Anyone testing around 24th Jan?

I am going to call the Dr. later today and make an appointment for Monday....SOOOOO excited!

:cloud9: To be on the this journey with KTJ!

My name is Kristin btw! ;)
I am going to call the Dr. later today and make an appointment for Monday....SOOOOO excited!

:cloud9: To be on the this journey with KTJ!

My name is Kristin btw! ;)

WOW!! They will see you that fast? I will likely need to wait a few weeks...though i'm wondering if they will handle it differently since I had a MC. I'm nervous to call, but I might today.

I'm Kerry - I guess I never stopped to think that we don't know anyone's 'real' name in here...Nice to know your name!!

Let me know how your doctor's call goes!! :thumbup:
Nice to meet you as well Kerry!

I will let you know how it goes! They will see me that fast because of how high risk I am and it will be just a pregnancy confirmation appointment. I will then contact my OB/GYN and he will do an early scan around 6-8 weeks to do a proper dating so that we can schedule the bean's c-section date correctly! They won't even let be close to 38 weeks this time around! I can't believe this is happening! :)
I want some of your excitement! We are happy but I'm still soooo nervous. I absolutely love these boards but I think some of them scare me, so I'm trying to just stay close to the ones I've been on. There are too many 'what ifs' running through my head...I just need to focus on the miracle in my belly and take it one day at a time! I just want a happy ending this time and am praying nothing goes wrong...
Krippy - well done!!! That is fantastic news!!!

Im so pleased for you and for KT too!!

You both need to keep us updated on your september bumps xx :blue:

Welcome ljane74, sorry for your loss - your symptoms sound good so I would hold out a few more days and if AF still doesnt show up maybe take another test?

KT - Try not to stress and just enjoy those baby feelings!

Im now on cycle day 6 of my second cycle since the m/c. Got the CBFM out and it asked me for my first test stick today - AF feels like its gone by quick, I'm so glad its over so I can get back TTC - it was normal, just like before I got pregnant and it lasted my usual 5 days. Fingers crossed for a feb BFP - I should be testing around the 21st feb I reckon.

Tanzi - will you be testing around that time again?
Krippy - well done!!! That is fantastic news!!!

Im so pleased for you and for KT too!!

You both need to keep us updated on your september bumps xx :blue:

Welcome ljane74, sorry for your loss - your symptoms sound good so I would hold out a few more days and if AF still doesnt show up maybe take another test?

KT - Try not to stress and just enjoy those baby feelings!

Im now on cycle day 6 of my second cycle since the m/c. Got the CBFM out and it asked me for my first test stick today - AF feels like its gone by quick, I'm so glad its over so I can get back TTC - it was normal, just like before I got pregnant and it lasted my usual 5 days. Fingers crossed for a feb BFP - I should be testing around the 21st feb I reckon.

Tanzi - will you be testing around that time again?

MrsM: That is less than a month! It will surely go by fast. Love the CBFM! I'm hoping you have good results with it.
Hi Ladies,

So happy for you Krippy!!! Congratulations!

KTJ+Krippy: Enjoy every minute-even the nausea! Try not to let worries get to you-relax and enjoy the miracle occurring! Very happy for you both. Any new symptoms?

Tanzibar: The house owners sound really nice-sounds like its a very good exciting time for you! We are currently renting but plan to buy by the end of 2012...can't wait to have a place to call home, to decorate,etc. Renting is fine, but I want to start paying mortgage soon-the sooner you start, the sooner you finish(does that make me seem incredibly old and boring?!!) HB recently started new job and want to wait until he is made permanent before fishing for mortgages.

Overall everyone our lucky thread stats look pretty good-i think there are approximately 5 regulars on this thread and 2 hit jackpot this month-40%! lets keep this going!

Delighted its the weekend. Work has me drained-really enjoy it but my battery is literally empty by end of every week!
Hi Ljane,

welcome to the thread! Not sure what to say about where you are in cycle. everyones body takes time to get back to normal-but i've heard from nurse lots of folk conceive before having AF after MC so you might be lucky! As we have seen from Krippy sometimes it takes a while for a positive to show on test.

I say go enjoy your night, maybe test first thing in morning if you want to play it really safe?

Sorry to hear about your erpc-it must have been tough to find out so near to xmas. not that its nice at any time...
Tanzi - will you be testing around that time again?

Hi Lovely. Well I'm not sure if I will. Going off my last cycle that was exactly 6 weeks but this cycle I'm on my third and final round of clomid so I'm hoping I'll ovulate sooner - so who knows when my test day is, I tend to wait for ovulation. I'm glad you mentioned it though, I don't normally work it out!:haha:

So if it's another 42 days I will be testing around 5th March BUT I'm hoping Clomid will give me something delicious to look forward to in February :crib:
You never know I may be testing around the 21st too MrsMauri!!

