Oh my goodness. I am so excited. My (good) SIL is now selling Arbonne. (arbonne.ca) and I offered to have a party for her to help her start out her business. I have rallied the troops and on Saturday, we are doing foot soaks and other girlie stuff. My cousin asked if I was going to be hosting dinner as well seeing as the arbonne party is at 4 pm. I hadn't really thought about it. I was going to have snacky foods like pita chips and mini quiches, but I hadn't planned a meal or anything. Then it came to me. BBQ!! I polled the troops and we have agreed on a BYOBB BBQ to celebrate the good weather and my promotion. YAY!
When I was originally planning this thing, I purposely didn't invite "drama people" so here's to a drama free pedicure/BBQ night!