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Anyone testing around 24th Jan?

KT - hope you are OK - there is nothing worse than not being able to sleep.

I really hope the spotting is implantation bleeding, but if it isn't, know that we are all here for you if you need to vent. Take care xx
Good luck KTJ! IB sounds like a great sign! I am hoping and praying for you! I would wait because if that is IB it won't show positive for at least 4 or 5 days! :)

Ami...You are definitely not out yet! I think you just tested way too early. I did that too on Thursday basically knowing that the result would be BFN. Hang in there until the 27th or 28th if the witch doesn't get you...test again! :)

Lots of vivid dreams the last week and half...I don't remember the last time I dreamt so many nights in a row and remembered how strange they all were. I did have crazy dreams with RJ so hoping it is all a great sign other than that and a stuffy nose I feel normal. Crampy a bit but waiting for AF to come this weekend. Got up this morning and expected to see her when I wiped but all I had was lots of CM.

How are you this morning Mrs. Mauri?

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend and keep us updated with all the symptoms, etc. Sending lots of positive vibes to all of you! :)
Hey All,
Gave in to :devil:temptation and bought first response early detection test. It has come back negative:cry: hoping its still too soon to detect, but beginning to think maybe this month just isn't the month.

Know its stupid to get sad, when I'm healthy, happy married, employed, etc. but can't help it. I blame my PMS hormones!!!

This TTC is tough going...and this is only my 2nd months trying...hope it doesn't take too many more.

Sending all you lovely ladies good luck, hope this is your special month!

Krippy-blood vessel thing sounds unusual-might be good sign! dreams too-i had crazy dreams last time i was pregnant!

KT-really hope its implantation bleeding!!

Ami-Hi! hope we were both too early with our testing!

Tanzibar-fingers crossed for you

hugs to everyone:hugs:

Going to see my 2 year old nephew tomorrow, that always cheers me up.:thumbup:
Thanks guys and good luck, i just want it to be 25th ish so i can re test lol xxx
Hi everyone! Hope you're enjoying the weekend!

Ami: the 25th will be here before you know it! I have decided I am going to test with Tuesday or Wednesday if the witch doesn't show before then, so we can test together! FXd that this is your month!

Krippy, Tanzi and MrsM: How are you guys?

Serena: Hope you are having fun with that sweet nephew!

AFM...I am a mess! :wacko: I thought the back was getting better, but it's not. Now I've added a big knot in my right shoulder. I am looking forward to testing Tuesday/Wednesday if the witch doesn't show so I can find out one way or the other and head to the doctor! My AF should pop up either today or tomorrow. Still have brown spotting :sad1:...It took me 3 hours to fall asleep and I only slept for about 4hrs :sleep: I really don't know what's wrong with me. To top it all off **TMI alert** I am so "blocked up" if you know what I mean (i.e. constipated). I don't know how this happens as I drink water like crazy and haven't eaten anything out of the usual. I am just ready to feel comfortable again! Sorry for the rant guys...

...In better news, I watched "The Great Sperm Race" last night on youTube. It was sooooo interesting and highly suggest checking it out if you haven't! Just type in "The Great Sperm Race" into youTube and it will pop up. There are 6 parts to it and it took me an hour to watch. It reminded me how amazing it really is to even get pregnant in the first place.

I hope everyone is doing well and feeling ok! Try not to stress these last few days (easier said than done, I know!). FXd for everyone and sending a ton of baby dust to you all! I love our little group and I hope we can keep in touch regardless of results!:dust::dust::dust:
Hi everyone! :hugs:

Krippy - symptoms sound good, keep us informed! :thumbup:

Sarena - Dont loose hope, it could just be that its been to early for the test to detect - its not over yet!

Ami1985 - I hope the time goes quick and there is good news for you on the 25th!

KT - I cant believe your shoulder is sore - of all the rotten luck for you! Are you not sleeping with the pain or are you worring about things? I always have trouble sleeping because I start thinking about 'baby stuff' and then thats me - I cant get it out of my head and it keeps me awake!

I'll check out the great sperm race one night this week!

All - I hope everyone else is doing well?

As for me, I had a rough night last night. I started spotting, so I should get AF today or tomorrrow. I know its not implantation because I've never had it and I always spot the day before my AF. So thats me out the race for this month. Im totally gutted. I think its hit me twice as hard and just reminded me of the miscarriage all over again - and I was just starting to feel a little bit normal again :(

My husband wants me to stay positive (which Im trying to do) and I know we can try again next month. I'll dust off my clear blue fertility monitor tonight!

