Aw Soph - you just take it easy recuperating and getting used to having a newborn again! How are the older boys taking it all in? You get extra stars for posting in early labor, so just take your time with the birth story.
NOW I understand why women complain about cervical exams during late pregnancy and labor! I was always like - annual exams don't hurt, why would this? Turns out you get far more hand up your whoo haw then usual, and that isn't comfy. My cervix isn't showing any signs of ripening. I hope that just means that when my body gets started, it will get into gear super quick and doesn't need a lot of time to rev up. I also saw my favorite midwife who was extremely reassuring about Milo's position. She said most babies move into complete anterior as labor begins and I should just relax and enjoy the last couple of weeks of holding him as closely as I ever will in our entire lives : )
Lucky - your Christmas morning sounds so lovely, with the fresh eggs and bread on your porch. How was it hosting everyone? In a way, it is nice that you are doing it in a home with the bare essentials because there are fewer distractions! What a way to throw a house warming party : ) It truly sounds perfect. How was it hanging out with your Dad?
I hope you all had really lovely Christmas weekends. I can't believe how fast the last four days FLEW by!