Anyone hoping for a May/June BFP?? - 6 BFPs!!!

So ladies... my temp was still up this morning, so I decided to test using a cheapy dollar store test. BFN.

I sort of got instantly cranky but now that I've had a coffee, I feel so much better. :haha:

Looks like I'll be waiting for AF but on the plus side, it appears as though my LP is back to normal! :dance: Maybe my body wasn't ready yet.
OK Alandsa, I have a question for you about FF, I just noticed it is saying I am on cycle day 13...but my ticker, monitor and, my opinion all say day do I change it? Thanks!!
Alandsa: That is very true :haha: My twin pack of First Response have just arrived! Better late than never! Although I won't be needing them now until 2nd April :haha:

Tiptoes: Glad you feel a bit better today hun. I'm sure the two Sadie's will be having a blast up in doggy heaven :hugs:

Paris: Sorry to hear about the BFN hun :hugs:
Hi Ladies, feeling really upset at the moment and didnt know who else to talk to about mom is still at work and I talked to my gma for a bit, but then she had to go, but my dog my mom was keeping for us, Sadie, got out of their fence today and got hit by a car. They took her straight to the vet, but her spine had been severed and she had too much internal damage, so they had to put her to sleep. :cry:

Hubby doesnt get it, his family was never really close to their animals, but I am so upset. Not at my mom or gram, Sadie was known to dig and get out ALL the time....but she never went into the road until this once... I just wish I could have been there to tell her goodbye, thats what upsets me the that I didnt get the chance to tell her bye either. My Sweet Sadie girl, may she rest in peace... so very sad...

They are going to cremate (spelling?) her, and took a print of her paw, and my mom is having the paw print sent to me now. I just hate that when I go home she wont be there, and that Lila will never meet her, and Lilly wont ever get to play with her again.... anyway, just thought I would vent here. Think I am going to bed now....I hate this!

Oh tiptoes, I am so, so sorry. What a horrible thing to happen. It's heartbreaking when pets die... you're really having a terrible few months :( :hugs: :hugs:

Silver and Blakesmom, what cycle day are you on now? How are you guys doing waiting to O again? Silver I cant believe they pushed your apt that far back!! I would be pissed too!

I'm on CD11 now, I think... starting OPKs and keeping on eye on my body's signs in general now, because some cycles I ovulate pretty early for some reason... don't want to miss that egg if it shows up unexpectedly, heh.

I'm really upset about the appointment... going to talk to my GP and see if there's anything she can do, I think, since I'm lucky enough to have a pretty great GP.

Silver, your comment made me chuckle a little, cause that was my first thought after the initial shock...."well SH** this last year has REALLY sucked!!!!" I mean geez!!! I just need a little break and some better luck coming soon, a good stretch of peaceful happy 6 months or so would be awesome!

I'm not one to dwell on bad things, and try to look at positives/eveything happens for a reason point of view...but sometimes it just down right stinks! I hate that I am not there (home) when important things happen, and its not like it's just a drive away, so thats what upsets me the most! Is having to deal with things alone, or with just hubby and friends....I really do miss familiy sometimes!

I really hope your GP? is able to do something for you! I am so glad you like your doc! My daughter and I really like our fam practice doc too, but not sure how long she is here for...stupid military! ;)
tiptoes - aww of course you are going to feel sad and miss her. like any loss you will have good days and bad days :hugs: im really glad that you can have an imprint of her paw, that is a lovely idea. i love the idea of the two Sadie's playing together in doggy heaven .. aww that just made me feel all emotional :cry:

i was going to say yesterday but wasn't sure if it was right to say at that time, but i imagine she wouldn't have felt too much as all of her adrenalin would have been going too. it might have meant she was woozy too so maybe not quite aware of what was happening either :)

Ex- yey for your tests arriving, but typical it would happen that way round lol why is everything about waiting ... lol

OK Alandsa, I have a question for you about FF, I just noticed it is saying I am on cycle day 13...but my ticker, monitor and, my opinion all say day do I change it? Thanks!!

oh thats odd, i just had a look at your chart and it says that your period started on 25th Feb, is that correct?

when you click on the data for the 24th Feb / CD1 im assuming there isnt any data in the menses section?

what you need to do is either follow this link here:

and if that doesnt work then you need to merge the current CD1 into your previous cycle so that CD2 is the new CD1 on your current charge (if that makes sense?) you can do it with this link i believe:

let me know if any of that helps?
Paris, sorry about your BFN, but really you do have time. If your temp is still up, then that's good. If on day 10 it was a possible implant then hcg would just be starting to produce. Glad your LP is back though!~

Tiptoes, what did you mark on cycle day 1 for flow? because when I look nothing is there, so really your cycle day 1 should be the 25th so I don't know why FF has the 24th as CD1
Hi Everyone!! Man, I am gone for a long weekend and boy do I miss a lot!!