I hope everyone else has more luck than me - I really want you guys to get your BFP's, you all deserve it and it gives me hope for next month! So keep me informed! XX
Hi Ladies,

Found out today someone i know is pregnant. Very happy for them. Not jealous but just had a "i wish that was me moment..." and a sigh or two!](*,)

KT-sorry to hear your back and shoulder are acting up-know sleep deprivation is so annoying-makes it harder to tolerate the pain. lots of heat and little movement should help a little...not long to go now! Hopefully your digestive situation is a good sign?!

Gonna check out the great sperm race tonight-even roped the hubby into watching it...he has really laid back attitude towards conceiving, so I'm hoping it will teach and communicate to him the narrow window each month we have to conceive!

Having said that he is my rock, and balances my out completely. While i sometimes start planning 5 years ahead(would we foster or adopt if we can't conceive and go to full term?) his philosophy is more just enjoy today....see what happens.....

Mrs. Mauri, sorry to hear this month is not the one for you either! I know what you mean about it bringing up MC feelings. I feel impatient and worried-when will it be me?! but I'm sure it will happen for us all when the time is right. Probably when i stop stressing about it!

Tanzibar, Ami and Krippy: heres hoping-it would be great if even 1 of the gang got a positive test this month!

Hope we all continue with this thread-really happy to be a part of it-all you ladies are great-and have somewhere to have very frank conversations about the whole process and share feelings about MC.

Heres hoping :baby: is quietly checking into some wombs right now!
Hi ladies! I keep thinking about everyone and wanted to drop in again.

Sarena: The Great Sperm Race is awesome! Thankfully it's not one of those old cheesy movies...let me know what you think of it. It's wonderful you have such a strong backbone (your DH!). You and your hubby sound a lot like my hubby and I. I am the EXACT same way as you! Sometimes I drive him nuts trying to plan things out and doing the 'what ifs' in my head! He's just a go with the flow kinda guy...sometimes I wish I could have more of his 'ease' in life!

MrsM: Has AF officially showed up? So sorry if she has. :nope: Just know that as each AF comes and goes, your building up a stronger and stronger environment for your little bean to grow once he/she gets here! Will you be using the CBFM next month? Thinking of you :hugs: - just take it one day at a time. You are a strong woman!

Krippy: How you feeling today girlie? Hope you are keeping that head up. Any idea when you might test again? Have some good feelings about you. :happydance:

Tanzi: Hope you are well. Any new news on the house?

AFM...still brown spotting. A part of me is thinking this really IS implantation bleeding. But I know as soon as I believe that AF will show up with a vengeance. I think I am going to test on Tuesday. Oy. We will see. I am so nervous about it! I think even IF (and that's a BIG if) I were to get a BFP, I'm still going to be an absolutely wreck and worry non-stop that something might go wrong again. Don't think I can go through that again. Look at me...I'm jumping ahead already and need to stop. :dust: to you all!! XXXX
KT - I enjoyed watching the sperm race, I think I learnt a lot of useful information which we applied when DTD, such as sex 12 hours apart, old sperm giving off toxins which can kill new sperm, etc. :)

Does anyone have any advice when a mortgage application is declined? it happened to me yesterday with HSBC, stupid bank. I've been with them for over 15 years and this is how they repay that loyalty. Idiots. So now Hubby and I are worried sick, we've wasted the whole weekend just panicking that we may get rejected again - I could do with some success stories and please feel free to share your HSBC stories (only as long as they're grim).

We think the problem is that HSBC's standards are too high because the amount we asked for, the monthly payments are barely different to what we pay in rent now. My credit report might be a factor in it though - I logged on after the decline only to find nothing had been updated on there since I got married - over 2 years ago ><

So I've sent my stuff off to change that...I don't get it though - the bank new I had a name change, they also know what my current income is anyway as I'm a customer, they need shooting, they really do!!!!!!

So once again I've had an awful weekend, no ambition to think about testing, just want to crawl under a rock and stay there.
Hi ladies! I keep thinking about everyone and wanted to drop in again.

Sarena: The Great Sperm Race is awesome! Thankfully it's not one of those old cheesy movies...let me know what you think of it. It's wonderful you have such a strong backbone (your DH!). You and your hubby sound a lot like my hubby and I. I am the EXACT same way as you! Sometimes I drive him nuts trying to plan things out and doing the 'what ifs' in my head! He's just a go with the flow kinda guy...sometimes I wish I could have more of his 'ease' in life!

