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TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

DDs birthday today and she had a great day getting very spoilt - she behaved pretty well though so that was good.

Gender scan tomorrow and not sure what else - its a 16 week check up basically.

Its very quiet here now - how is everyone doing?
Oooh good luck for gender scan Tanikit! Can't wait to hear the results!

Yep, am not around that much - have been struggling big time this week, currently on my third day off of work as can't stop throwing up...

But one of the midwives came around today to do some acupuncture to try and help with the ms, and she had a doppler, and I got to hear the heartbeat! So exciting!
Lucky sorry MS is treating you so badly - really hope it will die down some soon. Did the acupuncture help? Yay for hearing the heartbeat.

Had the gender scan today and DD was right - it is a little girl! She is measuring correctly and he checked a lot on the scan (cleft lip/palate, the heart etc) and all looks good. He also did a lot of blood tests (glucose, kidney tests, Downs screen, blood group, rubella and I can't remember the rest) and a urine test. They are worried about all the low sugar levels I have been having, but it is improving now and may land up going too high now so will have to watch that. I am very happy with everything today.
Tanikit happy birthday to your DD :flower::hugs: good luck at the scan and let us know how you get on and pictures of course

Lucky I found 12 weeks awful as well, not nearly as bad as your having poor thing :hugs: on a good note it eased off again so Im hoping this is the last run of bad MS for you as well :hugs:

Im having a crap, crap day, yesterday evening I was so tired all I wanted was to lie down and have a sleep, DH was in late from work so asked him if he minded if I had a nap. he shruged was busy playing the playstation, I went up stairs the kids were making loads of noise, Tv up loud! I prob got less than 20 minutes if I was lucky.

I came down stairs and I knew I was in bad form,very close to tears because I was so tired but I gave out to him, asking why the kids were let run riot shouting why couldn't he turn down the TV or at least close the doors to keep the noise level down, he flipped at me told me it wasn't his fault my hearing is so sensitive he then said fuck this Im out of here(he didn't go any were) screamed at me he told the kids to be quite. I know he didnt he was to wrapped up in his game.

now I did give out loads as well, plus I went mad as he had the chip pan on and every door open so the smell went through the house:blush:

But I was so hurt as if he went for a nap I would have kept the kids quite, I would have closed all the doors to keep the noise down, tv down etc. I dont have a nap every day for this reason once in a blue moon I normally struggle though the tiredness and keep going, I normally go to bed at around 9 or 10 as DD wont got to sleep either, I fall asleep and wake up to the TV down stairs so get up ask him to turn it down! Im finding it hard to stay asleep even when Im struggling to function because Im tired.
god Im such a moan sorry:blush:

But any way now he is not talking to me, mind Im not really talking to him, Im angry still and not making the first move at all may be Im wrong I dont know, but this is the first time in 13 years together that after a argument we are not talking the next day we normally always sort it out and its over and done with so a new one for me he never even said good bye when going to work this morning just walked out the door.
I know I'm hormonal and prob a bit over the top! what his fecken excuse. he normally get in for lunch at 1pm I so not looking forward to it if its going to be a sullen hour of him not talking or me for that matter.
Lucky sorry MS is treating you so badly - really hope it will die down some soon. Did the acupuncture help? Yay for hearing the heartbeat.

Had the gender scan today and DD was right - it is a little girl! She is measuring correctly and he checked a lot on the scan (cleft lip/palate, the heart etc) and all looks good. He also did a lot of blood tests (glucose, kidney tests, Downs screen, blood group, rubella and I can't remember the rest) and a urine test. They are worried about all the low sugar levels I have been having, but it is improving now and may land up going too high now so will have to watch that. I am very happy with everything today.

Whoo hoo Tanikit that is brillaint news :hugs: yay for team pink :happydance: my son was right about my DD as well he seems to think this baby will be a girl as well LOL Im not finding out!
Wooooo Tanikit!! Congrats on your little girl! So I was totally wrong, ha ha! That is super exciting, and so good to hear that everything is looking good!

Aw, Niamh - sounds like a totally crappy day. I would be frustrated too - can totally see why you felt annoyed. I hope that you two manage to feel better about each other soon xxx nothing worse than fighting when you are already feeling like crap! Hugs x
Celtic sorry you are having a hard time - I would also be annoyed - especially when naps are so rare anyway - a little bit of care and forethought by them is all it takes.

