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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Miss Cassie I've never heard of he sock warming although I was given cute socks both times they were teal I swear good luck haha.

Kat payment is another added stress it just doesn't seem fair people without infertility get a free ride we have quite the pricey addition to ttc.

AFM since last night I was hit like a bus with fatigue I naped 3 hours today on couch all day I must have a cold virus that's going around or the flu I've never been this tired in my life besides when I didn't know I had b12 deficiency.

I keep reading abut the zika or us my anxiety realy doesn't help I'm trying to relax and will ask my dr about it but they havent mentioned it yet. I think of it got pregnant first time I'll at least be in 2nd tri by spring time. The virus spreads in warm weather.
Sorry if I missed some of you ladies not feeling great sending good luck baby dust and healthy vibes!
Kat I understand how you feel it becomes a different feeling when it is your own pocket that is paying for it. I had 6 rounds of femara and 3 IUI paid for by the NHS / Government.
Kat I would ask hubby to at least ask for the time of, "you have to see a doc/consultant and would rather he was with you incase you are too nervous to remember what is said" or something along those sorts of lines - he doesn't need to mention IVF if he doesn't want to.

His boss already knows since my DH doesn't like to lie so he just told her the truth when we were going through IVF #1. I don't think she had any problems conceiving but I think someone close to her (can't remember if it was a relative or close friend) did and went through IVF so she knows all about it. She seems to be pretty supportive so DH is pretty confident that she'll let him turn those days into "work at home" ones. Absolute worst case DH's little brother could perhaps step in and drive me home after ER and watch me until DH gets home since he was prepared to do so last IVF. There's also DH's parents but the little brother lives closer to us so it'd be a bit easier.

I think DH not asking his boss yet is just him procrastinating, he's the "King of Procrastination" :haha::winkwink: So super annoying sometimes though:dohh:

almosthere: Sorry you're not feeling well, hope you feel better soon:hugs:

AFM going in for my 3rd scan today so they can measure the follies and be absolutely sure that the ER should be on Tuesday. If it is I trigger tonight!
Kat it must be a man thing! I know I procrastinate but not when it comes to treatments. Going through all of my cycles has just played so much in my mind that it would annoy me not to know I've got the time secured.

Fingers crossed for you today.
So it turns out that my ER won't be until Thursday. The follies haven't grown very much but the RE said it's the Cetrotide that's inhibiting growth a bit and that there's nothing to worry about. She's sure that a couple of days more with Bemfola and Cetrotide should do it. Go in for another scan on Tuesday.
Kat that's exciting it's almost time sorry to hear it's delayed a bit but Thursday is right around the corner.

I'm feeling better today I Def had a fatigue sickness 24 hour type thing.

This waiting game stinks but at least I have a break from bw and us and tests for a while
Kat that's exciting it's almost time sorry to hear it's delayed a bit but Thursday is right around the corner.

I'm feeling better today I Def had a fatigue sickness 24 hour type thing.

This waiting game stinks but at least I have a break from bw and us and tests for a while

Yeah DH almost prefers it as he won't have to take 2 days off seeing as how ET will most likely be on Saturday then:winkwink: He said the only day that really stinks for him is Friday but here's hoping it'll be Thursday for ER and Saturday for ET:flower:

Glad to hear it was a 24 hour thing. I've had those a few times myself.

BTW everyone I've succeeded in not stalking my narcissistic siblings' (and enabler cousin's) FB profiles now for 17 days:happydance:

Also DH has signed the papers so just need to wait for the house's current owner to sign and we'll be house owners officially:thumbup:
Kat so exciting about the house almost being official! Good for you for not stalking haha.

I am off to get ready for a date night soon dropping my son off at Grammy possibly for the night dying to get out of the house after being cooped up for so long.

Good luck to anyone who may be stimming tonight! I think that's the right word it's been years since I've done the whole shots thing!
Kat so exciting about the house almost being official! Good for you for not stalking haha.

I am off to get ready for a date night soon dropping my son off at Grammy possibly for the night dying to get out of the house after being cooped up for so long.

Good luck to anyone who may be stimming tonight! I think that's the right word it's been years since I've done the whole shots thing!

Yeah can't wait to move now!

As for not stalking, the first week was the hardest and then it gradually got easier. I kept reminding myself I don't need to know how they're doing since they don't care about me unless I'm a willing receptacle of abuse which I'm not anymore. I post pretty regularly and not one of them has asked me what's up since my last post they can see is from New Year's Eve. All my FB updates have been set to "Friends except restricted" and restricted includes my brother, his enabler wife, my sister and my cousin plus my cousin's daughter and son just to be on the safe side. Also blocked my friends list so they only see the friends we all have in common. Although a couple of them they could find themselves since they know what DH's family members are named. It was partly to avoid any smear campaign my brother might spread to all my contacts because honestly I think he started smear campaigning me a long time ago to the whole family :shrug:

Ohh have a great night! And yes, it's called stimming:winkwink:
Sounds like the right way to deal with them Kat.
Procrastinating is such a man thing. I'm bad but my husband is so bad.

