Anyone on cd 3, need a cycle and ttc buddy :)

Avas_mum, I hope that during the rest of the week you are fully able to get out of the rut that you are in and nothing is wrong with taking some time for yourself from b&b. The lady at work was just being spiteful to announce something like in front of everyone and wanted to make you unhappy. She sounds childish to me and needs alot of growing up to do. Auckland sounds like it is a nice place and disney on ice should be able to bring some ease to your mind. I love shopping for shoes please enjoy that for everyone on this board cause shoppiing is a ladies thing that we all enjoy I am sure.

Bailee and Simple how is everything going? any bding on your part Bailee for that egg? Simple I hope you are working on relaxing for the big day on Tuesday.

Myshel how is the tailbone? Have you been to the doctor as yet?

AFM Fertility Friend remove my ovulation bar and have now indicated that I did not ovulate because my temp had dropped .3 points yesterday and increase again this morning so I have no idea what is going on, I dont have any symptoms as well so I guess that maybe this month I wont ovulate. Funny thing is I dont feel anyway about it because I have come to the point of NTNP either this way I wont get upset or disappointed if things do not turn out the way I expected them to so I guess I will just have to wait on Bailee and Simple and sit this one out this month.
Well im taking it as a positive so we shall see!!!

Amy. That sounds fun im sure you and your daughter will enjoy that! I know what you mean about facebook another announcement just happened on mine too!! It gets so annoying. Glad your back though :hugs:
Pop no we didnt dtd last night planning to bd tonight through sunday if hubby doesn't get too drained lol

Ff sometimes does that but it doesn't look like you ovulated to me until yesterday or today just wait until tomorrow's temp and you have a better idea! I love your enthusiasm but im sure ill get a bfn as usual lol
Bailee I am not even going to accept that from you I want you to stay positive so that we can get a BFP from you. I know for a fact that I am out this month and may have a long cycle and I am fine with that.

I will indeed wait and see what happen tomarrow and thank you.
Yeah start bding!

Amy sorry about your last couple of Weeks. I also had the worst week this well, took days off of work and faked sick ... Don't tell my boss. Big giant hugs, you will be ok.

Back still painful going for xrays in the morning was closed last night and slept in today.
When are you gonna test myshel????? That's shitty your back still hurts hopfully they can tell you whays going on! Sorry your having such a hard time girl :/
We dtd tonight so fingers crossed!!!!!

Fertility Friend reset my ovulation date to CD14 which was Sunday. WTH is going on. Record thick creamy CM and dull pelvic pain.

Yay for you Bailee.
Ohhh thanks everyone :) Its great to be back...Myshell I am having a half day off today had to pick my daughter up from school as she is sick, was great timing we are having a movie afternoon!

Yay for the super positive bailee get to it girl :winkwink:

Thanks Pie I absolutely love shoes :happydance: they are my weakness and hanbags. I will be shopping a storm, havent bought any clothes or shoes since before MC in December as I thought I would be PG by now... F*#@ it! (sorry for the language) but I am going to have a great time!

Im feeling better now I was not letting on how hard I was taking the last 6 months to DH and trying to be strong for everyone around me, we have talked about it and has made us much stronger. It was starting to affect everything in my life around me, work, relationships, my daughter etc hence why I took a step back. We are NTNP and will do tests after my trip away if this cycle a no go.

I will be testing 29th May if af has not arrived by then.

FX'D for us ladies we have all been so patient this cycle must be it surely!
Greetings from the Caribbean ladies. We are heading into a long weekend and I am looking forward to it. The government has added another holiday to the calender so now we have 11h olidays one every month or there abouts.

Baileee :wohoo: for your positive, you have the weekend to make this comes true.

Avum_mom. I am sorry to read about your lost and I am glad that you are putting things back in prospective. It can indeed be a difficult time and the time off was a great idea. Please please shop away. I love bags as well and developed a new liking for hats the funny thing is I own only three dresses and 71 jeans pants, I wear skirts to work.

