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5dpo, AF due 5/12, want to wait this out together? :)

Yay! I'm not getting my hopes up as I have zero symptoms and I know IC's can be a bit dodgy. I'll re-test later today!

Adorable Mac! I hate those days where you're stuck inside with a hyper toddler haha
Mac, too cute!!!

Happy Mother's Day to all the super amazing moms in thus thread!!!
Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope that you all get the very best gift this year with your BFPs!

No AF yet for me! Will test tomorrow morning if still not here...
Happy Mother's Day lady's that have it today :hugs:

Gorgeous picture of little one Mac

Hope your all having a nice relaxing Sunday
DH wanted me to test today so took a CB Digital with SMU after a little under 2 hour hold. Came up not pregnant. I've heard some are not as sensitive but definitely feel out now.

Any other testers for today??
Kksy how many dpo are you honey?
Cbd from what I seen here aren't that good at picking up early pregnancy
Best with a frer or 10miu test

Good luck keep us updated :dust:
AF should be due today or tomorrow. I'm getting some time to myself today as a mother's day gift from hubby. If she doesn't show I'll probably run out and grab a more sensitive (and not about to expire like all of mine have been!)test for tomorrow. I'm usually not a POAS addict but this time I just want to pee on everything lol.

Wandering- have you tested again yet?!
well I don't know what to think. I had a 1 day af, not even that heavy, normally its like 6 days first 2 really heavy. h I realised today ive really messed up... from when I started charting didn't realise straight away I was using my sons oral thermometer not my bbt one. so on the day of my temp dip I had actually swopped to the proper bbt one. I just tried them and they give really different results. I probably am out but its just weird I have had one day of af. feel bad as had a few glasses of wine last night. got no hcgs. is it possible to have 1 af day and still be pg? im going to have to use both thermometers in the morning and see whats going on. I would have thought the thermometers would be nearly the same bbt has an extra number I know but it was a degree different
Good luck Dobby :bfp:

Good luck wandering :bfp:

Good luck kksy :bfp:

Good luck girls that I missed hope you get your :bfp: v soon

Ms if it's unusual for you maybe it was a breakthrough bleed and you are in fact still in for the chance of a :bfp:

Oh I need to see tests girls :wacko:

I have taken more opk and they are getting slowly darker again after being extremely light! I have had to go out and get another pack today because I am so confused , the cm isnt following suit but I don't suppose it always will? :wacko:
Wish I had opk from the second my mirena was out now
Yeah that extra hundredth of a degree def shows up on charting. FXed for you all!

SO got breakfast lol. But he did go to a dinner last night with my parents and their friends so i didn't mind spoiling him today. He's been especially good since i snapped at him the other day.

As for me, i feel neutral. I don't feel pg, but i don't feel af yet. My temp is unreliable today, but it did drop below my cover. So i should start spotting today or tomorrow.

And digis are far less sensitive. I like fr gold digitals. I got a pregnant result with a blood test of 7 just hours before. Poas website has it listed as been pretty accurate between 7-10hcg
DH wanted me to test today so took a CB Digital with SMU after a little under 2 hour hold. Came up not pregnant. I've heard some are not as sensitive but definitely feel out now.

Any other testers for today??

I tested today and BFN. Obviously a little disappointing but trying not to get discouraged since it isn't over until AF shows up. She's due by Thurs.

Happy Mothers Day everyone!! Whether you've got kids or fur babies as long as you're a motherly figure today is your day :flower:
Happy Mommy's Day to those with human babies and furry babies.

Forgot to temp today, took a test this morning, BFN. Now having AF type cramps and a little ewcm-like discharge, not quite as stretchy, but close. It was to the point I felt like I started AF at Wal Mart. Think I'm out this month.
Happy Mother's Day lady's xx

Mac I had cm not as much but stretchy and little cloudier tonight
I'm sure if your feeling 'wet' too that's a good sign?

Here's hoping we start seeing these lovely double lines tomorrow :happydance:
Hey ladies! Stay positive!

As for me, got my AF cramps and sure enough went to the potty and there she was. It's been 3 days coming, so even though she's here a day early and I really thought it could be our month... I know there's a greater plan for my life and one day it will include gorgeous kids of my own. SO is taking extra special good care of me today and I have two adorable fur babies so I'll just be happy for now.
I'm going to give it a few days before I test again. Maybe I will Wednesday. Seeing negatives gets down and I'm feeling a bit emo anyway. I really think AF will be showing up soon, have had cramps and a headache almost all day.
AF isn't due until Friday, but I still think I'm out. I've been having pms symptoms all day. Crying, anger, not so much cramps, but that *feeling* in my uterus. This has been such a crazy cycle. I've never just wanted to start my AF so bad to get the disappointment over with already. :sad2:

Happy to see that a few of you are having better luck though!
:hugs: to those that had AF show. I hope that the next cycle (or whenever you are hoping for) will bring you your BFP!

Hopefully in the next few days we will see a couple :bfp: show up!

AFM,no AF and no typical AF symptoms! I think she is due tomorrow so will test in AM if not here. If that test is a negative then I will call myself completely out this cycle. Was a bit nauseous again this afternoon so who knows :shrug:
hey loves! I've been MIA these last few days -_- ... buttttt I am happy to report that this past Friday the hubby and I got a :bfp: omggg we have been :cloud9: all weekend... the shirt I ordered didn't make it on time but I did manage to find a pack of bibs that said "Grandma loves me" and gave it as a gift to my mom. She was sooooo excited she cried. I am praying for a H&H pregnancy, as well good news all week from you wonderful women. :)

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