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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Hello ladies, hope you're all doing OK.

Sorry I've not been back since my first post, I'm feeling totally wiped out, don't know if it's the ivf drugs or the cold, or a combination!

Thank you for your welcomes :)

Ewwg - it looks like egg collection will be this weekend so I'm guessing I'll trigger Thursday or Friday evening. Just had 1st action scan today and it looks like there's 10-15 follicles, they just need to do some more growing. I got 9 eggs in the end last time which resulted in 1 good blast (my son!), so I'm cautiously optimistic with this number. You're right, it's so difficult not to get obsessed with every stage!

Kat079 - I do feel very fortunate that it worked first time for us, and I feel selfish for hoping for the same this time when there are ladies like yourself who have tried so many times. It's difficult enough going through this with a successful outcome, I can't imagine how tough it is when there isn't. I salute you!
I had forgotten about the itchiness with the cetrotide, and also the palaver with getting it all mixed up! The itchiness had only lasted about 20 min so far so that's manageable, the injections a bit nippy going in though!
Hope you're injections ate going OK? You'll be getting eggs collected soon (if you haven't already?). Just read a bit further and see you're collection is tomorrow - good luck - I have my fingers crossed for you! Just read further again and see it's Thursday! We might not be very far apart then, us and Elz (and anyone else I've missed)

Sorry, I'm on my phone and find it difficult to do individual comments, hope everyone is feeling OK.

I'm feeling a bit down tbh, so wiped out, I've had to spend days in bed because I just can't cope with my wee boy feeling like this. My OH has been great, just taking over and letting me rest, but I feel like DS is growing apart from me. Silly I know, it will be the hormones affecting me!
Kat079 - I do feel very fortunate that it worked first time for us, and I feel selfish for hoping for the same this time when there are ladies like yourself who have tried so many times. It's difficult enough going through this with a successful outcome, I can't imagine how tough it is when there isn't. I salute you!
I had forgotten about the itchiness with the cetrotide, and also the palaver with getting it all mixed up! The itchiness had only lasted about 20 min so far so that's manageable, the injections a bit nippy going in though!
Hope you're injections ate going OK? You'll be getting eggs collected soon (if you haven't already?). Just read a bit further and see you're collection is tomorrow - good luck - I have my fingers crossed for you! Just read further again and see it's Thursday! We might not be very far apart then, us and Elz (and anyone else I've missed)

Sorry, I'm on my phone and find it difficult to do individual comments, hope everyone is feeling OK.

I'm feeling a bit down tbh, so wiped out, I've had to spend days in bed because I just can't cope with my wee boy feeling like this. My OH has been great, just taking over and letting me rest, but I feel like DS is growing apart from me. Silly I know, it will be the hormones affecting me!

Thanks CrazyDogLady:hugs: Yeah I feel like if we had 1 child already, it would be easier because if IVF ended up not working, I'd still have one child to love and be a mother to. If this doesn't work as the situation is now and donor eggs wouldn't help increase the odds of me getting pregnant, I may not ever be a mother unless we decide to adopt (which is an option in that case although DH and I haven't discussed it recently).

Yeah the Cetrotide is the worst injection I've tried yet. I've otherwise tried Puregon (for all 6 failed IUIs), Suprefact (for IVF #1) and of course Bemfola (IVF #1 + #2). You're right, it does nip a bit going in, hoping tonight will be my last one ever:winkwink: You're lucky you only itch for 20 minutes, I feel like most of the time my itchiness has lasted at least double that:wacko: At this point I'm a bit of an injection pro so things are going well:winkwink:

I hope you soon feel better:hugs: But I can understand you feeling that way, going through assisted conception is definitely challenging both emotionally and physically! I think you're defintely entitled to have some "you time" while going through this if it helps you to cope.
Elz so exciting your er is coming up good luck!

Crazydoglady sorry to hear you don't feel well ivf really can take a toll and then any sickness or added stress makes it that much worse.

I am super achy crampy still like when I walk I feel it in my uterus I feel like an old lady walking around today haha. I did leave a urine sample and the rapid uti test was clear so waiting for by he culture to be sent out as I have been peeing small amounts frequently like uti.

Sorry to any I missed there's so much to keep track of on here. welcome to our new commer and gl to all upcoming transfers!
Kat i would agree IVF is much easier to deal with if you already have a child. But I also think my ability to have hope is very worn down after 4 years of ltttc.
I think ivf is hard either way however the emotional aspect can of course be more difficult when there is yet to be any success at all. Of course fet is a bit easier medication wise but still emotionally difficult I'm trying to stay positive but just as nervous as the first time to be honest!
Hi all! Sorry I've been silent, it was a long weekend here in the US and I've not been on the computer as much as usual.

Welcome to IvyEffer (love your name haha), and good luck to you and MissCassie and Unlucky for your Thursday transfers!! How nice you can all be TWW buddies (and hopefully bump buddies too!). I've always tested in the TWW, but I hold off until 7DPT so that I am not squinting at a line. With both transfers resulting in pregnancy I had a line by then (equivalent of 12DPO). For me, I'd rather have the bad news in the privacy of my home rather than over the phone from the nurse in my open plan office!

MissCassie I've heard about the socks too, my acupuncturist always reminded me to wear socks, as well as to eat warming foods. Can't hurt!

Almosthere hope you are feeling better and had a great date night! I am also feeling drained, not sure if it is the meds, general cycle stress, or if I am coming down with something!

Kat sorry for the delayed retrieval date...but it is better to go a few more days and let those follies get nice and mature! This happened to me with my 2012 cycle and the few extra days was worth it because almost all the eggs retrieved were mature. Thursday will be here before you know it!

