Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

Hi All, so it's now 8dpo and I am more bloated than I have ever been in my life! I am also getting really bad indigestion not too sure if it would be a sign of anything? Also I have been getting slight abdo cramps but no spotting, is it common to not spot with implantation? The only other thing that has changed is a really stuffy nose, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :) baby dust to all
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.

Hi Bathgirl, FX those are PG signs. Most of those signs were due to hormone progesteron that is likely to show during the first half of TWW. Half-way through TWW it tends to decline and rise back up once conception and implantation happened. I got sore boobs and it's painful on the sides post-o which got intense as i entered 2nd half of TWW.

By the way, do you temp or used OPK for O? Is your cycle regular?

FX for you Bathgirl.

Thanks for my first reply mdcpa! What is your history? It looks like you are preg - congrats!!!

I use OPKs and usually seems to be day 15 of a 28 day cycle. This month I tried POAS from day 12 or so up to 17 and didn't manage to catch it but I felt the pains so I am sure I ovulated. I usually use the more expensive sticks with the window but these were cheap dippy ones which I didn't like so maybe they are not as sensitive.

I'm sure it's not normal to get achey pains as much as I do! In the 2WW, when on AF!!! It makes telling if something is different very hard but I have always had them!

Going to fertility clinic weds so hopefully they will give me a HGC test. Xxx
Thanks for my first reply mdcpa! What is your history? It looks like you are preg - congrats!!!

I use OPKs and usually seems to be day 15 of a 28 day cycle. This month I tried POAS from day 12 or so up to 17 and didn't manage to catch it but I felt the pains so I am sure I ovulated. I usually use the more expensive sticks with the window but these were cheap dippy ones which I didn't like so maybe they are not as sensitive.

I'm sure it's not normal to get achey pains as much as I do! In the 2WW, when on AF!!! It makes telling if something is different very hard but I have always had them!

Going to fertility clinic weds so hopefully they will give me a HGC test. Xxx

Thank you and FX on your HCG Test... You may wanna look up my journal just by clicking on the signature below. There you'll see an introduction about me and how we started our journey.. It's a lot to write it here again :haha: To summarize it all, i have a very irregular cycle... O happens whenever she wants.
Hi everyone, newbie here! Firstly congratulations to all of you who have been getting BFPs, such exciting news! And good luck to all of those testing over the next few days!

A little background info about me: Aussie girl TTC #1, currently in 2WW. This is the 2nd cycle that we have been TTC and I have been using an OPK (CB) this month. My cycles have been tricky to track as have just come off the pill after 10 years and they are all over the place. Fairly certain that the OPK is accurate as I have had really bad ovulation pain/cramps for the last 3 cycles. Confirmed this with my doc who said it was common to experience discomfort during ovulation, particularly after coming off the pill. Has anyone else experienced this? Every time I walk/sit down it feels like someone is kicking me in the guts! Haven't been able to exercise for the past few days which has been a bummer.

According to the OPK my peak was 7/9, so does that mean I would now be a few days DPO? Is that right? I feel like such a novice..

Anyway, I have a few questions that I was hoping some lovely ladies might be able to answer:

What do people think about giving up alcohol throughout the 2WW? A good idea or overkill? I'd be interested to know your thoughts..

Also wondering what apps/websites people have been using to chart? If we aren't successful this cycle I think I would be keen to start charting my temp as well.

Looking forward to sharing this journey will you all :)

Hi and welcome to the TWW!! :D

I get ovulation pain most months. It's pretty uncomfortable, but I've been told it's a sign of a strong ovulation. So, at least there's that.

If you got your peak on the 7th, assuming you ovulated within 24 hours from the peak, I'd say you were about 4DPO.

