for the appointment. I was so upset :cry: they keep passing me around!!

So I rang the hospital were I had my other baby's and they gave out and said they needed to see me asap and I'm going in on Tuesday to the diabetic clinic no more passing the book! feel happier and now to tell DH and work out what has him worried.

On and I feel way better about the baby just felt a nice little kick :happydance:
Hey team,

sorry to hear that you two have been having hassles with the sugars...honestly, pregnancy is hard enough as it is! I don't know how you deal with all the extra stress and sickness :hugs:

I have been away from the computer for a while as my Grandad passed away last week. It was not expected but was very peaceful. I have been in town with my big family for the last five days, and the funeral was yesterday. Feeling pretty sad but pleased that he didn't have any pain.

One good thing is that I managed four days in a row without throwing up! That was great as it meant I could really be part of the family, help plan the funeral, make meals, cups of tea etc. I was sick again yesterday but hopefully things are beginning to turn.

I am really feeling huge - tummy is popping out, even though it can't be the baby yet! We need to see some bump photos here when people feel comfortable to share.

Hope everyone is doing ok xxxx

sorry to hear about your Grand dad. :hugs:
Celtic glad you have an appointment now - its crazy how they have been messing you around. Hope they will get you more help now.

Work is a bit crazy at the moment - there has been a rabies scare so we are doing free rabies vaccines but that seems an excuse for everyone with dogs that bite and bark and are generally difficult to arrive without an appointment so it is chaos. Also I am refusing to pick up dogs anymore - its just too much strain on me to keep doing it which means I must get help if the owner can't pick their own dog up and that takes more time. I have left my DD at school again today for DH to pick her up as I cannot have her with me at work with it so crazy.
Nice bump Celtic! You can tell that you are pregnant...I am definitely showing but more along the lines of looking like I have eaten way too much instead of having a baby inside me!

I will put up a photo soon - 16 weeks on Monday so might do it then!

How is the rabies scare going Tankit? That sounds so busy and stressful - hope things have calmed down a little.

My MS seems to have finally eased up, I haven't been sick since the weekend - woo! Makes such a difference - don't feel great but anything is better than throwing up all day!

I go down to three days a week at work in one weeks time - can't wait!!!!!

Hope everyone is doing well xxxx
Lucky glad to hear the MS has eased - always makes you feel better. Look forward to seeing your photo :)

We are still vaccinating for rabies, but not in quite the crazy rush of last week. I am working two weekends in a row now and not looking forward to that as it is always crazy, but hoping to get some time off in December too and I stop work completely in January which is a bit early, but I won't manage to do surgery when my abdomen is too big :) and I tend to get huge towards the end.

My sugars have gone quite high now - they still go low mornings and late evenings, but in general they are much higher - a little too high for my liking at times. Can only do the best I can though but it is a bit depressing - will see what the scan next week says and then try adjusting again.

Quite nervous for the 20 week scan - I am still not feeling baby every day and that makes me anxious, but at the same time I am also looking forward to seeing her well and for longer than normal since this is the big scan.

Hope everyone is well - its been very very quiet here.
Hey ladies,

how are you doing? I hope that you are going ok.

Good luck for the scan Tanikit - when are you having it?

I finally took a photo - here is my bump @ 16 weeks - def bigger than I used to be! I feel like I am growing every day at the moment. And have felt some little flutters a couple of times as well - so exciting! I am loving feeling less sick and being able to enjoy things a bit more.

Hope everyone is doing well xxxxx


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Lucky you have a nice bump! Glad you are feeling better and starting to feel baby - I love those movements they are very reassuring - and on top of that early on they aren't kicks in the ribs yet :)

Had my 20 week scan this morning and everything was looking good. She's still a she and weighs about 330g (11.6 ounces) which the doctor says is where she should be (though its only much later that they start doing proper weight scans and later when diabetic babies start getting too big) I can't believe how much she has grown lately and she has got very active.

Sugars still an issue but I know they will be til the end - I am now on a different medication for the asthma to try and lower the cortisone I must take orally as oral cortisone affects my sugars more than the inhaled one. STill often battling to breathe but its better than it was. I did go low after the scan today and then went to sleep for the rest of the morning - at least I could get some rest.

