April Due Dates! Let's Labour Watch

Got lots done today. Put the sheet and blankets for the moses basket on today, sorted out the pram and car seat, finished off ironing all her clothes and put them away. Pretty much all sorted now. Been having a few aches and pains and a bit of backache today too, hoping to make it to 37 weeks though before she comes out xx
Well done, Aliko. :) I still haven't packed a thing!! A piece of advice though... don't cut baby's nails for a week or two! I did with my first (the night we came home from the hospital) and CUT OFF a little piece of her skin... :( I called the hospital freaking out and they said, "what were you doing cutting her nails?" How was I supposed to know?? Just thought I'd pass that along, lol.

wow thanks for the advice! all the pregnancy apps i have talk about how long baby's nails are at this stage and how they can even scratch themselves in utero. had me thinking better bring a clipper before she claws away at her face! :haha:. but now i'll just leave them be or file them down as by morgan suggested :flower:.
wish4baby- i have nothing physically set up yet only hospital bags and babys supplies all packed and squared away. still have'nt gotten the bed or bedding set up as my in-laws are buying it and have'nt gotten it yet which is sorta pissing me off as im ready to get things done and set up. the bouncy seat is still in the box like you said, i figured DH can put it together while im in hospital before we come home as i dont want it dusty.

jencocoa- welcome :wave:. im due april 27th but would love baby to come on your due date april 20th as my bday is oct. 20th and DH's bday is nov. 20th, so 4/20 would just be cute i suppose :).
Any updates on any of you ladies?

Today I seem to be clearing out. Not diaherra though. But I have gone poo 4 times (TMI) and it makes me have cramps :/ Hopefully its a sign labor is approaching soon.
Finally got crib mattress, stroller, car seat, and pack n play ordered!!! DH didn't want me to buy them without him and got really frustrated when they weren't in the store where we were registered, I just giggled and told him this is what he gets for waiting till last minute. I'm pretty sure he will be putting the crib together before picking little girl and I up from the hospital. Still no signs that labor will start anytime soon :/
Baby shower is in a week so I'm not organizing too much until then. I already have nursery set up, hand me downs washed, and put together a swing last night. I was very proud of myself lol. Just waiting until after baby shower to organize all of his clothes and pack hospital back...Can't belive that I only have 5 weeks to go, and still so much to do.
Well today it's official I managed to get passed the 35 week early labour thing , but now I'm in a panic trying to evacuate baby ASAP because if I haven't had baby by the 24th I have to be induced and can't really refuse due to medical issues that will effect me and baby so I have like a week ish to get this baby moving by itself as I really don't want to be induced !! Ahh bouncing about like a nutter doing squats and using starflower oil going on walks and keeping on the go most of the time ! Good luck to everyone labour dust for you all and I hope all goes well x
I had to go to L&D last night for a bit of bleeding.
Returned a positive ffn test and was having regular tightnings. Was advised to stay in overnight but came home (10 minutes away)
Now this morning having niggly slightly painful tightnings so obviouslu something is going on!
Hi April mommas!

I decided last night to look up some things about due dates and such, and ran accrossbthis intresting blog from a gal. I know not 100%, but made me feel better as I got into the 36 week range. I am now a little more confident I won't be pregnant forever :thumbup:

Thank you paintrider! That was def worth the read, there is hope lol. I feel like I've been pregnant forever and it's never going end! I think last night was the first night I really had issues sleeping because of BH, then again my back could have been going out of wack because of the weather
Thank you paintrider! That was def worth the read, there is hope lol. I feel like I've been pregnant forever and it's never going end! I think last night was the first night I really had issues sleeping because of BH, then again my back could have been going out of wack because of the weather

I keep feeling like it's never going to end. I can't even say that I have had a BH. Or if I have, it hasn't been painful or uncomfortable enough to get my attention. However my hips and back are so painful that any sleep I get it broken up into half hour sessions all night because I toss and turn :cry:

Hope it starts to go by faster for all of us, couldn't possibly go slower right?
Haha no it can't! I'm just sitting around and waiting....waiting for DH to put crib and things together and waiting for labor to start... I just keep thinking only 3-4 more weeks
I'm so excited for everyone...don't worry, these next couple weeks will go by faster than you think! Just keep yourself busy...maybe get some nesting/deep cleaning done now before LO gets here. I know a super clean house always makes me happy! :p

