Glad you're doing good Nazz, can't wait to find out what your having!! Have you finally announced it yet?! I feel like it's going pretty quickly.
How is everyone and their new bundle of joys doing??! Braxton is doing good, he's such a chunker!! He sleeps pretty good, is awake to eat every 3 hours. He's a noisy sleeper always grunting and snorting it drives me crazy it's hard to sleep I get so paranoid!
Triston also eats about every 3 hours. Though everyday, he has one long stretch of sleep. Like 5 hours. It's always at a different time though.
He wakes up sometime around 1am to 2am usually, then again sometime between 430 - 6 am....but even if it's 6am, he goes back to sleep. After that there isn't much consistency. I've considered trying to get him on a schedule, but I've never tried that with my other boys, and I'm not sure how to exactly go about it. Plus it's just hard for me to wake up a sleeping baby! I just wish his 5 hour sleep stretch was during the night - which has happened, but like I said, "when" it happens seems totally random! His first ped appt is Monday. With the holidays, getting one right at 2 weeks was impossible. Next Thursday is his circumcision

Jason is taking him in for that, I can't handle that sorta thing! Well, I'll probably go too, but won't be nearby during the procedure. My 7 year old didn't get circumcised at birth, and by age 4 was diagnosed with phimosis. He was getting infections, causing redness and swelling from it. Basically it's a condition where the foreskin fuses to the head. So the skin can't retract at all, and what was happening was that during baths or diaper changes he would get little micro-tearsbeneath the foreskin, that we couldn't see, and the little tears would get infected. Happened 3 times in a year. Finally his doc referred him to a urologist, who diagnosed him and we got him circumcised at age 4, which was AWFUL! He needed general anesthesia. This was all cuz he was on Medicaid when he was born and they didn't cover the circ, which I didn't know that till after he was born!
But he healed nicely and the doc did an excellent job ! Luckily he doesn't remember much, just that he had surgery that "fixed his pee pee".
Anyways....I do horribly at anything that inflicts pain on my kids. I'm a total wuss about it and make it worse cuz I cry. I'm already dreading it....
They're just so little and I hate seeing them in pain. Especially babies...the lower lip comes out, they give you a look like you betrayed them, and then they scream and cry
Ok I think that post was long enough! Lol