Anybody testing Feb. 2nd or around that time

@storm1jet2 welcome! When is AF due for you?
Well my cramps are gone and I don't think AF has arrived yet (I haven't actually got up to check in a couple of hours lol) so I'm not sure whats going on at the moment. :shrug:

Not getting my hopes up though, cause my chances weren't good this month anyway, and AF isn't technically due til tomorrow or Saturday, and this isn't the first time she's played tricks on me.
@NDH yesterday my AF was due and you would've thought I had a bladder problem because every few minutes I was running to the bathroom to use it and to check to see if it started but I only received brown spotting and that's about it. It has been on and off. My husband was like if you are pregnant you think the brown spotting is due to having sex I'm like hmm good question.
QUOTE=mzswizz;8982530]@storm1jet2 welcome! When is AF due for you?[/QUOTE]

Hello - should be due on Saturday (I think), came off BF start of Jan, had breakthrough bleed and waiting for my first proper AF. Can't believe how stressful this already! :wacko:
I had a blighted ovum (miscarriage) in April 2010 and have been trying ever since. So trust me I know what you mean about stressful. Every month I received BFNs. But I am still hopeful each month.
Mzswizz - sorry to hear that - good you are still keeping positive though. I only got married recently, Im mid 30s and I already feel like time is against me. Its great to catch up with everyone here though and know I'm not alone!
I'm 21 and got married 2 years ago. On the 18th it will make it 5 years we been together and in July it would be 2 years we been married. And you have to stay positive to get positive results.
well, im fed up!

posted a few days ago saying the witch got me, but turned out, it was just spotting, and i had spotting yesterday, but still no AF....

Bit confused, hope it starts today so I can get going on my new temps are down!!! don't get it??

she keeps appearing and dissapearing....i had no cramps yesterday and only a teensy bit of cramping the day before...
:BFN: this morning :cry:

No signs of AF yet though...I'm 11 DPO today. When do you think I should test again? I know I'm not out yet...maybe it's just too early to test? I used a FRER :shrug:
Update! Yesterday AF was due but only had on and off brown spotting. It came back today with no difference. I am only having gas cramps and lower back pain. This is not even close to my normal cycle. Disregard the tickers because I have not started AF yet. I took a clearblue digi today and it was a BFN. Maybe I am experiencing implantation later than I thought and I am now just experiencing IB. Well I told my husband that I am going to wait until next week before testing again because if I am atleast it will give me time for my HCG levels to rise. Good luck to all.

@sweedot maybe you had late implantation.

@yoga_baby I say wait a few more days before testing. So levels can rise if you are pregnant. HCG levels increase every 2-3 days.
thanks, i doubt it though....i have a feeling ff got my ovulation date wrong and i ovulated cycle day 17 or cycle day 18, I left it for now, but this is the longest LP i've had, and Im having ALL the regular symptoms, spotting, cramping....the odds are against me, theres far fewer pregnancies confirmed with spotting this late in the game than those that just get AF...

at this point, I actually WANT af to

I hope you get your BFP!
@sweedot lol I know the feeling it's like look either say I'm pregnant or start already so I can prepare for next cycle. Since the last pregnancy I have very tiny ovarian cysts that my ob/gyn said they are not an issue and the only thing they would cause is hormonal imbalance. Seeing that my cycle isn't sometimes normal, I think probably ovulation could've occurred later or implantation could've. It took 2 months for my HCG levels to go completely to 0 after the last miscarriage. And I was having all types of craziness like a month long AF (June 17-July 18) then my periods started getting adjusted then 4 days late then 11 days early in december whew. So I could have ovulated later than expected who knows. Just got to wait and see. Starting to not think it's AF seeing that it's only brown (old blood) not even a hint of pink or red. Just plain brown even after sex it started back up and was brown so I don't know what's going on just have to wait it out.
Sorry to hear that the witch is getting so many of us this month. I'm guessing she's coming for me next. AF is due tomorrow and my temps are down the last few days (but still a little bit above coverline.) I guess that means I'm out? This whole TWW thing is awful. But it's been helpful to read this thread and see I'm not alone in the poas, symptom spotting, nail biting madness. I'm not holding out much hope for this month, but will get it together and start hoping for a November baby.

@mzswizz--Sounds like something is different this month--I hope, hope, hope it's your bfp!
@sweedot lol I know the feeling it's like look either say I'm pregnant or start already so I can prepare for next cycle. Since the last pregnancy I have very tiny ovarian cysts that my ob/gyn said they are not an issue and the only thing they would cause is hormonal imbalance. Seeing that my cycle isn't sometimes normal, I think probably ovulation could've occurred later or implantation could've. It took 2 months for my HCG levels to go completely to 0 after the last miscarriage. And I was having all types of craziness like a month long AF (June 17-July 18) then my periods started getting adjusted then 4 days late then 11 days early in december whew. So I could have ovulated later than expected who knows. Just got to wait and see. Starting to not think it's AF seeing that it's only brown (old blood) not even a hint of pink or red. Just plain brown even after sex it started back up and was brown so I don't know what's going on just have to wait it out.

hmmmm, yeah...mines brown too though!

literally little tiny spots of brown every now and then, for 2 days!

honestly, i really think this is AF....I do the sex thing too, to try to bring it on, but nothing...but honestly, cycles can be weird....mine was 27 days last month, Im at 31, month before that I was 30....last month I spotted for 4 days, little bits of brown before af, which was REALLY unusual for me, cos normally it just starts full blown, and I was convinced I might be preg, but nope...


we are all different though, and I guess you never know? you could be having late implantation, you could just be shedding your lining slower, I could be having late implantation, we could have ovulated later than we though???

or, it could be AF saying, im hereeeeeeeeee....but im taking my sweet assed time!
@emma thanks. we just got to wait and see what this month holds. There is more brown blood now. Thinking okay maybe AF is starting when I wipe its BROWN!! Im like my AF is red new blood all the time (sorry TMI). it is never brown only when it is the last day of my cycle thats how i know its ending. Ugh this is killing me but im just going to get my mind off of it. Maybe its just a different AF again but who knows! Think i should start worrying about february.
@sweedot yes I know right!!! it's like either you come or stay away its no in between. I am getting more brown now and starting to think this is just a weird AF but why I am about to start a normal AF with only brown blood. I never heard of anyone having brown bleeding as their AF for 7 days. This too is also on day 2 so who knows. I am still hopeful though. I wont know until I see it full blown until then......I'm ruling it as a pregnancy sign lol
AF is due today and no signs yet.

Gave in and used dollar store cheapies and got a BFN on 11DPO and another BFN on 13DPO.

Hoping the witch stays away.
@sassymuppet AF was due yesterday. All i got is brown spotting no red no pink just brown. took a clearblue digi and it was a BFN. going to wait until next week if AF dont arrive.
@mzswizz I was dissapointed by the BFN's but Im not going to give up yet. I don't have any AF symptoms and with my endo I am usually in a lot of pain by now. I actually feel good. Even took the furbaby for a long romp in the snow. Im not going to test untill Saturday...thats if I can hold out.

If I'm out this month I will look forward to BD Im in Chicago and we just has a really bad blizzard and the temps are below zero and I cant think of a better way to stay warm in Feb than BD.

Also going to add Royal Jelly to my list of vitamins for this month. Possibly Preseed.

I'm going to stay positive.

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