AFM: I just feel it in my bones that I am out this month so I am counting down the days until :witch: shows her head. I am not even :sex: anymore just doing it for my own pleasure and the thing is I am perfectly happy with it.


Have any of you ladies ever love someone intimately but dont want to sleep with them just want them in your life to the point of ending your relationship just so as not to make them unhappy. I would rather be single and dont date anyone because I know it would make them sad but I am not even remotely interested in them on a intimate level or ever will (its just a close personal bond that is hard to explain) It has me to the point of not wanting to concieve anymore because it would break the person heart, also the way I feel about this person I dont feel for my BF and the attraction and closeness I have with my guy I have never had with anyone or for anyone.

Oh thank you ladies for your kinds words for my friend Patricia and her baby son. I will be visiting her this weekend to date the guys who shot her husband is still at large.
Pop, are you attracted to the other guy, do you even want to be with him? If not then I wouldn't revolve my life around his feelings but the fact that you are considering him and not hurting his feelings makes me believe maybe you do feel the same about him? Jusy a inference from what you have said but it sounds like maybe you arent in love with df, maybe just in love with the idea of being a mommy? Im sure things will work themselves out though :hugs: and dont feel out you never know!!

Amy, good for you. Have fun shopping! It is crazy none of us have got a bfp yet. I was sure one of us would have by now fx this is our month!
Bailee, I am NOT in love with either of them, its more out of respect for the first and the fact that he is there for me more so than DF, we have a great time together discussing things etc but I cannot be around him for any length of time...I know my getting pregnant would truly hurt him and I dont want to do that to him, also I would never want to have a child with him because he has about 19. 8 with his ex wife, 5 outside of marriage and 6 with his current lover of 20 years. My DF well, what do I say about him, he is there and we have a good time when we are together, we laugh, play, discuss some issues and hang out but he does not light a fire in me anymore its not there and there are times when we are upset with each other for no reason and spend weeks apart and this to me is childish so I need to ask myself why am I still with him. Yes I would have liked for him to be the father of my kid but I am now thinking about it and if that would be a smart thing to do, I am not even sure anymore cause I can take care of my child on my own.

Happier note:

Bailee I think we are waiting on you to start the cycle and then we will follow suite...

Avum_mom you cause me to go out and bought two pairs of 4 inches, a white mini skirt, a floral pink jeans, a black tights, a orange top and aqua tee and a green and black tee, some earrings, a sun glasses and some face I have spent my car repair money...mmmm maybe oodles and noodles for dinner and lunch in the next two weeks.

Take care ladies and enjoy the evening.
pie: you bought a smile to my face...good on you with all the shopping. I do somewhat know what you are going through. After my loss it made me question everything... I have had thoughts which I am not proud of, whether DH and me not meant to be together and thats why we can not concieve. Sounds silly I know, now my head is screwed back on I now know that I love him to bits and even though we have our moments, I could not do this without him. So yes it is possible to have a phase of these thoughts...I guess if it over a long period of time, then you'll know for sure.

I am officially in TWW now thought I had ovulated couple of days ago. TMI sorry, this month I am calling it my 'super o' I had so much friggin ewcm.... hope this leads to some good news.

As much as I know my co workers heart was in the right place having a chat with me before she announces her pregnancy, she said she was going to bring me her ovulation kits etc in which felt like a kick in the guts. I would love to be pregnant by that time so I can say you dont need to bother.

Beautiful day here... going to do some housework then off to play netball in the afternoon.

Have a good day ladies
Pie, Pie, Pie ... what to say girl .... Honestly what are you doing?
I am very open minded and don’t really think marriage and all that is for everyone it just worked for me. BUT why are you trying to get pregnant? Honestly.

