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Anyone doing FET/IVF Jan/Feb 2016

Unlucky hope your DD arm is better soon my uneducated guess is she has lots of bruising.
Fingers crossed for a sticky bean tomorrow. Will be good for you, misscassie & ivfeffer. All to wait out the 2ww together. Baby dust to all
Kat are you doing a fresh transfer?

Its Monday for my blood test which is a full 2 weeks after transfer. I stop the progesterone on Saturday.
Thanks guys:hugs:

Unlucky, sorry about your DD's arm! I hope she soon feels better :flower: Good luck tomorrow with your transfer and I hope the embie looks great!

Timetotry, no sorry haven't tried ovarian drilling:nope: Hope you soon can start stimming!

danser and Tammerzan, I'm sure you'll both be fine with the meds. It's only hard the first couple of times but once you get the hang of it, it's no biggie:hugs:

tommyg, you're not out until AF rears her ugly head! FXed you do get your BFP! And yes, doing a fresh transfer, actually it's already scheduled for Saturday so 2 days after my ER, just like last time.

AFM took my trigger last night so not much to report. Feeling a bit nervous about tomorrow and not looking much forward to it since it isn't a very pleasant experience, not to mention the 2 day wait to hear how many fertilised and if there is a good one again to put back in:wacko: DH's mother is coming by today to help get the apartment ready for their realtor to look at since they're planning on selling it when we move since they can get a really good price for it now.
Unlucky (or should it be lucky) sending u lots of sticky vibes for the next few days. And I think miss Cassie is doing a transfer tomorrow.

Tommy and Danser - don't be over whelmed. It's so hard not to - when the nurse showed me all the needles and listed all the symptoms I burst into tears! Lol But it was totally fine. Use the alcohol swabs before and after i inject.. And I kept a little chart on where I put them because I liked to do them differently each time because I found they stung a little bit. Just keep that baby in mind when you're doing it. My friend said it will all be worth it!

Ah man it was so hot in Sydney today I am sooooooo tired.
Can I join the group?

D4p5dt and going insane.

Brief backstory

5 ectopics, 2 m/c and now sterilised. One miracle baby before all that.
Had IVF at Nurture Nottingham. 21 eggs retrieved, 19 fertilised, 17 day 3 embryos, 13 blastocysts, 8good quality,

2 replaced, 6 Frosties.

Symptoms now: heavy boobs, lower pelvic "dragging" sensation. Metallic taste.
Just on progesterone now.
2WW ends on 29/1.
Good morning all!

Timetotry, I have not done ovarian drilling, what does that entail? I have heard of it before but don’t know what it is. When will your stims start?

Tommyg good luck with the TWW…don’t count yourself out so early, I felt nothing with my successful pregnancy until two days before my pregnancy test (14DPO). You are still quite early!

Danser and Tammer good luck with the meds! It is a bit daunting but you get into the swing of it after a couple of days.

Best of luck to Cassie, Ivyeffer, and unlucky with your Thursday transfers!

Unlucky I am so sorry about your daughter, that must be so painful. I hope she is feeling better soon. Hope all is going well with your new job starting too! I understand where you are coming from about all the fears coming back….it is such a rollercoaster with so many stages along the way, it is hard not to worry. Hoping for a good thaw and a great transfer for you!!

Kat bet you are glad the trigger is out of the way, that one is always a bit nerve-wracking. Fingers crossed tomorrow! It will be here before you know it. Here’s hoping for 4 golden eggs! X

Welcome 2016orbust! Hope your TWW goes fast.

AFM I guess I got enough Menopur injected, because my estrogen after 3 days of stims was 381! They had me back in early for a scan today to make sure there wasn’t a lead follicle developing. All looks fine, and I have 4-5 follies on each side measuring between 8 and 11mm. The doctor seemed happy. I am already feeling bloated and wonder if they will reduce my meds to slow the follicles down a bit (I am on 375 gonal and 75 menopur). I have a headache and am tired, but otherwise am feeling ok. I have acupuncture this PM so looking forward to that!