DH and I used to fight that we didn't talk sometimes for more than a week at a time. I hated it and it was awful. Usually I would end a stalemate like that but as it happened more and more I would also refuse to end it. We separated for 7 months and got counselling and since we moved back together again it hasn't happened - not entirely sure why as we have fought on occassion. Pregnancy though makes everything harder what with being hormonal. Hope you guys can sort it out soon and that your DH will be more thoughtful of you.
Well happy to say, today is a much better day Dh and I are ok LOL all sorted out we could even laugh about it last night. :thumbup:

I also got my GTT results and fasting was 5 two hours later was 6 so my monitior must show a higher reading or else I am at a loss as to the diffierence, Im taking it as a good sign so far, they will repeat it in another few weeks prob closer to 20 weeks!

I will be 17 weeks the next time I am in the hospital again doctor this friday!
Those are great results Celtic - weird about the machine though. At least now you can worry a bit less about things. Glad your DH and you are doing better.

I have been a bit hormonal today - I am stressed and frustrated and exhausted - didn't want to get up at all today. Need to sort out my car's papers (I hate admin) and see to Laurana's party for Saturday.
Tanikit something is just not sitting right with my results Im so confused, :shrug: I had my doctor appointment doday she was concerned over my weight loss Ive lost a good bit of weight the last 3 weeks she said she could see it, but also noted how I was showing :haha: was I sure no twins :haha:

I told her about my GTT and also my blood sugar monitar reading higher results, she wasnt happy with that and told me to make sure I pointed that out to them at my next appointment. Im thinking I may contact my previous hospital and see can I get my charts or email my old midwife and see what she thinks.

Good luck with the party, my friends little girl has the same name :flower: her ex partner was from Angola.
Celtic hope everything is ok. I have started picking up weight now, but was showing before I started picking up the weight. My insulin needs have increased a fair amount already - I found my sugars were at their lowest around 13-14 weeks so maybe that is what is happening with you - maybe just keep checking them yourself for now and if they rise higher ask for another test. Have you had a scan yet? Twins would be fun and you are at higher risk for them what with having had a few other children already.

Been very hormonal and grumpy lately - I think the higher sugars is making it possible for me to be in a foul mood all the time now. Had a long nap this afternoon and that did seem to help some.
Tanikit, Im going to keep an eye on them,I meant to ask my Doc for a script for more strips but forgot to today. I do tend to lose weight more so at the end of the pregnancy, when GD kicks in more and more but with my DS3 it happened very early I lost over 2 stone in that pregnancy, but it took ages fro me to show lol but Im deffo showing now which I dont mind. I will see what they say on the 6th yet I might ring them ealier if they keep going up. has me a little worried! I just dont understand how I got 8.8 and they got 6 on 2 hourly test! :dohh: Im sure there is a good reason for it!

Im up very late tbis evening my friends daughter fell off her bike and broke her arm badly Im minding 2 of her children and waiting to hear what they are going to do with her DD

Soooo tired!!
Hi girls!!!! Just popping in to see how you are all doing and to check you are still keeping my seat warm over here! I've read back a few pages, sounds like you are all doing well, and Tanikit, a baby girl, woohoo!!!
Much love ladies, seeing you soon I hope x
Soph your seat is saved - hoping you will be joining us in another 9 days or less.

Landed up back in hospital again tonight with low sugars - the nurses remembered me - not sure that is a good thing. It went much better this time though. Its the second night in a row though (luckily yesterday could sort it out with DHs help) and I had decreased the insulin tonight to try to prevent it, but got sick which never helps. I don't know if this is still morning sickness or not but I have not felt like eating anything for days so feel like I am forcing myself to eat which is never fun.

At least this time they brought the doppler - baby's heartbeat was 130 and she was moving quite a bit so that was a relief. Low sugars don't seem to affect her much. I can feel her moving now quite a bit and have had the occassional kick so that is also a relief.

Celtic hope you got some rest and that your sugars are behaving - what readings are you getting now?
Soph hey hun, your seat is hot hot hot FX your here soon!

