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Anyone testing around 24th Jan?

Krippy: I would go buy a digi! I swear by them! The other ones with lines are so subjective and drive you nuts...maybe even buy one today and test tomorrow AM?? Still holding out for you!!

I think I might buy one and wait until Wednesday...Really AF has only been late once and that was with RJ. Always 28 days on the nose but I don't want to waste money. Maybe tomorrow I will test again and maybe Wednesday...See how I feel...Maybe there will be a sale on digis at the store! lol
Pretty sure it is an evap line but it is so pink and not greyish at all...I hate hpts! lol So confusing!
Can you take a pic?? Hang in there!! Your AF should arrive today, right? If I could cyber mail you a digi I would do it in a heartbeat!! How are you feeling otherwise??
Can you take a pic?? Hang in there!! Your AF should arrive today, right? If I could cyber mail you a digi I would do it in a heartbeat!! How are you feeling otherwise??

Yep AF is always on time! So if she doesn't crash the party by tomorrow night...digi here I come! :)

And I don't have a clue where my camera is...Hahahaha!
KT - Congrats!!!! I'm so pleased for you, you deserve it!!

Krippy - Let us know how the next test goes, I've got my fingers crossed for you.

How is everyone else - any more BFP's? xx
Congratulations KT and hopefully Krippy too! Really happy for you both! KT i know how hard it may be but try to enjoy it and not worry. Watched sperm race and it was great. also made me LOL as there was a John Lennon sperm lookalike! Felt sense of achievement being in existence. I can say i won 1 race in my life ;)
Congratulations KT and hopefully Krippy too! Really happy for you both! KT i know how hard it may be but try to enjoy it and not worry. Watched sperm race and it was great. also made me LOL as there was a John Lennon sperm lookalike! Felt sense of achievement being in existence. I can say i won 1 race in my life ;)

I totally missed the John Lennon lookalike...haha! Will have to go back and watch for that.

How is everyone today?? I feel like I'm living in Seattle as all it's done is rain and rain. We're very foggy today.

I am excited because my iPhone should be arriving this week!! I still have one of those old school phoes and haven't updated mine in a few years. My fear is I won't know how to use the thing!

Hope everyone is well. I'm ready for the weekend already! XX
krippy: I would go buy a digi! I swear by them! The other ones with lines are so subjective and drive you nuts...maybe even buy one today and test tomorrow am?? Still holding out for you!!

i think i might buy one and wait until wednesday...really af has only been late once and that was with rj. Always 28 days on the nose but i don't want to waste money. Maybe tomorrow i will test again and maybe wednesday...see how i feel...maybe there will be a sale on digis at the store! Lol

how are you???!!!!!
I took a test last night and a very faint, pink line showed up at about the 9 minute mark. I am just not sure what is going on. I have only ever gotten one positive hpt and it was really obvious with RJ. I don't remember when I tested with him because we had only had sex once that month so I am not sure how far past my missed period it was because we didn't have a clue we were pregnant.

I still don't have AF...magically is hasn't appeared. Who the heck knows? I feel like it is just around the corner so if it doesn't show up today or tomorrow I am going to test on Thursday! I am going insane! Uggghhhh! I thought my wait would have been over! lol! Is it common to get a positive after day 14...maybe I ovulated late and implanted late...who knows!?!? Every pregnancy is so different I don't think they really have any definite answers! :)

How are you feeling KT now that you have a sticky bean in you? I am so excited for you!

Anyone else? Any testers left?
krippy: I would go buy a digi! I swear by them! The other ones with lines are so subjective and drive you nuts...maybe even buy one today and test tomorrow am?? Still holding out for you!!

i think i might buy one and wait until wednesday...really af has only been late once and that was with rj. Always 28 days on the nose but i don't want to waste money. Maybe tomorrow i will test again and maybe wednesday...see how i feel...maybe there will be a sale on digis at the store! Lol

how are you???!!!!!

