TTHFUTD pregnancy group!

Hehehehe, I haven't been feeling the babies move since last Saturday, though I had a doctor appointment Tuesday where I heard them on the doppler and they were all sorts of moving around.

While I was listening to the song, I'm pretty sure I felt Baby B moving! :wohoo:
I know some of you know this, but I have 2 horses, I have just moved them to a lovely new yard with fantastic facilities which is literally 5 minutes down the road.

OH has made me promise that I won't ride till at least we have passed the danger zone over the comming weeks. Which I am ok with, one of my horses is very sensible and if I do decide to get back on and ride it will only be in the arena.

I had entered a dressage competition at the same yard for tomorrow, and I have just withdrawn my entry, but the yard owner, who I get on really well with has asked if everything is ok. I don't really want to tell people too soon but I think I may end up telling her, otherwise it is going to look a little strange not riding. The other thing is the yard owner is also pregnant, due in September, so I am sure she will be very understanding.

I am now on the lookout for some help with my horses and someone to ride them and keep them busy. The biggest plus with having my horses closer to home is that my Mum and Dad are also just round the corner and can help out whenever I need.

I don't need to tell work yet until I know everything is ok, but it is a bit different with the horses.

aaaaarrrrrrgggggghhhhhh, I just don't want anything to go wrong.
LMAO! :rofl:

No it meant my ultrasound was TODAY!


  • 17weeks1daysedit.jpg
    18.4 KB · Views: 4
EJ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations hun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I missed last few days but just saw your siggy in SG's journal!!!!!! :hugs:
Ejay, I missed your post earlier. Welcome to the other side. You'll find out it's not so different. While doing treatments we worry about whether it will work or not, then once it does, we worry if it will be taken away. And I'm sure once the baby/ies arrive, the worrying will continue... will they get hurt, will something bad happen... Unfortunately it's never-ending. But I guess if we didn't worry it would mean we didn't care.

While it's impossible not to worry sometimes, someone posted a quote the other day that I really liked. It went something like "worrying is hiding today's sunshine behind tomorrow's clouds".

Try to enjoy every minute of being pregnant, because pretty soon you'll be getting oh so fun morning sickness, then you'll feel good and you'll suddenly realize you're halfway through! It goes fast and slow all at the same time!

Thanks ever so much Titi hun, it means a lot you popped by xx. I am so conscious of the pain you and Lucie are going through right now, I can't believe the unfairness in all of this.

Squirrel - The worry just never ends does it. Been feeling so tired this weekend crashed out on the sofa this morning after seeing the horses, then OH made bacon sandwiches for lunch, yum yum.
Thanks ever so much Titi hun, it means a lot you popped by xx. I am so conscious of the pain you and Lucie are going through right now, I can't believe the unfairness in all of this.

Ejay-that is a sweet and so thoughtful thing for you to say-just don't you worry and enjoy yourself. I can't believe I'm saying this now-but I'm really really happy right now. I couldn't see any good in not getting pregnant before but I've been forcing myself to and dh and I may just not have ever been happier now that we are taking advantage of this time together. I'm in a good spot.:hugs::hugs:
Titi, you are a really lovely person, I hope you know that.

Ejay, glad to hear that DH is feeding you up! How are you feeling? How are things with DH's work?

I am going to give my support to the pregnancy journal idea - I wanna stalk you!
Titi thanks for your kind words, I am glad you are in an good place at the moment, sending you my love x

Lucky - I will do a preggy journal in a few more weeks, just want to make sure everything is OK and there is a little heart beat x

I am sooooo tired, I am really struggling at work, just want to go hide somewhere and go to sleep. And what is it with the boobs, they have been sore and big since the beginning of last week, to the point that I can't wear any of my normal bras and have reverted to wearing sports bras instead.

This is going to be a very long 2ww till our scan on the 11th April. I am trying not to obsess too much but it is hard.
Yay SG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ejay!!! I am still so so so happy for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hang in there Ejay! The exhaustion can be sooooooo overwhelming. I've never been one to do the "head bob" in meetings, but I couldn't help it there in the beginning! But it did get a lot better.

I hope these two weeks fly by!
How are you doing Ejay? Hope you are feeling ok and not too tired or sick!
Hiya Lucky

No sickness yet, just very tired and a bit light headed at times. Although I seem to have developed an aversion to cetain foods, mainly the sweet sickly kind: yesterday at work someone bought danish pastries in for everyone, the smell made me feel a little sicky, everyone ate theirs and then they left the last one on my desk for me!! I felt I had to eat it so as not to draw too much attention but it took me all afternoon just slowly nibbling.

The tiredness is a killer though, I came home from work yesterday and ended up crashing out for an hour before dragging myself up to see to my horses.
Ahhh yeah I remember that nibbling away on things period...I used to take the tiniest bites of things as I would be feeling so sick, but knew that eating would make me feel better...but it would take me about half a hour to eat a cracker!

Sounds like your symptoms are nice and strong! Rest up as much as you can xx
I actually did a test this morning, first time!!!


  • Image064.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 5
YAy!!! Did dr tell you due date yet? I got bfp on march 11 th and due date was nov 12 so I'm guessing end of nov. :flower: I think you're having a boy!
Awesome! Nothing like seeing the word 'pregnant' in black and white! (well, black and grey really...) xx
I know it does actually feel more real now.

The pic isn't great I don't seem to be able to get the words in focus, it actually says pregnant 3+.

Myturn - yep due date round the end of November. OH and I decided not to find out before baby is born. So far I am feeling pretty rubbish, can't decide whether that means it's a boy or girl.

will start a journal after the scan, only a week and a half now and we have easter next weekend so hopefully time will go a bit quicker

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