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I didn't really have morning sickness much... I think I've thrown up like 3 times total, 2 of which were last week! IDK when I found out the sex, I have my first appointment with my midwife on Monday and I guess they will probably have me schedule it then. I had an appointment for the sex scan with my OB, but since I'm switching to a midwife I guess that's out the window. I'm hoping I can find out close to my birthday which is the 20th.
Glad you're doing good Nazz, can't wait to find out what your having!! Have you finally announced it yet?! I feel like it's going pretty quickly.

How is everyone and their new bundle of joys doing??! Braxton is doing good, he's such a chunker!! He sleeps pretty good, is awake to eat every 3 hours. He's a noisy sleeper always grunting and snorting it drives me crazy it's hard to sleep I get so paranoid!
Glad you're doing good Nazz, can't wait to find out what your having!! Have you finally announced it yet?! I feel like it's going pretty quickly.

How is everyone and their new bundle of joys doing??! Braxton is doing good, he's such a chunker!! He sleeps pretty good, is awake to eat every 3 hours. He's a noisy sleeper always grunting and snorting it drives me crazy it's hard to sleep I get so paranoid!

Triston also eats about every 3 hours. Though everyday, he has one long stretch of sleep. Like 5 hours. It's always at a different time though.
He wakes up sometime around 1am to 2am usually, then again sometime between 430 - 6 am....but even if it's 6am, he goes back to sleep. After that there isn't much consistency. I've considered trying to get him on a schedule, but I've never tried that with my other boys, and I'm not sure how to exactly go about it. Plus it's just hard for me to wake up a sleeping baby! I just wish his 5 hour sleep stretch was during the night - which has happened, but like I said, "when" it happens seems totally random! His first ped appt is Monday. With the holidays, getting one right at 2 weeks was impossible. Next Thursday is his circumcision :(
Jason is taking him in for that, I can't handle that sorta thing! Well, I'll probably go too, but won't be nearby during the procedure. My 7 year old didn't get circumcised at birth, and by age 4 was diagnosed with phimosis. He was getting infections, causing redness and swelling from it. Basically it's a condition where the foreskin fuses to the head. So the skin can't retract at all, and what was happening was that during baths or diaper changes he would get little micro-tearsbeneath the foreskin, that we couldn't see, and the little tears would get infected. Happened 3 times in a year. Finally his doc referred him to a urologist, who diagnosed him and we got him circumcised at age 4, which was AWFUL! He needed general anesthesia. This was all cuz he was on Medicaid when he was born and they didn't cover the circ, which I didn't know that till after he was born!
But he healed nicely and the doc did an excellent job ! Luckily he doesn't remember much, just that he had surgery that "fixed his pee pee".

Anyways....I do horribly at anything that inflicts pain on my kids. I'm a total wuss about it and make it worse cuz I cry. I'm already dreading it....

They're just so little and I hate seeing them in pain. Especially babies...the lower lip comes out, they give you a look like you betrayed them, and then they scream and cry :(

Ok I think that post was long enough! Lol :haha:
Ft Nick used to grunt a lot it is normal they just outgrow it I recently tought about the changes that Nick made and that was one of them.

Today we went out for a small party and he was super! he is always such a great babt where noises and people are involved lol.He started takig his paci this week, not all the time only when he is tired at leastmy boobs have a break.
Triston is already hooked on the binky, lol....my oldest was into the bink also. My 7 year old only used them a little bit, not at all by 3 months old. With my oldest I started preparing him 6 months in advance, telling him the "binky fairy" would take them when he turned 3(which is too old IMO,but it's hard to take something away that works so well), so that new babies could have them. Surprisingly that worked really well....by that age, he only used them when he was tired, upset, or on car rides. If he got a boo boo he would yell "where's my bink!". I have a feeling Triston will also need a visit from the bink fairy, but I'm gonna do it age 2 this time around!
He just started doing those huge smiles while he sleeps. He's almost laughed in his sleep also, but not exactly - more like a huge smile with a couple breaths being taken...if that makes sense...I love they are so little and start cracking up in their sleep ! He also likes being around new voices...he goes almost still, just listening to people. Gee can you tell I'm in love :haha:
Angel sounds like we have the same baby! Lol Braxton this week has started smiling Non stop in his sleep, he also did the little laugh thing...smiled while almost doing a whole body shake looked like he was 'cracking up' lol.