Halfway today - well 20 weeks which really means about 18 weeks left for me.

Hope everyone is well and babies growing well. To those of you still ttc hoping you can join us very soon.
Hey ladies,

how are you doing? I hope that you are going ok.

Good luck for the scan Tanikit - when are you having it?

I finally took a photo - here is my bump @ 16 weeks - def bigger than I used to be! I feel like I am growing every day at the moment. And have felt some little flutters a couple of times as well - so exciting! I am loving feeling less sick and being able to enjoy things a bit more.

Hope everyone is doing well xxxxx

Absolutely stunning picture of your gorgeous bump Lucky!!!


Hi girls!!! :wave: I hope pregnancy is treating you all very well!!!

Love you all and Miss you so much!!!
Thanks for the nice comments!

Wow - halfway Tanikit! That's amazing. Great to hear that the scan went well and your little girl is looking nice and and healthy!

Tryfor - thanks for stopping by lovely xxxx so nice to hear from you and and we miss you too!! Can't wait til you are posting in here SOON! :hugs:

How are you doing Celtic?

I just went shopping with my Mum, we found a shop where you can order little knitted tops and things in whatever colour/style you want - we are totally going to do this, love little knitted outfits on babies! I especially like stripes and colours - too cute.

Continuing to feel little movements most days - seems to be mainly when I am lying on my left side. Cant' wait until my OH can feel them too.

Hope everyone is doing well :hugs::hugs:
Won't be long before you are halfway too Lucky.

Sounds like a nice shop - with this being a summer baby we won't be using wool, but in winter it would be nice. Its nice you are feeling movements so early. My DH came home at 03:30am last night and I got up to check all was ok and baby decided it was time to wake up so she is an all day all night child - elts hope that changes somewhat after she is born - can't deal with 2 like that :)
Hi all, I havent been on for a while its been a bit mad lately

I had a hospital appointment yesterday and was kept in over night for a BSS bloods were ok huge diffierence from monitor to blood plasma but I have every thing in place for insulin as diabetic midwife thinks at my next appointment I will start on it. I was happy enough with that at least they are taking care of it.

Im sooo tired got no sleep last night and Im feeling tons of movement :happydance:

I have a big scan in 4 weeks and cant wait:happydance:

how is every one doing :hugs:
Hey girls!!! :wave: Miss you all!

Stopping in to see how you all are and if each of you know what you are having?

I see Tanikit, you are having a precious little girl???!!!

Miss you guys! :cry:

Happy and Healthy few months to go for you!!! :flower:
Hey Julia! Miss you too :hugs: thanks so much for dropping by to check in. I do stalk you all and keep up with what is happening over in TTHF and in the new thread - I want to be there to jump in and say congrats the minute you get your BFP!!

We are not planning to find out the sex of the baby....will have to wait til March!

Celtic, glad that you are feeling like they are keeping on top of things for you in regards to you bloods. And good luck for the scan soon - yay!

Tanikit - yep, the nighttime baby - mine always gets super active when I am going to bed. Not feeling huge movements like you must be, but definitely feeling little 'kicks' now, not just wriggles.

I am continuing to feel well which is sooooo good, can't believe what a difference it makes to life. Eating lots - I think I have easily put on the weight I lost in First Tri, plus some extra! I feel like I am looking huge, but I think it might just be because I am so short, there is no room for the baby to go but outwards! Had a midwife appt last week who said I was measuring at 20 weeks, even though I wasn't even 18 weeks at that time - but she said it could be due to having a short torso, or also due to the fact my OH is almost 6 ft 5 - it might be a big baby! Yikes!

20 week scan in a couple of weeks so will know more then!

