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April Dewdrops 2019

Welcome Lola, Maple_Fairy, Hickory, lesondemavie, and jolou :wave:

Loads of first time mummas, congrats <3

Oh my Hickory, you must have been bursting. Did you plan any special way of telling your OH? How did it go if you've done so already?

So pleased for a healthy baby and beautiful scan lesondemavie. And wow, 5 cup sizes...you poor dear.

jolou a surprise, how wonderful! Have you shared with your older children or will you hold off for a while?

Hope everyone is well

I&#8217;m undecided at the moment! Part of me wants to tell them now, especially my son, he&#8217;s desperate to be a big brother but I think I might wait until I&#8217;ve had the scan, just to be on the safe side. I have no clue how my daughter will react, at her age she knows what has to be done to make a baby and she will probably be disgusted with us :haha: I have however told my mum and sister, OH has told his mum, brother and sister (sis is also pregnant after trying for so long but didn&#8217;t take the news so well at first sadly) I&#8217;ve also told my boss and a work friend just incase I feel dodgy in work they can cover for me!

As for everyone deciding if they are going to be finding out the sex or not, we definitely will be! I did with my previous 2 and definitely want to with this one, OH wants to know now :haha: so he can start calling our little poppy seed by the names we&#8217;ve chosen (and no doubt come up with some nicknamelike he has for the rest of us)
Congratulations Lola, Hickory, lesondemavie, and Jolou :flower:
Welcome to this beautiful journey with us.

I really wish i had symptoms...some...any!!
I believe everything is good but with absolutely no symptoms, this being my first pregnancy, my first OB/GYN visit more than 2 weeks away, first trimester worries are getting to me!
*Happy thoughts* *Happy thoughts* *Happy thoughts*...
Congratulations Lola, Hickory, lesondemavie, and Jolou :flower:
Welcome to this beautiful journey with us.

I really wish i had symptoms...some...any!!
I believe everything is good but with absolutely no symptoms, this being my first pregnancy, my first OB/GYN visit more than 2 weeks away, first trimester worries are getting to me!
*Happy thoughts* *Happy thoughts* *Happy thoughts*...

I had zero symptoms with my first... didn’t even know I was pregnant until I was just over 8 weeks! With my second I was desperate for them since I knew early on but only had mild nausea.. so I know the feeling! I’m on the lookout for symptoms constantly now I know I’m pregnant just to make it more believable :haha:
Thank you jolou! I had read online that having no symptoms is normal too, but hearing from your personal experience calmed me a little :hugs:
I've got nothing besides nausea when I don't eat, and utter exhaustion. I still don't feel pregnant per se, and probably won't until after my scan next week! Definitely not alone, Happy
You're not alone on the barely there symptom train Happy. I've also been wrestling with those sinking thoughts. Praying that you've got plenty to keep you busy in the space between now and your appointment.

jolou that is so sweet that your youngest wants to be a big brother. Hopefully your eldest will be just as delighted once you share the news.
Welcome to all the new mama&#8217;s!

I had no symptoms with my first once I had my BFP so this time around having so many freaked me out lol. Last week on Thur my HCG was 8 today 5 days later it is 188. Now I feel better knowing these symptoms are because everything progressing! I called around today at my clinic and got my appointment moved from Sept 11th to Sept 5th &#55357;&#56832; I cant wait to see a little heart beat &#10084;&#65039; I told my son right away! He is young enough to forget if something were to go wrong but he is excited and has wanting to be a big brother so I couldn&#8217;t wait to tell him! Today he told me mom the babies hungry let&#8217;s go eat some food! &#55357;&#56834;
Hey Lola,

I’m the same, cannot stop drinking (currently all I want to drink is fresh orange)
I’ve had little bits of cramping on and off, but it’s been bad last night and today so I’ve been worrying. No bleeding though so fingers crossed all ok and it’s just the little bean growing/uterus stretching.
Absolutely exhausted today... zzz.

Hope all you ladies are ok! Anyone suffering any symptoms today?

I have had a lot of dull cramping/stretching type pains not that hurt but I notice them every time! I have googled a bunch and everything says it’s normal!
I have no symptoms really today, apart from still peeing in the night and slight tender boobs. They’ve gone!
Lola I've had some good days and bad days with symptoms!
My symptoms are quite present but I have days when some of them are barely there (peeing and sore boobs) and days when it's, "HELLO!"
And other symptoms like nausea and exhaustion are quite constant. I'm really trying to keep distracted and not be too pre-occupied.
No pregnancy is the same. Some pregnant women feel absolutely nothing, others are so ill that they can't function. I'm right in the middle.

