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April Dewdrops 2019

Hi everyone! I am 3 weeks and 5 days today!

Really excited yet scared!!

Not seen a doctor or anything yet (not really sure what the hell I'm doing if I'm honest as this is my first!!) I think I will be due on 24th April 2019! :happydance:

Already feeling really tired, crampy and crappy at the moment.. not sure if this is normal???
Hi everyone! I am 3 weeks and 5 days today!

Really excited yet scared!!

Not seen a doctor or anything yet (not really sure what the hell I'm doing if I'm honest as this is my first!!) I think I will be due on 24th April 2019! :happydance:

Already feeling really tired, crampy and crappy at the moment.. not sure if this is normal???

That’s how I feel too maple. Also in a terrible mood. :shrug:
Welcome and congrats!

Cramping and fatigue and not feeling your best self LOL, are all totally normal!
Were finding the gender out right away too!

Welcome Maple!
Welcome Maple, cramping and fatigue sound right on the mark! I had quite a bit of light cramping until my 5th week.
Hello! Congratulations to all! I've been nervous to join, as it's still so early, but here I am! Due date will be April 24.

This was our fifth cycle TTC, first pregnancy for me. I'm 33, DH is 38 and has a son from his previous marriage. I go into pretty lengthy detail in my TTC journal, if you're interested.

My husband returns tonight after 5 days of travel. He has no idea and it's killing me to not tell anyone!

We will want to find out the gender. I'm not planning to buy anything we don't need the first two months after the baby comes. We are moving next summer (June likely) and the less to move, the better. I'm not even going to do a nursery in this house, which is a little sad, but not permanent.
Hi all, I’ve also been nervous to join, but after a wonderful ultrasound this morning I mustered the courage! Today baby measured 7+1 with a heartbeat of 141 :happydance:

That puts my EDD at 3/31/19 but I think baby is just measuring a bit ahead based on when I think I O’d and I had to be induced at 41+3 with DD so I’m guessing this one will be here early April. You can put my due date on 4/1/19. I still can’t believe we’re going to have 2 under 2!

I know a few of you already and look forward to getting to know the rest! Congrats and best of luck to those still waiting on ultrasounds <3
Congrats leson! That is fabulous news! My first ultrasound is in two weeks still and I am pretty anxious about it!
Welcome and congrats Leson! How wonderful that your scan went well :)
Hi everyone! I am 3 weeks and 5 days today!

Really excited yet scared!!

Not seen a doctor or anything yet (not really sure what the hell I'm doing if I'm honest as this is my first!!) I think I will be due on 24th April 2019! :happydance:

Already feeling really tired, crampy and crappy at the moment.. not sure if this is normal???

Yes I feel the exact same and I found out at 3.5 weeks too. Super exhausted and I off and on have dull cramping/ligament type pains
I’m so tired, not been sicky yet but my sense of smell is off. My boobs are also starting to get veiny and they feel so firm and full....ouch. Anyone else having this? I’m also mega thirsty and peeing loads
Hey Lola,

I’m the same, cannot stop drinking (currently all I want to drink is fresh orange)
I’ve had little bits of cramping on and off, but it’s been bad last night and today so I’ve been worrying. No bleeding though so fingers crossed all ok and it’s just the little bean growing/uterus stretching.
Absolutely exhausted today... zzz.

Hope all you ladies are ok! Anyone suffering any symptoms today?
Hope all you ladies are ok! Anyone suffering any symptoms today?

Just the usual this AM. Nausea (no vom thankfully), sore boobs, tired, thirsty (yup!) and my tummy is upset/ bloated etc.

This is basically my life every day now. The nausea is constant and I am super sensitive to smells. So sometimes I do end up vomiting. I'm also frequently out of breath! So weird as I was actually in really excellent shape when I got pregnant. Oh and peeing all the dang time.
Hey belle - HCG can actually make you feel out of breath without you actually being out of breath. I had that with my first pregnancy and my doctor explained it.

Oh also just a tip if you&#8217;re drinking juice the general advice is to make sure it&#8217;s pasteurized. If you&#8217;re making it yourself so making sure it&#8217;s washed and drinking it right away I think that&#8217;s ok too. Those little apple juice boxes have helped me when I feel a bit off. Makes sense since the theory is that hypoglycemia causes nausea in pregnancy.

I was incredibly sick with my first pregnancy. I would vomit for 30-40 minutes a day across 2, 15-20 min episodes morning and night. The vomiting was so violent I would pee my pants. I was also nauseated all day, and I went through a spell of waking up in the middle of the night dry heaving. I went on Diclegis after two days of gagging on everything even water. Within an hour of taking the meds, I could eat again but it didn&#8217;t stop the nausea/vomiting. It started to space out a bit in second tri but continued until 25 weeks. I learned lots of tips and tricks along the way if anyone is suffering and needs help. My boobs also felt like punching bags. By the end, they went up 5 cup sizes!

This pregnancy I feel a bit off/gaggy sometimes but I wouldn&#8217;t call it nausea and most of the time I feel perfectly normal. I get some twinges in my boobs but otherwise no soreness and they usually feel pretty normal. I did just quit bfing though, so they were still bigger than normal. Exhaustion has been my biggest symptom, and I&#8217;m definitely peeing more. My bloat is intense. I think since it&#8217;s my second my ab muscles are just more willing to let the bloat hang out :haha:.
Hi, I’m due around 24th April!

I’m 36 from north wales and this will be baby #3! My eldest is 14 and youngest is 8... I found out on Saturday after a week or so of just not feeling myself, I honestly didn’t really think I would be pregnant and only did the test to just rule it out! We ended up doing 5 tests because we really couldn’t believe it lol (we weren’t trying but also not being careful for the last 6 months either). It’s my partners first so he’s very excited and has already given it a nickname :haha: it hasn’t really sunk in for me that I’m doing it all again but I’m so looking forward to it!

This time around I’ve already started with nausea, my sense of smell seems higher than normal and I’m tired a lot quicker. I didn’t really get many symptoms with my last 2 until closer to 8 weeks!

I’m now waiting for the midwife to contact me to have my first appointment. The wait is killing me and my OH is desperate for the first scan bless him
Welcome Lola, Maple_Fairy, Hickory, lesondemavie, and jolou :wave:

Loads of first time mummas, congrats <3

Oh my Hickory, you must have been bursting. Did you plan any special way of telling your OH? How did it go if you've done so already?

So pleased for a healthy baby and beautiful scan lesondemavie. And wow, 5 cup sizes...you poor dear.

jolou a surprise, how wonderful! Have you shared with your older children or will you hold off for a while?

Hope everyone is well

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