Sarena, have you started looking at house, you know, just out of curiosity?
Thanks all and well done and congrats to Krippy and KTJ. Such good news. And here's to everyone else trying.
I think for me its going to be a PG test a week until either get a +ve or AF. (I cant help myself testing just to make sure :). Even if its AF first i think i'll be sort of happy as i'll then have an idea that things are getting back to normal and i can start noting my cycle. As i say at the mo we're just making sure we BD every day/every other day to try and not miss the egg :).
I'm going to go out tomorrow and enjoy it and at least try and take my mind off things as TTC and baby things are all that occupy my mind 24 hours a day. And as other half isn't out, he can have a night recuperating lol.
Thanks all. And hugs to everyone :)
Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow ljane, really hope your BFP is just around the corner too :hugs:
ljane: I would BD every other day and not every day. That way your hubby can build enough strong, good swimmers. Head on over to youTube to watch "The Great Sperm Race." Just type this title into the search bar. I'm kind of obsessed with this documentary, but it's very good and explains why. It's 6 sections and should take you an hour to watch.

I am with you on taking's hard to resist! Hope you have a great weekend!
I agree with KTJ006, especially for those who have been trying a long time this documentary will probably help you open your eyes to the reasons why it's not happened yet. The cycle I watched it I fell pregnant!

What I learned:

It takes about 12-14 hours (generally) for sperm to reach your tubes.
Old sperm give off toxins that are harmful to fresh new sperm.

A couple of little but very useful pieces of information there. xxxx

KT and Krippy - how are you both doing?
Tanzi: I looooooove your new house move ticker!!! That is so awesome! I bet you guys are so excited! Call me crazy, but I thought the best thing was unpacking everything and figuring out where to put it. Not the packing part....didn't like that so much.

I am feeling ok. Still have a lot of back pain (again) that doesn't seem to go away. I'm debating about whether I want to get a massage. I've never had one before so I'm not sure what to expect! No big pregnancy symptoms, though I was really tired this evening but that could have stemmed from it just being an overall crazy week. I am actually looking forward to having more symptoms...bring them on! At least that would confirm sticky bean is healthy. I made the first doctor appointments yesterday which made it a bit real. My nurses visit is the 6th and first scan is the 23rd...they were trying to get me in earlier because of my history but I guess there are a lot of pregnant people! My fingers are crossed I make it to that point! Thanks for asking.

What are everyone's plans for the weekend??
I think tomorrow while I'll be having a lazy day I'll watch. :). As much as he says he enjoys every day bd'ing i think he will prefer every other day. :).
I tested this morning just to make sure and it was -ve. Expected really.
Kt and Krispy glad things going ok. And tanzi congrats on house sale. Our house is up for sale but nothing moving yet. Mind you, we're quite happy where we are at the mo.
Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend.
Hugs to everyone :)
Hi All! :hugs:

KT - thats good news about the doctors appointments - your scan will only be 3-4 weeks away! You will have to let us know how it goes xx

Tanzi - I think I'll be going for every other day this time, maybe even every other two days. Whats your :sex: plan for this month - or are you just going to take things as they come?

Sarena - How are you - what are your plans for this month?

Krippy - Hope you are feeling well x

Ljane - Your ERPC was on the 13th Dec? Have you had AF since then or not? My ERPC was on 21st Dec and I've just had my first AF this week, so I was thinking if you hadnt had yours then its looking good for you a BFP? How long are your cycles normally? I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I think Im going to go out with the girlies tonight to take my mind off things too. I think it might cheer me up, I'll just have to distract them from talking about their babies! :wine:
Thanks mrsmauri. I think the pains could have been ovulation. I don't know what made me do it but I got one of my ov kit sticks out. Ive been pg testing but not ov testing. There was a very faint line on it as well as the control line. Hopefully this means either I have ovulated this week or am coming up to it. So fingers crossed I might find out in couple of weeks with either af or +ve. :D
I am doing well but just like Kerry I am exhausted. Went to bed early because I was so tired, slept for about 5 hours and then DH came home and then I was so excited I couldn't sleep.

My back is really sore too Kerry...this happened to me last time but it did go away. I have been cramping a bit too but that is a good sign for me. Means the LO is burrowing in for a long 8 month stay! I am also so bloated that I couldn't sleep on my belly but I shouldn't get into the habit of it anyway because this LO is going to be there until the end! :)
Welcome ljane! Nice to have you join our group! I agree with the Ladies here...bding every other day is the way to go! I also recommend making sure you bd a day and then three days after you thought you ovulated because then you will know for sure. Ovulation can be tricky! I am pretty sure I ovulated late and that is why I haven't got a clear positive pregnancy test until 19 dpo. GL!

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