Hope to have good news and a nice scan pic for you all tomorrow. Nervous for my scan, but I do feel like things are progressing as they should. My pregnancy losses were both before 6 weeks so once I hit 6 weeks I was a bit more reassured. But yeah. Need to see that heartbeat.
Thank you everyone:flower:

babyvaughan: I just went 'Awww...' on your son's thoughtfulness. :awww: How old is he?

katieSweet: Sending all the good things your way:hugs: Waiting for good news from you tomorrow.
Welcome new ladies and congratulations &#128513;

I don't have many symptoms, nausea when I don't eat and tired but that's it.

Had my booking in appointment today and the midwife was lovely! Really supportive about my previous MMC and my obvious anxiety around it happening again. Hopefully will get dates through soon for my 12 week scan.

We have just booked in a private scan for 9 weeks to try and put our minds at ease while we wait for the 12 week scan.

Good luck for your scan tomorow Katie!
Welcome Lola, Maple_Fairy, Hickory, lesondemavie, and jolou :wave:

Loads of first time mummas, congrats <3

Oh my Hickory, you must have been bursting. Did you plan any special way of telling your OH? How did it go if you've done so already?

I did! When DH got home around 8pm, I had dinner on the stovetop and there were lots of other things I had done around the house (to include a new photo wall), so in addition to our excitement to see each other, DH was amazed at how great the house looked. After we covered all the bases and started to relax, I said, "Oh, there's one more thing!"

I had rolled a positive digi into a onesie, wrapped it in tissue paper and tied twine into a bow around it. He thought I was giving him a candy bar or something, but as soon as he saw what it was, he was over the moon! I was so happy with his response, after several years of him being very adamant about not having kids. He's genuinely super excited!

We did FaceTime with his mom last night and told her. She cried and is already planning to come out and help next spring, Papa is excited to spoil a 7th grandkid. We may tell our very close friends, but otherwise plan to keep it quiet until the first scan.

It's all wonderful all around! Only 4 weeks, so still very cautious in my excitement, but trying not to worry. My only symptoms have been AF-like cramps for the past 4 days and getting sleepy in the afternoons. So far, so good!


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Oh my goodness ladies I feel like I've been MIA for so many days it's crazy.

Welcome Lola, Maple, Hickory, jolou, and leson!! I'll get you all added to the first page.

I've read all and caught up but there is so much to comment on! Hickory that is a super cute announcement to DH! I wish I could come up with something like that but I honestly just waited until he got home and showed him my positive test.

Good luck on the scan tomorrow Kaite!

AFM my symptoms have been on and off lately. I get nauseous right around 2pm and it continues into the evening. That or I get a touch of it early in the morning and it reappears at 2. I have noticed that my gas pains (stupid constipation is the biggest symptom for me always) have been waking me up in the middle of the night along with my need to pee. I've also had a big increase in appetite which is the main symptom. I get uber nauseous if I don't eat.
We announced today! With my first I waited til 8 weeks but this time around I just can&#8217;t keep my mouth shut so I figured I mine as well tell everyone lol. My blood work is tripping over the last week so I feel that&#8217;s enough for me. &#55357;&#56842; Its going to be a long 12 weeks of waiting for the gender scan! Lol (we do a private scan at 16w so my husband can attend) I&#8217;m officially 4 weeks today off of my LMP but due to my BFP symptoms and blood levels I feel I&#8217;m a few days ahead of it! I will know once my scan happens on the 5th &#55357;&#56842;
Wow babyvaughn that's awesome! I wish I had the confidence to announce to everyone. We have told quite a few people though, I guess daycare has been filling up for next year infant room so quickly that we felt the need to ask them to reserve a slot for July just to make sure we were penciled in. I'm still nervous about things but strangely more confident than I was with DD. Waiting for that first scan is like torture.
So excited for everyone and loving reading everyone’s experiences and journeys!
I completely agree-the wait for the scan is awful. Feels like a million years away....! I just want to see baby and know that it’s safe and healthy in there. I sometimes worry that I’m not pregnant anymore but trying not to be too paranoid. It’s so hard!
Over the moon! Measuring around 7 weeks (7+2) with a clear strong heartbeat <3


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