TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Im slowly recovering, had a set back yesterday lifted my dd and a while later I was wondering why I felt wet but had quite a heavy bleed rang the hospital and they reassured me a bit, don't think I fully felt better on till this morning I passed a big clot and bleeding has eased off again :wacko: phew.... having a rough day baby blues kicked in a bit :cry: felt very teary for a bit, think I'm doing to much to be honest my GD hasn't gone either so still on the diet and checking blood sugars before meals, other wise I'm on :cloud9: with my sweet little boy he is so cute and my other love him as well:flower:

so note to self girls no heavy lifting and rest lots of it:hugs:

here's a picture of Paul

I said it on FB but Paul is sooooooo cute Celtic! Adorable xx
I am sorry you have been having a bit of a rough time with the baby blues and the GD, not to mention the bleeding.....we focus on the birth so much sometimes maybe we (well, maybe just me!) forget about all the hard stuff that comes after as well! I guess you have an idea of what to expect having had other children, but I really hope things improve soon :hugs:

Lucky, I'm doing ok, but losing my mind a bit...I can't remember if I told you that my bloodwork is good and had an early scan at 5 weeks, 3 days. The dr. saw gestational sac, but no yolk sac, yet and it has me in a panic. He didn't say anything bad about it at my appointment, just said "you may have ovulated late," but then I went home and Googled "no yolk sac" and saw all these horrible things and started panicking. Nothing I can do at the moment, though. Just trying to relax and enjoy this pregnancy as much as possible. I go back on Monday for another scan and the dr. said he expects to see a heartbeat at that point (I'll be just over 6 weeks), so I'm literally just praying and praying and praying that that happens and everything is ok. This time in between though has been sooooooooooooo tortortous. Ugh! Internet is evil:growlmad: Must not Google anymore.

I did puke yesterday and today, so hoping that's a good sign??

I am so, so, so, so excited for your baby on the way and to see if it's a boy or a girl!:happydance: Do you have boy/girl names picked out? Or are you waiting to meet him/her? Or are you keeping them private?

Hey love! Congratulations on your positive blood results, that's awesome! And please try not to worry (ha ha, so easy to say!) about the is very early days and it doesn't sound out of the ordinary at all to be seeing just a gestational sac at this point in time. Google is evil!! As Celtic said, we have all been fact, I still forget sometimes and Google something and then spend ages worrying for no good reason - it drives me crazy! There are so many negative stories out there and not as many positive ones - I don't think it is an accurate reflection of reality at all. Puking is an awesome sign! Not a fun symptom, but definitely a good one! I starting throwing up at 5 weeks as's yuck but it sounds really positive though! All the very very very best for your next scan on Monday - will be sending you many hugs and positive vibes! I am sure it will be fine xxxxxx :hugs::hugs:

We haven't done very well with the names really! I think we are going to wait until the baby is born and see what suits it. We have a few options - top name for a girl at the moment is Lucy, and for a boy is Arlo - but will have to see what happens! We don't even know what it's last name will be - we have different surnames and would both quite like the baby to have ours....and we can't double-barrel them, they are too long. We will sort it out sometime soon though!

she was tongue tied and they didnt sort it for a week and she couldnt latch properly so we were putting her on the boob then expressing but it was a constant thing and my nipples were battered. couldnt keep it up watching her scream at my breast so went to formula.

we went forward and back 3 or 4 times cause i really wanted to bf but she just wouldnt take it. that added to my baby blues so much... i didnt think it would be so hard. i wish they sorted the tongue tie at the hospital before discharge to give us a bit more of a chance.

its done now though... i hope next time it works out.

Sorry to hear you had some BF hassles Nix.....I used to assume that BF was just a case of putting a baby on your breast and that was it! But it's just so much more complicated than that, isn't it. It is a shame that they didn't sort out the fact that she was tongue tied at the hospital - my friend had the same issue with her son and it was a huge challenge - but as you say, that is the way it happened and no matter what she is going to be one healthy, thriving happy baby! I am a bit nervous about BFing, I really want to do it but you just don't know what will happen, do you? Hope you are doing well! :hugs:

Yep, so I am still here....wish I had some exciting news but I don't!! I have been having cramps on and off this week, nothing that could be called contractions but just period like cramps. I know these could go on for weeks but hey, at least I am feeling something! Am doing lots of walking, aqual aerobics, bouncing on my ball and even managed some :sex: the other night :haha:.