As for alcohol, I think it's up to you. I give up alcohol in the TWW, but I'm not much of a drinker anyway. But there are plenty of women who are in the 'drink until you see pink' camp because you don't share with the baby until around 5 weeks. So, it's probably not harmful before then. I think as long as you're not binge drinking every day, having a couple of drinks in the TWW is fine. But, like I said before, it's up to you. :)

And as for charting, I've found Fertility Friend to be a great resource. If you click on the little chart in my signature, below my post, it will take you to the website and you can sign up for a free 30 day VIP trial. After the VIP trial, it goes back to basic and is still free but doesn't do as much analysis for you...but I've found I don't really need it. I love it though. Every cycle it gets better and better at predicting your cycle. You should give it a try. :) Temping is really helpful during a cycle, so if you don't get your BFP, I highly recommend it.
Hi All, so it's now 8dpo and I am more bloated than I have ever been in my life! I am also getting really bad indigestion not too sure if it would be a sign of anything? Also I have been getting slight abdo cramps but no spotting, is it common to not spot with implantation? The only other thing that has changed is a really stuffy nose, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :) baby dust to all

Hi JWB89,

FX these are all good signs! I read something that only 1/3 of women experience spotting during/after implantation so I wouldn't worry too much. Although the more I read the more I'm starting to realise that nobody really knows any of the signs for certain as they seem to vary so much between people!

Any updates since your last post?
Thanks DBZ34, I just signed up for Fertility Friend last night! Good to know that the basics after the trial seem to be enough.

And thanks for your thoughts too re: drinking. I had a glass of champagne at a birthday on Saturday so I guess I'm in the 'drink until pink' camp!

How are you travelling on your TWW? Any updates?
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.

Hi Bathgirl,

I'm a newbie too :) Hang in there, it really sucks that you're feeling low but try to keep your chin up. It's definitely tough when there are people around you who are all like 'oh yeah, first try!'... or who weren't even trying at all! Have you told any family members/friends that you're TTC?
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.

Hi Bathgirl,

I'm a newbie too :) Hang in there, it really sucks that you're feeling low but try to keep your chin up. It's definitely tough when there are people around you who are all like 'oh yeah, first try!'... or who weren't even trying at all! Have you told any family members/friends that you're TTC?

Hello!! Nice to hear from you. How long have you
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.

Hi Bathgirl,

I'm a newbie too :) Hang in there, it really sucks that you're feeling low but try to keep your chin up. It's definitely tough when there are people around you who are all like 'oh yeah, first try!'... or who weren't even trying at all! Have you told any family members/friends that you're TTC?

Hi Angie,

I'm really unsure of whether to tell family members! I have told my bro who is expecting with his gf but now I feel like there is some awkwardness there, though I might be being totally paranoid! Like they feel sorry for me or something?! I had to tell him as his gf kept telling me to "just get pregnant!" "Just have a baby!" When I moaned about hating my job and it was killing me that it wasn't that easy and I just needed her to STOP! So think she got the message through him!

I'm really not sure who to tell and if it will make me feel better! Hardly any of my friends are even thinking about it and I've no idea if it's a good or bad idea to tell my mum and dad. What do you think??
mdscpa - OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!! I just KNEW it!!!



Here's my first hpt local brand taken at 4:20 pm


Here's the second one CBD taken at 6:58 pm got an immediate answer after 9 seconds. Took the video right after i put it down.



This is SOOO awesome! I will watch the video when i get a chance. :)
mdscpa - OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!! I just KNEW it!!!



Here's my first hpt local brand taken at 4:20 pm


Here's the second one CBD taken at 6:58 pm got an immediate answer after 9 seconds. Took the video right after i put it down.



Those videos are great!!!!!!
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.

Hi Bathgirl,

I'm a newbie too :) Hang in there, it really sucks that you're feeling low but try to keep your chin up. It's definitely tough when there are people around you who are all like 'oh yeah, first try!'... or who weren't even trying at all! Have you told any family members/friends that you're TTC?

Hi Angie,

I'm really unsure of whether to tell family members! I have told my bro who is expecting with his gf but now I feel like there is some awkwardness there, though I might be being totally paranoid! Like they feel sorry for me or something?! I had to tell him as his gf kept telling me to "just get pregnant!" "Just have a baby!" When I moaned about hating my job and it was killing me that it wasn't that easy and I just needed her to STOP! So think she got the message through him!

