April Dewdrops 2019

Belle - I completely understand the need/want of an early scan for anxiety. I had one with DD at 8 weeks. I honestly went back and forth with the decision with this one because of my early losses, as much as I'm anxious about everything being ok, I am trying to remain positive. I think the traumatic birth experience just set me off hospitals in general and all that come with them including the extra tests/scans.

Leson - the second pregnancy thing I've heard can be so much more difficult symptom wise. I haven't noticed a huge change but the exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks last night so it could be coming. I never vomited with my first so we'll see if I can avoid it this time around too.
Leson - the second pregnancy thing I've heard can be so much more difficult symptom wise. I haven't noticed a huge change but the exhaustion hit me like a ton of bricks last night so it could be coming. I never vomited with my first so we'll see if I can avoid it this time around too.

This is my 5th pregnancy (and hopefully my 4th baby in arms), and the exhaustion is UNREAL. Truly. My other symptoms have been nothing to write home about but by 2pm I am passing out on the couch while playing with/reading to the kids, or if I am at work the whole day is just impossible. 10am I was setting up for a puppet show and I swear I could have laid down on the floor and slept right there....haha.
Angel did you share your previous birth experience elsewhere? I hate to ask you to revisit but am curious as my last birth was...let's just say I wish to not have a repeat.

I think the exhaustion was similar in all my pregnancies, the difference was in my first if I was tired I could just nap. There is no way I could just nod off now with little ones to look after and big ones to chauffeur around.

Sidra it was just a gut reaction sort of thing, I just felt it from the beginning. I've a friend who fell pregnant with twinnies while on clomid so I know it happens. As exciting as twins may be I have to say it's all around scary. Wishing you a safe pregnancy.

FX'd for a lovely scan Chickybaby
The symptoms are actually way better this time Angel. I think I’m just in a different frame of mind, and having a 1 yo already definitely changes things.
Thanks for the well wishes girls. Had our scan this morning. All good, bubs measuring 7+2 heart rate 152bpm. Due date 9th April. Bit further along than I thought which is always a bonus.

Second pregnancy for me, feeling much more relaxed this time. Having a LO to run around after is already making time go faster.
Hi Girls I'm actually due March 24th or 27th depends on scan or lmp but that tread has gone very quiet as most have moved over to a Facebook group. I've being stalking this group can I tag along I'm 9 weeks
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone would joking an April due date Facebook group if I made one? I was in one for my youngest daughter and it was great for sharing photos etc x
I'll update the front page Chickybaby and crownest feel free to join, I'll put you down for Mar 27th right now and can change it when you find out for sure at your scan.

pink_bow, I would probably join a facebook group but not until later on in the pregnancy. I am still active in my group from DD but we didn't transition until much closer to our due dates, more like Feb/Mar timeframe when we knew each other better.

busytulip - I might have eluded to it in my pregnancy journal but basically I planned for a natural hospital birth with a midwife team. TW They assured me everything looked good every week at my appointment. My water broke at home and we went to the hospital right away on the advice from the on call nurse. When we got to triage I was 2 cm and the nurse says "something doesn't feel right" they brought in the ultrasound and she was frank breech. I didn't get any options, no one asked me questions, they talked over me, freaked me out, almost forcibly made me sign the papers and whisked me to the OR where they did a c-section. Just thinking about how I was treated makes me cry still to this day. I never got skin to skin with DD until she was over a day old and no one seemed to treat me like a person or a new mom, just another number. It took me months to not break down about it, I had severe post partum due to the experience which is why I am an advocate for a hands off/no intervention pregnancy and birth. I think there is a huge issue in the US when it comes to birth and our maternal death rate and a lot of that is attributed to how they treat pregnant and new mothers.
Ah no worries. Just find it hard to catch up on here!
Hope everyone’s having a good day :)
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone would joking an April due date Facebook group if I made one? I was in one for my youngest daughter and it was great for sharing photos etc x

All of my previous due date groups eventually moved to facebook groups. I think it is fantastic because I am still close with a lot of the moms from even my 5yos birth month, and we still have lots of activity on all 3 groups. The only issue is you need to carefully screen people in some.way, because with my.oldests group we had a woman who was completely faking that she had a child and then continued to fake a second pregnancy until she got caught. It was really bad. So that is always my hesitation.
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone would joking an April due date Facebook group if I made one? I was in one for my youngest daughter and it was great for sharing photos etc x

All of my previous due date groups eventually moved to facebook groups. I think it is fantastic because I am still close with a lot of the moms from even my 5yos birth month, and we still have lots of activity on all 3 groups. The only issue is you need to carefully screen people in some.way, because with my.oldests group we had a woman who was completely faking that she had a child and then continued to fake a second pregnancy until she got caught. It was really bad. So that is always my hesitation.

Wow freaky.
I wouldn't be open to joining a Facebook group personally. I like maintaining my privacy on here.

Welcome to the April thread crow!
Angel I am sorry about your first birth experience. I would be devastated if that happened to me.
Can understand why no one wants a fb group, just thought I’d ask :)
Given my infertility experience I really sought out these boards as a source of support. I vented a lot on here about all sorts of things. I likely will continue to do so, and keeping bnb separate from my real world life gives me the freedom to do so.

It's also very early on for all of us. Until you reach 12 weeks (or even later for some women) this can be a very anxious time. Some people might prefer more privacy around those things.

