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Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

Ex: Won't be long now. :) Can't wait to hear your birthing story! :yipee:

Melly: Yay! Happy 35 weeks! :wohoo:
Jacksonsmommy - Maybe you are expecting team :pink: this time? :winkwink:

Melly - Happy 35 weeks hunni and I can't believe I only have 2 weeks left, been losing my mucus plug over the last two weeks, was in hospital on Thursday morning at 6.30am with strong period cramps but they monitored Tyler and it turned into nothing :( Got to see what the delivery rooms were like though as the Maternity Assessment Unit smelt of smoke so they evacuated us and put us on L&D :winkwink:

Omg, that must have been a bit scary!
Glad you got to see the l&d ward, but really they should stop all the expectant mums from smoking on the ward :winkwink:
Little J - It was really weird once I first saw it lol. You will soon be 38 weeks :winkwink: Aww thank you, I hope he arrives soon and doesn't make us wait and go overdue :shock:

Leinz - Thank you hun, just hope I remember enough to write a birthing story, might get myself a notepad to take into hospital with me :haha:

Melly - Yeah it was a bit scary hun, I was so uncomfortable though with the pain, it was horrible :( Hehe yeah they should stop all expectant mothers from smoking in there :haha:
Ex: I'm sure you'll remember everything. I still reflect on DD's birth from time to time, now. I hope Tyler doesn't make you wait, to long. :)
Ex: I'm sure you'll remember everything. I still reflect on DD's birth from time to time, now. I hope Tyler doesn't make you wait, to long. :)

I hope I do, I would love to write a proper birth story which I can keep going back to and reading to myself or maybe even reading it to Tyler when he's older. Aww bless, I bet it's amazing isn't it? Thank you hun, me too! :D
It most definitley is amazing! What a blessing! Have you had any cervical checks? Not that they mean anything really. I never had anything happen before my induction at 39w2d. (Medically necessary from high blood pressure.)

Have you had any labor envy? I know its silly, but I already have. A friend on FB had her baby yesterday at 35 weeks. And I know I wouldn't want Zoela that early. But, I still was envious. She was due 3 weeks before me. Baby was almost 7lbs and is doing great!
It most definitley is amazing! What a blessing! Have you had any cervical checks? Not that they mean anything really. I never had anything happen before my induction at 39w2d. (Medically necessary from high blood pressure.)

Have you had any labor envy? I know its silly, but I already have. A friend on FB had her baby yesterday at 35 weeks. And I know I wouldn't want Zoela that early. But, I still was envious. She was due 3 weeks before me. Baby was almost 7lbs and is doing great!

I had a friend who was due Oct. 28th and she had her baby 3 weeks early... i was a tad jealous bc i dont want to have to wait til 40+ weeks for mine (even tho i know its better) I just want him to be happy and healthy, but coming a week or 2 early wouldnt hurt :blush:
I feel the same...I am ready for him to be in my arms! I know he's weighing a couple weeks ahead of schedule so I think 37-38 weeks would be great! I swear he will be a 42 weeker though, knowing my luck!
I feel the same...I am ready for him to be in my arms! I know he's weighing a couple weeks ahead of schedule so I think 37-38 weeks would be great! I swear he will be a 42 weeker though, knowing my luck!

yea at my 20 week he weighed 2 weeks ahead and ive always been 1 week ahead on my fundus size, so i would hope he would make an appearance sooner than later! Im curious over the next month what the Dr. will say with how big she thinks he really is getting and if i would be induced before 40 weeks... i guess we will wait and see!
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one to ever have labor envy. I'll be probably be induced at 39 weeks because of GD. But, kick me for saying this but I plan on denying the induction unless theres other medical reasoning for why... I don't think GD as long as its controlled is enough to warrant an induction.

I hate being high risk, though. And I do trust my Dr. But, I also worry because I know my Ovulation date is 5 days behind my EDD. And thus far baby's measurements are perfect with gestation. But, as we all will... Just wait and see. :)
It most definitley is amazing! What a blessing! Have you had any cervical checks? Not that they mean anything really. I never had anything happen before my induction at 39w2d. (Medically necessary from high blood pressure.)