I'm really not sure who to tell and if it will make me feel better! Hardly any of my friends are even thinking about it and I've no idea if it's a good or bad idea to tell my mum and dad. What do you think??

Ugh, Bathgirl, if I could have a dollar for every time I've been asked "when are you going to have a baaaaaaaby?" by co-workers and family! My friends thankfully know better. I can't imagine your bro & his gf feel sorry for you, I think it's just that because people generally DON'T talk about it, they don't know what to say when they know that someone is trying!

Personally I'm a talker. I have told three very close friends that we are trying, one who is a mum, one who is currently 7 months pregnant and one who is a doctor. It's actually really nice having friends ask how it is all going. My friend who is currently pregnant has been amazing, and has said because she didn't tell anyone it was really tough for her - it took them just over a year to conceive. Knowing now that she was going through that alone makes me feel terrible, BUT, if she had told me at the time I wouldn't have really understood as I hadn't been through it myself. I have also told my Mum that we are trying but haven't discussed it since! Definitely not telling the in laws as they would be so excited they would probably accidentally tell everyone they know..

So I guess it's up to you.. for me it has helped telling friends who I know would understand the whole... *process*.

Any new signs/symptoms for you? I have had spotting over the last 24 hours and a few sharp pains in my lower back/hip.. not sure what is going on!
mdscpa - OMG!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!! I just KNEW it!!!



Here's my first hpt local brand taken at 4:20 pm


Here's the second one CBD taken at 6:58 pm got an immediate answer after 9 seconds. Took the video right after i put it down.



Those videos are great!!!!!!

Glad you like it. We just took a video of the test and never included me and DH's face coz we just dont know what to say when we decided on taking the test. We never expected we're gonna see a second line but went ahead to just take a video and see what happens... it's so funny we just giggled the whole time thought one of us us going to :cry::haha::rofl:
Hi All, so it's now 8dpo and I am more bloated than I have ever been in my life! I am also getting really bad indigestion not too sure if it would be a sign of anything? Also I have been getting slight abdo cramps but no spotting, is it common to not spot with implantation? The only other thing that has changed is a really stuffy nose, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :) baby dust to all

Hi JWB89,

FX these are all good signs! I read something that only 1/3 of women experience spotting during/after implantation so I wouldn't worry too much. Although the more I read the more I'm starting to realise that nobody really knows any of the signs for certain as they seem to vary so much between people!

Any updates since your last post?

4 Days out from my period now and my skin has broken out alot more than it usually would but it could still be period related, also i have been nauseous the last 2 days last night to the point that i was actually vomitting. i am too scared to test because i dont want to be disappointed!!!!
Hi everyone, newbie here! 8th month TTC and one week into the TWW. Had dull achey pains low down the last three or four days but I've has these before and nothing. Also only since TTC have I started getting mega sore boobs in the week before my period but not got that this time. Feeling quite sad and despondent this month...not helped by having a very pregnant person in the family who conceived on first try!!! Need cheering up :(.

Hi Bathgirl,

I'm a newbie too :) Hang in there, it really sucks that you're feeling low but try to keep your chin up. It's definitely tough when there are people around you who are all like 'oh yeah, first try!'... or who weren't even trying at all! Have you told any family members/friends that you're TTC?

Hi Angie,

I'm really unsure of whether to tell family members! I have told my bro who is expecting with his gf but now I feel like there is some awkwardness there, though I might be being totally paranoid! Like they feel sorry for me or something?! I had to tell him as his gf kept telling me to "just get pregnant!" "Just have a baby!" When I moaned about hating my job and it was killing me that it wasn't that easy and I just needed her to STOP! So think she got the message through him!

I'm really not sure who to tell and if it will make me feel better! Hardly any of my friends are even thinking about it and I've no idea if it's a good or bad idea to tell my mum and dad. What do you think??

