
Random Facts about you:
- I'm fluent in French
- I'm a messy person things wise but if I do any writing it has to be neat and tidy
- I'm hypermobile in my knees
- I was due to study Egyptology at University before life got in the way :dohh:
- I have never been out of the UK

5 things you love:
- Cheese, more specifically cheddar, mexicana, jarlsberg, edam and I absolutely adore peppers stuffed with cream cheese. YUM!
- Stationary. I have such an obsession with it. I collect diaries and notebooks. I can't keep a written diary to save my life but I have good intentions :lol:
- The damp smell outside after it's rained. I just stand outside and sniff for ages, this is definitely a pregnancy thing :lol:
- My hair when it's just washed. It smells beautiful and is so soft.
- The colour dark purple.

5 things you hate:
- Lamb. It is absolutely vile.
- Polystyrene. I can't go near the stuff.
- Bugs/spiders. I'm terrified.
- When I eat and my dogs stare at me. It REALLY gets to me and I will refuse to finish whatever I'm eating.
- People who bump into you and don't say sorry!!! :growlmad:

5 random facts about OH/FOB:

- He's a Yorkshire man
- Before he was 1 years old he suffered with meningitis which has left him with a severe speech impediment
- He had a road crash in 2007 (was hide side on by a car when he was on scooter). He broke his pelvis and fractured a verterbrae.
- He hates sport, apart from golf.
- He loves anything to do with the World Wars.

5 things OH/FOB loves:

- Final Fantasy. He has it on his iPhone and he plays it whenever he gets the chance.
- Top Gear
- Time Team. Or Tony Robinson. I'm not sure which one he likes most :lol:
- Food.
- Tenacious D.

5 things OH/FOB hates:

- Smoking
- Needles
- Blood. He can deal with his own but no-one elses... which is daft considering he's a first aider :dohh:
- My mother.
- Next doors dogs.
Random Facts about you:
-Im Blonde, but have been dying my hair dark brown for 5 years. (Hope LO comes out dark cause OH has dark hair, and if LO came out blonde, we would get wierd looks!)
-Im a huge BOSTON fan, lovelovelove them!
-I was born in Maine, but live in Florida
-Scared of windows at night, dont put me by them!
-Played Varsity soccet in Highschool for 2-3 years!

5 things you love:
-Car rides (non-pregnant)
-Mashed Potatos & Gravy
-My LO & OH <3

5 things you hate:
-People shaking when im sitting by them
-People who yell when they talk.
-Being woken up!

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
-Hes had 9+ heart related surgerys!
-He has 1 brother and I dont like his "GF".
-Hes a BIG Boston fan too.
-He caters to me, everyday.
-He's so excited for our LO, and very protective already.

5 things OH/FOB loves:
-Red Sox
-Sleeping with me ;)

5 things OH/FOB hates:
-Doc appointments for his heart.
-Justin Beiber
-Yankees !

Very weird how much random stuff we have in common! haha where in Maine are you from?
Random Facts about you:
-I’m the oldest of 4
- I have my nose pierced but won’t get my ears repierced
-I dyed my hair blond and it turned orange
-I have mark by the corner of my lip
-I was in and out of the hospital the first year of my life and almost died

5 things you love:
-My daughter
-Sour patch kids
-One Born Every Minute
-Nicholas Sparks movies

5 things you hate:
-Being home alone
-Dumb people

I'm not filling it out about FOB.
Leah, you just have to have fun with that half, like so ;)

Random Facts about you:
- I'm a few steps off a hoarder, I dont like throwing things away
- I kinda sorta have my own business, will legally in a few months
- I know bits and pieces of about 6 different languages, mostly due to my short attention span thing
- If I ever got rich i'd go to school to be a profiler
- For the life of me I cant swim underwater unless something is clamping my nose shut, but yet I can open my eyes xD

5 things you love:
- Food! an Cooking
- Languages. Sometime when I have money to throw away i'm going to get the fancy software and learn Japanese boku aishite nippon. (grammar might be off, i havent studied it since I was 15. 19 now :blush: )
- Buying things!
- Anime! <3 <3 <3 /most media/pop culture things in Japan circa 5 years ago lol
- Eddie Izzard!