Congrats to Dahlia, and Justnow for your BFPs!!! Whoohoo! First ones for this thread yay!!! And now it looks like you too Melly!! I will be waiting too, to hear about your hcg levels! Everything will be ok, a little bit of drinking at the very start shouldnt hurt anything! Happy dance for all of you and baby dust for a healthy 9 months!! :happydance:

Ex, are you still spotting or is it an all out flow now? Hugs to you as you figure out whats going on!!

Alandsa, Jacksonsmommy, and Paris, cant wait till you all start testing soon! Hope we get some more BFPs!!! Lots of babydust as yall wait it out!!!

Silver and Blakesmom, what cycle day are you on now? How are you guys doing waiting to O again? Silver I cant believe they pushed your apt that far back!! I would be pissed too! Do they have a list they can put you on in case of cancelations? Sounds like the military docs here!! I wasnt even going to have my first apt until 12 wks, by the time they could fit me in! Went in at almost 11 wks with the spotting and they did the sonogram and said everything looked ok, made a note on my chart that I was only 5/6 wks and sent me home....2 days later went back in and said there was nothing there but a sack :/....woulda been nice to have known that a few wks earlier, like you would at a normal office!! With DD we had a midwife apt at 4/5 wks, then met the doc and first sonogram at 8/9 wks... But I guess it depends on who you get here, or how busy they friend who is now 15 wks was seen by her doc and had a sonogram at 7 wks! (maybe the key is to tell them I have NO IDEA when I got preggo!! Haha cause well she didnt!)

AFM: Paris was AMAZING!!!! Didnt get to see everything on our list but still saw most of the highlights! I was so bummed to come back, I really fell in love with the city and well France itself! I will post some pics soon! I also linked my chart (i think) to my sig and have started temping.... trying to decide if I should go buy some cheapy opk sticks because I completely screwed up my CBFM this month lol! forgot when I reset it for my period that I had to do it in the morning "window", now its wanting me to test late at night/early am...and I cant reset it past day 5.....argh!!!

At least my stuff from early pregnancy should be here...yay for more preseed and bulk hpt!!!

CD14 for me--negative OPK again tonight with my new dollar store ones--will get serious and start using my CB digis tomorrow. Sorry about your CBFM :nope: I don't have any experience with that and its a bummer it was just getting to "know" you again and that all of that data is gone now. Can't wait to see Paris pics. I got to tour thru Europe when I was 17 and wanted to go back after I turned 21--saved up the money is 18 months at my job saving all of my tips but then DH and I got engaged and we were married @ 20 so I will probably not be able to go again for many years. My sister in law's hubby was stationed in Germany @ Ramstein AFB but we could never save up enough to go when they were there either--one day I WILL make it back there!!

Blakesmom, we are at a smaller base only about 15 min from Ramstein :). The base is awesome, but you can only go to the bx so many times a week haha, it gets old fast, no matter how big the "shopping mall" is. We weren't plannin on traveling till next year and puttin more into savings, but then our tour here just got shortened by a year, so we only have a year and a half left...(secretly happy about that, haha!) I loved France and am sure I will enjoy more of our travels...but I am an American girl at heart. Although, I don't think I would mind being stationed in England as much, cause well at least there is less of a language barrier...
Paris, sorry about your BFN, but really you do have time. If your temp is still up, then that's good. If on day 10 it was a possible implant then hcg would just be starting to produce. Glad your LP is back though!~

Tiptoes, what did you mark on cycle day 1 for flow? because when I look nothing is there, so really your cycle day 1 should be the 25th so I don't know why FF has the 24th as CD1

Thats what I thought too...I had spotting but then changed it cause really I woke up Sat morning with a full flow through my pj bottoms...sorry TMI! So I think I may have confused it!! Now just dont know how to make it go right

