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Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

Awww! YAY! She looks like an angel! :happydance:

I wonder if the place we are going the lady will be able to measure size and weight.... bc im really curious if baby boy has slowed down in weight gain or not from his 20 week (since he weighed 1lb at that time) I know we sign a contract saying she cant tell us of any medical abnormalities etc for insurance purposes etc....

just about 3 more weeks til my 3D ultrasound to see Braxton!! TIME BETTER FLY BY FAST!
I hope the 3 weeks fly. It's such a wonderful experience. I cried multiple times during the day just thinking about the little girl growing inside of me.

My ultrasound place includes Level 1 measurements. She printed this out and also gave it to us on CD. They share all information with my Dr. And if theres a problem they contact me to schedule an appointment with my Dr. My ultrasound also included review by a medical board.


At 19+2, Zoela weighed 9oz. (at 14+4, she weighed 3oz.) Her measurements have stayed on. She's been 5 days behind EDD, but one day ahead with Ovulation.
Had a meltdown today. Have been totally fine the last 3 weeks not thinking about babies or temping or all my normal TTC stuff and then today, out of the blue, it hit me on the way in to work…this is the month. The sad month. Which totally sucks since this is my birthday month and I love my birthday. But…I was pregnant this time last year. I was about 8 weeks along at this point. We found out there was no heartbeat on the 21st. My D&C was the 23rd. Last November sucked. So it just caught me off guard and I melted this morning. Thank goodness for a really busy day at work. That helped. Hope everyone’s well and pregnancies are moving along wonderfully and there are more BFP’s that I haven’t noticed yet. :dust:
I'm sorry hun! Come on November 16... Can't wait for your sticky update. :hugs:
Leinz - Great scan picture hunni :happydance:

TTC - Sorry to hear you were feeling down yesterday hun :hugs:
ttc...hang in there!!! It took us a really long time too, but now that it has happened, I don't care at all about how long it took us to get here! :)
I have a feeling this is your month!! xo
Leinz, gorgeous little girl you have there!!!

TTC, sorry you are feeling so down...we have all been there and know how frustrating it can be, BUT you WILL get pregnant! Don't ever give up!

Jacksonsmommy, a BIG congrats!! Yay!!

Ex, can't believe how close you are to the end. Tyler will be here before you know it!

Little J, not much longer till your 4D scan! Whoohoo!!

AFM, still struggling with health issues but my little Weston is doing perfect. He's a strong baby boy thank goodness! Just trying to pull through the next couple of months and hoping he stays snug inside until he's at least 35 weeks or so.
babydreams - You and me both hun! We have our 36 week Midwife appointment on Monday! Eeeeeeks!

Weston is a little fighter hun and so are you, you will get through things together and everything will ok. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :hugs:
i passed my 3 hour GD test! Phew.... i was getting nervous! my arms look like im a drug addict tho with all the blood draws they had to do :wacko:

babydream- hang in there, i know you carry full term and your little man will come out perfect and you will feel just fine!

Ex- time sure does fly by :happydance::thumbup:

Our last baby shower i this sunday... its the one hubby and i are hosting im excited but going crazy at the same time!

PS. T-minus 2 weeks til our 3D US! I wanna see my little boy so bad! He also has the hiccups right now haha :haha:
I was so worried if not passing.... i wanted to eat my baby shower cake that sunday!!

I am paying closer attention to my sugar/carb intake tho.... just because it never occured to me how much i was eating in general (im a big bread eater and potatoe eater)

I still eat what i want, but i am more concious about it
Little J - A lot of ladies fail their 1 hour GTT but pass their 3 hour GTT with flying colours.

I have eaten a lot more throughout this pregnancy aswell but I try to eat little and often rather than big meals :)
yea im not a big meal eater either.... i snack in between my small meals. It was kinda odd because i passed the first 3 blood draws where they normally see one level elevated, but the 4th blood draw was barely outta the "normal" range which they say usually by the last one its fine. The nurse said they see that occasionally, but doesnt mean anything bad.

I just thought to myself.... of course i have to be one of those odd balls! haha
ps. 36 weeks?! really??!! next week your considered full term!!:happydance:
Oooh I'm nervous about my GTT too. I already have gallbladder disease, and kidney stones and infection...so I do NOT need diabetes too!! :( I am already on a low fat diet for the gallbladder, and no soda, coffee, juice, etc. allowed because of the kidneys. If I have to cut out sugar too I will have to eat grass! LOL

Mine's in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!
Little J - I'm a bugger for snacking inbetween meals! :blush:

Aww bless lol, someone has to be an odd one out :haha:

I can't believe I'll be classed as Term on Monday! Eeeeeeks! :happydance:

Not long until you are in your final 10 weeks! :wohoo:

Babydreams - You will be fine hun, the worst part about your GTT is the waiting around :( I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours :hugs:
Good here! Glucose, Tuesday! Dr. Appt. next Tuesday! And just 11 days... until my 3D/4D ultrasound.

I'm so happy to hear hubby is gifting you one.... So exciting! :yipee:

Yay thats so exciting!

We are waiting to go after 30 weeks as they told us you get better facial definition if you wait until then for the 3D US. We are going when I am 31-32 weeks as i have an anterior placenta as well so we want to make sure it wont be in the way of LO so we can get some good pics :happydance:

Good luck with your Dr. Apts and Glucose test!

Little J - Happy 26 weeks :happydance:

LO is doing well, but I am now classed a high risk pregnancy. Was just in the hospital all weekend because I have an infected gallbladder and gallstones. Surgery is the only way to get rid of it all but they are trying to push surgery to when I am closer to full term. Managing it with a strict diet, antibiotics, and nausea meds. No fun :( My little boy is hanging in there though, he has stayed active throughout this whole thing and my belly is huge, so he is growing! Will be holding my breath for the next 4 weeks or so until I make it into 3rd tri.

Hi ladies! I just can't believe how far along you all already are! Seems like just yesterday you all gave your wonderful news. I'm so happy for you all and can't wait to hear of your births and see the pics! And I obviously can't wait to join you!!! :) :hugs:
Thanks Ex!! I know...it has been so long since I have been in here. I have been sooooo busy with my new Photography business.
I did get this test yesterday morning though:

Oh yay, yay, yay! CONGRATS!!!
Baby Zoela weighs 2lbs 6oz, 10 1\2 inches long. She loves playing with her cord and sticking out her tongue. She's beautiful! Absolute perfection! May she just grow and grow while we try to patiently wait...

Also the shadow in the center of her face... is Zoela's foot! She didn't want to move it from her face. I'm sooooo in love! :)




Oooh I'm nervous about my GTT too. I already have gallbladder disease, and kidney stones and infection...so I do NOT need diabetes too!! :( I am already on a low fat diet for the gallbladder, and no soda, coffee, juice, etc. allowed because of the kidneys. If I have to cut out sugar too I will have to eat grass! LOL

Mine's in 2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!

I was worried because i would have to monitor carbs and sugar.... and im a CARBOHOLIC!

Even tho i was scared, i knew if i was diagnosed with GD, i knew things would be fine and baby would be fine... as long as i monitored my food. But doing that wouldnt be fun because I am SO not disciplined in that area.

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