TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Welcome to the world of sugars - its a nightmare - we try to blame the food, but then there is exrecise and how busy you were that morning and what your other hormones were doing and how your own pancreas responded. If I were I would just keep testing and see how it goes and keep eating as best you can - no one's perfect and getting perfect sugar levels is not the only thing worth living for (in fact I am beginning to think that it is not worth living for if that is all there is)

As a vet we treat dogs and cats with diabetes and even though they eat exactly the same amount of food at exactly the same time of day every day and do about the same amount fo exercise, there sugars still vary a lot - that I suppose is life. If its up once in a while and down once in a while its ok.
Very true I noticed that before, some days you have a certain food and be perfect the next day eat the same thing and be high!

Had a very light lunch today, no food in the house shopping tomorrow LOL but good level before hand 4.7 happy see what it is after lunch!
:dohh: light lunch did not work, even after a 30 minute walk they were 9.9 :shrug:
oh well back to the drawing board!
:hugs: sorry lunch is causing trouble - whatever you do don't skip it!

As for me, well today has been a nightmare - went down to 1.9 this morning at work and then at lunch the needle got jammed and I never realised it til much later - when I tested they were 19.6! So I took more insulin (the whole dose I should have had earlier) without eating and within an hour and a half it was down to 11.6 - by now they are probably normal again but will test before supper! I burst into tears when I measured the 19.6 but such is life I suppose.
:hugs: sorry lunch is causing trouble - whatever you do don't skip it!

As for me, well today has been a nightmare - went down to 1.9 this morning at work and then at lunch the needle got jammed and I never realised it til much later - when I tested they were 19.6! So I took more insulin (the whole dose I should have had earlier) without eating and within an hour and a half it was down to 11.6 - by now they are probably normal again but will test before supper! I burst into tears when I measured the 19.6 but such is life I suppose.

I wont skip lunch,I would crash and burn if I did:haha: finding it very hard to eat meat though!:dohh:

19.6 oh boy stupid needle, its a once off though so dont worry about it, hope you were ok with the low :hugs:
I seem to be all on my own posting:cry:

were are you all :flower:

Ok think I may ring the hospital tomorrow, after dinner is 11.4 not sure what to think really. is that high for some one not on insulin can sugars in that range harm the baby long term???

Oh and a nicer note I think may be if any one else fancies it Bump pictures :flower:
Hi there preggo ladies! I saw that MyTurn posted so I thought I'd join her and give the TTHF grads a shout out : ) I'm glad you are still sharing your experiences, even though the MS and sugars are giving you grief. Can't wait to join in the fun ; P Love yas!
Hi there preggo ladies! I saw that MyTurn posted so I thought I'd join her and give the TTHF grads a shout out : ) I'm glad you are still sharing your experiences, even though the MS and sugars are giving you grief. Can't wait to join in the fun ; P Love yas!

Hi Jaimie cant wait to have you all here soon, Im keeping an eye on you all :hugs:
Hi Jaimie - also been watching the TTHF thread though very seldom post there and hoping you will all join us here very soon.

Celtic yes 11.4 is pretty high - those are the types of values that make your baby big. Abnormalities all occur in the first trimester so you are safe with that once you get into the second trimester. The only other thing that levels that high can cause is to drop your babies sugars at birth - his/her pancreas is having to work hard to bring the sugars back down again and so they learn to produce too much insulin themselves. Again don't worry about a few like that - but if its the general trend then its time to do something about it.
Hi Jaimie - also been watching the TTHF thread though very seldom post there and hoping you will all join us here very soon.

Celtic yes 11.4 is pretty high - those are the types of values that make your baby big. Abnormalities all occur in the first trimester so you are safe with that once you get into the second trimester. The only other thing that levels that high can cause is to drop your babies sugars at birth - his/her pancreas is having to work hard to bring the sugars back down again and so they learn to produce too much insulin themselves. Again don't worry about a few like that - but if its the general trend then its time to do something about it.