I've got mixed feelings about my due date closing in! lol So excited for our DD to be here, to not be pregnant anymore (I have a spot on the middle of my belly that gets pretty painful some days, OB has said it's probably due to baby pushing out right there often), and to be able to work out hard again...but the other side of me is SO scared to have 2 children...especially with DS going though his terrible 2's with tantrums, not listening well and super energetic! I have a feeling I'll be taking DD out almost immediately to the playground for DS to play. :/
I am really getting to the point of been fed up :( I feel like all I think about is how swollen I am and my whole body just feels like a huge bruise :( I have a Dr appointment tomorrow morning so hopefully they will have something encouraging to say!
I hope you ladies have had a good weekend and everyone is feeling good xxx
I am feeling such mixed emotions, stupid hormones!!
I am so ready to not be pregnant, just so uncomfortable. But on the other hand I know this is our last so I want to cherish it. And, even though this is number 5, it's been a long time (7years) so I am nervous...especially about the c/s and recovery.

I have been just obsessing over re-decorating our living room & breakfast room and getting the kids "situated." Next week, we have eye dr appts & dentist appts, and a carpenter is coming to change out our patio doors. Plus haircuts all around. My husband thinks I've gone nuts :) but I can't stop lol

I had a dr appt Friday, with an internal, and she said my cervix was high and closed. That was it, I guess that means no progress, right? :(
I have been taking RLT & EPO capsules, walking and DTD a lot, but I am going to start adding clary sage in my baths (Thursday, 37 weeks!) hopefully better news next time.
skye- uh oh could it be labor? if so are you or your doctors going to try to stop it?

paintrider- thanks for the link it was a cute little read :)

AFM i could'nt agree with you ladies anymore than i already do! im only 34 weeks and change, so still long ways to go but im super over being pregnant. uncomfortable is'nt even the word im just flat out miserable. sleep is a thing of the past, i cant even re-call what it means :haha:. my little lady is so big now that her moments are pretty powerful and therefore can be painful at times when she decides to fly kick me in the ribs or karate chop me right in my belly button. but i dont want to complain as im super happy to be having her! its just pregnancy is not how i romanticized it to be before i became pregnant. :blush:

and ~*:labor dust:*~ to all who need it :flower:♡
Hope everyone is doing well not long to go untill our month now! I'm feeling ok, I have most things ready now for baby just a few more things to do today around the house. Today I'm going to send tidying and planting some flowers and veg in the garden! It's so hard trying to stay busy to pass the time now x
Today going to deep clean my baby's room since my sister left this morning. She was staying in there while she was here. Now I can put everything where I want it to go. And since our baby exposed himself, we had bought a few boy things and I am going to wash them and put them away. I am becoming an organizer. Yesterday put up the play pen/bassinet in the living room for while we are out there. He can sleep in it. And OMG was some of the parts hard to put together. It had a changing table attachment and it was hell putting the bars together. DH however put it together :) Put some diapers and stuff in the pockets that comes attached it. I am excited. And I just cant wait for him to come. Today we are full term. However I am feed up. My rash isnt getting any better and I still follow the doctors instructions what he gave me, hoping the itchiness and bumps will just disappear but they havent and been getting worse. So if my cervix is favorable for induction I am going to ask my doctor just to refer as he was willing to when my cervix is favorable. But until thursday will be trying natural to get him out.
I'm so ready to be done! I spent yesterday organizing what I could, DH won't let me put anything that requires assembly together. I did get baby's diaper bag packed :) my house cleaning has also been limited at his request so other than work I just take care of food, dishes and walking the puppy dog. Anyone else have pets that have started acting strangely? My dog won't leave me alone, she stalks me around the house and has been reverting back to some young puppy habits even though she is 3 years old. It's like she knows something is going to happen soon
I'm not super uncomfortable (except at night with carpal tunnel, acid reflux etc), I'm just anxious to meet him! We finished getting everything ready this weekend (other than actually packing hospital bags, but the lists are made) so we are just on baby watch now. Have been having good BHs and pressure since yesterday afternoon and lost some of my plug! Not actual labor but hoping for progress at next appointment!

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