TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Celtic that was good news about the house - hope it all sorts itself - is this house bigger than your last? Hope the hole in the heart doesn't cause any issues - maybe it can close before your baby is born? What did the doctors say about it? We also have heart problems in my family (cousin's babies) so I did ask them to check and all seems fine - my one cousin had a baby with only one ventricle and he has had 11 surgeries since he was born and he is only just 3 years old but that is a very rare condition - they say he will need a transplant when he is a teenager.

Honey, first trimester is stressful and worrying, but I agree with Lucky - rather worry about what you can change or do something about - so basically eat healthily, rest plenty and exercise adequately and take your vitamins and then you are doing all you can.

Lucky baby shopping is fun - I need to dig our cot out of storage (well its stored in our outside storeroom but I haven't had the energy to do it lately) and then check that everything else is ok.

Celtic after a low I am always depressed (and quite badly so) When I am low itself I am irritable and just plain difficult which is rough on DH too - he keeps taking it personally. I made sure to get out lots today - went to church and Sunday school with DD and then to a support group I have not been to for ages - they had a Christmas party and we had lunch and swam in a nice big pool - it was quite nice but a bit cold and baby stopped moving while I was in there but is perfectly happy now - I was worrying I was freezing her. Anyway getting out and not going low today (I ate quite a few high GI things though) has made me feel a bit better.

Celtic wow, how many cats will you have - sounds like you need to spay your female cats though else you will soon have a LOT of cats! Still with all your children you need a lot of animals - we have 3 dogs and 2 cats and I think that is more than enough now!
Celtic that was good news about the house - hope it all sorts itself - is this house bigger than your last? Hope the hole in the heart doesn't cause any issues - maybe it can close before your baby is born? What did the doctors say about it? We also have heart problems in my family (cousin's babies) so I did ask them to check and all seems fine - my one cousin had a baby with only one ventricle and he has had 11 surgeries since he was born and he is only just 3 years old but that is a very rare condition - they say he will need a transplant when he is a teenager.

Honey, first trimester is stressful and worrying, but I agree with Lucky - rather worry about what you can change or do something about - so basically eat healthily, rest plenty and exercise adequately and take your vitamins and then you are doing all you can.

Lucky baby shopping is fun - I need to dig our cot out of storage (well its stored in our outside storeroom but I haven't had the energy to do it lately) and then check that everything else is ok.

Celtic after a low I am always depressed (and quite badly so) When I am low itself I am irritable and just plain difficult which is rough on DH too - he keeps taking it personally. I made sure to get out lots today - went to church and Sunday school with DD and then to a support group I have not been to for ages - they had a Christmas party and we had lunch and swam in a nice big pool - it was quite nice but a bit cold and baby stopped moving while I was in there but is perfectly happy now - I was worrying I was freezing her. Anyway getting out and not going low today (I ate quite a few high GI things though) has made me feel a bit better.

Celtic wow, how many cats will you have - sounds like you need to spay your female cats though else you will soon have a LOT of cats! Still with all your children you need a lot of animals - we have 3 dogs and 2 cats and I think that is more than enough now!

Yes the house is bigger we are in a 3 bed one so a huge relief to have some were bigger to live :happydance: we should be moving in next week at some stage and have enough time to clean our old house as well, we want to pain the walls as well.
im sure he will be fine and I will be getting them to check as soon as he is here.

my cats LOL well we have the mum suzie and when she had her first litter only one kitten lived they were premature and couldnt breath when born poor things, which is funny now as her only kitten buster is so big and healthy now bigger than his mum, but about 11 weeks ago just as I was going to prganise her getting nutured I came down and found 3 kitten in the lotter box, I had an idea she was pregnant but when i saw her jump off the roof of the house I thought no way she cant be if she is doing that. any way cutting a long story short, mum and oldest kitten are nutured already, so trying to find homes for the 3 kittens, I just cant throw them out and forget about them. if I cant keep them or cant find homes as 5 cats is to many in a house I think! esp as its getting really cold here now I couldnt just leave them out side. I will have to go back to the vet:cry: hope it does not come to that though.

Ive had a very sick little girl this week, very high temps of 38 to 40 her temp has come down but she is still not right, have had her at the doc twice so far, I think its the flu!!

Hope every one is well, I moving next week yay, think I better get back to packing lol :haha:
Your cats sound cute - good luck with finding homes - we have two at my work now who need homes and kitten season is well under way. Sorry your DD is sick - hope she gets better soon and that you don't get it either. Good luck with the move - hope it goes well. Don't overdo things!

