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April Dewdrops 2019

I'm a vegetarian and one of my protein sources is eggs but the idea of eating it right now is.... blegh. I'm going to try but... ugh. Also eating more soy (I don't eat much soy because it inflamed my endometriosis, but that's not currently at play lol) and high protein dairy like cottage cheese. If I could eat beans every day I would but THE FARTING :rofl:

I'm also a vegetarian, have been for all my pregnancies- it can be hard with the aversions. I find protein bars are a good bet for me this time around. Shakes are all the wrong consistency for me, haha. Aside from that I do try to have a serving of beans or lentils every day (but my body is used to it so it doesn't cause issues). Lots of soy, cottage cheese and plain 2% Greek yogurt have all been great sources too!

Edited to add: have been buying clif bars by the case. They are such an easy breakfast and veg friendly. I have a peanut one almost every morning as soon as I wake up to keep from feeling sick or dizzy.
Um you can absolutely be thankful about the baby and still not love puking your guts out. Honestly who would love that ever? It doesn’t mean you won’t take it in stride bc you will bc of that little babe, but ugh after everything why can’t you be one of those happy pregnant women with zero nausea, right??? Or heck even just some mild nausea! My SIL was going on about how her nausea was sooo much worse this time (second pregnancy for her and she hasn’t vomited at all)...and in my head I was like unless you’re peeing your pants while violently vomiting 40 minutes a day please complain to someone else - no sympathy here, and then I reminded myself that everything is relative and nausea is never fun 🤣. I totally had all of those feelings you’re having. It’s ok to not be ok with this bit of it. Nothing really makes it fun to throw up like that, not even thinking of your baby. I say just know that you’ll manage and it will end...eventually, and when it does it will be glorious. Honestly so many women complain about the aches and pains of third tri but I didn’t care bc I wasn’t vomiting! I loved third tri! It was my favorite!

Thanks Les, you totally get it! I could have written this myself lol.
Belle and Les the sickness sounds absolutely horrendous. I was super lucky my first pregnancy and was slightly nauseous but never threw up and so far this pregnancy seems to be the same. This morning I tried to eat an egg scramble (it tasted so amazing) but every bite made me want to throw up. That's been the extent of the nausea though, it gets bad if I don't eat regularly too. I feel that it's partly genetics though, my mother never got sick with any of her 3 kids.

Congrats again on the twins busytulip! That's amazing that they are both right on track with strong heartbeats! Truly blessed.

AFM the tender breasts have appeared in full force yesterday and today. That was my first symptom before and I thought that maybe they wouldn't hurt as badly this time around. I was foolish...plus the vivid dreams last night. Definitely starting to pick up more symptoms.
Hello can I join you all please? Got my :bfp: yesterday and EDD is 30th April. Although both my children have been early so guessing this one may be too!
:wave: welcome pink! I have you added to the first page!
Oh wow!!! Congrats on the twins, Tulip!! FX for two healthy happy babies for you!!

I’m sorry to hear about the terrible morning sickness you guys. I’m starting to get a little more queasy but nothing crazy. Last pregnancy I only got sick when I brushed my teeth on an empty stomach. But I’m afraid to eat first because I don’t want food in there if it makes me throw up even though I’ve eaten. So I got in the habit of just brushing my teeth in the shower and trying to go to a happy place and not puke. :haha:
I'm also a vegetarian, have been for all my pregnancies- it can be hard with the aversions. I find protein bars are a good bet for me this time around. Shakes are all the wrong consistency for me, haha. Aside from that I do try to have a serving of beans or lentils every day (but my body is used to it so it doesn't cause issues). Lots of soy, cottage cheese and plain 2% Greek yogurt have all been great sources too!

Edited to add: have been buying clif bars by the case. They are such an easy breakfast and veg friendly. I have a peanut one almost every morning as soon as I wake up to keep from feeling sick or dizzy.

I've been a vegetarian for about 25 years but you're exactly right in that pregnancy aversion make it a bit more challenging to get all the nutrition in.
I couldn't do shakes now. Greek yoghurt and quark (a high protein soft cheese which resembles Greek yoghurt) are staples for me usually but I struggle with those too at the moment. With DD I really loved quark during second tri so hopefully... I could look at protein bars!