MrsM: Has AF officially showed up? So sorry if she has. :nope: Just know that as each AF comes and goes, your building up a stronger and stronger environment for your little bean to grow once he/she gets here! Will you be using the CBFM next month? Thinking of you :hugs: - just take it one day at a time. You are a strong woman!

Krippy: How you feeling today girlie? Hope you are keeping that head up. Any idea when you might test again? Have some good feelings about you. :happydance:

Tanzi: Hope you are well. Any new news on the house?

AFM...still brown spotting. A part of me is thinking this really IS implantation bleeding. But I know as soon as I believe that AF will show up with a vengeance. I think I am going to test on Tuesday. Oy. We will see. I am so nervous about it! I think even IF (and that's a BIG if) I were to get a BFP, I'm still going to be an absolutely wreck and worry non-stop that something might go wrong again. Don't think I can go through that again. Look at me...I'm jumping ahead already and need to stop. :dust: to you all!! XXXX

Thanks doll! I think I might test tomorrow sometime...going to wait it out because AF usually comes later on in the day. Might even wait until Tuesday...playing it by ear! I have a good feeling too but I don't want to get my hopes up or jinx it so I am prepared for either way! :)
KT - I enjoyed watching the sperm race, I think I learnt a lot of useful information which we applied when DTD, such as sex 12 hours apart, old sperm giving off toxins which can kill new sperm, etc. :)

Does anyone have any advice when a mortgage application is declined? it happened to me yesterday with HSBC, stupid bank. I've been with them for over 15 years and this is how they repay that loyalty. Idiots. So now Hubby and I are worried sick, we've wasted the whole weekend just panicking that we may get rejected again - I could do with some success stories and please feel free to share your HSBC stories (only as long as they're grim).

We think the problem is that HSBC's standards are too high because the amount we asked for, the monthly payments are barely different to what we pay in rent now. My credit report might be a factor in it though - I logged on after the decline only to find nothing had been updated on there since I got married - over 2 years ago ><

So I've sent my stuff off to change that...I don't get it though - the bank new I had a name change, they also know what my current income is anyway as I'm a customer, they need shooting, they really do!!!!!!

So once again I've had an awful weekend, no ambition to think about testing, just want to crawl under a rock and stay there.

I would try going to see a mortgage broker...Our bank gave us nothing for a house when we wanted to buy and then we saw a broker and things went great. We bought our first house this summer. We had to do a bit of juggling with our funds and paying off loans, etc. but we are home owners. Good luck!
OOO thanks for that Krippy, it's given me confidence things will still be alright. We do actually have an AIP from a broker which will now be our next step. How did you find the broker route? was there many downsides?

Good luck for when you test too xxxx
There wasn't any downsides for us! We had to use most of our downpayment to pay off loans so our monthly payment is a bit higher than we wanted. But we aren't paying as much out for loans and we found a house with a full basement suite that we get rent for so it really all worked out very well for us. We love being home owners!
Hi Everyone,

Tanzi - I used a mortgage advisor too. If you go for an independent one they can check loads of different banks/building society's for you all in one go. So they will not only be able to see who is willing to give you a mortgage, but they can advise you on who is going to give you the best package to suit your needs. Hope things start looking up again for you soon!

KT/Sarena - AF is now here in full force, so I am most definitely out this month :(

I cried all day yesterday (I didnt think it was possible to have that many tears!). I think my husband thought I was having a breakdown or something (he puts up with so much!). I'm still feeling really low today - I think its just hit me how hard it was for me to get pregnant last time and that I'm probably going to have a really long wait on my hands before I get pregnant again. Its so crappy, I just really wanted to be one of those lucky people who catch that egg straight away for a change :(

Anyway - on a more positive note, I want to wish everyone good luck for the testing. We've got to get some BFP's on here today/tomorrow!
Hi All: Welcome to Monday....I hate that the weekend is over.

Tanzi: I'm sure it's different here in the US. Before the economy went bad, you used to be able to get a loan without having to put any sort of down payment down. Now, it's practically expected by banks to have some sort of down payment. I agree with what other people have said in trying a mortgage advisor. Head up - you've come this far that surely you will have a positive outcome! My fingers are crossed for you. :hugs:

MrsM: I know this isn't the way you wanted the TWW to end, but please know the future is bright for you! It's your first month TTC after the MC, right? Just know that you are building a nice, strong uterus for that sticky bean to stick! I can relate to what you're going through - but please know good things are in your future! I know this because we have already been through so much. If you need anything, we are all here!