Still a week til my due date so not really expecting much...but I can't help feeling that I would like this baby to come as soon as possible after everyone has made an issue about how huge it is going to be....don't want to give it an extra two weeks growing time! But as they say, it will come when it is ready, just got to be patient!
Hey Lucky, im doing much better today think its good to have a wee cry and move on lol which I did and cuddles with DH who is very understanding has helped heaps bleeding is back to normal Paul is feeding great and we have figured out our latch so no more sore nipples yay.

try not to worry about size to much I knew my second baby was going to be big and I knew deep down I would be able for it and I was he was my 10 pounder :thumbup: trust your body :thumbup:

your right as well we do focus on the birth but can forget what comes after even I did a little, I had to remind my self to take it easy , Im here if you need any advice on BF I think the main thing is getting the latch right then getting used to two to three hourly feeds as baby will want to feed lots to bring in your milk watch out for day 2 to 3 when baby will look to feed non stop this is normally followed by your milk coming in. then it takes the first two weeks to perfect the BF both of you learning a new skill but remember what ever works best for you both happy mummy makes happy baby go with the flow :flower:

ps learn to feed lying down so you can nap while baby feeds oh and get a support pillow it so helps for holding baby in right position.

ok enough from me lol

would you believe our 7 year old is sick again,DH has had to bring him to the emergency doc poor lad is not well at all.

take care :hugs:
Celtic glad you are feeling a bit better - have also been up and down since the birth but it is getting better. Its hard to take it easy when there are other children needing attention and a baby too.

MyTurnYet I had a scan at 5 weeks with my first and saw only what you saw - went back 2 weeks later and saw the heart beat. It is very stressful though and because of that I didn't go for a scan til 7 weeks this time round. When is your next scan? Will be thinking of you and hoping you get to see and hear the heartbeat (I have heard of people though having to wait til nearly 9 weeks pregnant to see/hear that)

Lucky good luck in the next few weeks - I guess you have to take it a day at a time while pregnant and also once the baby gets here.

Kirima is doing well - she has nights where she sleeps well and then nights where she is awake a LOT,but I guess it will be like that for a while (or forever if she is anything like my eldest) She's far more alert now and quite string - she lifts her head quite well and follows things when we move them in front of her so she is focussing quite well. The breastfeeding is going well and I also spend some feeds lying down especially at night (definitely learn this one if you can)

As for me my house looks permanently like a bomb as hit it and I am going to bed the minute both children are asleep now to try to get some sleep in, but I am really enjoying my baby girl and her sister is chatting to her all the time too and clearly loves her.
Hi Tankit glad your doing well, cant believe its a month all ready wow time really does fly! how do you find your blood sugars with breastfeeding, mine stayed high so still on diet and checking fasting levels thankfully as soon as my milk came in they came down a good bit better to be 7 than 13 lol

Im shattered this morning not getting much sleep at all poor DH is the same, he had to work this morning so going to make him have a nap this afternoon so he can recharge! he so busy making sure Im ok he is feeling it now.

Hope you all are enjoying your saturday:happydance:
:hi: ladies! You made me feel soooooooooooo much better and comforted. Thank you so, so, so much. :hugs: I have not gone on Google for a whole day now. :happydance:

Tanikit, that is very comforting that you saw the same on your 5 week scan. I go back on Monday and am praying they see more then. The dr. said we should see the heartbeat at that point. Will be 6 weeks 2 days. BTW, Kirima is a beautiful name.

Celtic, you have to change your signature since it says "Future Bump Buddies." :haha:What could it be now? Past Bump Buddies? Or maybe Baby Buddies!

Lucky, your ticker says 9 days!!! Woohoo! Also, LOVE those names. I especially love Lucy because a) it reminds me of "lucky" and b) have just always loved that name. And Arlo is super cute. :cloud9:

I can't believe I've known you ladies so long that we were all trying together and now all your babies are/almost are here!:hugs:
:hi: ladies! You made me feel soooooooooooo much better and comforted. Thank you so, so, so much. :hugs: I have not gone on Google for a whole day now. :happydance:

Tanikit, that is very comforting that you saw the same on your 5 week scan. I go back on Monday and am praying they see more then. The dr. said we should see the heartbeat at that point. Will be 6 weeks 2 days. BTW, Kirima is a beautiful name.

Celtic, you have to change your signature since it says "Future Bump Buddies." :haha:What could it be now? Past Bump Buddies? Or maybe Baby Buddies!

Lucky, your ticker says 9 days!!! Woohoo! Also, LOVE those names. I especially love Lucy because a) it reminds me of "lucky" and b) have just always loved that name. And Arlo is super cute. :cloud9:

I can't believe I've known you ladies so long that we were all trying together and now all your babies are/almost are here!:hugs:

:happydance: so glad you feel better, I will have to get the thinking cap on :thumbup:
Hey ladies!

