TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

ahhhh so exciting!!! you've god a few kids already havent you, is this your last or will you have more?xxx
Honey congrats on the scan - glad to hear baby had a good heartbeat - good luck with the next scan too.

DD is recovering from the chicken pox though it will still be a little while til she is back to normal. I have to start work again tomorrow and along with the chicken pox DD had a cold too that she passed on so my asthma has got worse - hopefully that will im prove this week. We are all pretty tired since DD did not sleep much what with being sore and sick and just her usual insomniac self on holiday.

Little one is doing fine and growing fast - have an appointment on Tuesday to see how she is doing. Been battling the sugar levels lately because they go high when I get sick, but hopefully that will also improve soon.

Hope everyone is well. Only slightly more than 2 weeks til Christmas now.
ahhhh so exciting!!! you've god a few kids already havent you, is this your last or will you have more?xxx

I have I have 4 already 3 boys and 1 girl :happydance: they are a good range in ages 9,7,4,2 I feel very lucky we are the only ones on both sides of our familys to have children, Im the eldest of 6 and none of my brothers or sisters have any and neither does my hubbys side its mad!

PS think this is our last DH wants the snip now :haha:
Celtic just tell him that you have to make up for your siblings - though how you cope with 5 I do not know! While I still may want another one, at the moment I feel this pregnancy has been too rough on the family I already have to try it again (at least not for quite some time) and DH says this is the last.

Next growth scan tomorrow. I have to go and pick our dog up - she jumped a 6ft wall in a storm the other day cause no one listens to me when I say shut the gate so she is at a shelter - at least we (make that me) found her. I am feeling a little annoyed today cause I have also had to have DD at work with me which was very difficult - her school is closed and while I am hoping to have MIL for some of the time this week she couldn't come today.

Not too long til Christmas and I also stop work after December - not really managing there anymore as chasing dogs/cats around just makes me so out of breath that I can barely talk - the poor clients are getting me huffing and puffing when I try to tell them things or even just ask. :) My sister should hopefully arrive for a couple of days this week and I am looking forward to that.
Tanikit who knows LOL feel this has been a hard pregnancy so far as well, with needing more insulin this time round but who knows what will be will be.

I hope you get a good rest and enjoy Christmas and no work after wards!

Im still waiting to move, thanks to grown men who can seem to organise them self's to meet so we can sign contracts Im am so mad I could slap thier two head together:growlmad: its a joke so now it might be tomorrow morning at 10 am but that all depends if those two can actually speak and arrange to meet at the time:dohh: at this rate we could be doing this all day tomorrow as well waiting and waiting and getting no were. not a happy camper here I can tell you and I dont like stress and Im feeling plenty and Im missing an hospital appointment tomorrow as well because of it and I was to see the baby doctor whom I haven't seen since the start of November. this is one pregnant woman who may go mental on all of those stupid men
Tanikit - welcome back! How was your holiday, apart from your DD still recovering? Wow, not long until you stop work - that is great. That should take some pressure off I can imagine - not an easy job to do when you are so pregnant! Yay also for your sister arriving - I hope you have a lovely time with her.
Good luck with the scan tomorrow!!!

Celtic - oh dear. I can hear your frustration loud and clear in your post! Hope that gets sorted really soon love, must be horrible being in limbo and not knowing when you can move....especially so close to Xmas! Hope it gets organised soon xx

Honey - I have written in your journal but you know you are always in my thoughts xx

I am doing pretty well, we went to our Calmbirth workshop in the weekend and it was really great, it was so nice to have a couple of days just for me and my OH to focus on the baby, the birth and the pregnancy (this is the luxury it being our first child I guess!). The whole weekend has left me feeling very positive so that is good.

I took a 25 week bump photo so will put it up when I get home from work!

Can't believe it is Xmas next week - I have done NO Xmas shopping! Yikes!!!!!!!!!
hey ladies
im sorry i dont have much to say, but going through an incomplete miscarriage at the moment, so wont be around here for a while. hope to be back soon though, hoping for a new year bfp (hmmmmm im sure ive said that before.)

good luck with everything.xxxx
Honey so sorry to hear this :hugs: I wish there was something I could say that would help.

Lucky glad you had a good weekend - sounds really positive. Look forward to seeing the bump picture. Like you I have done no Christmas shopping but hoping to do some tomorrow.

