Anyone testing around 24th Jan?

Ladies you are cracking me up. I think we're all going insane!! Why do the days go by so SLLOOOOOW when you want them to go fast, but then they go so fast when you want them to go slow?! What's up with that??

I think you guys (Krippy & MrsM) should both test this weekend together! If you get a :bfn:, just know that you have more time to retest!

Right now, I don't think I'm going to test until sometime next week...maybe even the weekend after this one if the :witch: doesn't show up. I'm feeling as if we might have missed this month, as I'm really not getting any symptoms and nothing feels 'different.' Makes me frustrated as we BD every other day 3 days after my period to 2 days after I ovulated. Grrrr.. The back is still a mess, but slightly better. Hoping by this weekend it's all healed up!

Tanzi: Sending good house vibes your way! Can't wait to hear more about it

Sarena: WELCOME! So sorry for your loss. Where are you from?

MrsM: Did you buy different brands of tests or are they all the same? I'm finding I like the digital ones - they give me a straight answer: pregnant or not pregnant O:) I need to break down and buy some more soon. I have a few clearblue easy under my sink, but want to get a different brand. Any recommendations?

Krippy: : I am EXCITED for you girlie!!!! You are such a strong woman and I can't wait to see how it goes. If it's not this month, just remember you get more practice :sex: the next month. :winkwink: We are here for you!

What is everyone doing to pass the time? I find myself checking these boards more often...not sure if that helps the time pass faster or slower...haha!

:dust::dust::dust: to everyone!!
Hi KT!

I think its looking like I might test Sunday morning (unless AF shows up first).

I'm in the same boat as you - other than feeling a bit queasy today (which I don't think is baby related) - I have no other symptoms!! I'm sick of being symptomless - I want sore boobs!

I am currently re-reading the Harry Potter books - its not making the time go any faster, but it is taking my mind off things (for a while anyway)!!

The first 4 tests I've got are just the cheapest ones I could find - but I also invested in 2 'early response' ones that Tanzi reccomended to me earlier on in this post.

How many DPO are you now KT??
I am only 8DPO now - I still feel like I have a ways to go before I can test! I'm expected to get my AF on the 22nd. The ONLY thing I've noticed that is different is...TMI...I seem to have more CM/discharge than I normally do. Not certain if that's a good, bad, or neutral thing. It's not the type you get when you're OV, but much more watery with a bit more color to it. We'll see!

I would love some sore boobs right about now! This is the only time I would say that! :haha:
Sorry to ask KTJ but what kind of CM...This has been driving me crazy so if you don't mind can you describe yours? ;) Mine is watery but comes up white on my undies and there is quite a bit too. I know TMI but I am so curious.
Hey All,

To go one further on Krippys question-what kind of discharge post ovulation might be a positive indicator of implantation? i've seen some posts about implantation bleed, but did not have that myself, and can't remember what it was like last time:dohh:

KTJ006 I'm from Kerry, Ireland, how about yourself?

I know what you mean about logging on to pass the time-its great to see that we are not alone waiting impatiently to do a life changing test!

How early on can the early detection tests detect? I have bog standard ones, but itching to get something that will tell me sooner!
Glad I'm not the only one! Mine is watery and has a yellow/sometimes light, light brown tinge to it. It's definitely not implantation bleeding, as I've had that before and this is considerably different. The quantity has jumped quite substantially from what I normally get. It's not thick or sticky at all like what you get when you're OV - it's very thin. Did some google searching and I'm not really getting anything. Some say it's a good sign; others say it can be a sign of pregnancy or getting your AF; others say it's nothing. I might be reading too into things, but this is definitely not the norm!
Hey All,

To go one further on Krippys question-what kind of discharge post ovulation might be a positive indicator of implantation? i've seen some posts about implantation bleed, but did not have that myself, and can't remember what it was like last time:dohh:

KTJ006 I'm from Kerry, Ireland, how about yourself?

I know what you mean about logging on to pass the time-its great to see that we are not alone waiting impatiently to do a life changing test!

How early on can the early detection tests detect? I have bog standard ones, but itching to get something that will tell me sooner!

Hi Serena! I'm from the US :wave:

I can tell you that when I had implantation bleeding, it lasted about 2 weeks (which I hear is not the norm) and the consistency of it was just like the CM I got everyday, but was dark brown. Some women only see it when they wipe; others (like me) had it when they wiped and had to wear a panty liner. That's how I knew I was pregnant because I never got that any other time.

I know there's a HPT that can detect pregnancy 6 days before your missed period (First Response Early Result), though I'm VERY skeptical about that. I haven't dove into the specifics of it, but it almost seems too good to be true
Hi MrsMauri - Yeah have a few updates on the house, it's now been taken off the market :) we got the paperwork from the solicitors today, so need to take a tonnes of documents to them and of course they want some money upfront, which is understandable. So hoping to get all that sorted this week.

