TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Celtic - I know, I am 100% sure of my OV date as well - some people have tried to suggest to me that I am further along than I think, and have said things like 'everyone ovulates at different times' - um, I know that! Do they not realise the obsession that went into creating this baby in the first place? :haha:

Sorry about the 4 injections a day love - I am glad to hear you say you are ok with it, but still - not that much fun! :hugs:

So we are all measuring a week ahead? I am not too fussed about it...but my fear is that it will be the size of my OH and I am going to have to try and squeeze a 10 pound baby out...yikes! Ah well, not much that can be done about it!

Tanikit - so glad to hear that the scan went well, and that is awesome you have a 4d scan to look forward to - early Christmas present! That will be amazing, I am sure. Sorry to hear you have had some scary lows though :hugs:

That is also cool that they are sounding more positive about a natural/induced birth!

Hey Nix! How nice to see you! Happy V day :happydance: How is everything going?

I went to pregnancy aqua-aerobics last night - it was hilarious! The rest of the pool was shut, so it was just me and four others bouncing around the pool to 80's music. It was actually pretty fun, and better exercise than I thought it would be - I am going to go back next week. I have also been going swimming once a week, which has been great - coming into summer here, so it's nice and cool and also relaxing.

Me and my OH have booked into a weekend Calmbirth course for December - should be interesting. My cousin did one and really enjoyed it, so we thought we would give it a go - can't hurt!

Hope you are all doing well xxxx
Sorry Celtic that you are on four a day now although it should give better control - I imagine you are on a shorter acting insulin before meals - on a positive note it should also make the diet easier if you can learn to adjust the doses yourself (except that can take a while and you don't have all that much time with just the pregnancy to play with) Just watch out for the lows if you do play with it yourself.

Lucky like you I had ben doing fertilityfriend for ages and knew my ovualtion date - I don't mind them changing it a day or two since in the big picture it makes no difference really, but if they wanted to change it a week I would laugh at them since I know for sure. Don't scare me with the 10lb thing - my doctor told me about a woman he had who was diabetic and had a 5.2kg baby (11 pound 8 ounces) - that is scary! Sound like you have a lot of nice things planned - hope they are relaxing and worth it - tell us when you get back.

Took Laurana to a party this morning and she had a lovely time sliding down a slippery slide into water - she's quite the water baby - very unlike her mother! There were a lot of pregnant Moms there too and we all have about the same age gap so it was nice to chat. Because we all work different hours we don't really normally get to see each other.

thanks girls, Im ok still tired, but putting that down to the flu jab I had during the week.

Tanikit I had to adjust my insulin levels in Australia my self, I was debating doing it this morning having my breakfast I just knew they would be high even with insulin, I think they have the long acting insulin set a to low a dose only 2 so fasting is still high but I sure they will change that if not Tuesday when I ring then the following Tuesday when I am in the clinic again. the dam finger picking is worse than the injections what is up with that LOL :dohh:

Lucky looks like our bubs are thriving :flower: I think they can take growth spurts and then slow down a bit. my little man is measuring 2 weeks ahead I'm not worried though to be honest! I know I can do it positive thinking LOL

I'm thinking of going back swimming my self if I can esp as I get bigger don't care what I look like :blush::haha:

I hope every one is having a great weekend
Celtic when you prick your finger NEVER use your index finger - it is usually the most sore. Mostly I use my middle and ring fingers and ALWAYS prick on the sides of your nail and not on the tips of your fingers as all the nerve endings are in the tips and far fewer on the sides so it hurts less. It also helps to squeeze your fingers well before pricking them as this does numb it up a little and also makes the blood flow there so you get some. Hope that helps a bit - its a bit hit and miss regardless as sometimes it hurts more than others anyway. Hope you get the insulin well adjusted soon.

I should go to bed. I haven't done enough on the nursery today but have just been too tired - it is much hotter than it was a month back when I did DDs room which also makes it harder (besides being bigger) so hopefully tomorrow I can get a bit more done and maybe Monday since I am not working and DD will be in school.

Hope everyone is well.
Thanks Tanikit I have been using the sides of my fingers and not my index finger whoo hoo doing something right LOL I think I should remember to change my lancets more often, I forgot and yesterday it hurt so much my poor finger is still sore, how often do you change yours

I have this metor now

and using these lancets with it

AHHHH poo on a stick it says single use on that:dohh:

ooh have you ever tried taking samples from your palm or forearm at all
Celtic - no I have never tried that - sounds sore. I barely ever change my lancets and they are certainly never single use - they have to say that cause if they are used in hospitals they need to be thrown away and not used on a different person - same with the needles that go in the insulin pens - I reuse those too though change them more regularly than the lancets. I think I wait til they start hurting then change them or if I just feel like changing them I will too - my pricker works on a rotation system - the lancet has six needles on it that rotate and when you change needle the other gets pressed in and cannot be reused, but sometimes I just use normal needles from work (I am a vet) and then I use them only once and throw them away immediately.