Ugh, Bathgirl, if I could have a dollar for every time I've been asked "when are you going to have a baaaaaaaby?" by co-workers and family! My friends thankfully know better. I can't imagine your bro & his gf feel sorry for you, I think it's just that because people generally DON'T talk about it, they don't know what to say when they know that someone is trying!

Personally I'm a talker. I have told three very close friends that we are trying, one who is a mum, one who is currently 7 months pregnant and one who is a doctor. It's actually really nice having friends ask how it is all going. My friend who is currently pregnant has been amazing, and has said because she didn't tell anyone it was really tough for her - it took them just over a year to conceive. Knowing now that she was going through that alone makes me feel terrible, BUT, if she had told me at the time I wouldn't have really understood as I hadn't been through it myself. I have also told my Mum that we are trying but haven't discussed it since! Definitely not telling the in laws as they would be so excited they would probably accidentally tell everyone they know..

So I guess it's up to you.. for me it has helped telling friends who I know would understand the whole... *process*.

Any new signs/symptoms for you? I have had spotting over the last 24 hours and a few sharp pains in my lower back/hip.. not sure what is going on!

Do you usually get spotting before you
Come on? When are you due?? I saw you had been sick, that sounds promising! I agree about not testing, my bf has banned me unless I actually miss a period as I got too upset and actually it was sound advice! AF is not as bad as a BFN!

I have literally not been this symptomless in 8 months, it's almost a symptom in itself!! Still no boob pains or growth (last 2 months were AGONY), feel totally normal which is unusual as I feel symptoms all the time! Have creamy CM but can't remember if thats normal for me at this time of the month and still achey pains but again, I get those quite often!!

Due at the weekend, have decided not to go away with my boyf's fam as if/when AF comes I will be sad.

Fertility clinic tomorrow though!
Hi All, so it's now 8dpo and I am more bloated than I have ever been in my life! I am also getting really bad indigestion not too sure if it would be a sign of anything? Also I have been getting slight abdo cramps but no spotting, is it common to not spot with implantation? The only other thing that has changed is a really stuffy nose, any thoughts would be greatly appreciated :) baby dust to all

Hi JWB89,

FX these are all good signs! I read something that only 1/3 of women experience spotting during/after implantation so I wouldn't worry too much. Although the more I read the more I'm starting to realise that nobody really knows any of the signs for certain as they seem to vary so much between people!

Any updates since your last post?

4 Days out from my period now and my skin has broken out alot more than it usually would but it could still be period related, also i have been nauseous the last 2 days last night to the point that i was actually vomitting. i am too scared to test because i dont want to be disappointed!!!!

As weird as this sounds.. vomiting is good right??! Maybe?! Not long to go for you, FX over the next few days! Hmmm I have heaps of pimples at the moment too, but I think AF is still about a week away. It's hard to tell, uneven cycles..
Do you usually get spotting before you
Come on? When are you due?? I saw you had been sick, that sounds promising! I agree about not testing, my bf has banned me unless I actually miss a period as I got too upset and actually it was sound advice! AF is not as bad as a BFN!

I have literally not been this symptomless in 8 months, it's almost a symptom in itself!! Still no boob pains or growth (last 2 months were AGONY), feel totally normal which is unusual as I feel symptoms all the time! Have creamy CM but can't remember if thats normal for me at this time of the month and still achey pains but again, I get those quite often!!

Due at the weekend, have decided not to go away with my boyf's fam as if/when AF comes I will be sad.

Fertility clinic tomorrow though!

No, I've never had spotting before. Am about 7DPO. On one hand I'm quietly optimistic, but on the other hand I've just come off the pill in the last few months so everything is a little different.. No that wasn't me who was sick! I agree tho re: BFN, I got too excited last month and was so crushed.

Gah, maybe no symptoms is good if it's different to the norm for you?! Who knows.. are we driving ourselves crazy?!

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