You have said numerous times you don't know you want a baby, you have said that you don’t know if it is going to work with your current boyfriend, you have feelings for someone else, and now you have admitted you aren't in love with either of them and if you get pregnant then you will hurt one guys feelings …

I am all for independent women deciding they want to have children by themselves and rearing the children by themselves because they have decided to do this but it doesn't even seem like that is what you want to do at all. I just cant wrap my brain around your situation. I would understand if you desperately wanted a baby and felt this was your last chance so you purposely get pregnant by someone you don't really get along with knowing that you would be raising the baby alone and just hope that you all could be civil after the baby, but this isn’t your situation at all.

Why are you trying to get pregnant?
Do you want a baby, are you planning on raising it alone … Is your DF making you have a baby … If you don't even like him why are you trying to have HIS child?

Until we know what is going on in your head I don't think we can really give any advise because we are assuming you are in a healthy loving relationship and you are trying to conceive with your partner. But it sounds like this is not correct.

I am honestly not trying to be rude but really just want to figure out what is going on so we can be helpful.
As much as I know my co workers heart was in the right place having a chat with me before she announces her pregnancy, she said she was going to bring me her ovulation kits etc in which felt like a kick in the guts. I would love to be pregnant by that time so I can say you dont need to bother.

by what you wrote it sounded like she was trying to be considerate and let you know first knowing that you have had soem issues. That was really nice of her. Welcome to the TWW, gotta love it .... or go crazy during it like me lol.

Had Xray this morning, will know if a few days if any serious. Hopefully just bruised not broken. Stupid tailbones are painful, especially when you sit on ass all day.

I stoped taking tests before af was due, if it is past 4 days late will test ... who am I kidding if like 1 day late will test. if my LP doesnt change (but again the B6 is really changing my cycles) first date of period expected May 23 - but think will arrive 25-26th (normally on the full moon)
Answer to Myshel question.

Myshel, its not easy to explain... here is a summery. I am the only living person for my father and its only my mother (she is 75) and I we have no one hence it would be great to have a child to carry on our blood line also, I want a baby very badly ever since I have lost my son and had a MC (I want to be able to leave what I have accumulated in my life to someone belonging to be because I work tooo damn hard to get where I am - not rich far from it but comfortable). I have assets including I am a 30% partner in a solar energy business I may not seem like it but I am a strict business woman. I planned my life when I was younger that I would be married with a family etc, etc. To date I am only able to get the professional part down and nothing else. My DF and I was great and I thought we were in love until he cheated twice on me and then come back begging for a second chance, I gave in because I thought the feeling was there and I must say that he is showing some improvement at changing, the problem is I cannot get past the fact that he left me, once when I was pregnant in 2011 and I excitedly told him becasue he always claim he wanted his children with me, the next day we broke up and I ended up MCing and most recently in February of this year only to come back three weeks later and again I took him back but informed him that the next time that would be it because even though I started dating right away I found I had missed him and I guess I somehow I dont like to be dumped (however, I think I made a mistake in taking him back because the feelings is not there even though we are doing more than we did before but I just cant move past him cheating therefore, I beat myself up because I feel like I put myself in a trap and until I can forgive him I am stump...I want his semen because he is good stock with the exception of being 3 inches shorter than I, he is what a woman would look for in a man in my opinion. I just need to decide if I am to forgive him or stick it out and see if in time we will be back to where we once were. The other older gentleman I met some four years ago during a business meeting, DF knows about him in that we are friends which in reality he is, as I said I am NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM JUST RESPECT HIM A GREAT DEAL, that is why it is so difficult for me because I know how he feels about me and I HAVE spoken to him about it so he does not really express it verbally but he shows it in many ways by his deed and the things he has done for me that my own DF would not do. Yesterday he bought be a tennis bracelette as a late mothers day gift even though I refuse to take it he still left it on the desk and said I hurt his feelings when I do things like this. We talk about the pregnancy last week and he was against it and now the pieces are starting to fit and truly I want this person in my life because he is the only person that I can confide in. There is no sister, no brother, no aunt, no cousins, no nephews, no best friends, two friends one who is suffering the lost of her husband and understand what went down with DF and the other in NY (the others are only diggers) and the other person I pay 150 to hourly once a month.

