Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

Dahlia. Just been looking at your chart, do you think ff will move your xhairs?

Will FF do that if I have some more high temps, i didnt know she could change her mind like that. TemP shot up this morning. I'm going to play around with it a bit later.
Dahlia, I just took a peek at your chart too and I would think that you O'd on CD18 rather than CD15. I've had FF changed my O date before -- I guess the more info it gets, the better it can make that judgment call.

FX!! :dust:
Dahlia FF moved my Ov day 2 days later last cycle and then changes me from solid crosshairs to dashed--I did a manual overide as I know I have a longer LP and my positive digi OPK was the day before my first crosshairs but then 3 days before the adjusted dashed crosshairs which didn't seem correct to me. I also think you O'd on CD18 rather than CD15 based on your OPK's and your temps...
aww yeah the men dont really have the same feeling about it do they - i suppose if you think about it, how many hours per day / week have we spent thinking about this whereas they probably think about it once a day maybe lol

so feels like it means so much more to us then i think.
My OPKs are getting slightly darker and my temp dropped a bit more today, so getting closer to my pre-O temps I used to have *fingers crossed*

Dahlia - yeah sometimes FF will move your crosshairs depending on the data it gets, especially given your OPKs too?

Melly - congrats on getting your cross hairs :D its exciting when you see them because we can rest :D
I missed the FMU thing too this morning heh... pretty much forgot about it after seeing the spotting I had last night. Tried a couple of hours later when I realised I wasn't actually bleeding anymore but nope, negative.

At least AF seems to be staying away for you so far so I'm still crossing my fingers... heh, it's so annoying how pregnancy symptoms and PMS symptoms can be exactly the same, isn't it? (I seem to have no symptoms at all though - no sore boobs, cramps have gone away, nothing. Just this weird pink/orangish spotting - sorry for my tmi too. This cycle is so weird...)

blakesmom: That's right, you never know when baby is going to arrive :)

mellywelly: I feel the exact same way!! If that's two of us feeling that way, then I look forward to seeing some BFP's very soon! :happydance:

silver: Don't give up hope yet hun, it's not over until the :witch: shows full blown!

tiptoes: Sending you lot's of :dust:

Thanks for the baby dust Ex! Same to you!!! I hope you all who o'd get some BFP for us too!

Silver, I HATE that af and preggo symptoms are's driving me up a wall!! lol

So, I am trying to decide if I should test this afternoon or not, lol. We had one of the worst nights of sleep last night in a long time, my DD decided she wanted to wake up and party for a few hours in the early am....soooo, I will prob go and take a nap with her in a bit. Wondering since I havent gone in about and hour, and I will nap and maybe hold it a little like 4hrs?? If that would show anything yet, lol! I have 1 $ one left, and then 2-3 FRER left...not sure which one I would use either. Kinda want to save em, but I am so darn immpatient with this crap lol! Any thoughts???

Blakesmom- I guess you're right about the unknown duedate thing. Anything could happen!

Silver- That's why I'm not taking any signs seriously, but I am taking "note" of them.. : )

Ex- Test if you want! If you get a neg, just blame it on not being FMU!!!

Stay away :witch: !!! lol

Well DH and I didnt get to BD last night and this morning my opk is negative and my temps shot up so I definitely O'd yesterday. All we did was BD twice on the day before O and 3 days before O... so I don't think I've got a good chance this month. :cry:

Oh well.

Good luck to all the ladies! :dust:

You BD'd on all the right days Paris! It's perfect that you BD'd twice the day before... Those spermies were there waiting for your egg before it even released. Don't worry!!!!

paris: You have got to be Positive at times like these hun :hugs: *Sends you some of my Positivity* :haha: Fingers crossed the :witch: stays away! My testing date should be around the 4th/5th March. I also follow a thread which is testing everyday until a BFP! So, I test every day! It sure passes the time a hell of a lot quicker! :rofl:

silver: We totally know how you feel hun :hugs: It's horrible but I guess we just have to look forward to the following month, I'll be devastated if AF shows up for me this cycle but..they are not going to right? BFP's here we come!!!! :dust:
My first test day will be Feb 27. That's when period would be due if I O'd on CD 15 and my LP is still short, so that's when I'll start testing. But If I O'd on CD 18 I won't be 14 dpo until Mar 4. Taking a test everyday actually sounds good to me! hope your using $ store! lol I will only use $ store or ICs, I won't spend the money on any other brand lol.