Paris i agree, high temps are still good news! Your not out yet, sending lots of babydust your way!!!
Alandsa: I know lol! It's just typical! Oh well, hopefully they will come in good use very soon! ;)
Thanks for the positive hope ladies but I don't think this cycle will be resulting in a BFP. I'm ok with it :) Don't want to hold out on false hope. I'm just glad that my LP is back to normal which makes me feel like my body is now ready to actually TTC again. :flower:
Tiptoes, so sorry to hear about Sadie, my heart goes out to you. We got a rescue cat last year, a beautiful silver Bengal. He only went out in the garden, but one tea time he disappeared. Got a call from the vets a bit later, some ******* had knocked him down and just left him in the road. He had massive internal injuries and didn't make it through the night. I still feel sad thinking about it now. We only had him 3 weeks and feel like I failed him. Just think of how much happiness you gave to Sadie over her life.

Didn't temp this morning, too scared. Didn't test, too scared. Did go for my blood test, results should be back Thursday evening or Friday morning. Still getting this reflux thing, but only after lunch. Suppose that's a good sign?
Melly: Keeping my fingers crossed for good news from your blood tests hun :hugs: I don't blame you for being scared but I hope everything works out well for you! :D
Aww glad you got to your blood test. FXd for your results!
So ladies... my temp was still up this morning, so I decided to test using a cheapy dollar store test. BFN.

I sort of got instantly cranky but now that I've had a coffee, I feel so much better. :haha:

Looks like I'll be waiting for AF but on the plus side, it appears as though my LP is back to normal! :dance: Maybe my body wasn't ready yet.

Paris Princess,know what you mean my cycle has been messed up since miscarrying at just over 11 weeks in Jan. Ovulated day 22, (it is normally day 12). Am now 5dpo and have major period cramps. Not holding out much hope, just want it to start so I can try again! Get so much more desperate after miscarriage. Good luck with your testing, may be too early yet! x
Thanks for all the help Dahlia and Alandsa, that first link you sent let me fix it! whoohoo! I do have another question though...I usually dont ovulate till late in my cycle...but today when (TMI alert!) I went to the bathroom, and wiped there was a good bit of wet stretchy ewcm on the paper...since then it has been back to creamy, not so watery...what should I put as my mc note for the day? My cervix is still about medium and not too soft...has risen some!

I have decided to do the CBFM test at night right before bed....said low last night, but not sure how accurate it is without FMU. And since I usually dont ov till later, I havent made it to the BX to pick up any opk sticks...and they dont always have!! At least I have temping to figure out whats going on! And my bulk of hpt and new tube of preseed came today!! Too bad hubby took his new anxiety meds too early tonight...they made him kinda loopy and super sleepy! So no BDing tonight :(
Tiptoes - you sound like you are feeling a lot better today :)

As for CM they say to record the most fertile observation you have had that day. So as it was EWCM then go for that

I'm not sure about the CBFM as not used them
Tiptoes - you sound like you are feeling a lot better today :)

As for CM they say to record the most fertile observation you have had that day. So as it was EWCM then go for that

I'm not sure about the CBFM as not used them

I am feeling a little better thank you! I have been loving on Lila a lot today, and know that Sadie will always be with me no matter what, I only wish I would have known last summer to say goodbye while I was home. I am really looking forward to getting that paw print though, that has given me something to look forward to. I will prob cry when I get it, but its my little piece of her, and I can hold it and say goodbye one final time...if that makes any sense?
tiptoes, with the CBFM, I don't think you have to use fmu, but you have to test within the original window you started with. I think it's a 6 hour window (3 hours before you set you CD1 to 3 hours after).

Good luck!
Alandsa... I see a dip! yay! I hope this is it for you! When will you test?
My previous baby bump group was called July Summer Sugar Babies....:cry:
boy I really wanted a summer baby.
I am thinking of making my own group. There is one called November babies in the 1st tri forum, but there are way too many ladies to genuinely keep track of. I am thinking maybe just make a November Rainbow baby group in the PAL section... idk. I'll have to see what else is out there, and I truly hope all of you can join me there!
Ex- props for the new OPKs I hope they bring you a deep dark line this time!

I was in an "April Hatchlings Twenty12" group and my buddies are all gearing up to deliver soon :cry: PAL section would be a great place to start a November rainbow thread!!
Paris I blame your BFN on it being a Cheapie test--will you continue testing if the witch stays away??--Your chart looks great--nice high temps!!!

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