5 things you hate:
- The dark, i'm terrified of it
- Spiders!!! Ugh
- Being bored
- Being all excited about getting chinese food in the mall and it sucking
- not being able to drive/have a car

1 random fact about OH/FOB:
- he is a dick

1 thing OH/FOB loves:

1 thing OH/FOB hates:

- ...me! :haha:
Random Facts about you:
- I'm 5'1".
- I'm the 3rd out of 7 children.
- I have my tongue pierced.
- I ate diet pills when I was a toddler.
- I was born in South Florida.

5 things you love:
- My babies.
- My husband.
- My immediate family.
- Chocolate.
- Animals.

5 things you hate:
- Onions.
- Diet soda.
- Sweat.
- Being hot.
- Stinky things.

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
- He has 2 tarantulas.
- He's the youngest.
- He's 6'0".
- He plays the guitar quite well.
- He has anxiety issues.

5 things OH/FOB loves:
- Food.
- Music.
- Reading.
- History.
- Physics.

5 things OH/FOB hates:
- Stupid people.
- Cleaning.
- Cooking.
- Matt Damon. :haha:
- Oklahoma.
Random Facts about you:
~I have 2 dogs (Malcolm and Bella) and 3 cats (Tigger, Kelly, and Stacy)
~I have no idea what I want to be when I am older.
~I have always wanted to adopt a child.
~I wish I had my own place.
~I wish I had super powers.

5 things you love:
~My daughter.
~My OH.
~The computer.

5 things you hate:

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
~He is 6 foot tall.
~He smokes ciggarettes.
~He is very tan.
~He has spent most of his life in jail (once we started dating he never went back)
~He is a VERY hard worker.

5 things OH/FOB loves:
~ME! haha.
~His daughter.
~Weed. :dohh: Thankfully he gave it up.

5 things OH/FOB hates:
~My brother.
~Chick movies.
~People hitting on me.
~Most people haha.
~Not living with me.

Random Facts about you:
-Just got back from seeing X-Men: First Class :thumbup:
-I was named after my Grandma.
-I am 5'1 1/2...get it right haha.
-I have green eyes and terrible vision.
-I love my boyfriend so much.
-I have an obsession with looking at pretty wedding pictures.
-If I paint my fingernails, it never lasts because I always pick it off. :wacko:

5 things you love:
-My boyfriend, which I stated up there.
-Food, right now I'm kinda excited for fair food, but thats not till August!
-Sleep, but I miss pre-pregnancy sleep. Now I wake up in pain and never sleep though the night.
-I love feeling comfy, which is harder these days.
-And going to the movies.

5 things you hate:
-This headache I have right now and my ears being plugged.
-I hate wheat bread lol.
-I hate peeing in a cup at every appointment, I never have enough pee when I'm in there haha.
-I hate feeling so lonely now days.
-I hate gaining so much, I think if I gain more by the 22nd...there gonna do something about it. And might put me on a pregnancy diet. Nooo.

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
-He works at HP. But at the moment he doesn't like it because he has to be at work at 5am and that means getting up at 3 am to get there which is a 40 min drive.
-He has red hair and blue eyes, though his hair looks more brown now. So I might pop out a red head since we both have those in our families.
-He is 2 days younger then me.
-He is a total computer gamer. Name it, he has it, or played it, or has an account. I use to play WoW with him forever ago. Ha.
-When he dropped me off tonight after our movie he said 'You hair smells nice' I just laughed.

5 things OH/FOB loves:
-Sleep, since he gets none now days.
-His new car.

5 things OH/FOB hates:
-Bad drivers.
-My loud neighbors.
-His room. (Shares it with his 23 year old brother)
-Strong alcohol.
-My exs haha.

Random Facts About You

- Discovered today my poo is black (iron tablets)
- 19 yrs old and going through divorce procedings, long story
- Obsessive about cleaning. I get urges to wipe down street signs. And iron EVERYTHING.
- In the last 12 months managed to fuck my right hand up, still usable but in three separate accidents I: broke my middle finger, still bent and bumpy, burnt my hand and sliced the side of my hand/little finger doing the dishes (broken glass) and now have no feeling in that finger and a nasty scar.
- I'm hairier than my OH. Well, in most places anyway. No chest hair, but the rest is... scary.

5 Things You Love

- My beautiful son Jack, and unborn son Dean.
- My occasionally irritating but always loveable OH Charlie.
- My furbaby, Baby the fattest moggie in Gtr Manchester.
- Supernatural, fucking awesome programme :)
- Cleaning :D

5 Things You Hate

- Abuse of anything that can't defend itself, children, animals, mentally disabled, elderly etc.
- Cyclists.
- Idiot motorists, speeding, distracted driving, or just plain being a tosser.
- When my hoover breaks.
- Onions.