Mine got circumcised in the hospital, because of Christmas we were only in the hospital for 24 hours after he was born so they did it fairly quickly. They did an awesome job and it's almost completely healed! His belly button also fell off a couple days ago so with that gone and his pee pee feeling much better it's making diaper changes a lot easier.

As for binkys my first loved them we finally took them away at age 3, we told her to leave them out for Santa to give to other babies that need them, the next morning she was so happy with all her presents Santa left her she didn't even remember the binkys! Now this little guy is different, he's not into the binkys at all, I'm gonna keep trying though because it was a life saver with my first!
Hospitals don't do them here anymore. Even my oldest was done at 2 weeks at the pediatrician. I wish they were done at the hospital - everything is brand new to them, and I think that's just easier. The difference in just 2 weeks from birth is a lot - very direct, constant eye contact for one thing....
Triston , like my other boys at his age, HATES diaper changes. The second you undress him he screams. Besides that he seems to be very content. We've also started feeding him after a nap and changing his diaper after the bottle, which has helped a little. Sometimes the binky will soothe him. Before, I was changing him then feeding,, and I guess it made him double mad, lol.
We had to take Evan to a urologist to get his circ done. Cost $250!! There's a history of bad UTI's on the male side if our family so that's one reason we hadit done. Michael is done too so that's another reason.

Started Evan on some solids yesterday and he seems to be OK, although I dont know if the apples are sitting well with him. He's been eyeing my food for a few weeks already and he opens his mouth for the spoon, leans in and doesn't push it out with his tongue. He wasn't too sure about the peas though lol. Ive already stocked the freezer with 4 types of food; peas, carrots, apples, and bleberry/banana. Just used the ice cube trays and our FoodSaver to pack them. Definitely going to make his baby food for the most part. We'll probably get a few packaged foods for the road though. This is going to be fun introducing him to new foods!
We had to take Evan to a urologist to get his circ done. Cost $250!! There's a history of bad UTI's on the male side if our family so that's one reason we hadit done. Michael is done too so that's another reason.

Started Evan on some solids yesterday and he seems to be OK, although I dont know if the apples are sitting well with him. He's been eyeing my food for a few weeks already and he opens his mouth for the spoon, leans in and doesn't push it out with his tongue. He wasn't too sure about the peas though lol. Ive already stocked the freezer with 4 types of food; peas, carrots, apples, and bleberry/banana. Just used the ice cube trays and our FoodSaver to pack them. Definitely going to make his baby food for the most part. We'll probably get a few packaged foods for the road though. This is going to be fun introducing him to new foods!

Sounds like he's ready! I've noticed apples, juice or puree, is often upsetting to their tummies. I would try pears first. Less acidic than Apple...
I always used Apple juice when mine got constipated. Gerber makes (or used to anyhow) a mixed fruit and carrot juice that my oldest loved. I know Evan probably isn't on juice yet, but figured I'd throw that out there ....
Mine never liked peas really, or green beans, but I'd get "garden veggies" which was a mix of peas, carrot, and green beans and they liked that.
Butternut squash and strawberry/banana were favorites for my oldest. He went thru a long stage of eating baby food. My youngest barely ate any, after a short while he preferred smaller bits of what we were eating...like mashed potatoes. They both liked the finger snack foods for babies, especially those teething cookies. I tried one once cuz they smell like Graham crackers..:haha: don't taste like them though!
Angel sounds like we have the same baby! Lol Braxton this week has started smiling Non stop in his sleep, he also did the little laugh thing...smiled while almost doing a whole body shake looked like he was 'cracking up' lol.

Mine got circumcised in the hospital, because of Christmas we were only in the hospital for 24 hours after he was born so they did it fairly quickly. They did an awesome job and it's almost completely healed! His belly button also fell off a couple days ago so with that gone and his pee pee feeling much better it's making diaper changes a lot easier.

