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Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

Good here! Glucose, Tuesday! Dr. Appt. next Tuesday! And just 11 days... until my 3D/4D ultrasound.

I'm so happy to hear hubby is gifting you one.... So exciting! :yipee:
Yay thats so exciting!

We are waiting to go after 30 weeks as they told us you get better facial definition if you wait until then for the 3D US. We are going when I am 31-32 weeks as i have an anterior placenta as well so we want to make sure it wont be in the way of LO so we can get some good pics :happydance:

Good luck with your Dr. Apts and Glucose test!
LO is doing well, but I am now classed a high risk pregnancy. Was just in the hospital all weekend because I have an infected gallbladder and gallstones. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it all but they are trying to push surgery to when I am closer to full term. Managing it with a strict diet, antibiotics, and nausea meds. No fun :( My little boy is hanging in there though, he has stayed active throughout this whole thing and my belly is huge, so he is growing! Will be holding my breath for the next 4 weeks or so until I make it into 3rd tri.
LO is doing well, but I am now classed a high risk pregnancy. Was just in the hospital all weekend because I have an infected gallbladder and gallstones. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it all but they are trying to push surgery to when I am closer to full term. Managing it with a strict diet, antibiotics, and nausea meds. No fun :( My little boy is hanging in there though, he has stayed active throughout this whole thing and my belly is huge, so he is growing! Will be holding my breath for the next 4 weeks or so until I make it into 3rd tri.

I am so sorry to hear hun:hugs:

Hope things work out for the best! Im sure your LO will be a strong one and it wont affect him at all

How many weeks were they looking to do the surgery? Would they do a C-section at the same time?
Thanks Little J, I am just so worried. Things aren't really getting better. I had two more attacks last night with terrible pain. :( Very frustrating and I just wish there was an easy fix. Yes, if I make it far enough they would do an amnio to see how well the baby's lungs are developed, and if they are ok they would either induce me or if it was bad enough do a section and take out the gallbladder at the same time. Hoping it doesn't come to that though.
Little J: See, I heard the opposite. I had mine scheduled for 31 weeks. But, I was told that baby runs out of room and sometimes goes head down. Where you wouldn't see babies face as it would be hiding behind my pelvic bones. So, I rescheduled... That is crazy! I'm to excited to change it back... Just 9 more sleeps. :)

BabyDreams: Oh, hun... I'm sorry to hear of gallstones. I actually had a friend that had that surgery while pregnant in the second trimester. She remained pregnant and went full term. I hope they can do something for you... Thats along time to have such pain. :hugs:

Excalibur: 33 Weeks! Eeeeeekk! Isn't long now. Yay! :)
Little J - It's creeping up on me slowly lol..I just hope these last few weeks start going a bit quicker :D :flower:

Babydreams - Really sorry to hear about your weekend in hospital hun, I'm sure bubs is a fighter and will get through this no matter what! :hugs: :flower:

Leinz - It sure isn't long hun! Can't believe we're nearly at the end! :happydance: Eeeeeeks!
Little J: See, I heard the opposite. I had mine scheduled for 31 weeks. But, I was told that baby runs out of room and sometimes goes head down. Where you wouldn't see babies face as it would be hiding behind my pelvic bones. So, I rescheduled... That is crazy! I'm to excited to change it back... Just 9 more sleeps. :)

BabyDreams: Oh, hun... I'm sorry to hear of gallstones. I actually had a friend that had that surgery while pregnant in the second trimester. She remained pregnant and went full term. I hope they can do something for you... Thats along time to have such pain. :hugs:

Excalibur: 33 Weeks! Eeeeeekk! Isn't long now. Yay! :)

really?! hmm... now im worried we planned it too late even tho im trying to follow the techs orders! maybe ill do some research online and see what the best outcomes were. I personally would rather go sooner than later :blush:
Little J, the sonographer who did my gender scan said that between 28 and 31 weeks is the best time.
I changed mine up a week to Nov. 24th now So ill be 30-31 weeks at that time.

I was told since I have an anterior placenta that around 32 weeks is better just so the baby wont be hiding behind the placenta, but i dont think 1 week would change that and I dont want him being too big (since hes kinda a bigger baby already)

I would have scheduled to go for the weekend before (Nov. 17th) but hubby and FIL goes hunting that weekend every year, sooooo we had to post poned a week.
Nov. 17 isn't long... Little J. :) I originally had mine set for Nov. 19. DH and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary...

I now have it next Thursday! Eeeeek! Just one more week. I've been counting down for three months. Haha! :)

In other news failed my one hour glucose yesterday. So now I have to schedule the so not looking forward to... three hour. :(

Excalibur: Sure won't be long at all... Less than the first trimester to go. :wohoo:
Nov. 17 isn't long... Little J. :) I originally had mine set for Nov. 19. DH and I will celebrate our wedding anniversary...

I now have it next Thursday! Eeeeek! Just one more week. I've been counting down for three months. Haha! :)

In other news failed my one hour glucose yesterday. So now I have to schedule the so not looking forward to... three hour. :(

Excalibur: Sure won't be long at all... Less than the first trimester to go. :wohoo:

were going Nov. 24th hun.

YAY thats exciting yours is next week! Cant wait to see pics! :happydance:
Leinz - Yay for scan next week! Can't wait to see pictures! :yipee:

I thought these last few weeks would drag but we have just moved house so we have plenty to do to keep us busy and help to pass the time :wohoo:
Ex- when did you go for your 3D US pic that is in your profile?
Excalibur: Thats what I plan on happening to me. :) We just bought a house, but are waiting for it to close. Which is supposed to take place on Oct. 31. We have been busy packing. Etc. It does make the time go faster.

How have you been feeling? I've been getting more exhausted by day. Happy 33+4... WOW! 6 weeks to go! :wohoo: You know when I get to 6 weeks left... I think of when you order a magazine etc. and it says please allow 4-6 weeks for delievery. Only how wonderful it is... to be your rainbow. :yipee:

AFM: 6 more sleeps. Eeeeeek!:yipee:
Hi Ladies!!! It has been soooo long since I wrote in here.
I am so glad to see so many BFPS in here!! YAY!! :)
Little J - We went for our 3D/4D ultrasound scan when I was 28 weeks and 3 days :D

Leinz - Yeah having to pack and everything else and getting ready to move into a new house definetly helps to speed things along hehe. Hope everything goes well with your house move hunni :) Oh I know the feeling lol, I have been so exhausted aswell but it's so hard to get comfy and get a decent nights sleep! :nope: Thank you chick, happy 27 weeks and 6 days to you :happydance:

Ooo that's a great way to look at things, I never thought of that :haha:

Not long until your scan now hun :happydance: :yipee:

Jacksonsmommy - Hiya hun! :hi: How are you doing? We have missed you! :hugs:

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