I'm feeling a bit more positive today - our electricity was off all day and so got some rest though I had to stay at work all day because we shut our electric gate and you can only open it from the inside if the power fails and I am too big and heavy to be climbing walls to get in there. At least it meant work was quiet - sent the teeth scaling home as the machine wouldn't work and neutered the dogs in the dark with a torch when I needed it. (This is darkest Africa I suppose)

DH only got home around 00:00 last night and he couldn't sleep so woke me up at 02:00am and we chatted til 03:00am cause I was stiff and sore and not sleeping well either. That is probably why I feel better today - I know it sounds odd.

Getting quite a lot of Braxton Hicks now - not sore but definitely noticeable and the rib pain is still present but comes and goes. I moved my appointment to 14 December since we are going on holiday early December - I can't wait. Sugars have been fine the last two or three days so that is good, but the insulin is having to be adjusted nearly every week which is quite hard to keep up with so every now and then I do get bad days and it goes high. I am trying to keep them between about 4 and 9 now (9 is a bit high, but if I adjust at 9 I will drop it too low so the occassional 9 will have to do)
Hi how is everyone doing - been very very quiet lately - how did the move go Celtic?

Honey how is first trimester treating you?

Lucky hope things are going well.

DD has chicken pox and quite badly too. We are meant to be going on holiday next week but DH and I are fighting so badly one of us may not go - I am really angry at him and have been for quite some time. Some of it is hormones but a lot of it isn't - my responses may be hormone driven but the anger and hurt would be there hormones or no hormones.

Baby (we are going to call her Kirima and I am hoping for Kirima Jane though may let DH have a say there... maybe... I am hoping to persuade people to shorten it to Kira (like Kiera)) is doing well and very active. I had trouble with the insulin and sugars so am now taking the long acting twice a day and short acting the same as before (3x per day) and it seems to be working though I have gone a bit low from the changes which was to be expected. I think she is getting very big - next scan is 14 December (had to move it cause of the holiday) and then a 4d on 18 December which should be fun.

Hope all is well - please let us know how things are going.
hey tanikit

Really sorry you're fighting with DH. maybe a holiday would do you good? glad your bub is coming along.

i had spotting an emergency scan. they said i was behind for my dates. And my HCG only rose 30% in 48 hours. I'm waiting for another scan on Wednesday to see if this is progressing or not. blah.

hope you're having a good weekend. Niamh hope your house is sorted.xxxx
:hugs: Honey - really hope you will get good news at the scan and that the hcg was just having a more restful period those days. Will be thinking of you in the coming days.
Hey everyone,

Tanikit I am so sorry to hear that things are rough with your hubby at the Honey said, maybe a holiday is useful? Although it sounds like at the moment you can't imagine wanting to spend that time with him. I hope there is a positive shift somewhere for the both of you - it must be hard to be arguing on top of everything else you have to cope with in pregnancy.

I love the name you have picked out - very cute!!

You already know this Honey, but add me to the list of those who are thinking of you every day!!

How are you doing Celtic? I think I saw on FB that your house fell through but then you found another one????

I am doing fine, hayfever driving me crazy but apart from that can't really complain! It's nice and hot here at the moment, so have been swimming at the beach three times this week - love it! The baby is kicking and somersaulting every day. We have just bought our pram which is exciting!

This weekend is our Calmbirth course - really looking forward to it. Will let you know how it goes!

Big hugs to all the TTHFUTD-ers! :hugs::hugs:
Have fun at your weekend - sounds great!

DH and I have decided to go on holiday - DD has very bad chicken pox (it is everywhere and I think quite painful so trying to get that seen to too) Will be gone a week - hope everyone does well.
Have a great holiday Tanikit - and really hope your poor DD starts feeling better soon!!
Stopping by to see you lovely ladies again. It's been a month or so, and you all seem to be progressing so well!!! So happy for you all!!!!

Miss you and love you all tons!!!!! :kiss:
Hi lovely Julia! Soooooo nice to hear from you xxxxx

According to your ticker you are 12dpo? Good luck sweets!

Miss you heaps as well xxx can't wait to see you in here really soon!
Tanikit I hope your having a great time away on holiday and your DD is doing better now :hugs:

Honey how may weeks should you be now hun, Im praying all is ok for you may its just a blip I know when I had my first scan on my DD I thought I was closer to 8 weeks but the scan said 6 weeks and a few days! did they see a heart beat :hugs: Im thinking of you now :hugs:

Lucky havent moved yet, its been a nightmare but we got the 5 bed house we liked and should be moving this coming Monday I was meant to be in the hospital on Tuesday but I just wont make it wit moving, so going to ring The midwife tomorrow and arrange another appointment and go see my GP instead so she can check my blood pressue etc.

we are trying to sort out our christmas shopping now, we will be cutting it so fine to christmas! :wacko: :haha:

My blood sugars have been all over the place Im either up or down its hard work finding a happy medium, Im on 6 injections a day so short acting 3 times a day and longer acting 3 times a day, had an awful low this evening which I did not expect at all I checked them at 4 pm and they were 7.1 bit high for 3 hours after my lunch :wacko: but then at 6 pm I felt very weak and dizzy and couldnt catch my breath checked and they were low at 2 so sat down and had a suggary drink and two biscuits they were still low after my dinner so had a late snack! dont like lows.