As for nausea - I feel for those of you who throw up. Wouldn't wish that for anyone. But having nausea almost all day (morning until dinner) and constantly feeling like I'm about to heave is setting me back in many ways and it's an inconvenience that I do complain about. Because it sucks! Sitting upright squishes my stomach which makes me feel sicker, and so working on my computer is a no go. I'm self -employed and that worries me.
Can't be in the car for long. Can't have my daughter sit with me all the time so she misses cuddles. Diet is going to hell because I need to eat all the time and that bothers me. Etc.
I'm just trying to remember that it's for the baby and it's temporary.
Katie - Those of us who have had really bad ms with vomiting get it bc we also get nausea all day. Like I said, my second thought with my SIL was everything’s relative and nausea still sucks regardless. Thinking it could be worse or knowing that others have it worse rarely helps you process or deal with your own experience. I can think that now since I’m not as sick as the last time but oh man when I was so violently ill and nauseated and my SIL complained about mild nausea and suggested I just try the gingins that were helping her and then maybe I wouldn’t be so sick I wanted to scream. If only! So yea you can still totally complain and it still totally sucks. It might just be hard for someone who has it worse right now to feel for you bc they’d give anything to have your symptoms instead. Hope that makes sense. Oh and yes no matter what your ms is remembering it’s temporary is so helpful...BUT that got me to tears the first time bc I was told it would ease in second tri and it didn’t. It can last the whole pregnancy for those who have it bad. My ob kept telling me that so when I started finally feeling better after 25 weeks I was so thankful. My aversions stuck around, but the nausea and vomiting stopped. I guess if you have it bad know temporary could mean that it lasts the whole pregnancy. I was amazed at how quick it was. I delivered DD and the very next day was eating whatever I wanted no issues.

I’m only getting a bit of morning sickness this time, and I’m generally ok if I eat first thing when I wake up and keep the small but frequent meals coming. It could be genetic bc my mom was super sick too BUT every pregnancy is different. This time may be related to my thyroid. I was on levo from conception with DD, but this time I just went on it a week ago. They say a lower level of TSH is associated with more nausea/ms. I’ve definitely had more nausea this week though nothing compared to last time. Hopefully a sign that the thyroid meds are working!

Angel - That’s more what I’ve been feeling. Just aversions. Where every bite of certain foods makes me want to gag a bit. I’ve definite had a few cravings already too. For a while, it was bagels and cream cheese, but I think I might be moving on from that. Strange that your boobs hurt again. Mine have barely been sore at all. Just a few pains here and there. Maybe it’s because I’m only a year out and just stopped bfing?
Thanks ladies!

Welcome pink_bow :wave:

I've had a couple bouts of vomiting and wrestle with all day sickness. But compared to my other pregnancies and definitely compared to my previous twin pregnancy this sort of sickness seems manageable, for now anyway. Honestly I feel so incredibly thankful that I would feel badly to complain, plus I know it could get worse...maybe that is it. No judgement towards those that need to have a moan now and then. It is debilitating and when it encompasses your all day every day it can be very difficult to keep your eyes on the prize. :hugs:

I'd not ever heard that association before les, interesting.
My endocrinologist recently switched me to Synthroid from Levo. He said he knows the cost can be a bit much but he's seen better outcomes. Maybe something to ask about if your thyroid issues aren't transient in nature, then again if it's just an issue during and directly after pregnancy it might not be as big a factor for you.

So, I broke down and put in an order for a fetal doppler today. I've never wanted to purchase one in the past because I thought it might be more stress inducing than not, but I think my anxiety this go around may need the extra reassurance now and then.
All day nausea is just so defeating and so exhausting.

Let me know what you think of the fetal doppler tulip. I've been holding back on that one because I think it may actually just fuel my anxiety and I'll want to be checking all the time. I can understand wanting the extra reassurance with a twin pregnancy though! I don't even know what I would do if I were pregnant with twins. I'm scared enough as it is at the prospect of one baby, never mind two!
Leson - yes, absolutely, things are relative! Nausea all day blows but I agree that when someone you know is pregnant too and suffering from hyperemesis gravidarum or excessive vomiting or dehydration... it would be good to take a step back and review how MUCH you're going to complain. I think expressing that you feel like crap too is fine. Commiseration is "good" but up to a point. I can understand that it must have been frustrating to hear your SIL repeatedly complain at a time when you're desperate for some relief. So I'm totally with you there :) just as long as no one feels invalidated. It sucked for your SIL but it could be worse.

