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Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

Another big dip today...ugh...i'm just waiting for AF to show her ugly face now...i think i might be a day late today...but with last cycle being two days late, i'm expecting this. I'm 14dpo today and another BFN. :-( At this point, it's hopeless. :cry:
Little J: Thank you, hun! Reg. OB appt. tomorrow, scheduling glucose test already. Whoa... January is coming! :)

TtcBaby: I'm sorry, hun! :sad1: I was really truly hoping this cycle was the one. I hope the :witch: shows her ugly face... So, O can get here and you can get pg. :hugs:
ttc- sorry hun.... try not to think about babies for a little while, I dont want u to feel down when it doenst happen each time :hugs: (easier said than done i know..)

leinz- glucose test! I wonder when I schedule mine... im thinking my next Dr. visit which is next week she will fill me in on that... i think they do that at 28 weeks which will be the visit after this one. Hope everything goes well hun!

My MIL is coming with me to my apt. next week as hubby cant, she is super excited even tho they dont do anything special... just a doppler (which she has heard bfore since i have one!)
Little J - Thank you hun :D Happy 23 weeks to you! :D :happydance: I had my Glucose Test at 28 weeks :)
Everything went great at my OB Appt. today. Glucose is scheduled for 27 weeks, and my next OB is 28 weeks!

That'll take me right up to my 3D/4D scan! Eeeeek! It's getting here. :)

Little J: That's funny as my MIL went with me today. :)
Leinz - Glad to hear everything went well at your OB appointment today :D Can't wait to see pictures of your little one in 3D/4D :happydance:
leinz- glad the apt. went well :)

I was staring at the top of my belly at work today bc Braxton was kicking/hitting and i could see it through my belly! It was nuts!
leinz- glad the apt. went well :)

I was staring at the top of my belly at work today bc Braxton was kicking/hitting and i could see it through my belly! It was nuts!

So amazing to watch, I lie there for ages just watching Tyler wriggling around inside my belly :D
:witch: got me...or is starting too. Started bleeding this afternoon, light at first and now a little heavier. I'm so pissed. This sucks. I can't get this sad and depressed every 4 weeks. It does a number to a person. My attitude sucks and I just don't feel good. I'm going to have to come up with a new plan...so my next step is a hysteroscopy next Wednesday. They are going in with a camera to check out my uterus to make sure everything's clear and ok...if no pregnancy this next cycle after that, i'll be starting clomid. I just want my BABY! :cry:
It sure is amazing to watch! :) I've also been having braxton hicks. Mainly after BD. I knew they were normal, but I told my Dr. about them anyways.

TTCBaby: I'm so sorry to hear that! :hugs: Don't give up! You are going to get pregnant. I hope this very cycle!
TTC I'm so sorry, but I'm sure that one day you will get your sticky bfp! I think your body needs a cycle after a loss, I got one straight after my mc, only to loss that one too. I think your body just needs to kind of flush itself out iykwim? Have you tried soy?
I just have to say I’m one lucky girl as I’m sure MOST of us on here are. I go through daily moods…a roller coaster of sorts throughout my entire month’s cycle and everytime when it gets close to the end my hubby tries so hard to keep me positive and says things like “I have a good feeling about it this month and I bet it happened” so I know he gets let down each time it doesn’t too and we all have to remember that. Then when it doesn’t happen and I get AF, he holds me while I cry and gives me encouraging words each time…and the cycle continues again. I’m a lucky girl for having such a wonderful man to be my rock through all of this.
Happy 3rd Trimester + 1 day, Melly! :yipee:

TTCBaby: So happy you have a supportive man. :) Thats how the TTC cycle goes... Well, it also did for me. :hugs:
TTCBaby - Really sorry to hear the witch got you :( :hugs: Never give up though, as hard as it may be, good things come to those who wait, it may hit you when you least expect it. If you keep thinking that it's never going to happen for you then it probably won't, I know it's easier said than done but you need to try and think positive. I never thought I would become a mummy due to things that have happened to me in the past..but now look at me, it will happen for you chick :hugs:

Melly - Welcome to the 3rd Trimester hun! :happydance: :hugs:
How do I put this in my signature like other people do...with words only...

TTC I'm so sorry, but I'm sure that one day you will get your sticky bfp! I think your body needs a cycle after a loss, I got one straight after my mc, only to loss that one too. I think your body just needs to kind of flush itself out iykwim? Have you tried soy?

Thank you. I hope one day we will too!!! I just wish it would hurry up. Yeah...i know what you mean. :) Nope, haven't tried soy yet...maybe if after my procedure next week and no bfp this next cycle, maybe i'll try then. We'll be doing clomid soon too if no bfp in the next 2 or 3 cycles.
Fx for you, soy is supposed to be like a natural Clomid. I got my sticky bfp the first cycle of using it, and I think babydreams got hers on her 2nd cycle of it. It did give me a belting headache but small price to pay!
hey ladies, how are we all doing?

havent heard much from any of you for a while :flower:

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