It is kind of funny posting about myself rather than stalking other people's journals and pirating them occasionally! So I've been having weekly appointments with the midwives and will attend my last childbirth class tonight. Because I am 36 the midwives wanted me to do weekly non stress tests and amniotic fluid tests. The non stress test is 20 minutes in a chair with both a baby heartbeat and a contraction monitor. The amniotic fluid is checked with an ultrasound - they look for four pocket of fluid in each quadrant of my bump. We get sneak peaks at Milo too : ) All of these tests and check ups have gone well, except...
Milo is is lying "left occiput transverse". He is head down, which is good, but his back is on my left hand side. It would be better if his back were against the front of my bump (anterior). I think that most babies shift once labor gets started, but my midwives have suggested that I do lots of cat cow yoga poses throughout the day to encourage him to get anterior. I've been doing that, so I hope it will help convince him.