My cousin in law had a very traumatic second pregnancy and labor with HELLP syndrome. So while I worry about gestational diabetes, another tear and another rough birth... I'm not going to wax poetic about it to her. My birth story wasn't the best and I'm still processing some of it but I can't imagine what it must have been like for her.

Similarly I try to remember that overt symptoms may be absent for some but they could be struggling emotionally, sleep-wise, etc. It could all be debilitating. We simply don't always know.

To go back to the re: feeling guilt for complaining: I have a history of loss and fertility issues so yeah, sometimes I feel like I shouldn't complain and be grateful. But I feel once the baby is here, that gratitude will be there just like it was with DD. I'm going to be grateful all over that baby :haha: Until then, I'm cutting myself some slack!
Thanks ladies!

So, I broke down and put in an order for a fetal doppler today. I've never wanted to purchase one in the past because I thought it might be more stress inducing than not, but I think my anxiety this go around may need the extra reassurance now and then.

I have a fetal doppler and have found it very reassuring with my younger two boys. I am counting down until I will be far enough along to hear this little heartbeat.
Busy - I hope the doppler can give you more peace of mind throughout this pregnancy <3
Welcome Pink!

I had my ob phone appointment. My due date is April 24th but due to finding out so early she said I may be farther along on ultrasound so they will go off my scan on Sept 5th!

I used a doppler my first pregnancy. My husband actually surprised me and bought it for me because he knew how worried I was. He said maybe now we can not go to the doctors every week. (I went to the E.R a lot in my first trimester, I was super worried because I had this weird discharge but turned out to be nothing) I still have it, I just need to find the charger. I believe I found a heartbeat at 10 weeks! :)

I have worries this pregnancy but not so frequent this time. In the beginning the period like cramping worried me but now that its not so frequent it worries me. I'm just staying busy getting rid of stuff, now we are remodeling the rooms upstairs because we have 2 rooms down stairs and 3 upstairs so we have to move upstairs lol.

Any of you previous C-section birth? I am and will again due to my health condition. I wasn't working my first pregnancy and I am this pregnancy. I worry the end of my pregnancy might me a little more rough/painful this time around given that. I want to work as long as I can but I also don't want to risk and early baby. I thought maybe of working til 32-34 weeks. I will have baby likely at 39w no later!
Hi ladies may I join? I think I'm due around mid April. Not totally sure as I am still breastfeeding my 1 year old and have only had one cycle! Scan this Thursday to find out how far along we are, nervous and excited.
Hey ladies with all the nausea/vomiting, look into the unisom + vitamin B6 combination. That&#8217;s what diclegis is made of, but last I heard diclegis was ridiculously expensive and you can get unisom and B6 over the counter. Diclegis really works well!! I got a sample of it last pregnancy but my ms wasn&#8217;t really bad so I didn&#8217;t buy any. But it did help!!
One more week down for me!

Leson - I don't know why they are hurting so much already either, other than that was the most prominent symptom last time so history could just be repeating itself. I was breastfeeding DD until she self-weaned at 14 months. She'll be 2 on Thursday so I've only been done bf'ing for 10 months. But my boobs went straight back to where they were before so I'm not too surprised.

babyvaughn - I'm a previous c-section mom too. Mine was extremely traumatic however, she was breech and they basically forced me to sign the papers and took me to the OR without walking me through anything or giving me options. Which, researching it now, I would have been fine to deliver her breech the way she was positioned. Because of that I am avoiding all hospitals and saying screw you to the intervention nation our hospitals tend to rely on. I'm doing a HBAC with this one. I meet with my midwife this afternoon. I'm really looking forward to my natural home birth this time around.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m jealous of you guys with sickness. With my daughters I had absolutely horrific Sickness all the way through but this time nothing. Although I’m still really early so I suppose I have time. I just don’t feel pregnant so need a symptom or two lol.

Anyway hope everyone is ok today :)
Give yourself a couple weeks pink! The sickness may come and then you'll be wishing it didn't :haha:
I can&#8217;t believe I&#8217;m saying this but I&#8217;m jealous of you guys with sickness. With my daughters I had absolutely horrific Sickness all the way through but this time nothing. Although I&#8217;m still really early so I suppose I have time. I just don&#8217;t feel pregnant so need a symptom or two lol.

Anyway hope everyone is ok today :)

I can understand that haha. Symptoms aren't always fun but they are reassuring too. Gahhh dilemma! Nausea typically starts at around 6wks so maybe this pregnancy you'll have it a bit later compared to your others!
Welcome & congrats btw!

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