Oh I agree about testing at the weekend, least you have time to absorb the results as opposed to putting on a front and just heading straight into work. I don't think 13\dpo is too early at all, it's when I got my BFP last time.

Yay about getting the FRER's too!!!!!

Krippy - You know what I didn't even realise it was Wednesday today, yay! we're in the middle of the week already :D

Hi KT - hope you're well :hugs:

I'm gonna toodles for tonight, feeling shattered. Going to have shower then straight to bed - hubby wants me to give him some "attention" but if he's expecting hours and hours of it there's no way in hell thats going to happen tonight!:sleep:
Also another TMI post:

I did an internal CM check and it was snot like, white sort of yellowish. Sorry...I know gross right? But I have heard that it is a good sign and that it is the mucous plug forming...Anyone else know anything about this?
Also another TMI post:

I did an internal CM check and it was snot like, white sort of yellowish. Sorry...I know gross right? But I have heard that it is a good sign and that it is the mucous plug forming...Anyone else know anything about this?

Here's what I read on the internet:
In the early days of pregnancy, mucous begins to accumulate around the opening of the cervix to form the mucous plug, a barrier that helps protect the baby during its development. As a result of this mucous formation, you may notice a bit of vaginal discharge. (Discharge as a sign of pregnancy should not be accompanied by other distinguishing features of an infection, such as a burning sensation, foul smell, or itchiness.)
Also another TMI post:

I did an internal CM check and it was snot like, white sort of yellowish. Sorry...I know gross right? But I have heard that it is a good sign and that it is the mucous plug forming...Anyone else know anything about this?

Here's what I read on the internet:
In the early days of pregnancy, mucous begins to accumulate around the opening of the cervix to form the mucous plug, a barrier that helps protect the baby during its development. As a result of this mucous formation, you may notice a bit of vaginal discharge. (Discharge as a sign of pregnancy should not be accompanied by other distinguishing features of an infection, such as a burning sensation, foul smell, or itchiness.)

Ooooohhh! I am not going to get my hopes to far up just for a little bit of mucous but that sounds promising. Ok now I am obsessing. Can I just sleep til Sunday pls?

I'm too afraid to take anything besides Tylenol because 'what if' something IS happening?? I don't want to mess anything up...the beginning is such a critical stage. Maybe I'm being too anal??
Hi Everyone!

KT - good luck if you do test - Im sending you some baby vibes for a BFP! Good Luck!

If you dont want to take meds, have you tried putting heat pads on your back? You can also get gels/sprays (I think its called deep heat) to put on the affected area to ease the pain?
Am definitely not testing this weekend. I just want my 'test time' to hurry up and get here so I can take something stronger for the back. I've been living off a heating pad at home and at work. Unfortunately, with a 1.5yr old and a DH that has night classes, it's hard to get any rest!

How is everyone else today? Feeling good? Bad? Any new symptoms?
Hey KT and Krippy-thanks for info on you know what..i've also got similar situation-snot like and thick(TMI, i know) wouldn't be amazing if we all were pregnant this month?! What are the odds? We'll soon find out:happydance:

KT i think maybe to ease conscience take an early test-and don't go for a really potent painkiller? Lots of heat is good, but I have heard of someone sleeping on a hard floor to help fix their back-they think it works! not sure how well you'd sleep tho! If all else fails there is chocolate.....

I am after getting so anal i won't take a strong cup of tea because of the caffeine levels....:wacko:I imagine anyone who has been through a loss is really anal about every aspect.

Was so tempted to call into shop for early test today, but will be strong and hold out!
No new symptoms...just feeling down! I realized that I was getting my hopes up and this possibly could not be our month. I need to bring myself back down to earth and wait to test on Monday. I need to prepare myself that even though we deserve our BFP this month and we did everything that we were supposed to do, I still may see that dreaded BFN on Monday. Sigh...just feeling blue today!
Hey KT, good idea on waiting a bit longer to test.

Hope your back gets better soon :hug:

I'm just feeling bloated and generally quite "meh", i hate my job but cant really look for another with buying a house ><

boobs are still sore
Sorry to hear that Krippy. Our hormones have allot to answer for. I'm sure when the time is right it will happen-and probably when we all least expect it to-were you trying for long with your first? I am very sorry for your loss.
Hi Everyone!

Krippy - hang in there, not log to go now xx

Sarena - I'm with you - how amazing would it be if we all got our BFPs.

Tanzi - Sore boobs = good sign, I wish mine were sore!

I'm feeling really positive today. Nearly took a test... Got to the bathroom with it and everything, but managed to come to my senses before I opened it!
Hey Sarena - sorry I thought I'd said hi previously...HI!

How are you doing sweetie? xxxx

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