Oiy, my BFF is really bothering me right now!!
Her and I are both TTC right now. She has been trying for 2 years, I have only been trying for a month. She just found out she has PCOS so the doc gave her a round of Metformin (I think?) and she thinks she ovulated around the 10th of Oct. Her AF hasnt come yet but she has tested with BFNs. I, on the other hand, am 10 DPO and going to try to test tomorrow for the first time.
Anyway, we are both trying to not get our hopes up too much because she has been trying for so long and I havent been trying long enough. BUT, every time she would tell me her AF still hadnt come or that she had a symptom, I was SO excited for her and cheered her on and told her this was def her month. She is now positive that it isnt her month (even though AF still isnt there)
Me on the other hand, I have really light spotting and its in the right time frame for IB, and my temps are in the right place as well. So, while I am not getting super excited about it, I am still happy that it's looking good for me. Don't get me wrong though, I know very well this could just be AF coming and I fully understand that it might just be a strange AF for me around the corner.
But, she is being really negative and its making me frustrated and sad. She just keeps saying "I just think its your period" "I wouldnt get your hopes up". Then I just so happened to blood test at the docs (because I was there) at 2 or 3 DPO (cant remember which) and of course, it was negative. I knew it would be, it was too early. But she keeps saying that blood tests dont lie and just yeah, she's being really negative about it. I told her I am testing tomorrow at 11DPO but that a 14DPO test will be more accurate and she just keeps saying "we'll see in 3 days then." not "I hope its positive!" or anything like I have been telling her.
Honestly, she was being great until she got her string of BFNs and I think she is just taking it out on me. But it makes me really sad b/c I dont feel she is being supportive of me at all and just projecting.
I'm glad all you ladies are so supportive though! I just makes me sad that my BFF isnt being supportive at all