Elz good luck for your retrieval on Friday! That is just around the corner!

CrazyDogLady sorry you are feeling poorly, but yay for those great follie numbers! I hope you get as good or better results than last time, and that you feel better very soon.

Miranda hope your blood test went well!

AFM I started injections on Saturday, and so far so good. I lost a bit of Menopur the other day when I took the Q-cap thing off, hopefully those few drops won't make or break my cycle...! I also freaked out today because I got to the end of my Gonal-F pen and it was telling me I needed 75 units less than I calculated I should need from the new pen....after asking my nurse it appears these pens are overfilled by 75 units. Ugh hard not to worry over every little thing. I go for a blood draw tomorrow to see what my levels are doing, then a follie check on Thursday...! I am also starting to get moody and tired, not sure if I can blame the meds or if I am just stressed out, haha.

Hope you all have a great start to your week and good luck to everyone! x
I started injections on Saturday, and so far so good. I lost a bit of Menopur the other day when I took the Q-cap thing off, hopefully those few drops won't make or break my cycle...! I also freaked out today because I got to the end of my Gonal-F pen and it was telling me I needed 75 units less than I calculated I should need from the new pen....after asking my nurse it appears these pens are overfilled by 75 units. Ugh hard not to worry over every little thing. I go for a blood draw tomorrow to see what my levels are doing, then a follie check on Thursday...! I am also starting to get moody and tired, not sure if I can blame the meds or if I am just stressed out, haha.

Hope you all have a great start to your week and good luck to everyone! x

I don't know anything about Menopur but I would think if it's a really tiny amount, it shouldn't matter. As for the pen being overfilled, it reminds me of those Puregon vials I would use for my IUIs, they were also overfilled by about 50 IU.
ohh.. ewwg I've done that exact same thing with the gonal pen.. Freaked out it was at the end.

Almost. ah annoying damn UTI's. Have you got some antibiotics? (I know I hate taking extra medicine that's not necessary but if it's really bad it's the only thing that works. Can be so painful.

Unlucky - I don't think I'll test.. I'm going to try and not symptom spot too. lol yeah right. I think I'll be really excited if I get a bit of implantation bleed.. but some people don't get that so I don't want to be disappointed if I don't and think it's all over. Ahh it's going to go soooooo slowly. I think I picked up those progesterone pressaries are those the wax capsules? they sound so attractive.. melting inside u when you go to bed. HOT!

tommy. exciting you’re in the 2 ww.. Hang in!! you’re nearly there. and Cassie you won't be far behind.

Ewwg, Kat and Crazy dog fingers crossed for you egg pick ups.

I had my 2nd blood test as I'm day 13 and they want me to come day 15.. so I'm thinking FET will be Monday. Hope it isn't Tuesday as it's Australia day and a public holiday even though the Dr's will still be open. Hopefully I can still do the acupuncture before and after. Oh well not much I can do.
miranda: FXed that your FET will be Monday:flower:

AFM just got back and it's official: ER is on Thursday:thumbup:

My follies are 16 mm, 2 x 18 mm and one at 19 mm:happydance: My RE is pretty sure all 4 will have mature eggs at ER but we'll see. I trigger tonight:flower:
ohhhh Kat they sound good sizes don't they??!!! yeah for triggering tonight that's injections done!
Miranda the rapid test came back normal so I guess things just got really rattled in there with my hysteroscopy!

Kat gl thursday!

Ewwg so to hear your feeling drained too. I actually ended up with a head cold today second one this winter.
Have any of you gals had ovarian drilling?
I had it done about 6 weeks ago, and was finally taken off birth control. And am waiting for my ovaries to regain function so that we can start stim'ing.
I have been an emotional mess the past few days, like full meltdowns. I'm just curious if anyone else has experienced this and if this could be due to my crazy hormones!
Ewwg I wouldn't worry about a few drops of the meds not going in.

Kat bet you are glad to be doing the last injection tonight. I know it was a relief for me. Good luck for Thursday. I have a feeling somebody else is ER on Thursday too.

AFM I was getting cramps but they seem to have settled, I'm thinking it was probably my ovaries settling back down they seem less swollen. At the moment I'm feeling out, 8dp3dt, I'd have thought I would have felt something, there again I don't think I felt anything in the 2ww with DS.
My meds arrive on Thursday. I am so nervous about all of this.
Danser don't worry you will be fine. All through my injections I kept thinking, diabetics need to do this every day, if they can manage, I can for a couple of weeks.
Tam and danser try not to be overwhelmed by the lovely collection for meds just make sure you have ever everything you need then store it in think mine stayed in the fridge and just take everything needed step and day at a time! You will both do great!
Hi ladies, it has been a stressful last couple of days. Dd dislocated her arm hence she has been in heaps of pain although the doctor put it back into place. She is still not using her left arm at all and needs alot of attention atm. Been training for my new job and transfer is going ahead tomorrow.

All the fears have poured back. I.e. Don't look at v the phone tomorrow morning just in case the embryo doesn't thaw right. The blood test 11 days after so long. Your period would probably come first and I know if that is the case I wouldn't bothered going to the blood test. 7 to 8 week scan etc !!!!

Sorry about that just getting extremely nervous as I don't think there are many good eggs left inside me!

All the best miss cassie and ivfeffer for your transfers. Kat I hope you get four great eggs.

Tommyg when is your blood test again? Hope you are wrong with your instincts.
Unlucky sending loads of baby dust and lucky positive vibes your way!

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