Lexxii how did your scan go? Hope all was well and that you passed your glucose test easily enough
Happy 18 weeks Hickory. Sorry to hear that so far the Centering Pregnancy group has been mainly getting to know one another activities. I'd be feeling very overwhelmed myself. I hope the next session is filled with more fruitful information and interaction
Love the name 'Rian' crownest. We've tossed around a few names and have a skinny list, but haven't landed on anything yet. It's so hard coming up with 4 names as we are remaining team
Girls seem harder still than boys. We definitely don't share names with friends or family...don't care to have their input
Such a shame Belle, nothing wrong with Finnegan and Finn for short is adorable
Wishing you well and hoping for amazing news from your more detailed scan Katie
Awwww Albie is lovely pink_bow, have you chosen a middle name?
babyplease your heart really does just grow infinitely when you add another. I hope your precious baby girls name comes to you soon
Fantastic news about your procedure going well and getting some answers right away babyvaughan. I pray the new medication is incredibly helpful to you. And thank heavens for your sister, what a blessing! I feel the same way about used items-completely different coming from family though.
Happy Thanksgiving to those ladies in the US who celebrate!!