Almost - hope u had a good date night! Sounds like it was really needed.
Kat - fingers crossed egg pick up is Thursday.. Hoping all those drugs are doing their thing!
Tommy- sounds like you're getting ready for a stimming cycle? Lol spell check corrects it as stunning cycle.. Let's hope that's true for u and Kat, and anyone else on here.
As for me.. Just have my second blood test tomorrow. I'll be day 13. I was able to chat to the nurse about the slight issue down there (mild itchiness) and she said to get into the topical cream and a natural tea tree oil and vinegar mini wash. It's all so fun and attractive stuff - my embrassment for all this stuff definitely went out the window with IVF! She had me worried saying when they do insert for a FET they don't want to drag any fungas with them. Not that it's that bad.. I said its hadn't happened for years and she said it's because of the im. But still. Sorry for to much information.
Hi everyone! I was wondering if I could join in the conversation? I'm scheduled for a FET this Thursday. Good luck to all you ladies out there!
Miranda are you close to ovulation?

Ivyeffer welcome ! I am having my transfer this Thursday as well all the best. Progesterone pressaries starts tonight. Yucky stuff but hence to be done.

I told my boss I wanted a day off this Thursday so I have no guilty conscience!

Is anyone going to test in the ttw period? I am too scared to know the outcome but will probably assess all symptoms I get. Last time I think I felt some pinching either the transfer night or the day after.
Kat good luck for your scan. The house sounds exciting too.

Unlucky sometimes it is easier just to be honest and ask for the day.

Almost hope your night out went well.

Miranda, hope you get the infection cleared up. I don't know much about FETs when is yours likely to be?

Ivyeffer good luck for Thursday. Will be good for you and Unlucky to be in the 2ww together.

AFM I halfway through the 2ww, no plans to test at the moment. I hate the feeling that my hope is gone (but it might be to early to test). This seems to be the longest 2ww ever, even longer than the IUI ones. That said on my last iui I was sure within days that I hadn't ovulated and I was right! However I'm symptom spotting like crazy, cramps and sore boobs - but think they are both down to proceedure and progesterone.
Anyone else in the 2ww?
Welcome IvyEffer:flower:

Is anyone going to test in the ttw period? I am too scared to know the outcome but will probably assess all symptoms I get. Last time I think I felt some pinching either the transfer night or the day after.

Nope, I didn't last time either and felt it was nice just to not symptom spot much and no testing. Especially since it ended up being a CP, I can just imagine how much worse I'd of felt if I'd gotten a BFP and then only a day or 2 later was told it's a CP:nope: So yeah, sticking to no testing until the beta 14 days after ET:thumbup:

AFM I halfway through the 2ww, no plans to test at the moment. I hate the feeling that my hope is gone (but it might be to early to test). This seems to be the longest 2ww ever, even longer than the IUI ones. That said on my last iui I was sure within days that I hadn't ovulated and I was right! However I'm symptom spotting like crazy, cramps and sore boobs - but think they are both down to proceedure and progesterone.
Anyone else in the 2ww?

I'd think at halfway through it'd be a bit too early to symptom spot and give up. I think most embies implant around 6-9 dpo and you'd first get symptoms a few days later, earliest. Some don't feel anything until later, e.g. around 6 weeks. I've also heard that progesterone can make you feel pregnant, which is why I didn't bother symptom spotting during my 2WW after IVF #1. I don't know if it made me feel pregnant as it was my 1st time using Crinone and it ended in a CP so don't have a BFN cycle to compare it to:shrug:
Hi everyone! I was wondering if I could join in the conversation? I'm scheduled for a FET this Thursday. Good luck to all you ladies out there!

We can be transferr buddies :) i am transferring my last 2 embies on thursday at 2:30pm australian time.

How exciting!!
Is anyone going to test in the ttw period? I am too scared to know the outcome but will probably assess all symptoms I get. Last time I think I felt some pinching either the transfer night or the day after.

I will be testing only because i had a chemical my last transfer so i guess i will want reasurance that my levels are doubling. And im way too impatient to wait until the 1st feb for my beta.. what day will your beta be?
Chemical Pregnancies are the cruelest jokes imaginable and form part of the reason I will hold of as long as I can. I'm not sure I want to know about another CP.
Hey ladies :) I've just come back from another scan to measure my follies. I had 1 at 22mm, another at 18mm and a few more just under the threshold so I've got to keep injecting for a couple more days, have another scan on Wednesday and am scheduled for ER on Friday! I'm going to try and hold off for the whole 2 weeks after ET before testing too, because I don't think I could take the disappointment if I got a false positive.
Baby dust to you all!! X
Hey ladies :) I've just come back from another scan to measure my follies. I had 1 at 22mm, another at 18mm and a few more just under the threshold so I've got to keep injecting for a couple more days, have another scan on Wednesday and am scheduled for ER on Friday! I'm going to try and hold off for the whole 2 weeks after ET before testing too, because I don't think I could take the disappointment if I got a false positive.
Baby dust to you all!! X

Sounds good Elz:thumbup: ATM my ER should be on Thursday so will only be 1 day ahead of you:winkwink:

AFM going in for my scan tomorrow afternoon. Here's hoping this time everything looks good so they confirm my ER for Thursday.

Forgot to mention DH was stressed on 2nd Christmas Day (so the 26th of December) when we went to pick up his little brother and didn't wait for this guy to park. Which resulted in the guy driving into the side of our car (we have a Renault Clio IV in red). The area right over the back left tire is dented in. First could come in with it today to get it repaired:dohh: Luckily we pay a certain amount each month to be able to get a loaner car if it's something that takes a few days to fix/get done so drove home in the loaner although had to use 15-20 minutes to remove ice on the windows since it'd been standing outside for days (it's a new Renault Twingo). It's just too funny that DH was so concerned when we bought our car a couple of years ago that I'd mess it up and any damages we've had have been his fault, all while he was driving:haha: Yet he still complains about my driving :dohh:

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