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Anyone testing around March 26th?

Well my temp dropped dramatically this morning so I failed to O. I doubt it's bc I barely slept. I am so discouraged to even continue to ttc. I have one more cycle until my DH starts working 72 hrs a week for a 1.5 months. I already know we will not be trying then. I just want another baby so bad. Sorry for my rant.
i have just realised i never gave a test date, mainly because i was confused about my AF but i'll test on the 31st unless my boobs swell beforehand :)

Hehe i updated your date :) lets hope those (.)(.) Swell :haha:

I know that's a really weird thing to say but last time within 3 days of my little eggy being fertilised I got massive painful bbs haha
Well my temp dropped dramatically this morning so I failed to O. I doubt it's bc I barely slept. I am so discouraged to even continue to ttc. I have one more cycle until my DH starts working 72 hrs a week for a 1.5 months. I already know we will not be trying then. I just want another baby so bad. Sorry for my rant.

That's not what I want to hear Smille :( im sorry!!
Well my temp dropped dramatically this morning so I failed to O. I doubt it's bc I barely slept. I am so discouraged to even continue to ttc. I have one more cycle until my DH starts working 72 hrs a week for a 1.5 months. I already know we will not be trying then. I just want another baby so bad. Sorry for my rant.

That's not what I want to hear Smille :( im sorry!!

It is what it is. I'm really upset but it will be ok. I will keep temping next cycle and if it happens again then I will seek help from my ob. I'm just hoping it was this cycle and not an ongoing thing.
DaTucker- I know how that is! sending you pixie dust and hugs.

Faith- lol even when we do it right before bed I have to "clean up" before I can fall asleep. This is going to sound horrible but the smell of bodily fluid, mine and/or his, makes me gag. So for instance yesterday when it fell out some got on my leg... and to say the least I had to fight back the urge to puke for a few minutes.

Smile- sending you lots of hugs!. I'm still going to have FX that the thermometer was wrong this morning
Is it possible that O was delayed and I'm oing later than predicted? My low temps earlier in the week resembled a "u" shape and weren't dramatically low now is a sharp drop. I'm starting to get twinges again and have EWCM. I don't want to have hope if there isn't. Can someone shed some light?
:dust: for you smile. I don't have an answer but wishing hard for you
Is it possible that O was delayed and I'm oing later than predicted? My low temps earlier in the week resembled a "u" shape and weren't dramatically low now is a sharp drop. I'm starting to get twinges again and have EWCM. I don't want to have hope if there isn't. Can someone shed some light?

I'm not trying to get your hopes up but. Its very possible to O late, its just when your body decides to unfortunately. I'm not saying that that is what has happened but it is indeed possible :dust:
Hey guys! So I tested again this morning and the line looks darker to me.. or maybe I am just going crazy lol

I tested again today because I swear my boobs are actually less sore than they were yesterday. They actually feel pretty normal. Which seems kind of scary. Shouldn't they remain the same or get worse?! ugh I am so worried about miscarriage. I had one about 10 years ago before I had my son so it is always in the back of my mind that it really could happen.


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Hey guys! So I tested again this morning and the line looks darker to me.. or maybe I am just going crazy lol

I tested again today because I swear my boobs are actually less sore than they were yesterday. They actually feel pretty normal. Which seems kind of scary. Shouldn't they remain the same or get worse?! ugh I am so worried about miscarriage. I had one about 10 years ago before I had my son so it is always in the back of my mind that it really could happen.

I see it darker! :happydance:
Hello girls....
I am so confused :shrug:
So yesterday morning I was kinda bleeding with small tissues (sorry TMI)
Thats why I said it was definitely AF :witch:
I didnt had any more bleeding thru the day.. at the end of the day 11pm I had spotting but know is brown
Had some this morning also, but is not heavy...
So, could it be that it is not AF? :shrug:
My dr said to wait and keep her updated on everything... 7dpo today...
All this is so confusing.. :wacko:
Hello girls....
I am so confused :shrug:
So yesterday morning I was kinda bleeding with small tissues (sorry TMI)
Thats why I said it was definitely AF :witch:
I didnt had any more bleeding thru the day.. at the end of the day 11pm I had spotting but know is brown
Had some this morning also, but is not heavy...
So, could it be that it is not AF? :shrug:
My dr said to wait and keep her updated on everything... 7dpo today...
All this is so confusing.. :wacko:

I kinda went through something similar last month. I was about 16 dpo and 8 days late for AF. I had brown spotting on and off for about 16 hrs and that was it. 3 BFNs and that's when I called the DR to schedule an appointment. By the time I went it was 2 weeks post AF due date, still never had a full fledge :witch: but the dr did a test and again BFN.