As for binkys my first loved them we finally took them away at age 3, we told her to leave them out for Santa to give to other babies that need them, the next morning she was so happy with all her presents Santa left her she didn't even remember the binkys! Now this little guy is different, he's not into the binkys at all, I'm gonna keep trying though because it was a life saver with my first!

OMG i can't wait for his circ to heal and his belly button to fall off! I feel like I can never get a good diaper on him with all this going on, and he usually ends up peeing on whatever outfit he's wearing. Had a bad experience in the hospital with the circumcision, I cried my eyes out the whole second night we were there… they took the gauze off too soon and reopened it and it bled and bled, so then they made him draw blood to make sure he didn't have a blood clotting problem, which he didn't, the stupid doctor just took it off too soon! It was horrible. They had to keep taking him from us to stop the bleeding.

Seems to be healing now, but I'm still terrified that I'll reopen it every time I change him. I was seriously traumatized.. and highly hormonal :cry:

He has jaundice, so that's keeping us worried. Any experience with this? His Bilirubin level was a 6 when we left the hospital, then 11 the next day and 14 the next day. The weather is so horrible here in Illinois that I'd like to postpone his visit tomorrow until Tuesday but of course I want to keep checking on it!!!!

Anyone else a little weepy after birth? I've had a small bout each day of just crying and crying… normal, right?

Do I sound like a first time mom or what? :dohh:
Triston's bilirubin level was 8.6, but I actually didn't worry cuz it's common in my family, and with the exception of my brother, goes away and resolves itself. I'm sure they told you, but sunlight, even though a window, is beneficial.

Yep, hormonal is totally normal...pregnancy hormones, then a flood of labor hormones, followed by a crash - bound to stir things up. My doc said to worry about it if it effects my daily life or lose interest in the baby. So far, it was much worse with my 7 year old....but I know it can take a few weeks too really manifest....

So sorry about the circ! I really wish they didn't have to go thru it, just remember in a couple weeks it will be history...and that it would be MUCH worse at age 4! My son squirmed and guarded his pee pee for almost a year and a half during bath time afterwards - probably because we were told to remove the gauze a few days later after a tub soak. ..I couldn't do it and actually made Jason wait till I went to work, I was terrified to be in the house...that sounds awful I know, but me freaking out and crying wouldn't have helped the situation. But for a long time I had to remind him it would never hurt like that again, and he has to clean himself...I found letting him do it helped. Obviously he was older though and more capable....

I remember having to REALLY apply petroleum jelly to my oldest....it looked so raw it hurt me! But he healed pretty quickly and with no issue.

Triston's cord stump fell off on Christmas, only 6 days old, and it seemed too early. His belly button was a little red. We've been gently cleaning it and putting a&d on it, which helped a lot. Doesn't seem to hurt him at least. Before that it was hanging by a thread for 2 days...
wugz the feelings you are totally norm as Angel said hormones are the culprits.

Anake I am liking your tips on freezing babyfoos. I am not starting solids yet but my mum is insisting I start some apple.
Oh I cried for weeks after having Evan! Don't worry too much about it, but if you think it's more than you can handle, please tell someone!

As for the circ, we used a ton of polysporin and Vaseline with some gauze over it. It will break open from time to time, so don't worry unless it is free flowing. I had to keep it slathered in poly and vaseline for nearly a month after the circ to keep it moist. Yes it definitely is emotional for us mom's! The worst part for me was giving him to the nurse! Apparently he didn't make a sound. He was more interested in the grape juice and brown sugar suckie they gave him :)

Evan's stump stayed on till he was 21 days old. It was so gross!! For nearly a week it was just hanging on by a thread and I SO wanted to pull it off, but I know you're not supposed to. Found it in the foot of his sleeper one morning (ewww).

Thanks for the idea about the pears. I'll see if I can get any at the grocery store.
Way to go Triston! Ahead of the game!

I couldn't believe it! He's been rolling to his side during diaper changes, and then last night I put him on his tummy on his play mat, and he flipped right over, just like that! We did it over and over, lol. I swear it looked like he wanted to babble, but just couldn't. He also was trying to roll from back to tummy but kept getting stuck half way and would get mad!
I recorded it with my phone but can't figure out how to get it to upload.

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