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April Dewdrops 2019

Has anyone started to buy baby stuff this early on?
We were wanting to wait until 12 weeks, however our local baby store is closing down and they’re having a huge sale... it seems silly to miss out!

I personally don't buy anything serious until around the 20 week ultrasound, sometimes a few things after my 12w ultrasound. I'd actually been selling most of the baby clothes left over from my boys when I got my bfp. There's a few "unisex" things I have kept in Hope's that our family will grow- and I will buy a few new things if this baby is sticky once I know the sex :)
We also kept unisex clothing, but gave away most of our larger items. We probably won't make any purchases until after V-day (24ish weeks)
Those of you with multiply children. When you had your second did you feel lots of emotions about like worrying your first born would feel left out or not as important those type of things. My job's allow me to be with him 90% of the time so I'm similar to stay at home mom, I still co-sleep, I nursed him a year and half so he loves to cuddle (still shoves his hand down my shirt occasionally). He is very independent but also loves me to pick him up, he wants me to lay with him for him to nap etc. He totally knows how much I adore him. It sadden's me that I'll be more tired, I wont be able to carry him much longer (he is big for his age he just turned three and weighs 43lbs) I had just started getting him to sleep on his own bed on my floor but I ended that once I found out I was pregnant because I just wanna enjoy these little times with him a little bit longer. Like any mom seeing him grow I am happy but also sad because my baby is getting so big and so independent now I feel like he isn't going to be a toddler anymore. He is so excited to be brother, he completely understand it and asked to hug the baby (my belly thats not there yet lol) talks about how he is going to play with the baby etc. I know thats all going to be special but I don't know how to put it just that my love for him is so overwhelming and to think of sharing and so much of my attention it just seems weird. I'm sure I wont feel this way when the baby comes but right now I feel like i'm grieving these last few months of me and him and him being my baby. He also is starting preschool which I signed up for the day before I found out lol. Its only 2.5 hrs 3 times a week but defiantly going to make him even more independent which I know is good but hard to let go lol.
Welcome babyvaughn and counting!! :wave: Happy to have you here!

I feel like I missed a ton of stuff! That's what happens when I get away from my computer for a few days. I went out with some girlfriends last night and then to my parents house today. Overall it was fun but I was so exhausted, I was happy to go to bed.

We decided to hell with it and although we aren't publically announcing enough people know for me to be a bit nervous if something happens. I feel ok about everything but there is always that thought in the background.

babyvaughn, I don't have multiples but this little one is going to be my second and I'm having the same fears you are. I'm excited to see how she is going to be with a little brother or sister but at the same time I feel guilty that she isn't going to get all of my attention anymore. I'm sure things are going to go well but that fear is there.
Yes! After I had my first I thought I wouldn't ever have another, not because I didn't love being g a mother but because I loved him so much I was terrified of not being able to love another that much, or stealing his babyhood away from him, or taking attention away from him. I found out about my surprise second pregnancy when I was about 9 weeks along already and I was so in love with and protective of the new baby but also scared about all those things.

For me though- what people said was true...I just loved more instead of sharing the love. My relationship with my oldest changed, but it allowed him to grow and develop, and I was so I love with seeing his dynamic of being a big brother and a big kid...it was incredible.

You will never have the experience of a first baby a second time. But you will have new, beautiful and just amazing experiences as your family grows and your relationships change and you all have all this extra love for new little human.
It's tempting to shop! I'm "window shopping" online and making a few lists but resisting the urge to buy stuff now.

With DD we bought some first outfits at 16 weeks; not knowing the gender also made it so that we kept it limited. We figured after birth we could buy the rest and we did.
But we waited until our 20 week scan to start the nursery. We just wanted to be out of the woods first.

With this pregnancy we still have most of our stuff from DD, so most of baby prep would entail re-decorating DD's room and give her a toddler bed, toddler furniture, etc. That sort of thing we can do either way as it needs to happen, baby or no baby. But we'll wait until we know gender to buy some other baby things and things I wish I'd gotten with DD like a camera baby monitor (we got an audio only one) and a few toys that I like but DD doesn't need anymore :p

I have also looked at big sister announcement shirts, but I'm waiting to buy until we are ready to actually announce.

Halfway through first tri today. Counting down the days until our scan.
Keeping the nausea somewhat under control by eating a few saltines before getting up. It helps. I still get nauseated but later on in the day, and it appears to subside in the evening.
For me though- what people said was true...I just loved more instead of sharing the love. My relationship with my oldest changed, but it allowed him to grow and develop, and I was so I love with seeing his dynamic of being a big brother and a big kid...it was incredible.
You will never have the experience of a first baby a second time. But you will have new, beautiful and just amazing experiences as your family grows and your relationships change and you all have all this extra love for new little human.