I had sharp pain in my abdomen today but it went away with rest - not sure what it was. Baby is still kicking happily so I probably just overdid things as I am trying to get so much done these days and it is quite heavy work. Hopefully things will calm down soon.
Tanikit I think your right, must be for hospital use only :wacko:

They have upped my insulin again and Im taking short acting and long acting insulin at lunch time :wacko: so 5 injections, nearly had a heart attack after lunch, checked my levels and got a 14.1 :saywhat: so washed my heands again and rechecked and got 8.4 so rechecked againg and got 9.6 went with the middle on in my book and made a note of the high one! crap that was after insulin:cry: at least the longer acting will take it down before dinner!

How is every one else doing :hugs: Mush, Lucky :flower:

I have my big scan on friday and cant wait, we also move house in two weeks 1st of december can not wait for it. :happydance:
Celtic - that sounds odd - just check a few things - always wash your hands as they can have sugary things on them (especially when there are small children around) Make sure that there is enough blood on the stick you are using - I have had slight differences but usually they differ by less than 0.5mmol when I take two readings immediately after each other.

I'm also adjusting a lot now - good thing I read this as I meant to up my long acting tonight and forgot so will take the extra now. If I was reading at those levels after a meal I would probably increase the short acting by one unit only the next day but I seem to be more sensitive to insulin then some people who might need 2 units. ADjusting is a pain and you come to this at a time when it needs regular adjusting becuaes of insulin resistance in pregnancy - good luck with it, its hard enough if you are used to doing it all the time. Hang in there - they don't want perfection - just better than what it would have been.

Today I am very very sore - I think mostly it is constipation as I am very very bloated and feel like my skin will split in two - I almost expect the stretch marks to start now. Hoping it will improve else it is 3 more months of this! I also have bad pain under my ribs and not sure what that is. Haven't taken anything for it yet, but I might if it gets worse. I do feel like I am in the third trimester now though its still 2 weeks to go.
Tanikit thats what I thought at first, so washed my hands again I also repricked another finger didnt use the same spot twice IYKWIM :wacko: I will get there, Im glad they started the insulin now...

May be baby is pressing under your ribs already! hope the pain eases :hugs:
The pain is not so bad today although it is still there - I think I rested more last pregnancy than this one so felt things a little less. Was getting quite strong Braxton Hicks last night but I had probably over done things again.

Was low again after upping the insulin last night but I knew it would happen - I seem to get the choice between high or low and nothing inbetween if I make adjustments but that is cause I can't change my dose by a half unit - I should be on a pump but they won't let us in this country.

Working full day today and then off for the weekend. I'm hoping this afternoon will be reasonably quiet since the hospital is quite full so I have enough work without new patients coming through.

How is everyone else doing? Any more appointments lately or coming up soon?
Oh hope it eases for you Tanikit I do remember rib pain but as you said later on in 3rd tri not now!

I have a scan tomorrow

Ive just had some really bad news, the house we were meant to be moving in to has fallen through, with only two weeks notice and we have to be out of our house we are in now, we dont even have next months rent as we had used it to buy paint and bits and pieces for this house, making sure we got our deposit back. our rent in the new house was to be paid each week:dohh: oh god dont know what we are going to do now, Im so upset there is no way we will find a house in two weeks time oh crap :cry: im in complete shock now!
Well hello there ladies!!!!

Oh lovely Niamh that's so terrible about your house, what a pain, hope you get it figured
Honeybee's here!!! Wooooooo!!!!!!! Are you feeling like it is a bit more 'real' after getting your 3+ on the digi? How lovely to have you in TTTHFUTD!!!

Oh Celtic, that is terrible news! I can't believe it has happened so soon before you were meant to leave. Is there any way to re-negotiate so you can stay in your current house a little bit longer? I'm so sorry love, I hope something gets sorted xx

Sorry you are having some pain Tanikit xx ouch! Hope you have a nice weekend and get to relax a little bit.

I had a midwife appt yesterday, all is going well - I do have to have another scan at 32 weeks just to check position of my placenta, but she wasn't worried at all.

Just been shopping with my mum - we got a little carried away buying baby clothes! It was fun x
Oh and good luck for your scan Celtic xxx
oooooh baby clothes!!!!

I guess it feels a little more real, but i still dont 'feel pregnant'. Really hope everything goes ok, im thinking of having an early scan to put my mind at rest!

Welcome Honeybee - so nice to have you here - it can take a while to feel pregnant though an early scan at about 7 weeks is always great to set your mind at ease somewhat. Congrats!

Celtic so sorry about the house - I really hope you will find a great place to stay in the end but more so that there will be somewhere suitable for now. That must be very stressful.

Lucky glad your appointment went well and what fun to buy baby clothes - enjoy all the shopping - everything is so cute!

