I've taken SS to a new level while waiting for labor to start. Losing your plug, having a bloody show, and feeling nauseous does not mean you are on the threshold of labor. Well, at least for us it doesn't.
So I went in for a second sweep this morning. Still just 3 cm and 50% effaced but that makes sense because I'm not having any contractions : ( Had a really good heart to heart with the most educated midwife on staff and if I don't go into labor by Sunday we'll set up an induction at the hospital. I'd have to give birth there by Sunday anyways, so why risk complications by waiting it out any longer? In her experience and from the literature the risk of complications from inducing is the same as risks that happen on their own after 41 weeks. The risks just increase with every day you wait after 41 weeks. And she and I both think that with my cervix already being favorable I should progress quite nicely after being induced. What do you gals make of all that? Do you think I should wait it out any longer than Sunday? The one major downside of being induced is the constant monitoring. If I go into labor on my own next week, we still have to go to the hospital but they'll be more likely to allow us to do intermittent monitoring. That makes a big difference in terms of being able to stay active and try different positions, etc.
DH and I are both a little bummed that we are facing these decisions. We were so excited and hopeful at New Years and with every passing day this week we've just been getting more anxious and frightened about the risks of my placenta degrading, the baby going into distress, etc. Its also no fun to have labor looming over your head for this long. I'm still looking forward to this experience, but my anxiety is definitely rising with every passing day. Its like you know you have to run a marathon but you have no idea when someone is going to drop a starting line on you. And the longer the waiting takes, the harder it is to stay relaxed and not get anxious.