I wonder if its the cold weather we are having! its - 12 were I am out side and never got up past -5 today thats was only for an hour and temp dropped again. we have snow the last two weeks and more forecasted next week I can not wait to move and have a nice open fire for these cold nights.

Hey Tryfor lovely to see you hope your ok :hugs: FX for a chritsmas gift in the newyear.
niamh that's weird that's what happened to me!!! was 8 weeks according to lmp, but measured 6+1!! why does that happen?!?! noodles is 6mm and has a hb!

hope you guys are ok.xxxx
niamh that's weird that's what happened to me!!! was 8 weeks according to lmp, but measured 6+1!! why does that happen?!?! noodles is 6mm and has a hb!

hope you guys are ok.xxxx

I think may be because we are unique LOL and not every body confirms to the norm so may be baby taking his or time to grow but I bet you any thing by 12 weeks they will change your dates, I remember I had to come back 2 weeks later to do a rescan as he said it was to early for dateing at that stage baby was futher along so closer to my original dates. put it this way I was induced early and she was very healthy 8 pounds 91/2 onzs now I know size was prob due to GD but she had no problems with breathing etc LOL weird thing is on all my boys my dates and scan dates matched perfectly this baby is prob the best though LOL

HMMM wonder if Tai Noodle is pink :happydance:

so tell me what did they think! was heart beat good and fast, will they do a rescan I was gutted when I saw your first post was so scared for you even though similar happened to me, was reading in your journal and some one mentioned about having a bad feeling when they MC and that gave me hope becuase I deffo had a bad feeling when I had my MC and when I had spotting for 3 weeks on my first baby I worried but was ok if that makes sense!

ok enough rambling Im just so happy baby is doing his or her thing and getting bigger whoo hoo.
they didnt actually mention the speed of the heartbeat! and they wont rescan me, as they say im all ok and normal, so im paying for a private scan just before christmas. hopefully it'll be ok, and will tell family then if it is.

i think noodle is blue!! Would love a pink one though. Actually i really dont care, so long as its healthy.

it has been such a worry the last couple of weeks, and i dont think i will every chill completely but it's nice to know that everything's alright for now.

how are you? have you decided what you will call your son?!xx
I am sure that all will be fine Honey...I really am. I think you are going to have some fantastic Christmas news for your family this year!!!

Niamh, I am sorry that the house thing has been such a hassle and that you have had some yucky lows! Not cool at all. Hopefully you will soon be in your new house and can put it all behind you xx
Wow it's been cold in Ireland!

Hope you are enjoying your holiday Tanikit xx

We are heading off into town for our Calmbirth course today!!!! Can't wait. I will let you know how it goes next week!
Honey they would have mentioned if they thought something was up! so sounds very very positive and you will have good news to share come christmas:happydance::hugs: PS I think Paul after his daddy:cloud9:

Lucky it really is cold all right, out side now its 0 and it actually feels warm LOL as in I coul go out with out my hat scarf or gloves on and be ok! not like this morning were I was wishing I had one of those masks to cover my whole face to stop it freezing off me LOL better day today with blood sugarsmade sure I eat at the proper times and had some snacks as well.

I did some christmas shopping today I got DH present so chuffed I have that out of the way and he got mine I know what mine is though LOL a sewing machine :happydance: I know, but I wanted one sooo bad! :happydance:
double figures niamh! 99 to go!! Awww paul after his daddy is a cute name.

a sewing machine?! my best friend got one last year and was doing a happy dance about it, not my thing really!! but glad you're getting what you wanted!!

ooooh lucky, exciting, cant wait to hear all about it!xxx
double figures niamh! 99 to go!! Awww paul after his daddy is a cute name.

a sewing machine?! my best friend got one last year and was doing a happy dance about it, not my thing really!! but glad you're getting what you wanted!!

ooooh lucky, exciting, cant wait to hear all about it!xxx

I know, bit like getting a hover LOL but cant wait to have my own and make stuff for baby and alter my own clothes Im very small so always end up taking loads of my trousers . oooh 99 days yay! 26 weeks tomorrow wow after christmas it should fly in

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