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Why are people so ignorant about registries???

Andy, I think this thread helped me and others to understand a little more about why you do registeries, I do see the sense in it, especially if the person is going to buy bits off it themselves as its a nice organised why to do it and it seems you get a discount off whats not bought. Who doesnt like a discount? :haha:

But I think 99% of posters agree, that it is fine as long as you dont expect people to buy from it, dont take it too seriously and be thankful for anything you received not call the people that bought them names or the items themselves names.

Louandivy :rofl:
I wonder what would anger the OP more?
Being bought "yard sale crap" that she didn't put on her registry? Or if someone didn't buy her anything? God forbid if one of her family/ friends couldn't afford a gift what they would cop
I wonder what would anger the OP more?
Being bought "yard sale crap" that she didn't put on her registry? Or if someone didn't buy her anything? God forbid if one of her family/ friends couldn't afford a gift what they would cop

I cant help but feel this is a bit too far. Comment on what she has said, say what you feel/think about the situation but this sort of comment just feels like an attack :shrug:

The OP hasnt come off in the best light, no. But we all say and do silly things form time to time, hopefully she too will learn from this thread.

I hope the OP is okay :hugs:
I have copped attacks on here for my thoughts too.
It's what you get when you put your thoughts out on a public forum and ask for people's comments / responses to your opinion.
I have copped attacks on here for my thoughts too.
It's what you get when you put your thoughts out on a public forum and ask for people's comments / responses to your opinion.

Two wrongs dont make a right though. It isnt okay to attack people, just because you've been attacked in the past.

Yeah you might get people disagreeing with you when you post something on a public forum, but no one should be attacking any one on a support forum.
I do feel a bit bad for the OP at this point. I know I had moments in third tri where I was a terrible bitch (not to suggest you're being a terrible bitch, OP) and I would hate for people to judge my character based on those hormonal rages...

Sure, she posted it on a public forum and maybe she shouldn't have but I doubt she expected 15 pages of people suggesting she's a "babyzilla", that she'd be pissed at her family for not being able to afford gifts, etc. It's all a bit presumptuous and maybe not totally fair.

I apologize if the comment I made earlier was harsh (I was trying not to be since everyone else seemed to have that covered) but I hope she's not feeling too bad because of all of this. :(
This thread is in the "debates" forum, I think that's the problem!
I do feel a bit bad for the OP at this point. I know I had moments in third tri where I was a terrible bitch (not to suggest you're being a terrible bitch, OP) and I would hate for people to judge my character based on those hormonal rages...

Sure, she posted it on a public forum and maybe she shouldn't have but I doubt she expected 15 pages of people suggesting she's a "babyzilla", that she'd be pissed at her family for not being able to afford gifts, etc. It's all a bit presumptuous and maybe not totally fair.

I apologize if the comment I made earlier was harsh (I was trying not to be since everyone else seemed to have that covered) but I hope she's not feeling too bad because of all of this. :(

It wasnt so much that her original post caused people to get so...annoyed, by this, it was the fact that she came back with the same entitled attitude and then made it seem like thats how everyone in the US is. Which naturally got some backs up and caused people to post in what they felt was their own defence.

its a thread to live and learn by, maybe she'll realise that a registery isnt an entitlement to everything you put on there, and you should never "expect" anything, but just be grateful for the things you do get....or maybe she doesnt care and still feels that people should buy her what she wants. who knows! :coffee:
I do feel a bit bad for the OP at this point. I know I had moments in third tri where I was a terrible bitch (not to suggest you're being a terrible bitch, OP) and I would hate for people to judge my character based on those hormonal rages...

I dunno, this thread totally came across as entitlement. Not everything can be blamed on hormones; we have to take responsibility for our actions at some point - whether there is backlash or not.
I don't think you can put it down to a one off hormonal moment / vent when almost 24 hours later OP comes back (page 7) even ruder and came off even worse than first post
Is that right? That doesn't sound right. Benefit of THE doubt? Is there a "the" in there? I'm so tired...
Hilarious thread :haha: Seems so stupid to complain about presents

I quite like the idea of registries though, for other people, so I don't have to think what to buy them as I'm shit at buying presents but I wouldn't have one myself. I prefer presents to be surprises.
Tbf i'm such a moaner about things like this, I received an invite for a wedding last year that stated something along the lines of "instead of gifts the couple would appreciate money" or something to that effect, i just thought " oh would they now, well then don't throw a huge party if you are so bloody poor" lmao, i hate giving people money as a gift its a huge pet peeve lol, at least registries save people from that i suppose lol x
We asked guests to give us cash or euros for our honeymoon as we had everytjin we needed. We put a poem in the invites. We still got gifts too tho.

It was me who said tge op was acting a bit "babyzilla" but not to be mean jyst so she ciuld see why her posts had angered people. But theres a fine line between constructive advice and getting personal
Tacky is asking people to give you money for your wedding. Wanted to ask do you girls have Bridal Showers :haha::haha::haha:Oh God hope this doesn't start anything new here. We have Bridal showers before the wedding where the brides get her china, household things and other stuff. Just wondering :flower:
Tbf i'm such a moaner about things like this, I received an invite for a wedding last year that stated something along the lines of "instead of gifts the couple would appreciate money" or something to that effect, i just thought " oh would they now, well then don't throw a huge party if you are so bloody poor" lmao, i hate giving people money as a gift its a huge pet peeve lol, at least registries save people from that i suppose lol x

Oh goodness that is so tacky. I also got a similar wedding invite and it said "$100 x ___ (x # of guests" because they decided a place so fancy that we would have to assist in paying to attend.

........... we didn't even RSVP we found it so offensive. The bride's mother (my OH's aunt) called us to apologize and say she tried to knock some sense into her kid but alas.
Eeeek, good luck with this debate. Remember though if you dont like people saying negative things about registries then you really shouldnt go calling things other people do, tacky. Those in glass houses and all that :thumbup:
My uncle got married in august and they enclosed a poem inside the invite about how they dont want gifts they just want cash :dohh: The whole family were secretly like "WTF?!" :haha:

I gave them money in a card but it would have been nice to give them a personal gift.
I don't think asking for cash in a nice way is too bad, it's pretty common and seems to me to be on the same scale as having a list of presents you would like (registry). What would make it wrong is if you threw a prima donna hissy fit if someone dared to NOT give you cash and bought a gift instead. As long as you were grateful for any gift given, it's fine to state a preference.

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