Thanks for the BF advice Celtic - I really want to make it work so might be back with some more questions after the baby is actually born! Glad to hear you are doing better, I am sure you are right - it is good to have a cry and let it out. Also great to hear that your OH is so supportive. Your poor son though - is he ok? Hope it is nothing too serious :hugs:

Great to hear from you Tanikit - lovely to hear an update about how you are doing, and to hear how your daughter is enjoying being a big sister - how cute! I wouldn't worry about how tidy your house is - I am sure you have enough on your plate!

Glad you are feeling a bit reassured Jill - I am sure all will be fine :hugs:. And well done for a whole day without Google - that is a big accomplishment, I am still a crazy Googler at times, it is addictive! I am glad you like the potential baby names...will just have to see who the baby is when it arrives though, maybe it won't suit them...can't wait to see who this little person is!!
Hey ladies!

Thanks for the BF advice Celtic - I really want to make it work so might be back with some more questions after the baby is actually born! Glad to hear you are doing better, I am sure you are right - it is good to have a cry and let it out. Also great to hear that your OH is so supportive. Your poor son though - is he ok? Hope it is nothing too serious :hugs:

Great to hear from you Tanikit - lovely to hear an update about how you are doing, and to hear how your daughter is enjoying being a big sister - how cute! I wouldn't worry about how tidy your house is - I am sure you have enough on your plate!

Glad you are feeling a bit reassured Jill - I am sure all will be fine :hugs:. And well done for a whole day without Google - that is a big accomplishment, I am still a crazy Googler at times, it is addictive! I am glad you like the potential baby names...will just have to see who the baby is when it arrives though, maybe it won't suit them...can't wait to see who this little person is!!

Ill be here :hugs: my poor son is much better, doctor said it was a touch of gastro and his high temp was making him sick, so lots of calpol and some food and he is much better back to his normal self I think I had a touch of it as well my tummy was not good one day last week as well.

Had a good night sleep last night Paul is doing well FX he keeps this up!
Oh that's good to hear Celtic, glad that your son is ok and that Paul is sleeping well!!

It's Monday here in NZ - am thinking of you today Jill :hugs:
Jill hope all goes well today.

Lucky can't be long now - thinking of you too.
Just a quick update...had my follow-up scan yesterday and everything was there as it should be and perfectly normal for 6 weeks according to the dr. We saw the heart beat! Wooooohooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::yipee::headspin::wohoo:Super, super relieved. :cloud9:

Also officially got my due date: November 12th. Yay!!:cloud9:
Yay congrats MyTurnYet - so happy to hear that!
So happy or you Jill!! xx

.... I want to have another due date! But getting married first! been engaged for 18mnths so wedding time!
Thank you Tanikit and Nix :hugs:

Nix, also your new pic is soooo cute. I want to bite her cheeks!
Jill!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooo happy for you!!! That is the best news ever :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I bet that feels like a massive weight off your good is it seeing the heartbeat? So cute! I didn't have a scan until 20 weeks so didn't see it until then, but I heard it with my MW at about 9 weeks I sound ever!

Loving your tickers too - am so thrilled for you hun!!

I have had cramps and tightenings occuring since last night...could be nothing, but could be the start of something? I hope so!
I keep checking in expecting to see you lucky saying that you are in labour! Has to be any day now, maybe this is it?!?!?!? That being said, kai was 10 days overbaked, so could be another 2 weeks yet....

I am hoping to make it over here very very soon so jill isn't lonely ;)
First fertility appointment on Monday, very excited/nervous!

And can I just say that I LOVE that window preggy belly photo lucky x
I keep checking in expecting to see you lucky saying that you are in labour! Has to be any day now, maybe this is it?!?!?!? That being said, kai was 10 days overbaked, so could be another 2 weeks yet....

I am hoping to make it over here very very soon so jill isn't lonely ;)
First fertility appointment on Monday, very excited/nervous!

And can I just say that I LOVE that window preggy belly photo lucky x

Aw, thanks Soph!

Yeah, nothing to report here...things seemed to have calmed down again, I am expecting that this will go on for a while! Apparently your first child is on average 8 days hoping this won't be the case, but can't do much about it - it will come when it is ready (that is my mantra at the moment!)

Good luck for your appt on Monday! That is great that you can talk to some professionals and hopefully they will give you some more options - will be thinking of you and hope it is a really positive experience :hugs:

Would be fantastic to see you over here - you know I wish that for you and the other wonderful TTHFers every day xxxxxxx my fingers are permanently crossed for you all :kiss:
I hope you are here soon too soph! Hope Monday goes well. Please update us :) can't wait to stalk you TTHF girls!
Soph good luck for your appointment - hopefully it won't be long now!

Lucky hopefully this is the start of things - it must be but sometimes it can be a slow start. Hopefully your little one will be here soon.

MyTurnYet when will your next appointment be? How is first trimester treating you?

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