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Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

Hey everyone! Just thought I'd let everyone know we had our 20 week scan on wednesday and we are team :pink:!!!

Hope everyone is ok- babydreams sounds like you are having a rough time at the mo, hope they have got your pain under control and the antibiotics are kicking in :hugs:
Yay, SPRITE! That is amazing news! I'm so happy for you! :wohoo: Congratulations!
Thanks Ex!! I know...it has been so long since I have been in here. I have been sooooo busy with my new Photography business.
I did get this test yesterday morning though:
Thanks Ex!! I know...it has been so long since I have been in here. I have been sooooo busy with my new Photography business.
I did get this test yesterday morning though:

Looks positive to me!!!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Sprite - Congratulations on team :pink: So happy for you! :happydance:

Jacksonsmommy - Definetly looks like a BFP to me hunni, can't wait to see those lines progress :happydance:
sprite- yay for a baby girl!!

Jacksonsmommy- totally BFP!! change your ticker lady!:happydance:

Ex- that is a really nice US pic for 28 weeks! Makes me wanna move my date forward.... AGAIN :haha:

We took maternity pics yesterday and they turned out so cool! JCP wanted us to sign a release form for them because they wanted to use some as a promo and in their Look-Book. I get them next week so hopefully i can figure out how to post them on here to share! :happydance:
Little J - Thank you hun :D Aww you'll be fine, it varies from woman to woman I think how early/late you have a 3D/4D scan and the quality of images you get :)
Excalibur: Happy 34 weeks! Eeeeek! :wohoo:

Little J: I most definitley want to see those maternity pictures. :)

AFM: Did 3 hour glucose today. Wasn't to bad the drink is twice as sweet. Didn't like sitting around for three hours. But, I took Zoela's journal and Fifty shades book 2, to help pass the time. Was so happy to eat afterwards. Although I really think they should atleast allow you to have water. Should know about that tomorrow at my regular OB appt.

Getting super excited! Just 3 sleeps until scan! Eeeek! I've been waiting almost 12 weeks for it to get here... Less than that and I'll be due to meet Zoela. :wohoo:
how exciting Leinz! Post pics for sure once u go!

3 1/2 more weeks til mine..... maybe ill talk with hubby and get it moved to next weekend? haha thatd be the only other time we could go before the time we have booked now
Leinz - Thank you hun :D :hugs:

People make out that the Glucose test is bad, as you found out for yourself, it's not bad, it's just the waiting around that makes people fed up lol. If you take things to keep yourself entertained then it's all good :D I was allowed to drink water for mine, had to keep hydrated.

Woohoo! 2 more sleeps until your scan! :yipee: :wohoo:
Aww thanks Everyone...still getting positives, so I think this is it!!! Now I just have to figure out how to change my ticker!! lol
Wha hooo!! Congratulations !!! Lovely bfp Jacksonsmummy!!!!

Sprite, congrats on your pink news!!!
Well, I got my results at my OB appointment yesterday. So, I have gestational diabetes. I know its not the end of the world, but I cried anyways. I didn't want to hear it. As much as I'm grateful to be monitored. I don't like being classified as "High Risk".

I was prescribed a blood glucose meter and supplies for 4 months. I have to check my glucose 4 times a day, once before I eat in the morning and then after each meal. I've been messing around a bit and it tends to make no sense. I see a dietician tomorrow for a meal plan. But, I'm sure they lower sugar and carb intake.

For lunch: I had chicken nuggets, frenchfries and about 20oz of soda. (Yeah, I know BAD!) Well my glucose read was 136 one hour after I ate. Which was good.

For Dinner: I had whole wheat spaghetti noodles, Sauce, ground turkey. (2 portions) 8oz glass of milk. My glucose read was 146 after 1 hour. Which was bad. Needs to be under 140.

Morning Fast read was 68. Which was good.

Breakfast: 1 cup honey bunches cereal, 8oz 2% milk, slice of whole wheat toast with lite butter. My glucose read was 145 after 1 hour. Which was bad. (Makes me think Milk might be an issue.) I'm going to try skim.

I will also have more NST near the end, an extra scan... And I'm probably looking at a 39 week induction. And its highly unlikely that I'll go past my EDD. My numbers aren't that high... So, I may just be borderline.
Leinz- sorry to hear about the GD..... makes me nervous for my test tuesday as it seems more and more women are getting GD these days?

Jacksonsommy- YAY! You were patient enough and now you got your BFP! Jackson is gunna have a sibling! :happydance:
Jacksonsmommy - :wohoo: Congratulations on your BFP hun! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months and beyond :happydance: :yipee:

Leinz - Really sorry to hear about the GD hun :( :hugs:
Thank you everyone!! Just when I decided we will just wait until after the holidays to start trying again...there it was!!! :) I was literally shocked when I got this + We only DTD like twice last month!! I am very happy though and yes Jackson will be a big brother!!

Leinz sorry to hear about the GD, but I know a lot of people who had that. Just hang in there!! :)
Baby Zoela weighs 2lbs 6oz, 10 1\2 inches long. She loves playing with her cord and sticking out her tongue. She's beautiful! Absolute perfection! May she just grow and grow while we try to patiently wait...

Also the shadow in the center of her face... is Zoela's foot! She didn't want to move it from her face. I'm sooooo in love! :)




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