I also heard digis are not very sensitive so if I am only get a very faint line I don't think it would show up! :)
Krippy: Just remember that it's not over until AF shows up! I know you must be frustrated...I would be too. I think you're right in waiting a few days until you test again. I think this is some of the most nerve wracking times and it stinks that we are in limbo for so long. Why can't we just get a CLEAR yes or no??!! Why this waiting around racking our brains out. Oy. Perhaps it's supposed to teach us patience and that none of it is in our hands. Who knows. You should treat yourself to something good ...a massage, a good movie, some new clothes!! :thumbup: My fingers are crossed for you lady! :hugs:

AFM, I really don't feel any different than I have been....besides the fact that my back is SO much BETTER!!! I slept the best last night and woke up feeling really good, so I'm hoping it sticks! My spotting has seemed to go away...I'm hoping that's a good sign but I, of course, am thinking it could be bad as I spotted for about 2 weeks the last 2 times I was pregnant. Seems like it should be going on longer. Call me crazy, but I will probably end up taking another test this weekend just to check things out again. I'm weird I know...

I hope everyone else is doing well today!!
Tanzi: How is the house situation going? Hoping you got some good leads and we'll be hearing some good news.

MrsM: Hope you are doing ok. Just think, in a week or two you will be back at it :sex: Kinda exciting!!

Serena: glad you like the great sperm race. I thought it was pretty cool too!

Anyone heard from Ami? We are coming up on your test date girlie!

Hi- how is everyone! Anymore BFP's??

KT - How are you feeling?? Has the BFP new sunk in yet? I bet you are so excited!! Try not to worry about stuff and just enjoy it (easier said than done, I know!). :happydance:

Krippy - When I got my first BFP last time it was super faint and got darker as the days went on (I tested for several days in a row!). Hopefully your next test will give you the reassurance you need, but it sounds good to me!

Tanzi - How are you, have you tested yet? I really hope you get good news xx

I feeling a bit better today (I think I cried none stop for the past 48 hours!). Like you say KT, I just need to focus on this month now. I've got the clear blue fertility monitor out and got it set up for this month - so fingers crossed!
Hey girls, well one good bit of news and one bad.

The good is that we got a mortgage approved so I'm absolutely thrilled about that.

Bad news is that my period started today so guess January isn't my month.

I'm glad we got the house sorted out though. xxxx
Hi MrsMauri :hugs: I'm good thanks. Last night I had an overwhelming sense of inner peace and calm, like all the worries and stresses of the past couple of weeks had just melted away, I still have that feeling. Think I've also accepted the loss now, glad I'm at the last stage of grief.

It's a nice feeling when you walk around feeling like your doped up to the eyeballs and the world has just disappeared. Good old oestrogen!:)

How are you doing sweetie?

February has to be our month, there's no other option.
You sound like your doing good - I like the feelings you are describing, I wish I was at that stage :( I still just feel low all the time, and all I think about is either the lost baby or the long wait of TTC again.

My husband wants me to talk to the Dr about anti depressants, but I'm not so sure - I can see why he wants that cause he knows I'm suffering, I'm not myself and I'm not getting over the loss, but I don't know much about them and the long term affects. I don't know what to do!
:hugs: maybe instead of seeing your doctor go and speak to a counsillor or see if there's any groups local where you can just share out loud your thoughts and feelings.

If your looking for something to take your mind off feeling low I found yoga to be a good mind emptying exercise, it helps you tune in more on what your body is doing as opposed to what your head is saying.

I know what you mean about medications, I would see if you can pursue other routes before considering anti depressants :hugs:
Thanks for the advice Tanzi. I have started looking into counselling. Someone else I know also recommended acupuncture?

I'm going to see how I get on over the next few weeks - Maybe I just haven't given myself enough time (its only been 5 weeks)!
yes accupuncture is good I've heard, you should let me know how you get on with that.

Take all the time you need, it really is the one thing that helps with the healing :hugs:

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