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April Dewdrops 2019

Oh wow Hickory, what a recovery you must have had. Congrats learning how to walk again. I've been there myself, spent time in a chair as a teen and then many many months starting over. Not an easy task. Well done! You have quite the task while pregnant, best of luck to you as you regain your strength.
I haven’t really weighed myself. I gained a bit of weight before I got pregnant so I shouldn’t have much to gain during the pregnancy. I don’t have much of an appetite right now anyway, I’m trying not to overeat and stuff myself.

I don’t think I’ve gained any body weight, but I can already feel my little “bump” down there!! I remember hating he way pants and even panties feel across my lower belly around 12ish week’s last pregnancy, and I already feel that way now in my 5th week!! Today I put on a pair of full panel maternity pants after work because they’re so much more comfy!! :shrug:

Counting, are you ok?? We all hope so!!! :hugs:
As for me I had my first scan yesterday. I'm cautious to even announce here, but here are our precious babies


I have already had some bleeding, the OB has put it down to a cyst that I have. Thankfully it's leaving the babies well enough alone for the time being.

We are incredibly anxious, but very optimistic. Both babies were measuring right on target at 6+3 with their beautiful hearts strongly beating.
We've scheduled our next scan already for when we'll be roughly 9 weeks. Praying that both babies continue to grow and remain healthy.
Thanks Tulip. I think I will go to see my doctor to get something for the nausea. Its horrible. Today was horrible. I just am in tears because of the constant nausea, and then the retching and sometimes vomiting. I've sent DH on a grocery trip for macaroni, lemons, grapefruit and honey. I know it sounds weird but those foods are the only things that I can think of that don't make me retch. I already have ginger at home, but it only helps so much. Oh and I look awful. Literally every person who has seen me today said so (thanks family and friends). So much for a pregnancy "glow"
Awww belle, you poor thing *gentle* :hugs:

babyplease isn't it amazing how much faster your bump seems to poke out in consecutive pregnancies? good on you for sliding into some comfy mat pants
busytulip - Lovely scan! Congratulations! Did you have any suspicion you might have two precious babies growing in there?
Yes and no. I told DH right when I took my first test that I thought there were 2. Then my betas were all good, but could have gone either way and my symptoms have been underwhelming. It wasn't a complete shock, we went in prepared for multiples. I was so happy to see both their hearts beating away. I laid there crying my eyes out.
Oh goodness Tulip, I must have missed a post there or something. Congratulations on twins! How exciting!!
Thanks luv, no worries here.

Thinking of our ladies who have gone quiet. :hugs:
Belle try to eat a few bites of something every few minutes for the all day nausea. Cheerios worked for me. An empty stomach is your worst enemy. I absolutely craved lemon. The freshness helps a bit. The only thing that helped when I gagged on everything and couldn’t eat at all was diclegis. It didn’t stop the vomiting but I could eat some things again. Mostly mac&cheese, mashed potatoes, ramen, and those crispy frozen pizzas - not sure why but they helped until the heartburn kicked in 😂. Crispy in general helped. I couldn’t touch chicken, so I had to do protein shakes instead. Mind you I still violently vomited to the point of peeing my pants twice a day, but I could eat and manage the all day nausea with these tricks. It was awful but it will eventually end - even if it’s after delivery 😂.

Congrats on twins tulip!
Omg thanks for those tips les, I screen shot them. I thought I was the only one who vomited so hard I peed a little. I might have to do protein shakes because I really can't stand meat right now.
Congratulations on the twins Belle how exciting!

We have booked a private scan for the 2nd Sept when I will be hopefully 8+6. Just need time to speed up a little now!
Congratulations on the twins Belle how exciting!

We have booked a private scan for the 2nd Sept when I will be hopefully 8+6. Just need time to speed up a little now!

Oops I think you mean BusyTulip :)

The wait to the scan is a bit of a slog!
Congratulations on the twins Belle how exciting!

We have booked a private scan for the 2nd Sept when I will be hopefully 8+6. Just need time to speed up a little now!

Oops I think you mean BusyTulip :)

The wait to the scan is a bit of a slog!

Opps yes sorry Belle and BusyTulip!! It was 4.30 in the morning ... this insomnia is killing me!!
I'm a vegetarian and one of my protein sources is eggs but the idea of eating it right now is.... blegh. I'm going to try but... ugh. Also eating more soy (I don't eat much soy because it inflamed my endometriosis, but that's not currently at play lol) and high protein dairy like cottage cheese. If I could eat beans every day I would but THE FARTING :rofl:
Yea if you’re having trouble with protein, start shakes or something that will help now. I found out my protein level was low at 28 weeks and felt sooo guilty. I ordered some whey and put that into shakes with fruit and milk to get it back up.

Definitely not the only one belle. It got so bad that DH was always waiting for me with an extra pair of pants after an episode. I’ve also had other mothers at work say the same happened to them. If you need any more tips, let me know. I threw up for four months straight with DD. It was awful and brought me to tears several times. All worth it, but that doesn’t make it any easier to go through.
BusyTulip congrats on your 2 precious babies. What a great scan pic.

Anyone here from the UK and planning on or have had an early scan? We don’t get a scan here until 12weeks (7 weeks to go feels such an eternity)
No worries Grey, I still get a bit of insomnia at night!

That sounds really tough Les. I've been brought to tears a few times too. Everyone keeps telling me to just think of the baby. It's like if you've been through infertility you have no right to feel anything other than "thankful." I am thankful, and I am happy absolutely. But I also feel like crap and I don't feel happy all the time, and I don't see the need to pretend that I am.
Hi Lola yes I am in the UK and have booked an early private scan.
It was a lot of money but in my eyes worth every penny to put my mind at rest.
Um you can absolutely be thankful about the baby and still not love puking your guts out. Honestly who would love that ever? It doesn’t mean you won’t take it in stride bc you will bc of that little babe, but ugh after everything why can’t you be one of those happy pregnant women with zero nausea, right??? Or heck even just some mild nausea! My SIL was going on about how her nausea was sooo much worse this time (second pregnancy for her and she hasn’t vomited at all)...and in my head I was like unless you’re peeing your pants while violently vomiting 40 minutes a day please complain to someone else - no sympathy here, and then I reminded myself that everything is relative and nausea is never fun 🤣. I totally had all of those feelings you’re having. It’s ok to not be ok with this bit of it. Nothing really makes it fun to throw up like that, not even thinking of your baby. I say just know that you’ll manage and it will end...eventually, and when it does it will be glorious. Honestly so many women complain about the aches and pains of third tri but I didn’t care bc I wasn’t vomiting! I loved third tri! It was my favorite!

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