My DH doesn't understand either silverlizard. :hugs:

He's got the mindset of "it'll happen when it happens"... I wish I could think that stress-free too but I can't!! lol

I guess it's different for us since the mc actually physically happened to our bodies. I know my DH was sad when it happened, but I feel as though it was a different sad than the sad I had... KWIM? I always have the thought in the back of my mind that something is "wrong" with me and then I get worried that I won't be able to have my own children. *sigh*

It'll happen when WE make it happen! Us women are the ones doing all the research, men wouldn't know where to start :haha:
The day I found out about the MMC, my husband came home from work early to be with me. When I had my D&C procedure done, my husband wasn't there, and I was fine with that (he had to work and my mom had the day off) so she took me, and I was glad she did. I felt like I needed a woman to help me through. But now, I wish DH would have been there in the hospital with me because I think it would have hit him in a different way. He could have felt the situation more. However I also think that this thing happened to me, and he has enough to worry about, so it's okay that I bear it alone.

Dahlia FF moved my Ov day 2 days later last cycle and then changes me from solid crosshairs to dashed--I did a manual overide as I know I have a longer LP and my positive digi OPK was the day before my first crosshairs but then 3 days before the adjusted dashed crosshairs which didn't seem correct to me. I also think you O'd on CD18 rather than CD15 based on your OPK's and your temps...
Yes I think I O'd on the later date too. I put in some fake temps for the next 3 days, but it didn't change anything. Oh well, I know I O'd : ) Just hope AF stays away and doesn't come 10 days after my O, because then I'll be upset about my LP all over again.
Just wanted to get another round of baby dust in there!

Can't wait for you to get your + OPK Alandsa!!!
thank you :D :D eeeek!!

I have added some pics into my journal of my temps and OPK progression - hope i keeps going!

I keep having a metallic taste in my mouth today and a bit yesterday eve, but obviously i havent even Od yet :wacko: i did get that the previous cycle around the time of O so lets hope it means good things :)
Dahlia: I tested this morning with FMU and it was Negative. Expected nothing more though with only being 4DPO. I have a really good feeling about this month as I feel absolutely exhausted, I have a stuffy nose and I keep getting twinges in my lower abdomen. I have just been lying on the sofa most of the afternoon as I am just weak! If it does happen and I'm not Pregnant, then I'm going to go to the doctors as my Iron levels might be low. If I am pregnant, then that will explain why I'm so tired and feeling rubbish!
Ex-4dpo, even for a poas addict that's bad lol! ( honestly I really didn't do it at 4 dpo last cycle too)

Dahlia, my lo is 10 days and I still got a bfp lastmonth, there is hope.
mellywelly: I have been testing since 1DPO :rofl: I follow another thread which is poas every day until a BFP :haha:
Paris...I think that you still have a great chance!!! Fingers and toes are crossed for you girl!!! :)

Tiptoes I would test today too!! :)
Dahlia my mom took me to my d&c also--and then DH got frustrated because we took a while to get home and he was waiting with a fruit smoothie for me but we had to wait for my prescriptions to be filled---Seriously your mad at me???--I just had surgery!! He has no idea how low I feel by not being pregnant and when he would "untell" his friends that I was pregnant it was the worst because he would say " yeah we were pretty upset at first" HELLO its 5 months later and I'm still upset EVERYDAY. OK rant over my DH is amazing but this has been a very hard thing to go thru. I don't want to show the sadness and burden I feel and bring him down but its like he hardly skipped a beat and goes on like nothing bad happened :cry:
Dahlia my mom took me to my d&c also--and then DH got frustrated because we took a while to get home and he was waiting with a fruit smoothie for me but we had to wait for my prescriptions to be filled---Seriously your mad at me???--I just had surgery!! He has no idea how low I feel by not being pregnant and when he would "untell" his friends that I was pregnant it was the worst because he would say " yeah we were pretty upset at first" HELLO its 5 months later and I'm still upset EVERYDAY. OK rant over my DH is amazing but this has been a very hard thing to go thru. I don't want to show the sadness and burden I feel and bring him down but its like he hardly skipped a beat and goes on like nothing bad happened :cry:

:hugs: Some men don't understand as much as others, but how can we expect them too, really. Our pregnancies are pretty much unfathomable to a man, so I get it. I just try and let it go, blame it on biology.
When I told DH that my brother and his gf were going to have twins, he was floored of course, but I don't think he thought about how I felt when I heard the news. I told him it made me sad. But he didn't really know what to say, other than saying we're working in it.
Dahlia your post reminded me, my friend who was due a few days ahead of me with twins.... had them about a week ago. They are perfectly healthy beautiful boys, 6 wks early but doing good! I was suprised at how well I reacted at first, just super happy for her and her bundles of joy. Its been these last few days, I think the waiting for a bfp has played a role too, but these last few days it's kinda hit me all over again. Just the fact that I am not nearing my end with 1 healthy baby to hold, and she has two.... stupid pitty party!!! lol

I still get frustrated with my DH too, I told him about our friend having hers, but didnt mention the part about me being bummed, he just says we are trying again, and we will get there....but it's like, well hell I was supposed to be almost there NOW! And now, I am back at square one, with no huge belly or baby in the next month!!! When we found out he was in the ER with me, but when I actually started passing everything, he had to work that night....and we had no idea it would be so bad. Definately worse than the "heavy" period they told me about, we had no idea... Thankfully the next day he took off to take care of our 2 yr old, because I literally could not get out of bed ALL day, until about 9pm when the pain finally eased up some.....the worst experience of my life.... and he was over it in about a week or two..... I dont get it, lol. It took me two months to feel kinda ok, and he was great, but after about one month, he didnt understand why I wasnt moving on yet.... MEN!!! They are just built, think, and handle situations totally different!

Oh, and AFM, still no brown discharge like at the beginning, so thats good, but did the $ test and still came back at this point I dont know what the he** is going on....OH and to make me feel even worse I forgot to add my cousing just had her baby yesterday.....ARGH!!!
Yep, my partner is lovely and all but kind of does stuff like saying in a surprised tone "are you still feeling upset about that?" after three whole weeks. I think from his point of view, it's like, hey, it was sad and all, but we just have to wait a bit longer now, it'll still happen! Whereas I... don't quite feel like that. I guess I wish I did, but I can't even imagine it.

Crossing my fingers that AF stays well away for you, tiptoes...

can i join i have a son born Jan 2010
but i had a mc start of June 2011 at 8wk :(
been trying for #2 since Augest and still no luck
tiptoes: Fingers crossed! The :witch: staying away is a good thing :dust:

Becyboo: Welcome to the thread :hi: Really sorry to hear about your loss hun :hugs:
I hope i can fit in here nicely will be nice to
be around people in simler situation really as sometimes
other people don't understand fully i guess

But im going crackers lately :dohh: because i conceived my
son within 2 month and we did the 2nd the same aswell its now
been like 7 going on 8 months since weve been trying :( i know
not long to some people but its really odd how they both happened
and now its not its long for me i guess but im trying to stay positive
for this cycle :D
Sorry for your loss Becyboo. Have you been taking your temps at all, or using OPKs? I know it must be so frustrating to be trying, but not getting anywhere. I got pregnant my first shot at trying for our second, but that's the pregnancy that ended in MMC. Now my cycles are being a bit wacky, like so many others here.
We all just want to be pregnant again, but yes it is difficult!! I want to say good luck to you and we can all help you out here : )
Sorry for your loss Becyboo. Have you been taking your temps at all, or using OPKs? I know it must be so frustrating to be trying, but not getting anywhere. I got pregnant my first shot at trying for our second, but that's the pregnancy that ended in MMC. Now my cycles are being a bit wacky, like so many others here.
We all just want to be pregnant again, but yes it is difficult!! I want to say good luck to you and we can all help you out here : )

I do opk's we always do enough too so not sure why
nothing is happening worries me really :( .. but i haven't
temped before this is my first cycle doing it so im hoping
this cycle might be a better one if not next as i will pinpoint
my O alot better i assume ... im all new to it atm just set up
my FF chart so hopefully it will look good by middle\end iv only
got 1 temp down atm so its pretty bare :haha:

last 3 cycles my AF has changed.. i keept being 2 days late
:wacko: im never late i always have regular cycles usually
light to med flow.. :shrug: but these past few iv had spotting
and barely any flow very light .. having it now just spotting
and clots and theres really dark stuff looks browny black instead
of the pure red not sure whats going on but its driving me nuts!

Thank you it means alot!

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