Not trying to put downing vibes here. I hope this isn't the case for you.

Hello girls....
I am so confused :shrug:
So yesterday morning I was kinda bleeding with small tissues (sorry TMI)
Thats why I said it was definitely AF :witch:
I didnt had any more bleeding thru the day.. at the end of the day 11pm I had spotting but know is brown
Had some this morning also, but is not heavy...
So, could it be that it is not AF? :shrug:
My dr said to wait and keep her updated on everything... 7dpo today...
All this is so confusing.. :wacko:

I kinda went through something similar last month. I was about 16 dpo and 8 days late for AF. I had brown spotting on and off for about 16 hrs and that was it. 3 BFNs and that's when I called the DR to schedule an appointment. By the time I went it was 2 weeks post AF due date, still never had a full fledge :witch: but the dr did a test and again BFN.

Not trying to put downing vibes here. I hope this isn't the case for you.


yes, I totally get it.
As I said so confusing......
Hey guys! So I tested again this morning and the line looks darker to me.. or maybe I am just going crazy lol

I tested again today because I swear my boobs are actually less sore than they were yesterday. They actually feel pretty normal. Which seems kind of scary. Shouldn't they remain the same or get worse?! ugh I am so worried about miscarriage. I had one about 10 years ago before I had my son so it is always in the back of my mind that it really could happen.

:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance: That is such a great line!!!!
So I just got back from my new doctor!! She was awesome!! I got a :bfn: on a pregnancy test, but go figure I am only 5-6 DPO, I told the lady but she just wanted to make sure.
So they drew my blood to test my progesterone levels and to see if by any change there is HCG levels in my blood. She told me my uterus is enlarged so that is the reasoning.
She believes she wants to try clomid a few more times, but she WILL monitor me!! Thank goodness!!!
She also wrote DH a script to get a semen analysis.
If blood work comes back :bfn: and DH sperm is fine, then we will have to do the dye test to see if I have any blockage. Which that will be done 7 days after my AF.

I started tearing up and she stood up and gave me a hug and told me sweetie, Ill get you pregnant in the next 3 cycles! That’s why she is awesome, she is so confident!!!! But I have to take that with a grain of salt, because we don’t know what is happening
So I just got back from my new doctor!! She was awesome!! I got a :bfn: on a pregnancy test, but go figure I am only 5-6 DPO, I told the lady but she just wanted to make sure.
So they drew my blood to test my progesterone levels and to see if by any change there is HCG levels in my blood. She told me my uterus is enlarged so that is the reasoning.
She believes she wants to try clomid a few more times, but she WILL monitor me!! Thank goodness!!!
She also wrote DH a script to get a semen analysis.
If blood work comes back :bfn: and DH sperm is fine, then we will have to do the dye test to see if I have any blockage. Which that will be done 7 days after my AF.

I started tearing up and she stood up and gave me a hug and told me sweetie, Ill get you pregnant in the next 3 cycles! That’s why she is awesome, she is so confident!!!! But I have to take that with a grain of salt, because we don’t know what is happening

Faith that is good news! to have that support is great!
My DH is having his sperm exam this coming friday
that exam to see the blockage is the same Im having...
FX everything will go great for uS!
So I just got back from my new doctor!! She was awesome!! I got a :bfn: on a pregnancy test, but go figure I am only 5-6 DPO, I told the lady but she just wanted to make sure.
So they drew my blood to test my progesterone levels and to see if by any change there is HCG levels in my blood. She told me my uterus is enlarged so that is the reasoning.
She believes she wants to try clomid a few more times, but she WILL monitor me!! Thank goodness!!!
She also wrote DH a script to get a semen analysis.
If blood work comes back :bfn: and DH sperm is fine, then we will have to do the dye test to see if I have any blockage. Which that will be done 7 days after my AF.

I started tearing up and she stood up and gave me a hug and told me sweetie, Ill get you pregnant in the next 3 cycles! That’s why she is awesome, she is so confident!!!! But I have to take that with a grain of salt, because we don’t know what is happening

I am SO glad you had a good 1st visit with the new doctor!
I hope your hubby's semen analysis experience is better than my hubby's lol. He showed up at the hospital (only place around here to have it done) and they gave him a cup and pointed him towards the public restroom. When he asked if there was another place they pointed him to the family restroom beside the giftshop. To say the least his sample wasn't as plentiful as usual but it was enough for the test.
Hoping your hubby has lots of good strong :spermy:

I've never heard of the dye test but sounds promising. Hopefully if the :witch: shows up and you have to do it that it comes back as no blackage.

:hugs: it'll all work out! FX and :dust:

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