I am sure there are many women who are open to joining a Facebook group. I'm just not one of them.
Can understand why no one wants a fb group, just thought I’d ask :)

Sorry pink it's early and I misread your post, I thought you were asking why no one wanted to join lol. Hence my lengthier explanation above.
Angel- hope you get some rest. :)

I'm so sorry you had a bad experience. Having a healthy baby doesn't make the trauma disappear. I had a traumatic birth experience as well. (TW: High risk pregnancy with complications and traumatic birth experience) I had pPROM at 35 weeks and didn't go into labor. Induction failed 2x. DD had IUGR due to SUA and fibroids and with no more amniotic fluid cord compression was causing her to go into distress. My OB was wonderful and really gave me the absolute most time he could to deliver but at one point I was held down, stripped and buzzed by a team of nurses until he came in and stopped them. It was traumatic and I have history of sexual abuse so that made it worse. I'm still upset by that but I signed the paper I guess. I did end up having an emergency c section but when it came from my OB it was handled differently and the anesthesiologist was amazing, I wasn't restrained during the delivery which was nice because I could hold my DH's hands. But I didn't get skin to skin with DD either. She required help with respiration right away and there was a period of time where they didn't know if she would make it. I also didn't get to hold her until the next morning. My DS was also 5 weeks early due to pPROM but I delivered him vainally as labor started that time. I had him on my chest afterwards but it was only until the evaluated him and he was taken away from me for hours and I remember just crying for my baby the entire time. At least after I had DD I was loaded up with so many pain meds that I just talked my husband's ear off until I was able to go see her. She was in NICU for a week and I could only hold her for 30 minutes at a time every three hours.. I was really depressed but it didn't hit till we came home. I think hospitals should be required to offer counseling before discharge to all new mama's but especially emergency births and NICU babies.

Are you planning on another csection or are you going to try VBAC? I haven't made up my mind totally but I'm leaning towards just planning it.

Lesonde- I feel the same way about my body too. I am still 10-15lbs over by pre DD pregnancy weight and it's only been within the last month or two that I felt like my proportions were returning to normal. I miss working out and being in shape but I wasn't willing to sacrifice the time with DD so it is what it is. I couldn't really diet either since I'm still nursing. Oh well, I'd rather the baby than the body.

Chicky- I'm glad your scan went well! And I agree that having another LO does make the time fly, even the tww for me.

Hey Crow- I don't mind at all if you join! Welcome! :) The last group I was in was for June and July and I felt like that worked out well for everyone since a week or two doesn't make a whole lot of a difference outside of the first few weeks.

I would also be open to a Facebook group towards the end of our journies but only if it was a hidden private group.

As for me, I had my betas drawn yesterday which means some of my lovely coworkers now know I'm pregnant. Haha, that was another reason why I wanted to wait but oh well, it's not like they can say anything. I haven't heard back what the results are yet so I'm starting to get a bit anxious but I still feel like everything is going well I guess. No morning sickness, just slight queeziness and I'm hoping I can avoid it this pregnancy as well!
Chickybaby that's brilliant :cloud9: So happy all looked well

crownest of course! Welcome!!! :D

AngelOb of course now that you've said, memory is coming back. My goodness :hugs: I am so sorry for your experience and I pray that it's night and day this go around.

counting :shock: I'd actually heard about that. The lengths people will go to

Weebles you've certainly had a time of it. I think you are right about care being offered to new mama's. At one time there was a program here where you had home visits with a nurse and lactation consultant within the first week of delivery as a general check. I had them visit with my second born and I remember thinking how nice it would have been with my first when I knew absolutely nothing and felt like such a failure and didn't know if I was doing anything right at all. But I could see how it could be useful for screening for PPD, PTSD, and the like.
Anxious to hear the results of your beta, is this your first draw and will your provider ask for another?

Like some of the other ladies I'd be open to a secret FB group towards the end of our pregnancies. I'm in a couple other groups and it's been nice to stay in touch and share pics, stories, and woes of LO's growing up. The reason I prefer to wait is because we are still in early days, it gives us more time to get to know one another, and then the thread here on bnb doesn't go quiet for those that either don't have a FB account or don't desire to join.
Hi guys, I was wondering if anyone would joking an April due date Facebook group if I made one? I was in one for my youngest daughter and it was great for sharing photos etc x

All of my previous due date groups eventually moved to facebook groups. I think it is fantastic because I am still close with a lot of the moms from even my 5yos birth month, and we still have lots of activity on all 3 groups. The only issue is you need to carefully screen people in some.way, because with my.oldests group we had a woman who was completely faking that she had a child and then continued to fake a second pregnancy until she got caught. It was really bad. So that is always my hesitation.

Wow freaky.

Sorry I'm intrigued how did you find out she was a fraud. This is what makes me very cautious on FB
Angel, Weebles - I feel deeply for your previous experiences! I am sorry you were treated the way you were. I wish you have all good experiences this whole pregnancy :flower:

Chicky - Congratulations! Was it a transabdomenal or a transvaginal scan?
Did you have the scan at your OB/GYN's place or did you make an appointment elsewhere?

I just contacted my Dr's office about what to expect on my 1st visit on Aug 30th (will be 8 weeks), and was disappointed to know that they don't have an ultrasound machine and don't do them (they would book for an ultrasound at their sister location in later weeks), and the Dr usually uses only a doppler after 11 weeks to hear a heartbeat. I felt that was strange. I was really hoping they would check for a fetal pole, look for a sac in the uterus (to rule out ectopic) and look for a heartbeat at 8 weeks visit!

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