Alright, i have a dilemma and i need your thoughts. I went to the dr today to follow up with the sonogram, but also my cysts i have on my ovaries. He seems to think the cyst on the left ovary is a luthem corpus or whatever it's called. Says it's common for all women yada yada yada. He's more concerned about the right ovary because it has a dermoid tumor. He said mine is 5.6cm. He said the safe zone is 0-6cm. Anything above 6cm should be removed. I'm really close to that 6cm line. He said i have 2 choices. Removing it or not. There's risk factors to both. If i remove it, they will have to give me an anesthetic and make an incision on my belly. He said if theres any abnormalities with the baby, it would already be there BUT with an anesthetic, there could possibly be a chance of something abnormal happening in the future from taking it. Also, i'd be out of work 4-6 weeks (possibly). BUT the biggest risk factor of all is there's a small percentage of losing the baby and miscarrying. THAT terrifies me. Also, tumor has a small possibility of being cancerous. Most aren't though. He said if i don't get it removed we will keep a close eye on it. He doesn't want to remove anything after 20 weeks because the uterus is above the belly button by then. So basically i only have a couple of weeks to think about this. He said if i don't get it removed, it could twist and cut off the blood supply to the baby, or it could burst and cause infection through out my body OR if it ruptures towards the end of pregnancy i could go in pre-term labor. I'm like GREAT. So i don't know what the hell i should do. SO many things to think about. I have an ultrasound scheduled for March 27th (16w) to check out the tumor to see if it's grown anymore. Also to see baby and hopefully find out gender (that would be awesome!).