FYI I had a scare with breast cancer last month and this makes me more determine to have a trust me when I said I want a baby very badly and even more so now than ever. Mind you I know that I will make an awesome mother not in the sense of spoiling my child but in how to appreciate things, manners, respect and the purpose of life. My child would indeed make my life complete even if there is no husband cause I am an independent woman and pride myself in the things I was able to accomplish alone without support. I just dont want to go out there and be intimate with any dick, tom or harry just to have a baby. This is why I am in a state, I need to move pass the cheating but I cant and ending up disliking him. My question is have anyone ever been there and then turn out to fall in love back with their SO and how long did it take or just move on and have someone around who you can communicate with and is there for you, who would not hurt you in the process. This is a major question because it mean bringing a baby in the world and ending a very important friendship.

Hope this clear things up a bit..never had a girlie chat before so this is somewhat new to me.

Anyway, this is something I will just have to jump right into and let the chips fall where they may.

PS. DF will do things for me and really tries may not be to the level of older friend but its just that I need to start trusting him again or just moved on and if I decided to stay how do I begin to heal.
Pie big Hugs.

So sorry for all of your losses, that is horrible, I know there is nothing I can say that will make any of that ok, but my sincere condolences for your losses.

I understand why you are so hesitant with your current Df, Because he is an As*hole, and doesn’t deserve your love or your attention. Sorry I am a harsh, blunt person …

It is great to have someone in your life that is a true friend and it sounds like you have some one that cares and is there to support you. I understand you do not want children with him but does he want children with you? Just wondering, Sounds like he is trying to get closer to you but you are pushing him away. Especially with not accepting the gift, I know you may have seen it as inappropriate since you are unclear about his true intentions and motivates, but friends are allowed to give each other gifts. Including ones during times of stress or grief … like an unfulfilled mothers day…

If at this point you are looking for a sperm donner (no other way of sayingit) I say go for it however you want. Have you considered breaking up with your current BF and finding someone within your circle of friends that will make a good donation man? There is nothing wrong with going at it alone and getting yourself pregnant, I just don't know if you would want to be tied to your current beau since he is such an as*hat.
Pop, girl that is a difficult situation. I truly believe once a cheater always a cheater. And if I was your df and knew another man gave you or tried to give you jewelry I would not be okay with that. Just as I assume you would not be okay with him accepting a watch from another women??? If I were toy and from what you have told me I would break it off, get my space and stop ttc with him. I would find a soerm donar. There isnt anything wrong with a established women having a child so I support you with that decision. Think about the fact he would want to see his child, possibly take you to court for visitation etc... if you fot a sperm donar you wouldnt have to worry about it. I would just think long and hard before you have a child with him, its your decision ajd I support you. I just don't want you to feel as though you are stuck with him. There are billions of men in the world who would treat you well and not cheat on you.
Pie-Thank you for taking some time to share insight. The reality is, we're a group of women from different backgrounds with a common goal. We may not all arrive to the same place at the same time or by using the same road, but we do share the common ground.

Like yourself, I am not married. My OH and I actually don't even live together. I am quite okay with that but when others find out we're a) in love b) TTC they seem to pitch a fit. And that's okay. I'm not living to please anyone else but my God and myself...

Suggestion (as it's been suggested to me in the past, before I met OH)... have you considered a sperm donor? It cuts out the headache of the intricacies of having to deal with a relationship and will ultimately provide just what you're desiring so much - to become a mother (again). While a tad more expensive than, let's say the old fashioned way, it is certainly a viable option.


On a lighter note...I had a retreat with my high schoolers on thursday and it was fabulous! It turned out better than any of us could have planned or expected and the girls really did enjoy themselves. I was reminded, yet again, of where I'm supposed to be in life --- teaching! I picked up my youngest niece from school yesterday (big surprise to her) and we spent the day together...she's at work with me now. I hope you ladies are having a good weekend.
Ehh im okay cervix are still low so idk what is going on...

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