I am soooo over being prego! Dh and I both thought we'd be done and have our baby by now. I'll be 39 weeks on Thursday and am pretty close to miserable. We've tried everything to move things along, but nothing has worked and it feels like I'll be pregnant forever. I was 2-3cm and 50% effaced at my 37 week appt and a full 3cm at my 38 week...where she also did a "small" sweep. Still nothing. This last week has been the worst. I lost my plug/bloody show on Thursday, my intestines started "clearing out" this weekend. But not even a single contraction to show for it. I've been having stomach cramps the last couple of days, but I don't think its anything more than just that.
I am frustrated with work. Frustrated that everyone keeps asking where the baby is. Frustrated that I have very few clothes that will cover my maternity pants now that she's so low. And I totally feel like I've let DH down for not going into labor yet. Like I'm just dangling the happiest day of his life right in front of him, just out of reach.