Random Facts About OH

- Knows more about animals/animal nutrition than anyone else I know.
- Can only breathe through one nostril, septum shifted to one side when he got punched in the face by some scally in Culcheth.
- Has the most beautiful eyes in the world :)
- Is the same height as me, though he'll never admit it (or stay still long enough to prove it)
- Has an unhealthy attraction to the fridge.

5 Things OH Loves

- Me and the kids, obviously :)
- Nacho cheese dip
- Playing games online
- Winding me up
- Sweets!

5 Things OH Hates

- Not being online
- Sleeping alone
- Shopping, crowded places in general.
- Cyclists
- Being wrong :p
Random Facts about you:
- Im 17 an live in England.
- I have 1 Dog (minature jack russle)
- Scared of cotton wool!! it just freaks me out totaly!! :haha:
- I hate women being taller then men!! Dont ask why, i just hate it! :dohh:
- Been with my boyfriend for nealry 3years.
- Im 5ft 8 and the tallest of my family.
- I hate getting my picture took.

5 things you love:
- My unborn baby :baby:
- My family.
- My Boyfriend.
- Cuddling up/being close to OH
- Shopping!!!

5 things you hate:
- Being woken up! im in a so much better mood if i just wake up on my own!
- People who have nothing nice to say.
- Not being able to snuggle up to OH in bed every night!
- Not being able to get comfy in bed.
- That my nice clothes dont fit me anymore.

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
- He's obsessed with COD!! An any computer games! :growlmad:
- He didnt want a baby right now! but now hes over the moon that he will be a daddy soon.
- He's 3years older then me.
- He sleeps on the right side of the bed.
- He had the most amazing eye's an hair ever!

5 things OH/FOB loves:
- ME!
- His unborn baby!
- His family.
- His Friends.
- Playing football.

5 things OH/FOB hates:
- My mood swings.
- Working saturdays.
- Not being able to spend time with me 24/7 (actually his words not mine).
- Not being able to sleep.
- Sleeping in bed alone.
Random Facts about you:
- I'm 19 and finnish
- I have one tattoo on my back (small star)
- I'm older sister for adopted baby
- I lived in Barcelona for a while for work
- I graduated last weekend

5 things you love:
- Music
- Prawns
- White chocolate
- My OH
- Sleeping

5 things you hate:
- People who think they know everything
- Snakes
- My parents fighting
- My mum's car, cos air conditioner is broken..
- Alcoholics

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
- He's protective
- He's English
- He doesn't eat much
- He's 5 years older than me
- He has beautiful blue eyes

5 things OH/FOB loves:
- Chicken Korma
- Manchester United
- Wayne Rooney (Probably more than he loves me lol)
- Boobs............:dohh:
- Me?

5 things OH/FOB hates:
- When I'm upset and I dont tell why
- Long distance between us
- Spiders!
- Finnish music....
- McDonalds cheeseburger with pickles and onion.. (there has to be only tomato sauce, cheese and the beef...)
Random facts about me:
I am currently listening to my baby's heartbeat whilst posting this, except instead bump has decided to kick it instead lol
Iv always wanted to be a doctor but I scared at the sight of blood
I almost lost both of my brothers in separate motorbike accidents two years apart.
I had meningitis as child, it left me with a neurological condition called benign intracranial hypotension
My mum had a congenital heart defect which wasn't found till she was 37, very worrying as I'm now expecting!
I'm a quarter italian but you wouldn't know it I'm blonde and blue eyed but do have light olive coloured skin
5 things you love:
My family (as I said above almost lost all of them, so they mean everything to me and my mums my best friend)
Psychology, training to be a psychologist currently having a year out though
My fiancé and our baby
education (I love learning doesn't matter what it is but I love to learn currently learning sign language and accountancy, I'm strange I know)
5 things you hate:
Liars ( I never lie, I can't lie as I turn bright red and sweat but that's not the point lol)
anything that's creepy (scary films included)
Being on my own
random facts about OH:
He's the most amazing drummer iv ever seen, he's in two bands!
Hes the oldest child but his brother who is 4 years younger has 3 children (18 now his oldest is 5 and he's married)
He taps on everything n i mean everything including me!
Hes the most caring person you will ever meet, he will do anything for anyone
He was ran over by a bus, than ran away because he thought he was in trouble and only broke two toes
5 things he loves:
Me and bump
His nieces and nephew
Looking at baby stuff, he looks at it more than me
5 things he hates:
Cheats (his ex cheated)
Getting angry and I hate people shouting (it makes me cry)
The fact his little brother is married before him even though he's only been with hid wife a year and we've been together 4 but I wanted to wait till after Uni
The fact I came home with another hamster the other week (he said I wasn't allowed to buy one so mum brought it for me instead, he's growing to the idea though)
The fact that I earn more money than him, I don't see why it matters but it does to him
His brothers 6 years younger sorry, I'm 4 years younger than my oh oppps xxx
5 Random Facts about you:
- Im 20 years old, 21 by the time baby comes along.
- Im engaged to FOB. :happydance:
- Im 5ft 2'' but hate being called shorty :nope:
- My eyesight sucks, yet i hate my glasses and contacts
- The happiest moment of my life so far was the day i got my positive pregnancy test :thumbup:

5 things you love:
- My OH, his Son and our unborn baby :baby:
- Beautiful, sunny weather.
- The feeling after a haircut, eyebrow wax and having my nails done :cloud9:
- Shopping!!
- Supernatural!!

5 things you hate:
- Child abusers. :growlmad:
- Interfering idiots.
- Tonsillitis.
- Certain people in my life.
- Two-faced people.

5 random facts about OH/FOB:

- OH is 21 and going through a divorce :shrug:
- Continues to grow his facial hair.. even though its patchy.
- Seems to rip holes in the crotch of every pair of pants he owns.
- Is the most wonderful and caring man ive ever met :blush:
- Has the most fantastic family.

5 things OH/FOB loves:
- Me, his son and our unborn baby. :baby:
- His family.
- Warhammer 40k painting models.
- Online gaming.
- Blue steak.

5 things OH/FOB hates:
- Reality TV.
- Child abusers.
- Shopping with me. :nope:
- Rapists.
- Celeb Culture.
I was 20 too when I conceived n am now 21 Rachel so were the same age! :) how r you?
Random Facts about you:
- I can speak two languages, Welsh & English
- I'm not too keen on animals, although I'm not scared of any at all, snakes, spiders etc don't bother me.
- I'm a natural blonde (although I do dye it a lighter colour)
- I'm really short (5" exactly)
- I've never been to London or Cardiff even though I've always lived in the UK
5 things you love:
- OH, Bubba, Family & Friends
- Anything pink
- Winter (LOVE it when it snows and I'm all cosy inside with a warm fire :) )
- Diet coke
- Making cup cakes

5 things you hate:
- Bitchiness
- Pizza
- People that go on and on about themselves
- Materialism
- How much lies there is in the media

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
- He loves gruesome stuff and would love to be a CSI (Weirdo!)
- He has 2 sisters and a brother
- He used to be a massive weed smoker (before I even met him)
- He works as a barman.
- He's absolutely hilarious. He should honestly be a comedian, not joking, so many people say that to him, he's well known for being the funny guy.

5 things OH/FOB loves:
- Pizza
- Me & Bubba :)
- Hardcore music

5 things OH/FOB hates:
- Potatoes
- Washing dishes (although he does it every day!)
- The though of anything happening to someone he cares about
- Liers
- Domestic violence
I was 20 too when I conceived n am now 21 Rachel so were the same age! :) how r you?

Hey Abi, thats awesome :thumbup:
Im pretty good atm. Exhausted all the time.. but otherwise good. :happydance:
How are you?? xx
Random Facts about you:
I am one of 11 children including step and half brothers and sisters (all brothers are older and all sister are younger!)
Everyone in my family (going back to great grandma) has been a teen when they have had their first child.
I want to be a nurse
Ive just got 3 a levels :)
I am due christmas eve

5 things you love:
My babies
My family

5 things you hate:
Fish except for cod
Dark chocolate

5 random facts about OH/FOB:
He is one of 4
He has a dimple in his chin
He has a black labrador called Lillie
He is a takeaway addict
He smokes

5 things OH/FOB loves:
Fizzy pop
(really suprised OH isnt fat as all he does is eat!!)

5 things OH/FOB hates:
Me when im in a mardy :haha:
White sauce
Any sport other than football

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