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Anybody testing Feb. 2nd or around that time

I definitely ovulated last night. After getting a positive OPK the day before yesterday, yesterdays was faint, and then at midnight I got my usual ov cramps in my right ovary. Didn't BD yesterday as we've been doing the every other day thing, but did get some this morning, so I'm feeling good about this month's chances.

One more shot at a Feb :bfp: coming up :)
Good luck on everyone's BFP!! I on the other hand is just having alot off cloudy white cm every time I use the bathroom so I don't know what that means.
I got my thermal shift this morning, so I ovulated last night.
We bd this am, last night and the night before, so I feel pretty confident.

Just a waiting game now, but I'm officially 1dpo.
Good luck on everyone's BFP!! I on the other hand is just having alot off cloudy white cm every time I use the bathroom so I don't know what that means.

It means you are transitioning to fertile cm....

I had the same thing.
I didn't get my thermal shift so looks like I'll be ovulating on Saturday after all. Had another slight temp dip this morning, now I'm praying it stays down tomorrow and Saturday and doesn't rise until at least Sunday or i'm out this month :dohh:
@sweedot & rachael Good luck!!!

@sweedot thanks for letting me know.
I am excited but tomorrow is our 5 year anniversary. It doesn't seem like I been with my husband for 5 years but been married for almost 2 years this year. An even better plus is that my husband has been off since Sunday and won't be back to work until next wednesday. He surprised me by asking for days off and I am excited!!! I just want to spend time with him and that's all I can ask for. We have been BD'ing so much that I am totally exhausted and I don't even think when ovulation time comes around I am going to be able to BD lol. Now my husband and I are just bonding more and getting to know each other more as if we just talked for the first time. It really helps in our marriage and relationship. We are trying to do less sex for now but it is kind of hard seeing that we are sooo attracted to each other lol. Today I am goig on a fishing charter with my husband and our friend. This time I'm making sure to take all precautions so I dont get sea sick this time lol. It was weird to get sea sick after not being sea sick twice before lol. Maybe I will conceive this month maybe not who knows and how things are going now I wouldn't mind what the outcome is just because my heart is sooo into my husband right now that noting else is on my mind. I guess you can say I am in the newlywed love stage still lol.
Im Back on the internet =]]]]] and i took an opk and got 2 positives Wednesday and Thursday so im sure i should 'O' today. Better get busy when he gets back.
Im Back on the internet =]]]]] and i took an opk and got 2 positives Wednesday and Thursday so im sure i should 'O' today. Better get busy when he gets back.

Welcome back! Hope the move went well :)

Get pouncing when he gets back :winkwink:
freakles! hi, welcome back!

I o'd on cd 14, same day i got my peak OPK! I had another positive after my thermal shift though! lol

but i bd'd that day too just in case....

im pretty confident i od cd 14 though

good luck
@freakles welcome back! Glad to have you back on here. Have a great pouncing day today lol. Since today is my husband and I 5 year anniversary of being together, I am going to be pouncing on him today as well. Good luck for BFPs this month.

@rachael and sweedot I am suppose to ovulate some time around the 24th so next week you can say. Been DTD since this week but failed to try to BD every other day until cd20. It's been more like every day. I don't what has changed in the both of us but it's like we can't get enough of each other lol. February BFPs!!!
funny, my hubbs and i go through episodes like that...

we have been married almost 2 years, been together for almost 6 (6 in september)

but, I still think he is the most gorgeous and wonderful person and trying to conceive has certainly solidified our bond and bought us closer together!

I'm really enjoying the "trying" to conceive part of it...lol
@sweedot it will be 2 years that we have been married in July but 5 years we have been together. I too enjoy the trying part lol
@sweedot it will be 2 years that we have been married in July but 5 years we have been together. I too enjoy the trying part lol

2 years in April for us!

we got married twice, once in April in the States, and once in August, back home in England!

so, I'm lucky, I have two wedding anniversaries...lol
Lol that's great. I only have one but I'm happy that I have atleast one. Today we have jus been watching movies and just relaxing because of tue fact we went on a fishing charter last night with a friend and all of our stomachs wasnt agreeing with the rocking of the boat lol. So we just have been taking it easy for now. I might take a Tylenol though seeing that I have had a headache since this morning that hasn't gone away.
Hey ladies, sounds like everyone is doing well! I just got news from the fert specialist giving us a thumbs up to try naturally!!! We couldn't wait so we started up again last cycle and again this cycle, so it works out well that he gave the green light!!! I'm 6dpo, I O'd 4 days early!! Not as crazy this time around, just waiting patiently and I'm not so stressed out about seeing a :bfp: because now I know we can just try again ;)
Thats great hypns! I suppose to ovulate on the 24th but who knows whether it will be on time or not. So we have just been dtd every day. We arent really trying just in love with each other so we just enjoying each other. If i dont get a BFP this cycle then it wont really bother me because i get to keep trying and thats the fun part lol.
It's 4 days to go before ovulation for me. I noticed that now it seems like my cm is drying up. Usually when I wiped it was alot and kind of on the watery side on the tissue. But now when I wipe it is pretty much like a thick coating and more on the dry side. And is now a small amount. Does anybody know what that could mean?
I'm pretty sure I ovulated this morning, and I just have a feeling we've made a baby this weekend. Here's hoping!

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