Going low again two days in a row now - I have got lost driving twice in 2 days and just want to cry. On top of that DH and I had a fight today when neither of us realised I was low and now I think he thinks I hate him - he doesn't even know I went low or that the car broke down and I had to walk home with DD and then later fetch the car again with her because I left him at the shops and he took 4.5 hours to get home and will not say a word to me now. I really need some support - I know his work is stressing him out and we both need a break, but if he continues to make everything about him and think I do this on purpose then he will alienate himself - why would I put me and my children at risk just to spite him? That is so male to think that? Today I really just want to go home to my mother til teh end of this pregnancy where I can get some help and some rest and some support - DH is barely present at home as it is and while I know I should support him cause he is working its very hard to support someone who is so absent and keeps thinking I don't like him just cause I am low so often.

Sorry for the rant - we are both overtired and not much is helping right now. I really hope that holiday in a couple weeks helps.
thanks tanikit!! Yeah i think i will have an early scan. i really hope things get better for you soon. sounds like a holiday may be just the
Hey Honey great to see you here whoo hoo :happydance: if it makes you feel better I get an eary scan any thing to put your mind at ease :hugs: happy 6 weeks

Tanikit you poor thing men can be so dumb some times, hope you will get it sorted and hope that holiday comes quick and you get a chance to relax:hugs:

Lucky baby clothes, yay :happydance: so cant wait to start getting some things Ive been waiting on till after the move, been looking at this buggy today and Im in love perfect for Eirean and the baby but man huge price tag :cry: I like it becuase it can be combined in to a doube buggy but also a single buggy because if Eireann is like my other boys she will want to walk more than sit in a buggy! who am I kidding she is like that now all ready LOL

House issues, well feel a hell of a lot better than I did thursday, we have got some were though, looks like we may get a 5 bed house all going well, so weshould find out for sure Monday I hope but we still have to get our selfs ready to move:flower here is a link to the house only 3 pictures though! :

My scan went well, they had to do a fetal echo on his heart and they think they saw a tiny hole in his heart, they cant be 100% either way but otherwise all was ok, Im not to worried but I will be getting them to check when he is born again, as it is in my family! but got such a fright at first though :dohh:

Hope you are all having a great weekend:hugs:
Hey preggos!

Tanikit, so sorry that it's been a rough few days - definitely sounds like a holiday is what both you AND your hubby need. It's so hard when both people in a relationship are stressed or having a hard time - I have found that with me and my OH, it's when we are both down or stressed that we struggle the most - both of us want support from the other and feel resentful we are not getting it and neither of us has the capacity to make that first step and be there for the other. It's very hard! But the stuff you are dealing with at the moment is extra hard - I hope that your husband can see that (I am sure he can when he is not feeling stressed) and give you a bit of extra support. Where are you going on holiday?

Celtic - that house looks great! It must be hard trying to find a place to fit your whole family! Fingers crossed xx
Sorry you got a fright at your scan, but I am glad to see you are feeling ok about it. If there is a little hole in the heart, what does that mean? I think I knew someone with this growing up...

Hey Ms Honeybee! Totally get how easy it is to worry in the First Tri. My midwife friend shared some words of wisdom with me when I got pregnant - she said to try and enjoy it and not worry too much, as IF something was going to happen it will happen whether you worry or not, and as it is very likely everything will be fine, you can then find you have spent your whole first trimester worrying and not appreciating being pregnant.
I am not telling you that you shouldn't worry or feel however you are feeling! I just found that helpful as it reminded me that so much of it all was out of my hands, and that I didn't want to spend my whole pregnancy worrying about stuff (cos it never ends!).

Anywho, may not be useful but I found it a help :flower:

Yes, baby shopping was heaps of fun! I put some photos in my journal if anyone wants to see them...(what? Surely everyone is as excited about my baby clothes as me! :haha:).
Hey Lucky,
My sister has one and a murmur she is ok never needed surgery and they thought the hole would close as well, thy have not checked that yet though. I am keeping positive as its nothing life threatening and or needing surgery when he is born. he looked great on the scan and his heart was doing its thing :flower:
I'm so going to check out your pictures :happydance:

I hope we hear good news on the house tomorrow, it would be perfect really nice size and pet friendly so all my cats can come as well :happydance: seems the homes I had for my 3 kittens have fallen through as well, so I couldn't just abandon them they will come with us as well, they are very cute though :thumbup:

Tanikit, do lows make you feel down and cross!!! mine went low twice on Friday and I was so down in the dumps on Friday evening and DH was annoying me so much but even in the back of my head I knew it was me more than him, plus the bad news on the house and worry at the scan caught up with us but lucky for me DH was great and talked me out of it! made me eat as well as I was in no mood of eating very bold. any way I hope you feel better soon thinking of you all

Big hugs to every one :hugs:
now off to look at baby clothes :flower:

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