Have you had any labor envy? I know its silly, but I already have. A friend on FB had her baby yesterday at 35 weeks. And I know I wouldn't want Zoela that early. But, I still was envious. She was due 3 weeks before me. Baby was almost 7lbs and is doing great!

I have only had one internal when I went to the Maternity Assessment Unit for bad period pains but they just told me that everything was still closed as it should be. Never been checked to see wether I'm dilated or any.

A few of my friends and my cousin have just had their babies and yeah I'm getting impatient to meet our little man now, would rather he comes out when he's ready though as it's freezing at the moment, I wouldn't want to come out into this weather either :haha: Aww bless, glad to hear your friends baby is doing great hun :D
My friend came home with baby today! All is perfect! It's hard to believe that she wasn't due until Dec. 31. It's amazing!

Excalibur: I know you want Tyler. But, try to enjoy these last days of his movements. You'll never have him so connected again. They spend every day of life growing a little more away from you and independent. It really goes to fast! But, it sure is exciting! Eeeeek! Keep me updated! I can't wait to hear all about your little guy! :)
My friend came home with baby today! All is perfect! It's hard to believe that she wasn't due until Dec. 31. It's amazing!

Excalibur: I know you want Tyler. But, try to enjoy these last days of his movements. You'll never have him so connected again. They spend every day of life growing a little more away from you and independent. It really goes to fast! But, it sure is exciting! Eeeeek! Keep me updated! I can't wait to hear all about your little guy! :)

Wow, that sure is amazing about your friend, glad to hear they are home safe and sound :D

Oh we are definetly enjoying our last few days/week together hun. That is very true, if only we could slow down time once they are born :winkwink: I will be sure to keep you updated and I'm sure you'll be hearing a lot about my little man when he makes his appearance into the world hehe :happydance:
I hope Tyler doesn't make us wait long... I look forward to hearing all about it. :) It does go fast, but every minutes a blessing and amazing. I look at DD and can't believe how fast it went. It gets much easier and its crazy what they can do after the first year.

I'm so excited for you, hun! I wonder when he'll make an appearance. When do you see the Dr. next? Will your Dr. let you go over?
I hope Tyler doesn't make us wait long... I look forward to hearing all about it. :) It does go fast, but every minutes a blessing and amazing. I look at DD and can't believe how fast it went. It gets much easier and its crazy what they can do after the first year.

I'm so excited for you, hun! I wonder when he'll make an appearance. When do you see the Dr. next? Will your Dr. let you go over?

Thank you hun, I hope he doesn't make us wait too long either. I can imagine hun, I'll definetly treasure every moment with him whilst he's a baby as they grow up too fast!

I hope he makes an appearance this week as my due date is the 10th December! Will be heartbroken if I go overdue :( See the Midwife again a week today and hopefully she'll be doing a stretch and sweep :happydance:

I don't see a Doctor hun, just see my Midwife and yeah she'll let me go over as she was on about having a stretch and sweep at 40 weeks on my due date and then another at 41 weeks if he's still not made an appearance by then :(
Stalking this now:happydance: could be any day ex :happydance:

Aww thank you hunni, getting really excited now! A little nervous though :haha:

We recieved Tyler's red book this morning, his personal health record book, it's all starting to feel REALLY real now :happydance: :wohoo:
Wow Ex time has really flown! fx'd you don't go over and Tyler arrives this week! Can't wait to see pics!
afm still struggling a bit with the hyperemesis have good days and bad days and think I over do it on the good which knocks me back again! Bean gave us a bit of a fright on sat, had a small amount of bleeding and some pain so after advice from the midwife I went down and was checked out, bean is fine and no more bleeding so fingers crossed that is it! It never stops being scary does it!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok?
omg ex this is so exciting! cant wit for him to show up! i wanna see pics!
Im doing good, just dizzy in the head a bit today. Tomorrow i have my 32 week Dr. apt.

Im excited bc Hubby gets to come with me now! He had to miss a few Dr. apts bc he got a new job and he wasnt able to leave with his work hours but now he has some personal time he has to use so im excited to have my buddy there with me!

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