Tanikit so not good :hugs: glad your ok now and they checked the baby, I know the feeling of forceing your self to eat such a pain! hope its goes soon.
sugars are still about 6 fasting in the morning and 8.8 after meals I need more strips and I might check before all meals and the following day after so I can check for sure and show at my next appointment. :flower:

Got a great rest on saturday stayed over in my mams on my own woke up at 9.30 :happydance:
Tanikit quick question, Ive noticed my sugars going up a bit today I checked them more!
I got a good reading of 5.5 2 hours after breakfast, but went low at lunch 3.6 not to bad I didn't feel it at that but while I was making something to eat I could feel the symptoms coming on. had lunch went for a walk and checked after an hour and half later and got 9.3
dinner reading was great 6.9 an hour later! my lunch . the thing is I reduced what I was eating to get better levels but I know that wont be good come my next appointment as I will be losing weight again LOL

any way was wondering would you worry about these readings, if I eat normally but still good following the GD diet my levels are higher :shrug: I'm not sure if I should ring them or wait till I have my appointment. worried they might effect baby now.

sorry I hope I haven't confused you :winkwink:
Het Celtic - sugars are a mission. Its the 9.3 they will worry about - it is getting too high. If the 3.6 is affecting you then you will have to do something though it will definitely not affect the baby - mine ate often well below 3.0 and baby is fine. Mine are also often well above 10.0 too though.

It seems if the 3.6 was a before lunch reading that you need to eat perhaps a bit more protein as that is what will help you late after a meal and maybe some really slow acting carb. What did you eat for lunch as that is what caused the problem reading of 9.3? Its probably what you are eating rather than how much that is the problem. And I am useless at what to eat most of the time as I can fiddle the insulin if I want something I shouldn't have.

As for my sugars - don't compare to me as mine are everywhere. This morning I woke at 7.7 and then within an hour and a half was down to 1.9 and I had had a reasonable breakfast. 7.7 is a bit high for a morning reading but it was high like that because I was at 1.9 the night before and had had to fix that and I always overfix a low.
Het Celtic - sugars are a mission. Its the 9.3 they will worry about - it is getting too high. If the 3.6 is affecting you then you will have to do something though it will definitely not affect the baby - mine ate often well below 3.0 and baby is fine. Mine are also often well above 10.0 too though.

It seems if the 3.6 was a before lunch reading that you need to eat perhaps a bit more protein as that is what will help you late after a meal and maybe some really slow acting carb. What did you eat for lunch as that is what caused the problem reading of 9.3? Its probably what you are eating rather than how much that is the problem. And I am useless at what to eat most of the time as I can fiddle the insulin if I want something I shouldn't have.

As for my sugars - don't compare to me as mine are everywhere. This morning I woke at 7.7 and then within an hour and a half was down to 1.9 and I had had a reasonable breakfast. 7.7 is a bit high for a morning reading but it was high like that because I was at 1.9 the night before and had had to fix that and I always overfix a low.

Thanks Tanikit, I had a brown bread and tuna sandwich with low cal mayo and some sweetcorn, I did have a glass of OJ while making lunch as when I checked at first 3.6 I felt fine, I knew it would be another half hour before I ate I was waiting on DH to come in, so after about 10 minutes I started to feel the effects .
OOh I did have a few crisps on the side of my plate?

the gas thing is I had a big dinner, backon,potatoes,veg and I made white sauce my self which would be good for GD and great numbers.

Im watching today and so far so good! not sure what I will have for lunch though!
It was probably the orange juice - fruit juice raises sugar levels far faster than anything else - almost as fast as drinking glucose water - which is why when your sugars are low its a good thing to take - maybe just take half a glass next time. The crisps probably just helped it along :)

Potatoes are usually a better choice than rice which may be why you were fine last night. Also cortisol levels are higher very early in the morning and lowest at night which is why you get away with a bigger meal at dinner time than in the morning.

Good luck. I hate lunch times - usually just eat some kind of sandwich and maybe some fruit.
It was probably the orange juice - fruit juice raises sugar levels far faster than anything else - almost as fast as drinking glucose water - which is why when your sugars are low its a good thing to take - maybe just take half a glass next time. The crisps probably just helped it along :)

Potatoes are usually a better choice than rice which may be why you were fine last night. Also cortisol levels are higher very early in the morning and lowest at night which is why you get away with a bigger meal at dinner time than in the morning.

Good luck. I hate lunch times - usually just eat some kind of sandwich and maybe some fruit.

gas thing is I have a small glass of OJ with in the morning, to prevent constipation from the Iron in my vitamins and it was ok LOL lucnh will be a sturggle I think for a while!

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