Had my 29 week appointment today - baby is 1,25kg (about 2 pounds 12 ounces) so only about a week ahead and she is doing fine and they even showed me she has some hair. Booked in at the hospital today and was told if anything happens I must just go to maternity in between appointments and not make a separate appointment. My next appointment is at 33 weeks (about 13 January) and then I am guessing there may only be 2 or 3 more appointments left.

Celtic hope you can move soon - must be so frustrating! Hope you can also get to see someone about the baby soon. Its not great this is all happening close to Christmas which is notoriously stressful too!
Honey huge hugs Ive posted in your journal:hugs:

Lucky do it over a few days if you can, shopping all in one go will be murder!

tanikit my blood sugars seem to be staying on the low side today, I guess it could be because of the longer acting insulin, but I cant help but worry that something is wrong, baby moving loads though:dohh:

Good news is I have moved, after I posted yesterday DH got a call and we got the keys and the contracts can be posted out to us:dohh:so it has been all go and mental but at least I can now get sorted and get ready for christmas.

Hugs to you all and hope your all taking care of mum and bump!

might be off line for a few days as well!
Celtic hope you are settling down in your new house.

Just wanted to wish everyone a good Christmas - hope you all have a good day and get some rest too.

Baby seems to be doing fine - still having quiet days and busy days. I am having an enormous amount of BHs - seems whatever I do sets them off so trying to take it easy but at the same time get plenty done (bit of a contradiction that) I start maternity leave at the end of the year and I think it is the right time as the BHs get bad at work too esepcially in the early evenings.

Hope everyone is well - have a good holiday!
Hey team!

Merry Christmas to you all, I hope you had a lovely day xx

Yay for moving Celtic - how is the new place?

And yay for maternity leave Tanikit - sounds like good timing!

I am doing good - officially in 3rd trimester as of today! Baby has been super active, I am loving feeling it kicking and squirming around so much.

I had a nice Christmas with the family, and now am not going back to work until Jan 10th, so lots of time to chill out which is nice.

It has been getting quite hot here and quite muggy, and I have been finding that a bit hard - swollen feet and legs! Plus getting really sore hips every night which makes sleeping a bit difficult. But both of these things are bearable really!

I have been doing pregnancy yoga and pregnancy aqua-aerobics every week and finding both of them really helpful and relaxing, which is great.

Feeling like I really want to meet this little person inside of me! Three more months to go.....

Hope you are all doing well xxx
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!
Just checking to say hello and see how you are all going.
Lucky, I am loving your bump!!!
I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!
Just checking to say hello and see how you are all going.
Lucky, I am loving your bump!!!

Aw, thanks Soph! Merry Christmas to you too...I hope you had a good one! Your camping holiday sounded amazing - turtles! How cool xx
Lucky welcome to the third trimester and glad you had a good Christmas and have a nice break now - make sure you get plenty of rest. Like for you New Zealanders it is boiling hot here too and we are swimming every day to try to cool down - the heat does not help with swelling though!

Hi Soph, hope you had a great Christmas.

My sugars have been dropping low again which is a bit concerning since they shouldn't drop til just before the birth and I am not even 31 weeks yet. I have decreased my insulin by a lot and am just watching to see what happens. Baby was pretty active yesterday so I am not too concerned yet, but was advised by the on call doctor to get in see my gynae a bit earlier as it can also be a sign of an aging placenta so will phone tomorrow and try to get an appointment. Only two more days at work - will be done by Thursday evening - yay!
Lucky yay welcome to 3rd tri its exciting now the count down is on :happydance:glad you had a great christmas mine was good but eventful LOL
my new house is great I love it :happydance:

Tanikit hope you are ok, I worry about that as well, some time I think my susgars are lower than expected but then I am on the longer acting insulin at lunch time and dinner time as well so 6 injections a day now, glad you are getting checked out let us know how you get on, may be its because your body working harder to keep cool.

Well Christmas, went a little as I expected, my inlaws arrived and took over:dohh: but they had more than a few drinks on them when they arrived wich is so not the norm for them so wont hold it against them at all. but think DH and I will have to kick this taking over in the bum its not on, we feel as if roles are reversed that we are the parents who need to have a chat with two teenagers :haha:
I was not happy when I had sat down to my dinner and looked down and they had fed thier dog in the dinning room on cream carpet were we were eating :growlmad: right beside me I love thier dog as she used to be mine before we moved to Australia and when we came home they wouldnt give her back :cry: so I know she is a messy eater likes to spill her food out, I couldnt believe it as if we did that in my mil house there would be murder she would have a fit and let us have it! dont you hate that one rule for them and another else were, I show thier house respect they can respect ours ooooh must be my hormones I find Im very annoyed by thier behaviour lately :growlmad: on a good note Im not alone DH feels the same and he was a bit up set with them as well! we will mention it to them nip this in the bum quick smart.