Krippy: Are you testing today? FXd for you.

Sarena: Hope you are doing well.

As for me, I woke up at 4am again and had a sudden urge to test. It was surprising to me since I really had no urge before, but I knew FMU was the best to use so I went ahead anyways. Low and behold that little test read "Pregnant" in less than a minute. :shrug: I still haven't told my DH yet, but left the test laying by his sink so he can see it in the morning. Tons of emotions running through me now. I'm excited, but trying not to get too excited because there's a good chance the journey could end up like last time. I feel much more cautious. Anyways, I tell all you this to hopefully give you hope and please know that everyone's time is coming! Every single one of us deserves this. Please keep your heads up...I would love to follow you ladies on your journey and hope this thread remains active. Hugs and love to you! XXX
Hi All: Welcome to Monday....I hate that the weekend is over.

Tanzi: I'm sure it's different here in the US. Before the economy went bad, you used to be able to get a loan without having to put any sort of down payment down. Now, it's practically expected by banks to have some sort of down payment. I agree with what other people have said in trying a mortgage advisor. Head up - you've come this far that surely you will have a positive outcome! My fingers are crossed for you. :hugs:

MrsM: I know this isn't the way you wanted the TWW to end, but please know the future is bright for you! It's your first month TTC after the MC, right? Just know that you are building a nice, strong uterus for that sticky bean to stick! I can relate to what you're going through - but please know good things are in your future! I know this because we have already been through so much. If you need anything, we are all here!

Krippy: Are you testing today? FXd for you.

Sarena: Hope you are doing well.

As for me, I woke up at 4am again and had a sudden urge to test. It was surprising to me since I really had no urge before, but I knew FMU was the best to use so I went ahead anyways. Low and behold that little test read "Pregnant" in less than a minute. :shrug: I still haven't told my DH yet, but left the test laying by his sink so he can see it in the morning. Tons of emotions running through me now. I'm excited, but trying not to get too excited because there's a good chance the journey could end up like last time. I feel much more cautious. Anyways, I tell all you this to hopefully give you hope and please know that everyone's time is coming! Every single one of us deserves this. Please keep your heads up...I would love to follow you ladies on your journey and hope this thread remains active. Hugs and love to you! XXX

So happy for you! That is so exciting! I unfortunately got a BFN this morning and now waiting for the witch to arrive. I hope we all stay on this thread too! It would be great to have some support! :)
I don't know about my BFN girls. I just took a look at my test and there is a line...I am so scared my brain is tricking me! I guess I will have to go out and buy more tests today and wait til tomorrow again. How long can you leave a test? I went back to it after 5 minutes...does that ruin it?
I don't know about my BFN girls. I just took a look at my test and there is a line...I am so scared my brain is tricking me! I guess I will have to go out and buy more tests today and wait til tomorrow again. How long can you leave a test? I went back to it after 5 minutes...does that ruin it?

I wouldn't look at a test after 5-10 minutes. Sometimes it can develop an evaporated line, which is what happens when a test sits too long. I know this will kill you, but I would wait about 3 days and test again using your first morning urine. It's not over until the witch arrives, so hang onto hope!! XXX
I don't know about my BFN girls. I just took a look at my test and there is a line...I am so scared my brain is tricking me! I guess I will have to go out and buy more tests today and wait til tomorrow again. How long can you leave a test? I went back to it after 5 minutes...does that ruin it?

I wouldn't look at a test after 5-10 minutes. Sometimes it can develop an evaporated line, which is what happens when a test sits too long. I know this will kill you, but I would wait about 3 days and test again using your first morning urine. It's not over until the witch arrives, so hang onto hope!! XXX

Thanks doll! I will hang on to some hope but I am sure it was an evap line so that I wasn't totally crushed. The brain can do crazy things. If the witch doesn't arrive I will use a digi on Thursday. Fingers crossed so we will see...not getting my hopes to far up.

Ummmmm...nice little intro to your BFP. How did you hold that in until the 4th or 5th paragraph. Love it! lol
Krippy: I would go buy a digi! I swear by them! The other ones with lines are so subjective and drive you nuts...maybe even buy one today and test tomorrow AM?? Still holding out for you!!

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