I love this post. That's how I imagine it will go for me and DD. I wouldn't love her any less because there's a sibling; I'd make room in my heart to love her sibling!
I think counting put it beautifully <3

Will you ladies plan on finding out gender?
Lord willing, we plan on waiting to be surprised at birth.
Hey!! I’m 4+1 with #2, my DD just turned 3 on the 4th of June. My calculated due date is April 20th. Congrats everyone!!
I think counting put it beautifully <3

Will you ladies plan on finding out gender?
Lord willing, we plan on waiting to be surprised at birth.

We will absolutely be finding out in advance. It really helps me to connect with baby by having a name to call them by, and let's the kids imagine their baby sibling a little better I think.
For me just seeing how they look and their unique personalities is surprise enough at birth:)
We are going to keep it a surprise. After a couple years of infertility all I want is a healthy baby, don't really care what gender it is lol. Plus there is something fun and exciting about keeping it a surprise!
Welcome babyplease, glad you found us here :wave:
Thanks for all the support yesterday! Everything had been so busy I never really got think and absorb that I am pregnant so all these thoughts were running through my head. I feel much better today! My son just turned 3 and it amazes me how much he understands that there is a baby growing in my tummy and how excited he is to be a big brother! He even asked to hug the baby, he told the baby to grow good last night and kisses my stomach it was the sweetest thing! His vocabulary is very good his doctors say he acts 5y lol. I told him around when the Easter bunny comes is when the baby will be here and so now he thinks the Easter bunny is bringing him a baby &#128514;
Ahh Babyvaughan how lush of your little boy. We haven't told our DS yet who is also 3. How magical would it be if you did give birth on Easter Sunday haha!

I always said I didn't want to find out with our second as I am likely to have another section so would like 1 surprise but curiosity is taking over already! Last time DH found out and I didn't, DH then had to go out shopping and buy something in pink or blue which is how he then told me it was really nice so will probably do that again.

Is anyone's sickness worse in the evening? I get slightly nauseous in the morning but come 5pm I am useless!
We plan to find out as soon as possibly last time we found out together at a private 16w scan! We will do that again unless we find out by blood test! We plan to do a gender reveal. Last time only we knew and so it was fun seeing everyone&#8217;s reactions. I wanted to find out with everyone this time. My husband wants to know before so he said what if he surprises me lol.

We buy diapers all throughout the pregnancy and stock pile them lol worked out nice we didn&#8217;t have to buy diapers for like 8 months lol. I plan to save up and then after the gender reveal hubby and I go on a big shopping spree for baby with our son and let him pick stuff make it really exciting! I plan to buy the big items around 25 weeks and so that my last few months I can just focus on doing fun stuff with my son and relax. I&#8217;m working this pregnancy which I didn&#8217;t my last due to being high risk so I&#8217;m curious how exhausted I&#8217;ll be come second/third trimester!
Welcome babyplease :wave: congrats!

We plan on finding out the gender. We found out with DD and I wish I would have waited only because she was my first and now my DH really wants to find out if he gets his boy. I'm not a huge fan of him wanting a boy so badly, I just want healthy babies. Maybe I'm able to convince him to let it be a surprise...we'll see.
Hello everyone, love the name of this thread!
I’m 4 weeks today with #1. We are absolutely delighted but I’m also anxious at this stage. Just have no idea what to expect. Our due date will be 22/04/19
Congratulations to everyone else expecting xxx
Hello New Joiners and congratulations &#10084;&#65039;

This group is so lovely reading everyone’s journeys!
Makes me day to read it ( spesh with how stressful my job is at mo, lovely to read positivity and get excited for us all)

Has anyone been really thirsty?! I cannot stop guzzling water. Deffo getting my recommended amount for being pregnant. Also food tastes really really bland, and I nearly threw up chopping an onion last night &#129314;
Welcome everyone and congrats! :flower:

We are finding out the sex this time! We kept DD a surprise, and what a surprise she was - I was convinced I was having a boy :haha:
I loved that we did that.

But for number 2 I would like to experience it the other way around because I think there's benefits to both knowing and not knowing. We don't have any preference; I'd love a sister for DD but on the other hand we'd love to experience having a boy, too. It would just be nice to prepare for baby differently this time.

3 more days until our scan!

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