Oh and we are frozen here in Ireland its been - 6 to 10 during the day never mind at night, we have had a bit of a thaw all the snow is all gone and its dark and wet only about 4 degrees out side and it feel warm :haha:

Soph hey ya hun :hugs: hope your relaxing and enjoying christmas :hugs:

Have to run be back soon DH wants the labtop for a minute :flower:
Lord ladies we are so quite LOL were is every one :flower:

Im enjoying the break my mum and sis are coming down to stay tomorrow looking forward to that! :happydance:

havent heard from DH parents we were meant to have gone to thier house for dinner but havent heard from them at all LOL they are prop still recovering :haha: My DH is still a bit annoyed at them but we wont be falling out at all I mean what is family for only to annoy each other at times LOL

Had my insulin levels changed again today, they have reduced my moning dose! increased lunch time dose and reduced my dinner dose also increased bedtime dose as well, thats a first for me this pregnancy is so diffierent with the GD now!

How is every one doing, enjoying the christmas break I hope :flower:
Celtic - yup we are quiet :) Hope everyoen is ok.

I've just been low tonight again and this time I never tested and just lost an hour of time (or more - I have no clue when I went low but I know its much later now than I was expecting) Who knows what I have been doing in that time. Sigh. Baby is hiccupping so she must be fine.

Went to my appointment today and all is fine - cord blood is good, baby is growing very very rapidly (she weighs 1.9kg or just over 4lbs already) so is about 2 weeks ahead - I suspect she will pick up each time now as last baby was 4 weeks ahead by birth at 38 weeks. The placenta had tiny areas of calcification but apparently that is normal for 31 weeks - it is certainly not affecting my little one. I am wondering if her huge growth spurts is not lowering my sugars.

Last day at work tomorrow and I am a bit anxious about it especially with the lows - I do not understand anyone and repeat things a lot when low which is not good if you are trying to be professional. Oh well - at least the people I work with know what to look for by now and how to help and it is the last time - thank heavens!

I cleaned my house today and it is actually looking quite good despite finding out the dishwasher pipes were leaking and the vacuum cleaner has a piece missing which means I have to empty it after one room of vacuuming - ahhhh, want to scream and cry all at once. Nonetheless I feel better for a cleaner house. I also tried to fix the pool today - must be nesting or crazy so hopefully it will be blue again tomorrow - we've had so much rain and DH is not interested in blue pools or he is not clear what to do to make it blue and it really is not that hard to do - it just takes a few minutes work, sigh again....

Maybe I should have been a guy - I don't mind doing the stuff, but I can't handle pregnancy and house cleaning and work and child minding and then also dishwasher and vacuum cleaner fixing and pool fixing all in one go. Ok now I need sleep!

Igbore my ranting here - still recovering from low sugars and that always makes me depressed and tending to complaining.
Tanikit its your right as a pregnant woman to have a moan:hugs: just hopes it makes you feel better
Last day at work today and it has been nice and relaxed - we ordered some food and had a party and things have been end-of-yearish which is nice. Hoping this afternoon will be reasonably quiet.

Next year I start homeschooling my DD (age 3 years) I asked what do you want to learn in school if you can choose? Sh said: 'I want to make purple ice and can you teach me to drive a bus?' Could be an interesting year if I follow her suggestions lol. Nonetheless we probably will do water phases and the water cycle as it seems to interest her and there is a lot of rain around.

Still going low daily including at work, but luckily my receptionist picks up on it even before I do so then I can eat and drink something before it gets too bad. You would think this would mean that baby wouldn't grow so fast but I actually think that their growth may not be as directly correlated to our sugars as they seem to think - I think there are other factors involved like insulin itself is a growth factor and there are insulin-like growth factors on top of things that probably get through to the baby. I know a diabetic can get perfect HbA1cs and still have a really big baby.

Second last ticker box today - its going very fast!
Hey ladies, just checking in to say Happy New Year and that I hope you are doing well.

2011 is the year our babies will be born! It suddenly feels so much closer! (Well, it does for me anyway!)

I am doing well, it's been pretty hot here which has been a bit uncomfortable but I have been swimming almost every day which makes it soooooo much better!

Two more weeks of work then I have annual leave, then maternity leave - yay!

How are you all doing? xx

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