That's what happened with my DS3 it took 48 hours for his to stabilize he had the drip and was kept in the neonatal unit, I was on insulin earlier on my DD (they were very strict with me) and hers fell but with a little breastfeed they came back up no problems after that either.

I'm going to give them a ring, as I have only started checking all meals this week before it was random I do one fasting and then check one meal after I had eaten. so a little worried that I could of been having high levels like this the last 3 weeks.
I think I was safe enough in the 1st 3 months as with feeling sick they were lower but still highish
I know I will get a scan to check baby is OK at around 20 weeks any way

Thanks Tanikit hope you have a good day today :hugs:
I am not sure how many sugar tests my little one got last time after she was born - she was in ICU for one night only, but I really battled to breastfeed her anyway - I think they gave her a drip with glucose in and some formula.

My sugars are a nightmare at the moment and I am not sure why - they went up to 16.6 this morning at work and I took more and they were low by lunch time. I will also have to go back to testing all the time now - I'd dropped it down a little to try to save sticks, but it clearly hasn't helped.

Also waiting for my 20 week scan now, but am starting to wish I had a doppler. My weight was stable for the last week which is also weird - maybe baby was having a growth spurt the last 3 weeks.
Tanikit that is mad they are so high, I guess as the pregnancy progresses it kicks up a notch.

I'm very frustrated I got no were today with the hospital, they just told me to go to my gp, so rang my GP and went in this afternoon she has booked me for another GTT on Tuesday this one will be 4 blood test taken every half hour over 2 hours. she is then writing a letter to the Diabetic doctor in the hospital requesting he sees me! I can not believe how slow this is!
I was also spilling ketones and sugar in my urine all ready! for crying out loud:cry: I am not happy at all I want to so is ring my old hospital and go from there but DH thinks its to far, I think our baby is more important! :cry:
That does sound very frustrating - especially if there are already ketones - the more you get the more acidic your blood becomes and that is dangerous for you! I will have to do something about mine - I have already raised the long acting, but maybe I need to raise it a bit more. The doctors are useless at helping so its pretty much me fiddling with it by myself and then getting into trouble if I don't get it right first time. So frustrating!
Probably haven't been eating that well to be honest as I am so scared of those lows - then I eat high GI foods to prevent them and land up pushing things up way too high. So tomorrow I will be very strict and measure a lot - except its hard when I am at work also.
Tanikit I have been reading up more on ketones, I know they can mean your kidneys are under pressure from so much sugar is that right! but Ive also read its because your body may have hight sugars but can access it so starts to look from energy else were ie fat stores, Im worried about the effect on the baby long term Ive been reading it can cause learng problems lower IQ ??
Ketones come from a break down of muscle when the body tries to access energy it doesn't have from glucose. If you are dehydrated then you can also have more ketones simply because it is a concentration they are measuring and you have less water in your blood then.

It is a bad sign in a diabetic though as it usually means you are not getting enough energy even though your sugars are high - basically there is not enough insulin to get all that sugar into the cells so the cells think there is too little energy. As far as I knew though this is usually a sign of type 1 diabetes rather than GD simply because type 1 diabetics have NO insulin and can get no energy at all from glucose. Try drinking lots before a urine test and see if it changes it. (When I first got diabetes I was nearly dead from all the ketones - the doctor was more worried about getting the acid levels down then he was about giving me insulin)

I don't think you need to worry about your baby though - he/she has got insulin and is just getting too much sugar so will produce too much insulin and grow big and have too active a pancreas. As for the ketones - drink more definitely and if they are not too high then it will not affect the acid-base balance and then your baby should be fine. And if you are worried about IQ then take lots of Omega 3 - that is supposed to help brain development.
Ketones come from a break down of muscle when the body tries to access energy it doesn't have from glucose. If you are dehydrated then you can also have more ketones simply because it is a concentration they are measuring and you have less water in your blood then.