Hope everyone is having a good day! x
2016orbust I'm glad to have someone who is also in the 2ww. I'm 12dp3dt boobs I've put down to progesterone, I had cramps and pains at the weekend seem to have settled down. Not noticed metallic taste until now but think its my imagination. I'm 4 years ttc tired my ability to hope is low.
TommyG - I know that feeling... We have had so many early losses, I don't think we will believe it has worked until we feel kicks!!

Hang in there.

Have you managed to avoid the peesticks up til now? I am terrible - a serial tester. Used to claim it was so I could get ectopics diagnosed early but now tubes removed have no excuse!!
I haven't even bought any or got any in the house. I dread seeing a BFN I want to hold onto the tiny bit of hope I have for as long as I can.
Tommy IVF success rates seem to be pretty high positive vibes!
I'm really starting to get antsy waiting for the next step in my ivf I'll prob call tomorrow to make sure everything with my insurance is on track for being approved I just want it to be cd1 again but I think I just ovulated got to wait for next month to start!

My son will probably be getting his second set of ear tubes so the timing really stinks because they may not be able to schedule him until somewhere in my ivf cycle but that's just life!
the timing is so frustrating, especially if you have to go through insurance -
We are self funded so painful but at least straightforward. Just got the bill for £500 for freezing the remaining 6 :/
Almost what is involved with getting your son second pair of ear tubes? So stressful when the timing of everything is all clashing.

Kat Good luck for egg retrieval hoping to hear your Good news later on.

Welcome 2016 hope you and Tommyg get a big fat positive nextweek! I know exactly what you feel. My nurse said blood test will be 11 days after hence I will be at work. I am even too scare to answer the phone at work and will ask them to leave a message.

Thanks for everyone's concern about my daughter. She is still not using her arm hence will take her to see the doctor on Saturday
Just giving her so time to heal first. Still screaming if she accidentally bumps it etc.
Good luck misscassie and ivfeffer for your transfers today. Hopefully we all get a positive. When are your blood tests
Almostthere waiting is so annoying. My IUIs and femara were in NHS (State health care) everything took an age. My IVF is self funded and so much quicker (but expensive)
2016 - The cost of my first year freezing is included in the price for my IVF, but I guess it will reflect in the cost of the round of IVF.

Unlucky something tells me I maybe wouldn't leave it as long as Saturday to take your daughter back to the doc - can she move it at all?

Kat good luck for tomorrow, I slept through my ER, hope you get some good eggys.

MissCassy & Ivfeffer fingers crossed for some sticky beans x

Sorry if I have missed anybody, but its good to have others round who understand this lark.
Unlucky he probably has to get another hearing test and another follow up we were just at the ent last week and two weeks before that! SO once we go in tomorrow we will confirm the antibiotics didn't work and he will get a surgery date he needs to be put under so it's scary but it's super quick like ten fifteen minutes his old tubes also need to be removed first.

2016 sorry to hear you pay out of pocket but there are positives as you mentioned. Dh isn't ready to Ryan until next month anyway so we were prepared to start a month early due to her insurance routine. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to get approval so we have plenty of time last cycle we winged it and made the approval just in time it would have been pricey!
Tommy that's nice about the first year of freezing we had to pay 86 a month for our two embies it Def is pricey! It's the same cost no matter the number of frosties frozen I can't remember the cypropreservation fee maybe 500 it wasn't covered by insurance it will be a nice break to be able to save 86 a month once we are done growing our family! Then it will just go to more diapers haha
Ouch 86 a month, is that usd approx £50? The first year is including but beyond that it £250 per year.
I that's United States 86 a month! I guess we could have moved them somewhere cheaper but we love our place and figured saves stress from moving back and forth when the time came to use them
PUPO!! 2 beauitful embies :) left is assisted hatching looks like its starting to hatch! And the right Fullly hatched by itself! Let the 2WW begin :)


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