I hope you are all doing well in here xxxxxxxx big love to everyone :hugs:
Tryfor, hey hun great to see you dropping by, will be watching closely for some really good news soon:hugs:

Lucky hey great to see you doing, well its about normal sometimes to measure 2 weeks lager than your actual week pregnant I always do last two pregnancys I measured 4 weeks bigger, but putting that down to loads of fluid bit of fat on my tummy and yep big baby LOL

I booked a private scan for the 5th I just could not wait till the 19 of november its ages away. we are finding out as well, I was going to wait till baby was born, but DH wants to know and I changed my mind LOL

Ive two more weeks diet controlled, then insulin if I cant get my fasting level down and my PPlevel, the doc asked could I do better on my diet, I said I could eat less and starve my self LOL I follow thier diet and my sugars go up! :dohh: Im ok about it though either way I will cope and what ever is best for the baby make me happy

oooh 20 weeks tomorrow :happydance: half way there so happy with that!
Try4 hi - glad to see you are around and hoping you will all join us soon (miss you guys)

Lucky kicks are great aren't they (at least at first - may be moaning when they reach my ribs, but they are really just up to my belly button so far) Not convinced about teh measurements they take - they don't do them here since we get so many scans - I would bet though that I would measure big.

I have put on no weight since I was 16 weeks pregnant and not sure why - baby is growing cause the kicks are higher up and my abdomen is much bigger. Guess I shouldn't complain but it is a bit strange. Asthma is still aproblem but I am now on a cortisone inhaler and less oral meds - hoping to be off them in less than a week. The sugars are a bit everywhere, but should be alright and at least I know before I go too low now which has made quite a difference to my life (I can work better for one)

Celtic good luck with the insulin and diet - its quite a mission - at least with insulin your diet should be able to be less strict (trying to look for positives myself here) Will you have to go back into hospital to sort that one out?

My DD is still awake and its 21:30 sigh. I keep wondering how I will cope with 2 -I will get less sleep than I did with just one for sure.

We have sorted out my eldest DDs room somewhat - I found some of the tiny baby stuff and think sorting out the next room could be easier, but it will still take a few more weeks. DD was quite excited about it recently - I just think it is a bit slow going for her as she is still waiting for the final move.

As for us I have a car that won't start and is driving me crazy - will get it fixed soon, a modem that blew in a lightning storm (fixed today) and am feeling generally hormonal and irritable about the littlest things. I just keep telling myself this too will pass - at least I hope it will (or DH does anyway lol)
Hi Tanikit, yea I will be back in the hospital in 2 weeks, so I kinda expect to start insulin then, I know they are watching me so Im happy, yep a not so strict diet would be better, a bonus, also not having to fast be at the hospital for 8am for fasting bloods eat the horrible tea and brown bread which is not even two full slices, then the long wait for the second lot of bloods( I dont think my poor arms will ever recover) then hang around for the results then see doctor :haha: it will be a bonus not having to do that every visit and prob get a wee bit longer inbetween as well. Im not complaing honest :haha::blush::winkwink: its worth it!

ooh my lot are wide awake and not behaving ie messing :wacko:

Ive been having lots of fun watching these
Tanikit, just wondering do you ever get heart palpitations where you can feel your heart beating in your chest and hear it in your head, (hope that doesn't sound weird) when your sugars are high, Ive had it really bad for the last two days even woke me up last night its an awful feeling, Ive had it on all my pregnancy's but normally it will last a little while ie and hour or two then go away not the constant when I stand up and move as much to go to the toilet I have to sit still till it passes. its really annoying me :nope:
Hey Girls - how are we all??

Niamh - I'm not diabetic (got the GTT test coming up - boo) but I get the palpatations and can hear/feel it in my head when my BP is high :shrug:

We had out scan on friday, and we think we are team :pink: :D
Hey Girls - how are we all??

Niamh - I'm not diabetic (got the GTT test coming up - boo) but I get the palpatations and can hear/feel it in my head when my BP is high :shrug:

We had out scan on friday, and we think we are team :pink: :D

whoo hoo Mush thats great I have my scan this friday, Im not sure if it is high blood pressure, mine is always low borderline to low actually LOL :shrug:

I got this on my first baby and was sent off for checks on my heart, they did find scar tissue on one of my valves caused from whooping cough I had as a child, but it only came on in pregnancy, and I was diagnosed with GD a week or two later. last time this stopped when I went on insulin! its horrible Im fed up with it today!

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