It is a bad sign in a diabetic though as it usually means you are not getting enough energy even though your sugars are high - basically there is not enough insulin to get all that sugar into the cells so the cells think there is too little energy. As far as I knew though this is usually a sign of type 1 diabetes rather than GD simply because type 1 diabetics have NO insulin and can get no energy at all from glucose. Try drinking lots before a urine test and see if it changes it. (When I first got diabetes I was nearly dead from all the ketones - the doctor was more worried about getting the acid levels down then he was about giving me insulin)

I don't think you need to worry about your baby though - he/she has got insulin and is just getting too much sugar so will produce too much insulin and grow big and have too active a pancreas. As for the ketones - drink more definitely and if they are not too high then it will not affect the acid-base balance and then your baby should be fine. And if you are worried about IQ then take lots of Omega 3 - that is supposed to help brain development.

Thanks Tanikit, Im not really worried about IQ as Shane and Eireann have no problems, I am drinking a lot of water its all I drink LOL but may be I had not enough yesterday! I will keep an eye on it

all I can do is watch my diet and see how I go for now LOL
Hey team,

sorry to hear that you two have been having hassles with the sugars...honestly, pregnancy is hard enough as it is! I don't know how you deal with all the extra stress and sickness :hugs:

I have been away from the computer for a while as my Grandad passed away last week. It was not expected but was very peaceful. I have been in town with my big family for the last five days, and the funeral was yesterday. Feeling pretty sad but pleased that he didn't have any pain.

One good thing is that I managed four days in a row without throwing up! That was great as it meant I could really be part of the family, help plan the funeral, make meals, cups of tea etc. I was sick again yesterday but hopefully things are beginning to turn.

I am really feeling huge - tummy is popping out, even though it can't be the baby yet! We need to see some bump photos here when people feel comfortable to share.

Hope everyone is doing ok xxxx
hi lucky Im so sorry to hear about your grandad :hugs:
Im glad your MS may be getting better :thumbup: and that tummy has to be baby now uterus will be well above you pelvic bone now :thumbup: wont be long till your feeling movement

Ok so am going to be really brave and share my bump picture :blush: taken at 15 weeks by my 9 year old! :haha:


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Thats a great bump Celtic - I haven't even taken a photo yet - will think about it soon.

Lucky so sorry to hear about your Grandad :hugs:
Glad the MS is easing somewhat - hope it does stay away quite a bit now. I haven't been sick in a while now, but still getting nausea about once a day (it really is often in the mornings now, but also in the evenings some days)

We got a cat of ours back yesterday - he was missing for 20 months! He had been at a shelter for the last two months and a man saw him and couldn't take him but didn't want him to be put down so he put fliers up where he got lost and DH happened to see them when visiting his mother (he went lost from her house a long time ago) Where he had been for the 18 months before that is anyone's guess. I am so excited to have him back - he's really a nice cat and so mellow and great with kids. We've locked him inside for now as he doesn't know this house since we moved.

Feeling baby more now - still not everyday, but much more often and the kicks are getting harder. I am beginning to worry she may be getting big as I know I didn't feel such hard movements at this stage last time. Sugars better this morning, but still a bit crazy - I'll take any normal reading as a positive sign though.
Thanks Tanikit :thumbup:

Finally might be getting some were with hospital rang this morning but they are going to ring me back as they may want me to come in. not feeling to well either today think it is a cold though.

Oh I have my self scared silly, have to stay away from some of the forums to many sad stories and to make it worse a lot are docs looking for heart beat with a Doppler cant find it do a scan and bad news, my doc tried to listen for my baby's and couldn't find it, I'm waiting for a nice reassuring kick now to ease my worries. my mind is on over drive.

Oh and had a rotten hypo yesterday only good thing out of it my BS stayed a bit lower :dohh: think it was down to fasting to long and exercise I got 2

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